Chapter 77 The villain saves the world?

"Why did Milton suddenly faint?"

Half an hour later, in the organization base numbered C74, Shirley, who had rushed over after receiving the news, asked the man in front of her.

"I'm sorry, I want to know too."

Having said that, Bourbon had a nonchalant look on his face, "But with Milton's ability, I don't think he will fall easily, right?"

"Maybe... What's the other reason?"

After hearing this, the brown-haired girl in a white coat glared at him, said nothing more, and turned to enter the laboratory to check the specific situation of Nathan Dove.

Seeing the laboratory door closed, Bourbon frowned slightly.

There was no sign before Mi Ye fainted. Could it be a sequelae caused by the collar or brainwashing?

Fifteen minutes later, the door to the laboratory opened again.

"How is it?" Bourbon suppressed his inner worries and raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it really...overused?"

While speaking, his eyes drifted across the neck of the brown-haired girl as if he was referring to something. .

Shirley clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and said coldly, "You don't need to worry about this."

Thinking of something, she turned to ask: "Lulu is in the villa where Milton lives now?"

She didn't understand why she asked. Leopard's bourbon said quietly, "What's wrong?"

"..." Shirley remained silent.

The examination results were all very normal, as if Milton had simply fallen asleep.

But simply falling asleep is the most abnormal thing!

Shirley knew very well that Milton would never sleep outside unless he was surrounded by someone he trusted.

She looked at the bourbon without leaving any trace. Could it be that Milton would trust this guy?

He's even blonde!

Sensing Shirley's hidden gaze, an indescribable strange feeling hit Bourbon's heart.

"Where is Milton?"

When they were on guard against each other, the silver-haired killer who had also received the news strode towards the two of them.

Without waiting for anyone to reply, he went straight into the laboratory.

Seeing this, Shirley pursed her lips slightly but did not stop her.

"The examination results are all normal." After the others came out, Shirley said: "He is currently sleeping in an ordinary state."

She emphasized the word ordinary.

Gin stared at her without saying a word.

Shirley suppressed her fear of the silver-haired killer and continued: "I'm not sure if..."

Thinking of Bourbon's presence, she suppressed the word "sub-personality" and said vaguely: "Everything will have to wait until he wakes up. Let's make a decision again."

This was also the reason for asking where Lulu was before. If there was another person in Milton Duff's body, animals that are particularly sensitive to breath would be able to tell.

Lulu had recognized it before.

Of course, Shirley herself is also capable of distinguishing, but sometimes she dares not believe it... The person who occupied Milton's body naturally also occupied his talent.

Even if that person couldn't inherit everything, he could still deceive many people.

Knowing that there was really no other way, Gin glanced at Bourbon with a sinister look, and said in an unhappy tone, "Tell me everything that happened before Milton fainted."

Bourbon described the scene at that time in an evasive manner, and said The existence of Edogawa Conan was not deliberately concealed.

People in the organization have been with Milton for a longer time, so they may not know that he always recruits children.

After listening to Bourbon's words, Gin fell silent again, wondering what he was thinking.

When he noticed the vibration coming from his cell phone, he took it out to answer it and said without shying away from the other two people present, "BOSS."

Bourbon's eyes were slightly stern.

Shirley couldn't help but look at the laboratory door with worried eyes.

[I heard that Milton fainted? ]

"Yes." Gin's voice was smooth and there was nothing unusual about it.

[What is his condition now? 】

While asking the question, the electronic sound on the tablet vaguely revealed an anxious smell.

As if he was afraid that something would happen that would implicate him.

Hearing this, a flash of sarcasm flashed across Ginjiu's eyes, which was hidden under the shadow of the brim of his hat and no one noticed it.

"Everything is as usual, BOSS." Gin replied calmly: "Don't worry, Milton will wake up soon."

Shirley, who didn't know when Milton would wake up, quickly took a peek and said Ginjiu didn't refute these words.

【That's good. 】The electronic audio seemed to be relieved: 【I am very worried about Milton, so I asked Shirley to send me the test report later. ]


After the call ended, Gin took out a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket, took out one, lit it and held it in his mouth.

With the smell of nicotine lingering on the tip of his nose, the silver-haired killer ignored the bourbon and looked at Shirley again, "Keep an eye on him..."

Before he could finish his explanation, the door to the laboratory was opened from the inside.

The three people outside the door immediately looked over.

The white-haired young man was standing there quietly.

Shirley tentatively made a sound, her body slightly tensed, "...Milton?"

She noticed that her strange bourbon did not make a sound, and secretly noted this doubt.

In fact, not only Shirley, but also Gin was wary of something...

Bourbon was thoughtful, but didn't show it on his face.

"It's me." Milton Dove sighed, "I'm fine, it wasn't because of that person who fainted."

Both Shirley and Gin knew that the person the white-haired young man was talking about was Karasuma Renye.

"..." Gin stared at him scrutinizingly for a few seconds, and then asked after a moment: "What's going on?"

Hearing his question, Milton Dove wrinkled her nose in disgust, "Put out the cigarette. Talk to me."

"Tsk." Ginjiu repeated impatiently, "What's going on?"

After all, the silver-haired killer threw the cigarette to the ground and stamped it out.

Seeing this, Bourbon couldn't help but glance at him in surprise.

"A...little accident."

Milton Duff stretched out his hand to scratch his cheek, not knowing how to explain it. "In short, I am fine now and it won't affect anything."

The three of them remained silent, obviously concerned about this. Very unsatisfactory explanation.


Milton Dove's eyes wandered for a moment, "Have you read the comics?

If I am hit by a truck, I will go to another world. During class, a magic circle suddenly appears under my feet. Then I will be tied up by a system while eating desserts. It's possible that it will happen..."

The white-haired young man spoke more and more quietly after that, because the eyes of the other three people became quite strange.

Three people: ...

Gin's fingers hanging by his side twitched for a moment, and it looked like he wanted to take out his cock.

The killer, who judged that there was indeed nothing wrong with the person now, left decisively.

He left the vodka at the mission site, and he had to go back to check on the completion of his mission, just in case he might have to fish for someone else.

After so many years in the organization, Gin has naturally developed his own power.

Among them, the C74 base is his territory.

The surveillance system here was secretly changed by Milton Duff, and the key is in Gin's hands so that he can have more means to adapt to emergencies.

At first, Gin who received the news thought Karasuma Renye had taken action, but in the end...

it was possible that Milton fell asleep.

Shirley's thoughts about this were rarely the same as Gin's. She used an instrument to check the white-haired young man's temperature again. "There is no fever."

Milton Duff: ...

What he said is obviously the truth!

The white-haired young man puffed up his cheeks and said, "Since it's okay, shall I leave?"

"Let's go."

After confirming that there was nothing unusual, Shirley waved her hand, "I will send the relevant report to BOSS."

"I know." Mir Dundaph nodded, pulled Bourbon aside and walked out of the base.

"Are you really okay?"

Toru Amuro asked again after the two returned to the car.

"It's really okay." Yaya Hayagiri said with certainty, "You don't believe me when I tell the truth, so what do you want me to do?"

Toru Amuro: ...

It's true that Japan is the birthplace of two-dimensional culture, but that doesn't mean those things are reality. ah!

"Hmph." Hayagiri tilted her head, "Let's go back to the villa first. As for Sherlock... we can only wait until next time."

"No rush."

​​Toru Amuro stepped on the accelerator, "At least Scotland is watching. Nothing will happen... Occasionally... you should trust your partners. "

"..." Hayagiri Yaye avoided his gaze and took out her mobile phone to report to Wei Qiao and others who were on a mission elsewhere . .

If there was no news from him, Finch and the others might blow up the Poirot Café.

But... Hayagiri was stroking her cell phone. He just ignored what Golden Retriever said just now, so why should he avoid it?

It must be because the golden retriever’s eyes are so strange!

There was no words all the way, and the white Mazda quickly stopped at the door of the villa.

Zaagiri Yaye got out of the car first, "I'll go back to the room and lie down for a while." Toru

Amuro didn't stop him. He saw someone closing the bedroom door. He took out his mobile phone to report to Zhufu Jingguang that he was safe, and also sorted out what happened in the organization base just now. thing.

Thinking of the attitudes of Shirley and Gin, and the transfer of consciousness that Miye once mentioned...

Toru Amuro's heart skipped a beat. For a person as talented as Miye, but with such low loyalty to the organization, could Karasuma Renya do it? Can't you notice it?

As long as the consciousness transfer technology matures, Mi Ye's own consciousness can be completely wiped out and replaced with the consciousness of a person who is loyal to the organization.

Toru Amuro didn't dare to think about it anymore. Miye joined the organization at the age of seven. How did he survive in the past ten years?

On the other side, after returning to the bedroom, Hayagiri went straight to the bathroom.

He looked at himself in the mirror, cleared all thoughts from his brain, and said coldly, "Come out."

[Hello morning fog and night. Let me introduce myself again. I am the system responsible for maintaining the stability of the world. You can just call me system. ]

Zaogiri Yaye: ...

What the hell.

This guy who calls himself System appeared in his mind after Yaya Zaagiri woke up in the laboratory.

And the reason why he was in a coma was because of this guy.

After a few exchanges, Hayagiri Yaye discovered that the system could read the thoughts in his mind, and immediately blocked all thoughts from it.

According to the system, the world he is in is a two-dimensional world that is transitioning to reality and has not yet been completely formed. Once the protagonist of the world dies, he will fall into an endless cycle of 3650 days a year.

Hayagiri Yaya: Karasuma Renya must really want this.

This is not eternal life in another sense.

The protagonist of the world has exhausted his protagonist halo on the first day of the plot, so the dangers he encounters will double when he takes any actions.

Morning fog and night:.

It seems that the protagonist is indeed Kudo Shinichi. Could it be that the poison caused the protagonist's aura to lose its effect?

Thinking so, he also asked.

[Poison may be part of the reason, but as the world transitions to reality, the halo of the protagonist will slowly fade away.

Therefore, even if he did not take the poison, he would still encounter various dangers due to the weakening of the aura. 】

Hayagiri Yayo held her forehead, "Why did you choose me?"

[After system testing, based on the host's innate ability, he is the person most likely to complete the maintenance tasks around the protagonist. 】

Zawu Miye didn’t want to do some damn maintenance task.

It was enough to save the Red Team personnel, but now he was asked to save the world? !

A villain saves the world? What a hell joke.

The white-haired young man said in an impatient tone, "You go find the second person who can complete this task."

[Sorry, once the system is bound, it cannot be unbound. But on the contrary, we will not be punished. ]

The electronic voice on the tablet is unclear whether it is a threat or a statement of facts:

[Whether or not to complete the task depends entirely on the host itself. Before the task is completed, the protagonist will continue to encounter dangers of various sizes, and the timeline will remain chaotic. 】

【Assuming that the mission fails, the system will automatically unbind from the host, wait for the world to restart, and then change my colleague's system to enter this world. 】

Haagiri Yaye: ...

Inexplicable visions of beating workers, the boss releases KPIs, and whoever has the ability will complete it.

Yaya Hayagiri, who wanted to curse, took a deep breath, "What is the mission goal?"

[Just make Japan's safety index reach 80. In order to better complete the mission, the system can provide small tasks for reference...]

Morning Wu Miye didn't listen to what it said, and took out her mobile phone to check the current safety index.

Wow, only 22~ Awesome!

Morning fog and night: Fine.

He remembered that the safety index in previous years was still at 26. How could it go back so far?

The problem is not big. Hayagiri is meditating all night, Karasuma Renya is dead, and the black organization as the main villain is disbanded. Presumably the safety index can rise to thirty or forty, and the rest will depend on other police officers.

With the Golden Retriever group here, it’s probably just a matter of time. I believe they can raise the safety index to 80!

Time is just confusing, it’s not like he won’t move forward, he can wait!

Kudo Shinichi now has Scotland watching, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

The kid can completely handle ordinary crises that don't involve the black organization. At worst, he will be pressured to learn self-defense techniques in the future.

After going through it again, Zaowu Miye happily found that nothing happened without him.

However, the system voice in his head became a little panicked.

【Huh? Why are the indexes of many tasks negative... It doesn't matter the host, let's start by approaching the members of the black organization. It is the biggest reason for the low security index in this world...]

"I am the heir to the organization."

[Gah? 】The system emits an electronic duck call.

[Hahaha, host, you are so funny! (Thumbs up)]

"Huh." Zaowu Miye scoffed disdainfully.

[...] The silence of the system was deafening. After the machine was stuck for a while, he cautiously said: [Then... then I won't disturb you? 】

"Will your voice be heard by another person in my head?" Thinking of something, Zaagiri Yaye frowned.

He will not follow the system's instructions and do any of the tasks listed as a reference, and even if there are any rewards, he is not interested.

Hayagiri Yaye only believes in things that can be obtained by his own abilities. This is how he has always been.

He doesn't need a vague thing that he can't completely trust.

Hayagiri Yaye can ignore the existence of the system. Anyway, he has no shortage of system residents in his mind, and he has long been used to it.

【who? Aren’t they all hosts? 】

Hayagiri Yaye: "."

Very good, it seems that the "sub-personality" that has been suppressed can also hear the sound of the system.

It's not a big problem. He can't make big waves now.

"Why are there black cracks in the sky outside?"

Before completely blocking the system, Hayagiri decided to solve the doubts she had always had.

[Because Rum, the second-in-command who was supposed to appear in the original plot, died. 】

So that’s it, Yaya Hayagiri seems to have realized something, “Even if I continue to kill other people who will appear in the original work, as long as the protagonist doesn’t die, time will eventually be restored, right?”

[That’s true...]

“That’s not the case. You're in trouble, don't say anything again."

Hayagiri waved her hand, "You can remind me if the protagonist is about to die."

As for the original plot...

Rum died a few years ago, so the plot is inevitable. There is a big deviation, and I'm afraid it doesn't have much reference value.

But just in case...

"Can I watch the main storyline that is valid in the original work?"

[Of course. 】

The system obediently blocked itself after sending out the main storyline.

After spending half an hour quickly browsing the plot, Hayagiri Yaya opened the bedroom door and walked to Toru Amuro's room next door expressionlessly.

Hearing a knock on the door, Toru Amuro closed the laptop he only used when contacting the police and went to open the door.


Zaogiri Miye stared at him for a while without saying anything.

Toru Amuro, who always feels that cats’ eyes are quite scary: 0v0?

"What are your thoughts on today's safety index?"

Amuro Toru:...?

The current safety index...don't mention it.

He was thankful that there were no gangs fighting in the daytime.

"For example, customize a plan to increase the safety index or something?"

No matter what, Zaowu Miye still came to confirm the action capabilities of the police.

If he is asked to wait more than ten or twenty years for the safety index to reach 80...then everyone should destroy it together as soon as possible.

You can get used to chaotic dates, but Yaya Hayagiri doesn't want to pay attention to Kudo Shinichi for the rest of her life.

Not Stoca.

"Uh... the big goal is to eliminate the black organization and the crow forum?" Toru Amuro said slowly.

Hayagiri Yaya glared at him with a "What nonsense are you talking about" expression.

"The rest is what everyone at the Public Security Bureau and the Metropolitan Police Department has been doing..."

As he said that, Toru Amuro raised his hand hesitantly, and touched the forehead of the white-haired young man with the back of his hand, with a worried tone, "Miye, you Are you really okay?"

Hayagiri smacked his hand away unceremoniously.

Seeing this, Toru Amuro breathed a sigh of relief.

Very good, Miye is definitely fine.

"Can't you have a plan in advance?"

Yaya Hayagiri crossed her arms and said in disgust: "It's too inefficient to stop the crime after it happens! Of course, the source must be solved before the crime happens!" Toru

Amuro was flattered, What happened to Mi Ye suddenly?

He actually took the initiative to help their police find a solution?

Toru Amuro couldn't help but glance out the window, had just set, and it was hard to tell whether the sun was in the west.

"Hey!" Hayagiri Yaya kicked his calf in displeasure, "What's your reaction?"

She skillfully ignored the kicked calf - even though it was a bit painful, Amuro Toru said tentatively, "Maya, do you want to come in and talk?"

Zaowu Miye remained indifferent, turned around and prepared to leave.

"I still have some strawberry cookies I baked in the afternoon."

Toru Amuro said at the right time, "There is still some time before dinner, so it's okay to eat a little."

Hayagiri Yawai was restricted by someone to eat snacks before meals . After thinking for a while, she turned back and nodded to him, "Make way."

Toru Amuro turned sideways decisively, "Miye go in first, and I'll go to the kitchen to get cookies."

Although they still didn't understand why Miye wanted to give them advice. , but the opportunity should not be wasted.

This proves another progress in the cat-catching program!

After the blond and dark-skinned man left, Hayagiri walked around his room, becoming even more disgusted with him.

Not even a soft sofa!

As for the laptop used by the police, Hayagiri ignored it.

For him, the police computer is not as attractive as the cookies baked by the police.

So when the police came back with the cookies he baked, they found the white-haired young man sitting cross-legged on his bed, playing with his mobile phone boredly with his chin in one hand.

More like the owner of this room than him.

Although strictly speaking, the entire villa is covered in fog from morning to night.

Toru Amuro: ...

Taking a deep breath, the man put down the cookies, turned around and went out to get a pillow.

His words were like a warning, "Miye, I warned you."

He stared at the pillow that was forced between his legs for three seconds. Once he stopped going out, Hayao Yaya, who basically wore shorts at home, chose not to follow. Golden Retriever cares.

—For strawberry cookie sake.

Seeing that the white-haired young man didn't take it seriously at all, Amuro Toru's forehead jumped.

How can I put it, human beings all have bad natures, if Mi Ye was like this only in front of him, he... naturally wouldn't have any objections.

It's a pity that if Mi Ye didn't live with other people, I'm afraid the same style would be the same in front of Ginjiu Weique and others.

Toru Amuro couldn't help but feel lucky that he was the one living with Ya Ye now.

To some extent, I have to thank Karasuma Renya.

In return, he will work hard to eliminate the other party's organization!

Putting away the messy and distant thoughts, Toru Amuro brought up the business, "Why is Miye suddenly interested in improving the safety index?"

"Because the system I am bound to told me that Japan's safety index reached the level before the protagonist died. If it doesn't reach 80, the world will be destroyed."

Yaya Hayagiri told the truth, her tone and expression were unprecedentedly sincere and without moisture.

It's a pity...

Amuro Toru smiled and calmly added cookies to the white-haired young man's hand, not forgetting to give him a glass of water. "^_^Ya, don't make trouble."

Hayagiri curled her lips and bit off a cookie. He continued: "The protagonist is Kudo Shinichi. At the beginning, he takes medicine and becomes smaller, and then he joins you, the red team members, in outsmarting the black organization."

Toru Amuro lowered his head and took out his phone, and clicked on the chat interface of his trusted psychiatrist. , start typing.

[Urgent, what should I do if my friend applies the comic plot to real people and takes it seriously? ]

"..." Yaya Hayagiri's eyes widened, her pink-gold eyes full of disbelief, "Where's the promised game of trust?"

"One code equals one code." Toru Amuro stopped typing in the middle of typing. "Miye, don't hide your illness and avoid medical treatment."

Hayagiri Miye still didn't believe it and sneered, "...but I want to be with you even more."*

Amuro Toru was obviously stunned.

"This sentence is the inner monologue of the five of you who worked together to catch the murderer of Scotland's parents. You went to stall for time with the instructor, only to find that they were desperately cleaning the bathhouse and looking at the other four people sleeping together... Right?"

"You want to continue to be with them, I hope time can go slower..."

Looking at Amuro Toru who put down the phone, Hayagiri slowly added the second half of the sentence, "No matter how good my reasoning ability is, God, you can't push it to this level, right?"

There is no other possibility except seeing such a scene with my own eyes.

The police academy chapter is not part of the effective main plot, and Hayagiri Miye... I was just curious about what Toru Amuro was like when he was in the police academy, so I decided to take a look.

Just one glance!

He only briefly watched the clips between Toru Amuro and Scotland! Um!

But in the original plot, the four people he wanted to continue to be with all died, so let’s not talk about it.

Toru Amuro lowered her eyes and deleted the words she typed word by word.

He spoke softly, "If all possibilities are eliminated, no matter how unbelievable the rest is, it can only be the truth."

Yaya Hayagiri put her hands back on the bed, tilted her head slightly, and her fine white hair swept over her shoulders, "Now Do you know what I said is true?"

Then he can naturally leave the safety index to Golden Retriever!

According to his character, he will definitely complete it well! yeah!

"Yes." Toru Amuro nodded with an unclear tone, stood up from the chair and walked to the bed.

At this moment, Zaowu Miye inexplicably hallucinated the scene of the conversation at the airport hotel that night.

The difference is that the attitude and atmosphere of the two of them this time are much more relaxed than then.

After realizing this, the young man's snow-white thick eyelashes trembled slightly.

"I don't mention the system in advance..."

Looking at the white-haired young man's current posture, Toru Amuro stood on the edge of the bed with one leg bent as he did that night at the airport hotel, and leaned closer to the young man sitting on his bed.

Since she was sitting in the middle of the bed and there was no backrest behind her, Hayagiri Yaya subconsciously changed her cross-legged posture to crossing her legs together.

As if he felt that such a reaction was inappropriate, after thinking for a while, the white-haired young man stepped on Toru Amuro's abdomen, just above his chest, to stop his movement.

"Just keep talking. Why are you coming so suddenly?"

Toru Amuro was not as patient as he was that night. This time he chose to grab Hayagiri Yaya's ankle.

"Now Mi Ye really wants to see through my whole being."

The blond and dark-skinned man seemed to be distressed: "What else was said in the original plot? Did it talk about my childhood?" It was

indeed out of curiosity that I read it. Hayagiri Yaya silently looked away after watching the episode where You Ling appeared.

Golden Retrievers were much cuter when they were little than they are now!

"This is really unfair. Mi Ye knew me inside and out without me knowing..."

Toru Amuro raised her eyelids lightly, her voice was deep, and she met the sight of the white-haired young man who was about to explode. , "Shouldn't Miye be responsible for me?"

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024