Chapter 79: Soul Binding Technique

The bench dog ran towards us. Lu Xiaofeng glared at it and muttered a spell. The dog was frightened and started barking, then turned around and ran towards the village.
My eyes lit up, and I couldn't help but think of my uncle's arrogant black dog. I quickly asked, "Girl, what kind of spell is this? It's very useful against dogs. Teach me."
"This is just a simple soul-stealing spell. It can only scare people for a moment. It shouldn't scare the dog like this. Also, although it barked quite happily just now, I noticed that it didn't seem to have much energy and its soul seemed very weak."
"Weak soul? You can see that too?"
I asked with some surprise.
"The light in its eyes was a little dazed, like a person who had been working for several days and nights in a row."
As we were talking, a house at the entrance of the village opened its door and a man in his thirties walked out, holding a cup in his left hand and a toothbrush in his right hand. He looked listless and his eyes seemed a little distracted.
"Hey, are you outsiders? What are you doing in our village?"
He saw us and asked casually. But before we could answer, he went to brush his teeth. I quickly whispered, "Girl, see, this guy doesn't seem to be in high spirits."
Lu Xiaofeng frowned slightly and didn't reply. I thought about it, walked up to her and asked, "Big brother, do people in your village go to bed early? "
He looked up and glanced at me, as if he was a little surprised that I asked this question suddenly. Lu Xiaofeng also came over and said, "Excuse me, is this Hechang Village in Nanyang Town? My brother and I are here to visit relatives. We have a distant cousin here. We originally arrived last night, but the villagers seemed to have gone to bed. So we waited outside the village all night."
The man finished brushing his teeth, yawned several times, and then said weakly: "This is Hechang Village."
After saying that, he returned home. Damn, you should at least ask which family our relative is from. This guy really looks like he has been working for several days without a break. He seems too lazy to even talk.
Then the two of us walked around the village. Half of the families had not yet gotten up, and those who had gotten up all looked listless, even the poultry, cats and dogs.
"Shit, there's definitely something wrong. These guys look like they haven't eaten for half a month. They're like they've been possessed."
I complained casually.
Lu Xiaofeng seemed startled, turned his head and stared at me, muttering: "It's a ghost, it's a ghost. Let's go back to the village entrance."
what the hell?
After we returned to the village entrance, we walked along the gravel road for a while and came to the crossroads. Lu Xiaofeng looked around carefully, then looked at the small ditches on both sides of the road, and finally squatted in the middle of the road and picked up stones with his hands.
"What's wrong? Did you find something?"
As soon as I said this, the girl dug up some stones and revealed a talisman underneath. I quickly squatted down and exclaimed, "It's really strange. What kind of talisman is this?"
"Don't move. I can't be sure yet. Bury it first and let's go look in other directions."
I was just thinking about reaching out to take the talisman when Lu Xiaofeng glared at me and said.
I quickly retracted my hand and asked, "Why? Are there other places with this kind of spell?"
"I'm just guessing now. If I'm right, it will be troublesome."
She frowned and moved the stones again to bury the talisman.
"This is the east side of the village. Let's go around from outside the village to the south side."
Going to the south, is there such a spell there as well? Or are there such a spells in all four directions outside the village?
In the end, I guessed it right. There is a crossroad in each of the four directions of the village, and there is a talisman like that buried at each crossroad. Lu Xiaofeng frowned even more tightly.
The situation seems to be a little bad.
"Is it dangerous? The reward for this mission is too low, why don't we give up."
I suggested carefully.
The girl was a little hesitant and seemed to be considering my proposal.
"If it's as I guess, then it could be dangerous. If we're lucky, we might be able to handle it."
"What about bad luck?"
I asked hurriedly.
The girl paused and said, "If we are unlucky, we will be finished."
"Damn it, what are you thinking about? Just leave now. It's not much money anyway."
In this situation, my first thought was to run away. Money is important, but life is more important. Besides, I would not get any money from this mission.
"But if we leave it alone, the people in this village will be in danger. They may all die."
Oh my god, is it that serious?
"Why don't we tell the Hunter Guild about what happened here and ask them to send some powerful people over here."
Lu Xiaofeng shook his head and said, "Distant water cannot quench a nearby fire, but just in case, we still have to report what happened here to the guild. Meanwhile, we will continue our investigation."
"Why bother investigating? Just wait for the Hunter Guild to send someone over."
"Don't you see how listless the villagers are? If they continue like this, their spiritual power will probably be exhausted, and then there will be no way to save them."
Damn, it looks like this girl isn't planning to retreat.
"You make it sound so serious, what are the origins of these spells?"
There was still some hesitation on Lu Xiaofeng's face, as if he was still considering whether to stay.
"There is a special tribe among the hunters, the ghost tribe. They practice the art of ghosts and are proficient in controlling and raising ghosts. They can control and drive ghosts. The ghost tribe has a terrifying magic called soul-binding magic."
The ghost clan, controlling ghosts, raising ghosts, and soul-binding techniques all sound very novel and interesting to me, but looking at Lu Xiaofeng's tone and expression, I can guess that this ghost clan is definitely not a good bunch.
"It is said that after a person dies, a ghost from the underworld will come to take away the person's soul. This is a unique ability of the ghost. The ghost tribe uses ghosts to practice ghost ways and has created a spell that can take away human souls, which is the soul-binding spell."
My eyes lit up.
"Oh, I understand. You mean the spells around the village are used to cast the soul-binding spell, and the guy in the village is listless because his soul has been taken away by the soul-binding spell. No, even though they are listless, their souls are still there and have not been taken away."
Lu Xiaofeng frowned and said, "No one in the village is fine during the day, but at night the whole village is like dead."
"Someone used soul-binding magic at night to take away their souls, and then released their souls during the day. Damn, is that person crazy? Why would he take away someone's soul in the middle of the night?"
Lu Xiaofeng nodded and said, "That's my guess. The ghost tribe has the ability to control ghosts and capture souls. Maybe it's to practice the art of ghosts."
"That is to say, no matter what, it will do no good to the people in this village, right?"
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