Chapter 76 Joubert

In an era without grenades and submachine guns, a head-on attack on a village defended by a large number of people was as difficult as climbing to the sky.
This is also the reason why Rock asked Henry to take people to set up a machine gun position on the other side. Compared with a strong attack, driving the enemy out of the house into the wilderness is more conducive to eliminating them.
Since it was a violent attack, there was no need to hide it. Li De ignited the prepared explosive pack and threw it in front of the door of a house at the outermost part of the town.
After a brief silence——
The explosive pack was incredibly powerful, with a deafening roar. Sand and rocks flew everywhere in the yard, and half of the house was blown down. Before the dust and smoke had dissipated, someone rushed out from the back door of the house.
Bang, bang, bang—
The commandos lying in ambush outside the back door were well prepared. After a volley of gunfire, the guerrillas who escaped from the house were knocked down one after another.
"Reload your guns, Reed, and fire one more." Rock was not prepared to take prisoners. He wanted to use the most violent offensive to crush all resistance, which would accelerate the defeat of the Boers.
Li De was very obedient. He lit a new pack of explosives and threw it into the half-collapsed house.
This time the power is even more amazing.
The narrow space is more conducive to the explosive packs to exert their power. After two consecutive explosions, the entire house was razed to the ground. Rock didn't care whether there were civilians in the house. Even if there were civilians, they were committing a capital crime when they sheltered the Boer guerrillas. The Chief of Staff of the Expeditionary Force, Sir Kitchener, stipulated that as long as Boer farmers were found helping the guerrillas, all farms and houses within 10 miles would be burned down.
In other words, if the town took in a guerrilla, the entire town would be burned down.
It was obvious that Rock's approach was correct. The guerrillas in the first house on the outskirts had just been cleared out, and the whole town was in turmoil.
It should be noted that the Boers' homes had no courtyards, at most there was a fence outside the lawn, so the whole town could clearly see how Rock and his men destroyed the first house.
Humans had no ability to resist explosive packs, so when Rock and his men had just entered the ruins of the first house, preparing to use these ruins as a support to continue their attack on the town, the other guerrillas in the town had already collapsed. Many of them had not even put on their clothes and fled in disarray.
Escape to the machine gun position commanded by Henry.
"Attack, attack, Tang En, suppress fire, suppress fire!" Rock tried his best to create as much noise as possible. Tang En's heavy machine gun was on the main road in the center of the town. As soon as Rock's voice fell, Tang En's heavy machine gun began to roar.
If you haven't faced the fire of a heavy machine gun, it's probably impossible to understand the power of a heavy machine gun.
Let me put it this way, if it is a wooden house, then the 11.43mm caliber heavy machine gun bullet can easily penetrate the entire house, and the fate of the people in the house can be imagined.
So when Tang En's heavy machine gun opened fire, the guerrillas in the town completely collapsed. No one was willing to fight the heavy machine gun head-on. Even the craziest people did not want to use their bodies to verify the power of the heavy machine gun.
By the way, before Rock and his team set off, they had obtained enough dum-dum bullets from Winston. The bullet head of this type of bullet will roll irregularly after hitting the human body, causing explosive trauma. This power is devastating to the enemy's morale.
"Hold on, hold on, don't chase, don't chase, Reed, use the explosives to blow up all the way and don't miss any house." Rock's main task is to drive people out of the town. It is Henry's task to eliminate them. Rock wants to reduce casualties as much as possible because Rock is not sure whether there are still guerrillas in the town to cover their retreat, although most of the guerrillas have escaped.
Soon, more gunshots were heard from the other end of the town. Rock was very happy. There would be many benefits from this battle. At least 200 guerrillas had escaped just now, and that was all money.
The battle lasted only half an hour, and the explosive packs prepared by Reed had not been used up yet, but the battle was over. A total of about 260 members of the Boer coalition were killed, more than 100 of them were killed, and the rest all surrendered, including civilians in the town. The commandos captured more than 200 people.
"Locke, we're rich this time. Do you know who we killed?" Henry rode a quarter horse and galloped to Rock, laughing.
"Who?" Rock asked absentmindedly.
Rock was playing with a flintlock rifle from the Age of Discovery in his hand. He didn't know where Reed found it, and he didn't know if it could still fire. It was so old that it could be called a cultural relic. Rock planned to take it back to Cape Town as a decoration for his home.
"It was Joubert. The prisoners confessed that Joubert was shot dead by us just now." Henry was laughing wildly.
"Who is Jubel—" Rock had just finished speaking when he was instantly overwhelmed by ecstasy.
Joubert was the commander-in-chief of the Boer coalition. Rock had heard of Joubert's name from Winston before.
"Don't you know who Jubert is? Jubert is the commander-in-chief of the Boer coalition and the number one target of the Imperial Expeditionary Force. His head is worth ten thousand pounds!" There was a . Looking at the shape, Rock suddenly had a bad feeling.
The British were really generous. After Winston escaped, the Boer Alliance only offered a reward of 25 pounds, while the British Expeditionary Force offered 10,000 pounds to Joubert. There was a world of difference.
"Are you sure? Are you sure it's Jubert?" Rock asked. If it's true, then it would be big news. Winston would probably be so happy.
Not only Winston, if Joubert was really killed, the entire Cape Colony would be in a carnival. In addition to receiving rewards, Henry might even be knighted, and Rock's glass ceiling would no longer exist.
The so-called "glass ceiling" is actually a matter of personal opinion. For ordinary people, the glass ceiling may really exist, but for those outstanding people, the glass ceiling is not so absolute.
"I'm very, very, very sure. I have got Joubert's personal belongings. Joubert's body was torn to pieces by bullets and is now being sewn. As the commander-in-chief of the Boer coalition, Joubert deserves due courtesy. Now I just want to go back to Dordrecht and let that damn major see that he can never do what our police can do." Henry is a petty man and has not forgotten revenge.
Fortunately, Rock thought that the bag next to Henry's saddle contained Jubert's head, but fortunately it was not.
It's impossible to think about it. Phyllis is right next to Henry. Even if Henry wants to cut off Jubert's head, Phyllis will not let him do that.
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024