Chapter 8: Finally Left one

Yan Yimu and I spent a few days safely, and then another big earthquake hit. This time the tremor was stronger than before. The walls of the room cracked, and the reliefs and chandeliers on the ceiling fell down.
Yan Yimu protected me and ran out of the room. We came to the open space in the garden and saw smoke and dust all around. Yuan Yichen was also in a mess, his face was covered with dust, and the people who escaped with him all had terrified expressions on their faces.
"Yuan Yichen, the earthquake is getting stronger and stronger, don't you believe it?" Yan Yimu hugged me tightly and shouted at Yuan Yichen.
I could feel Yan Yimu trembling, and I knew he was afraid that I would get hurt. I snuggled in his arms and felt extremely sweet. But I had more important things to do, so I pushed Yan Yimu away.
"Yuan Yichen, we are all in this world. This is not just a matter of our safety. In addition to you, there are also all of them. Do you really want us to be buried in this world? Can you be rational? Let's talk about why we must die?" I walked to Yuan Yichen's side. At this moment, I retreated from all my impetuousness and became calmer than ever before. I must solve this matter because I am a descendant of the wizard clan and I can use all the energy of the dream soul.
Yuan Yichen watched the villa collapse in a few minutes, his face was pale, he blinked, as if he couldn't believe it. His hands pressed tightly on his chest, I believe that is where the dream soul is.
"Yuan Yichen, the earthquakes in this world will only get stronger and stronger. If you don't believe it, we can just wait. However, we won't be so lucky every time. Next time, if you or I are unfortunately killed in the earthquake, then all of us will disappear." I pressed on step by step, and Yuan Yichen's expression was painful and contradictory.
I must convince him!
"Master, let's retreat to a safe place first, and then discuss this issue. We can't live here anymore." Xinxin was wearing a suspender nightgown, and her body was covered with white dust. She lifted her hair, and her beautiful eyes flashed with cunning light. "We can't have a good discussion in this state now."
I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. At this moment, of course, I had to make a quick decision. By the time Yuan Yichen realized what was going on, he might have some horrible idea. I clenched my fists, wondering whether I should continue to ask.
"Xiao Wu, let's go to a safe place first." Yan Yimu stepped forward and held my hand.
I could only sigh helplessly. Yuan Yichen called a few cars and we followed him to another villa. There were countless injured people crying on the road. The world was dark and collapsed buildings were everywhere. Although I knew that all this was not real, I couldn't help crying and my body was shaking. I watched with my own eyes as the world I created turned into a hell on earth.
Yan Yimu hugged me tightly without saying anything. Only in his arms could I feel a little warmth. I closed my eyes and stopped watching those tragedies. The car bumped forward and I fell asleep unconsciously.
When I woke up, I was already in a new place. The decoration was simple and bright, without any luxury. It was just an ordinary house. I jumped out of bed and walked to the window. Outside the window was a stretch of distant mountains. The air was fresh and sweet.
"Yan Yimu? Yan Yimu?" I turned around in the room and shouted Yan Yimu's name loudly.
"I'm here." Yan Yimu answered, and then ran to me. He was wearing a simple white shirt and black pants, and there was a fragrance of lemon wafting from his body. His dark jade eyes were filled with smiles, "Xiao Wu, you're awake."
"Where is this? Where are Yuan Yichen and the others?" I asked with a frown, looking confused.
"This place is far away from the city. Yuan Yichen said he wanted to be the king of this world, so he sent us here and then left. He said he was going to save the world." Yan Yimu's expression was quite disdainful.
"How to save them? Help them treat the wounded, bury the dead, and help them rebuild their homes? Who does he think he is? If it wasn't him, how could all this happen?" I pushed Yan Yimu away and walked around anxiously, "I can clearly feel that Yuan Yichen is wavering, why don't you let me continue? If I say more, maybe Yuan Yichen will take the initiative to hand over Menghun to me. None of this will end. He can't save the world."
"Xiao Wu, be quiet. Yuan Yichen has gone crazy and we can't persuade him. I've thought it through. Let's stay here, far away from people, and spend a few days of our own life, okay? Since the ending cannot be changed, I just want to cherish the person in front of me." Yan Yimu looked at me steadily and held my hand tightly.
My eyes couldn't help but become wet, and I choked up and said, "Yan Yimu..." I knew I could only agree to him now, but... there was always something wrong. Was Yan Yimu such a negative person? Or... did he really like me that much?
"Xiao Wu, I like you, although I don't really want to believe it, haha." Yan Yimu touched his chin unnaturally, a blush on his handsome face. "I don't know when it started, but I would think of you in my heart unconsciously. I like you and I want to be with you. I know it's a bit late to say this now, but, Xiao Wu, can you promise me?" Yan Yimu looked at me expectantly.
My face instantly felt like it was on fire. I lowered my head, my heart pounding like thunder. I bit my lips, and my voice didn’t seem to be my own: “I… I like you too.” I whispered, “I want to be with you. Of course I agree to it.”
"Xiao Wu!" Yan Yimu hugged me tightly.
I feel happy at this moment, so happy that I want to cry, and only then do I understand that the life and death entanglements in novels are real. At this moment, I am happy and painful, I finally met the person I like, and we are finally together, but it is all about to end.
"Xiao Wu, I have made some plans and emergency measures. Take a look." Yan Yimu pulled me to the table, where there was a piece of white paper with a lot of emergency measures such as earthquake subsidence written on it.
I couldn't help laughing as I read on, and joked, "Yan Yimu, you're really stupid. If this world is gone, we can hide for a while but not forever. What's the point of you writing so much?"
Yan Yimu also smiled, his eyes sparkling: "I know, but the two of us must live until the last second." His eyes turned red as he smiled.
I threw myself into his arms and said, "Fool!"
He is a fool, and so am I, we are all fools, so at this moment, I don’t want to care about forever, I just want to be in his arms and be held by him.
The next few days were like days in heaven, the two of us were sweet and sticky together. In the morning, we watched the sunrise together; in the evening, we counted the stars together. We went to the mountains to dig wild vegetables together, washed our feet in the clear stream together, cooked together, and treated every day as the last day of our lives.
"Yan Yimu, do we feel like we have gone back to ancient times? People at that time did not have modern technology, air pollution, or so many worries. Were they just like us now, working from sunrise to sunset every day, without any worries?" I leaned on Yan Yimu's shoulder, looking at the shining stars in the sky.
"You are thinking too beautifully. Women in ancient times never left the house and stayed at home to learn how to serve their future husbands. Men, on the other hand, had to fight for fame and fortune, study hard, and also had to face all kinds of shady dealings. It's not as interesting as today's society." Yan Yimu pointed at my forehead with his finger.
"You're right. With my personality, I wouldn't have survived more than three days in ancient times." I can't stand the thought of learning the Three Obediences and Four Virtues in ancient times, and accepting my husband taking a concubine! If I were born in a peasant family, I would have to do farm work. If I were born in a wealthy family, there would be countless rules and intrigues. I think modern society is better.
"Haha, you know yourself quite well." Yan Yimu smiled and touched my head.
Suddenly, I felt the stars in the sky start to fall, one after another. Could it be a meteor shower?
"Meteor shower!" I had wanted to see the meteor shower countless times, but I never caught it. But now it appeared! I stood up excitedly and pointed at the meteor shower.
Meteors streaked across the sky, leaving behind long tails and disappearing in an instant.
"I heard that wishes made to shooting stars will come true. I hope we can return to the real world soon!" I folded my hands on my chest.
"Silly girl." Yan Yimu hugged me from behind.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
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Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024