Chapter 76: The deduction is over!

After taking a look at the white box containing the serum, Su Qi decided to take it away when the deduction was about to end.
Taking one last look at the ruined base, he murmured , "Is this modern human race finished?"
"The destruction of civilization, the disaster that destroyed civilization."
Su Qi suddenly felt that civilization is sometimes like a person. It may seem strong on the outside, but after encountering a terrible crisis, it will also be destroyed one day.
"Moreover, this modern world is derived from the real world. What if a meteorite carrying an unknown factor also falls in the real world?"
His expression couldn't help but become serious.
This speculation frightened him and at the same time made him feel a sense of crisis.
If a zombie crisis breaks out in the real world, he will most likely die!
Not to mention whether he can survive the infection of the unknown factor, even if he can, can he kill those groups of zombies by himself?
Not to mention the giant zombies that have evolved twice. If you encounter them, you will most likely die as soon as you come into contact with them!
"After all, the power is still not enough..."
He became eager to increase his strength, not only to cure cancer, but also to be able to protect himself in the real world!
But as he thought about it, he suddenly relaxed again.
"Compared to the fact that there are also strange meteorites in the real world, I would rather believe that this meteorite is a possibility in this deduced world!"
"Something that only exists in this deduction world!"
Su Qi felt that this was not a random guess.
After deducing the past world line of the real world for more than 10,000 years, he did not see any trace of supernatural power. Even if there was any, it was related to him, and...
"Whether it was the first group of winged aliens or the Wanqu aliens, we can tell from their expressions that they were incredulous about the mysterious power."
"Given their knowledge as aliens, if there really is a mysterious power, they probably wouldn't act so shocked, right?"
"If there really is something that can give people superpowers, they shouldn't be completely ignorant of it."
Su Qi pondered and felt that his guess was very likely.
However, even if there are no strange things like meteorites in the real world and there is no zombie crisis, the idea of ​​improving strength cannot be abandoned.
Even if there were no strange meteorites, there would be other things that could threaten his life, and they would be equally numerous.
Putting aside other things, firearms alone are not something that can be confronted head-on at the moment.
After thinking about it, he said, "Continue to deduce."
A prompt tone appears.
[Humans have no ability to resist zombies. With the destruction of the last human base, zombies have taken over the Earth...]
All the cities have been occupied by zombies. Except for some hidden bases and deep mountains, there is almost no trace of human beings.
There might be some left in the city, but compared to the number of zombies, they are insignificant.
Images kept flashing across Su Qi’s eyes.
Zombies were walking around in the city, and their roars could be heard continuously.
He even saw an astonishing sight. After losing their targets of humans and animals, the zombies actually began to kill and eat each other.
As they killed and ate, they actually became stronger bit by bit!
Giant zombies appear one after another, and are even evolving towards a more terrifying level!
"It turns out that these zombies not only devour humans, but they can also become stronger by devouring each other?"
"Because of that unknown factor?"
Su Qi looked curious.
"What will happen if these zombies continue to eat each other and evolve?"
He thought so as he watched the zombies eating each other.
But just when he was about to see what those zombies would eventually evolve into, an unusual situation occurred!
A prompt sounded.
[Not long after the zombies completely occupied the Earth, a huge meteorite rushed straight towards the Earth...]
Su Qi's eyes showed surprise.
A scene appeared in his eyes: in the deep and dark solar system, a meteorite nearly 100 kilometers in size was rushing towards the earth at a terrifying speed!
Meteorites as big as several cities rubbed against the atmosphere violently, and the flames were accompanied by shrill whistling sounds.
A dazzling white light flashed in the sky and it crashed into a city.
In an instant, the earth shook and a deafening roar rang out.
The continent was cracked and countless pieces of soil were splashed up like waves.
The sea of ​​dust rushed to a height of tens of thousands of meters!
The noise caused in an instant was like the explosion of billions of Hiroshima atomic bombs!
A huge heat wave erupted at the site where the meteorite fell. The powerful shock wave carried high temperatures and destroyed everything in its path.
The heat wave swept through, and tall buildings were swallowed up in the blink of an eye like bubbles!
City buildings, zombies, and some surviving humans, no matter how strong or weak , all perished at this moment!
Boom boom boom!
Amid the tremors, volcanoes erupted one after another, and tsunami waves hundreds of meters high were set off.
The sea of ​​fire and the tsunami devoured everything mercilessly, sweeping across cities and wilderness!
"not good!"
Su got up without thinking too much and came to the laboratory of the last base.
He took the box containing the serum in his hand and wrapped it with his illusory body.
It wasn't long since I finished all this.
Boom boom boom!
The shock wave swept over, and everything in the laboratory was shattered, and the shock wave rushed towards Su Qi.
However, no matter how terrifying the shock wave was, no matter how easily he could deal with the zombies, when facing Su Qi, it was like facing something of a higher dimension. It did not cause any impact at all and passed through directly.
Su Qi stood up and looked up at the sky.
The sun's rays were blocked by smoke and other objects, and darkness enveloped the sky.
The world-destroying scene with the earth shaking, volcanoes erupting, and the roaring sea water sweeping across the sky made Su Qi frown.
[As time passed, the zombies’ evolution came to an end due to the horrific disaster caused by the meteorite, and humans became completely extinct...]
Looking at the disaster that swept the world and the zombies that were eliminated, Su Qi felt something was wrong.
"Why is there a meteorite out of nowhere?"
"And what a coincidence." Su Qi murmured.
Not long after the zombies wiped out humans, the meteorite appeared and destroyed the zombies?
No matter how you look at it, there is a strong sense of weirdness!
He frowned.
A prompt sounded.
[This simulation is about to end. Do you want to save the game? ]
it's over?
Su Qi sighed slightly, "It seems that if I want to know the real reason, I can only rely on deduction next time, and if my guess is correct..."
He remembered the initial file he saved when the deduction started.
If we start from that save file, maybe we can start all over again?!
Suddenly, Su Qi thought of something and said experimentally, "Save the file under the tentative condition?"
[Tentative archive is successful, please name it. 】
Su Qi was a little surprised, and his idea was somewhat confirmed.
If I could really re-enact it...
He had a guess in his mind.
If you save the game normally, you may be able to use the 'Modern Civilization·Initial' save game to read the game again.
There seems to be no difference between the two and this temporary save file.
But he felt that saving the game normally was just like creating another similar world line and starting over.
The temporary archiving situation may be able to negate the current deduction and let everything go back and start over again!
One is the old world line starting over, and the other is the new world line starting over ?
"But all this is just speculation. Whether this is the case remains to be verified. Perhaps there is no difference between the two?"
"And whether we can do it again depends on the next deduction."
Su Qi shook his head.
After thinking about it, he said, "Let's call it 'Modern Civilization 1. Superpowers'."
[Naming successful, starting to return...]
Hearing the prompt, Su Qi's eyes showed anticipation.
"I don't know, can I get super powers?"
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024