Chapter 73: How about just taking the drugs?

Not long after Dongfang Bubai returned to the courtyard, Yao Yue, who had left earlier, also returned to the courtyard.
If Dongfang Bubai was here at this moment, he would definitely see that the purse on Yao Yue's waist, which had been deflated, became full again.
After taking a look at Dongfang Bubai's closed door, Yao Yue snorted and returned to her room.
As the four people returned to their rooms, without anyone replacing the candles, the candles in the lanterns hanging around the yard also went out as they burned out.
The courtyard, which was originally brightly lit, became dim at this moment.
However, in this silence, Qu Feiyan's door was suddenly opened.
Then, a little head popped out from the door. After looking around for a few times, and making sure that no one was paying attention, the little girl gently closed the door and sneaked out to the yard.
It was not until half an hour later that Qu Feiyan, who had left earlier, returned to the yard and quickly went into the room.
Touching the newly filled purse in his arms, Qu Feiyan fell asleep with the beautiful expectation of winning every time tomorrow.
At this time, the benefits of power and status are reflected.
For example, Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue, when they were short of money, they just needed to ask their subordinates to provide it.
People like Qu Feiyan, when they are short of money, can only sneak out late at night and rely on robbing others to support their own poverty.
The tenth day of the twelfth lunar month is a day when one should pray for blessings but avoid damaging the door.
As the new year begins, when the sky is still hazy, every household in Yushui City gets up early, puts on new clothes, carries gifts, and starts visiting relatives and friends to wish each other well.
The streets are no longer as monotonous as before, but are now lined with colorful tents.
There were also dance halls and singing houses, and a constant stream of carriages and horses coming and going.
Although it was only the end of the Mao hour, the place was already bustling with noise.
Even Chu Qinghe did not sleep until noon like he did in the past, but got up early today.
I started to arrange some of the things I bought yesterday.
The things are simple, just some big red lanterns, red cloth strips, stickers, etc.
He also hung a cypress branch, a persimmon, and an orange on the door of himself, Dongfang Bubai and other three women, as a sign of good luck in the coming year.
Not to mention, although they are just some simple things, after being arranged by Chu Qinghe, they do add a festive feeling to the snow-covered courtyard.
After returning to the yard early with the tofu pudding he bought from outside, he poured a glass of wine that he had warmed before going out. While taking a sip, he listened to the faint voices of people and the occasional sound of firecrackers coming from the street outside.
Although it is not the Spring Festival yet, the festive atmosphere is already strong.
In response to this, Chu Qinghe couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.
"The ancient New Year atmosphere is still stronger!"
After all, in the previous life, even during the Spring Festival, the flavor of the New Year was almost gone.
Before Chu Qinghe had even finished his first glass of wine, the rooms of the three women at the edge of the courtyard were opened one after another.
And when they saw the obvious festive red color in the courtyard, both Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue's beautiful eyes lit up.
When Dongfang Bubai and Yaoyue finished washing up, Dongfang Bubai, who was sitting next to Chu Qinghe, glanced at the wine glass on the table and said, "Drinking so early in the morning is different from your usual habits."
Chu Qinghe smiled and said, "It's New Year's Day! It's all about being casual and having fun. If you want to drink, just drink. There's no need to be so particular."
As he spoke, Chu Qinghe placed two wine glasses in front of Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue.
After the two girls took a sip, they felt the warm feeling in their stomachs and the rich rice aroma in their mouths, and they couldn't help but let out a soft exclamation.
Yao Yue asked, "What kind of wine is this?"
Chu Qinghe said calmly: "Rice wine is specially used for drinking during New Year's Day and Spring Festival."
Listening to Chu Qinghe's explanation, Dongfang Bubai nodded slightly.
Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue were obviously in a good mood as they were able to taste a new wine that they had never drunk before early in the morning.
This is the case in Chuqinghe Courtyard.
Sometimes I can always feel something new from Chu Qinghe, which always gives me unexpected surprises.
In this place of year, at the beginning of the morning.
Snow was flying all over the sky, and people were tasting wine and appreciating the snow, while listening to the sound of firecrackers ringing from time to time. Both Yao Yue and Dongfang Bubai had a slight glance in their eyes.
Whether it is Dongfang Bubai or Yao Yue, they have both been in high positions for many years.
Their own positions and the environment they had been in before meant that although they were in the martial arts world, the two women had never experienced many things that ordinary people had experienced.
Just like Yao Yue, as a top force, for the disciples of Yihua Palace, the Chinese New Year is just the Chinese New Year, no different from ordinary days.
There is also a feeling that is different from the past.
I don't feel bored at all.
Maybe it was the smell of wine, or the noise of firecrackers outside.
Before the three people had finished their glasses of wine, Qu Feiyan walked out of the room with sleepy eyes.
After finishing breakfast together, Chu Qinghe took out three sealed red envelopes from his arms and handed them to the three women.
"Here, one for each of you."
After opening the red envelope, the three found that it contained a silver note worth one hundred taels.
Qu Feiyan was surprised and asked, "Sir, why are you so generous today?"
Chu Qinghe said unhappily: "You mean I am usually very stingy."
After a pause, Chu Qinghe changed the subject and said, "I will lose again tonight anyway."
Whether he was generous or not was secondary. The main thing was that he had won all the money of the three girls yesterday, and Chu Qinghe was worried that the three girls would have no money when they played mahjong in the evening.
Just pouring from the left hand to the right hand.
What is a businessman? This is it.
After hearing what Chu Qinghe said, the three girls' hands holding the red envelopes froze for a moment.
Qu Feiyan even said quietly, "So you are so generous because you are worried that we don't have the money to gamble."
Chu Qinghe said slowly: "Not really, after all, the red envelope is in your hands now."
Chu Qinghe spread out his hands and said, "I gave the red envelope, where are your two red envelopes?"
After all, Qu Feiyan is young, so there is no need to give her a red envelope.
But Dongfang Bubai and Yaoyue are already adults, so Chu Qinghe has the right to ask for the red envelope.
Looking at the hand extended by Chu Qinghe, Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue's expressions froze slightly.
Obviously, the two women had never thought about red envelopes before.
However, after pausing for a few moments, Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue raised their hands at the same time and released their true energy.
Immediately afterwards, under the control of the two women's true energy, the red cloth that Chu Qinghe had originally spread on the plant in the yard was actually split into two pieces and fell into the hands of the two women respectively.
Seeing each other's identical behavior, Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue both frowned, looked at each other, and snorted coldly.
Afterwards, in front of Chu Qinghe, Yao Yue and Dongfang Bubai both took out a silver ingot from their purses, wrapped it in red cloth and placed it in front of Chu Qinghe.
After giving this simple red envelope to Chu Qinghe, Yao Yue on the side seemed to have thought of something. She waved her hand again, cut two pieces of red cloth, and sucked them into her hands with her five fingers.
After placing a red envelope containing a silver ingot in front of Qu Feiyan, he took out a copper coin from his purse, wrapped it in red cloth, and casually threw it in front of Dongfang Bubai.
"Buy some candy."
Looking at the red envelope thrown to him by Yao Yue, Dongfang Bubai narrowed his eyes slightly.
As he raised his eyes, Dongfang Bubai inexplicably felt that the woman in front of him was the typical person who would tear down the house if not punished for three days.
After pondering for a few breaths, Dongfang Bubai sneered, untied the red cloth that Yao Yue threw in front of him, took out two copper coins, wrapped them up and threw them back.
"This is a reward from the leader."
This time, Yao Yue's face also darkened.
Next to them, Chu Qinghe also found it funny to see Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue fighting each other.
One is the Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace, and the other is the leader of the Sun and Moon Sect.
Who could have imagined that two high-ranking masters would be doing such childish things at this moment?
At this time, Qu Feiyan suggested: "Sir, do you want to have a snowball fight?"
After hearing what Qu Feiyan said, Chu Qinghe nodded slightly, then looked at Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue and said, "Want to play together?"
The gentle and lazy voice immediately attracted the attention of Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue.
It’s not that he was interested in snowball fights, but he was surprised that Chu Qinghe, who was so lazy, would agree to let Qu Feiyan play this game.
Facing the two women's gazes, Chu Qinghe chuckled and said, "It's the holiday season anyway, so I'm just sitting around doing nothing."
After a pause, Chu Qinghe said, "Let's make it clear first, we will suppress our strength to the sixth level of the post-natal realm."
Snowball fights are only fun if the two sides are evenly matched.
If there were no restrictions, given the strength of Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue, what would Chu Qinghe and Qu Feiyan fight for?
Just stand there and be a target.
As Chu Qinghe spoke, he walked towards the courtyard.
Looking at Chu Qinghe's actions, Dongfang Bubai didn't say anything. He put down his wine glass and slowly stood up.
Seeing this, Yao Yue snorted in her heart.
"Snowball fights are something only kids play with."
However, just as the words came out, a sound of breaking air suddenly came from the side.
Hearing the voice, Yao Yue instinctively turned her body to the side.
The next second, a snowball as big as a fist brushed past Yao Yue's shoulder and fell onto the steps behind her.
When he turned his head, he saw Dongfang Bubai looking at him with a sneer. A new snowball was formed by the condensation of true energy and fell into Dongfang Bubai's hands.
“This woman.”
Faced with Dongfang Bubai's provocation at this time, Yao Yue narrowed her eyes and couldn't help but snorted in her heart.
The next second, as his body flashed and his palms flipped, the snow on the ground instantly flew everywhere and formed into a dozen snowballs.
The moment the snowball was formed, they all rushed towards Dongfang Bubai like arrows.
On the other hand, Dongfang Bubai's figure flashed continuously, and dozens of snowballs condensed around his body.
Then, as the body continued to move, the snowballs in the air kept crossing and colliding.
Next to him, Qu Feiyan looked at the way Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue were playing snowballs, and then looked at the snowballs in her and Chu Qinghe's hands. Qu Feiyan couldn't help but approach Chu Qinghe and whispered, "Sir, it seems that what they are playing is not the same game as us."
Listening to Qu Feiyan's words, Chu Qinghe couldn't help but nodded in agreement and said, "Yes!"
After all, who can make a snowball fight feel like a machine gun?
As soon as the voice came out, Chu Qinghe glanced at Qu Feiyan beside him, then raised one hand to pull open the collar of Qu Feiyan's neck and then quickly stuffed the snowball into Qu Feiyan's back with his right hand.
Instantly, the cold touch caused Qu Feiyan to twist his body with a grimace.
After clearing the snow off his back, Qu Feiyan rushed towards Chu Qinghe with a snowball.
"Sir, you are cheating."
"All's fair in war. You came here on your own, you can't blame me."
"Yeah, I'll fight you."
As Qu Feiyan and Chu Qinghe were making a fuss, the fight between the two rookies gradually affected Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue who were standing aside.
Afterwards, in the melee between these four people, Qu Feiyan and Chu Qinghe went from fighting each other to dodging snowballs.
Smiles quietly appeared on the faces of the four people during their playfulness.
Even Yao Yue's cold face and Dongfang Bubai's arrogant face showed a touch of softness.
As the snow fell heavily, the courtyard of Chu Qinghe gradually became noisy.
Even the cold wind in this winter adds a sense of noise amid the noise.
It was not until Qu Feiyan and Chu Qinghe had exhausted their internal strength and endured several rounds of crossfire attacks from Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue that the four of them ended their first snowball fight of the new year.
After Qu Feiyan entered the kitchen, Dongfang Bubai looked at Chu Qinghe who was dealing with the snow on his body, and raised his hand to pat Chu Qinghe a few times.
Faced with Dongfang Bubai's actions, Chu Qinghe smiled lightly and did not do it himself, allowing Dongfang Bubai to help him sort out the snow.
Seeing Chu Qinghe's behavior of letting himself take action after giving up, Dongfang Bubai seemed to have reacted at this time. The hand that was patting Chu Qinghe's clothes paused for a moment, and then continued to help Chu Qinghe clear the snow on his clothes with a nonchalant look on his face.
There was also a smile slowly echoing between the corners of his mouth.
However, before the smile on Dongfang Bubai's face could spread, what caught his eye was another white and slender hand gently brushing away the snow on Chu Qinghe's clothes.
Following this hand and looking at Yao Yue standing beside him, the smile on Dongfang Bubai's face instantly froze.
Then, he expressionlessly slapped away Yao Yue's hand that was on Chu Qinghe.
Facing Dongfang Bubai's behavior, Yao Yue frowned and asked coldly: "What are you doing?"
Hearing this, Dongfang Bubai said coldly: "I should be the one asking you this."
Yao Yue said in a cold voice: "What does it have to do with you if I help him deal with the snow?"
Dongfang Bubai said with cold eyes: "With this leader here, when will it be your turn to clean the snow off his body?"
Hearing Dongfang Bubai's words, Yao Yue narrowed her eyes slightly, with a cold light flashing in her eyes.
Facing Yao Yue's gaze, Dongfang Bubai did not avoid it at all.
A few breaths later, Chu Qinghe once again saw the wonder of the Thousand-Armed Guanyin.
While Yao Yue and Dongfang Bubai were fighting, Chu Qinghe beside them suddenly became motionless.
After all, given the strength of these two women, if they got hit, it would be no joke.
"How about we just take the medicine and forget about it?"
As his body stiffened, Chu Qinghe couldn't help but have this thought in his mind.
After a few breaths, feeling the true energy in their bodies disappearing, Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue both looked at Chu Qinghe.
Facing the gazes of the two women, Chu Qinghe coughed lightly and said, "It's just clearing the snow! It's not a big deal, how about we do it together?"
Hearing Chu Qinghe's words, Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue both raised their eyebrows slightly.
After a moment, Dongfang Bubai smiled at Chu Qinghe and said, "Oh? You want the two of us to help you clear the snow?"
Yao Yue also looked at Chu Qinghe with a smile, waiting for Chu Qinghe's response.
Seeing this, Chu Qinghe laughed dryly and said, "Well, I think it's not impossible."
As these words came out, while Chu Qinghe was stunned, Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue actually agreed to Chu Qinghe's request.
Then, the two women looked at each other, and raised their hands again to help Chu Qinghe clean the snow off his clothes.
But compared to their previous gentleness, the two women chose to use great force to create miracles when clearing the snow.
Every time the two women's hands fell on Chu Qinghe, Chu Qinghe could clearly hear a muffled sound.
While patting Chu Qinghe, Dongfang Bubai asked gently, "Are you satisfied now?"
Chu Qinghe, with his muscles tensed, forced a smile and said, "If the force could be a little lighter, I would be more satisfied."
However, as soon as he said this, feeling the two women beating him with the same force, Chu Qinghe knew that the two women did not accept his suggestion.
If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. Sometimes, the blessing of having many people is not that enjoyable.
At least, Chu Qinghe now feels a dull pain in his body.
After more than ten breaths, as the true energy in their bodies began to flow throughout their bodies again, Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue both snorted as they glanced at Chu Qinghe who was walking towards the kitchen with a grin on his face.
And when the voice came out, hearing the other party's voice, Yao Yue and Dongfang Bubai turned their heads to look at each other.
Then, as the true energy surged, the snow in the yard became noisy again.
When Chu Qinghe entered the kitchen, Qu Feiyan looked at him rubbing his chest with a grin on his face as he walked, and asked in confusion, "Sir, what's wrong with you?"
Hearing this, Chu Qinghe said with a bitter face: "I just enjoyed the blessing of having two wives."
"The blessing of Qiren?"
Hearing Chu Qinghe's words, Qu Feiyan was stunned for a moment, but after reacting, Qu Feiyan couldn't help but give Chu Qinghe a thumbs up and said, "Sir, you are really brave."
Facing Qu Feiyan's teasing, Chu Qinghe raised his head and said, "That's right."
As a man, you must be brave when you need to be brave, and you must be hard when you need to be hard.
Seeing Chu Qinghe's smug look, Qu Feiyan curled her lips and said, "Sir, if you are so brave, why are you hiding in the kitchen?"
After glancing at Qu Feiyan, Chu Qinghe said calmly, "It's New Year's Day! I'll show off my cooking skills and make something for you guys today."
After these words were spoken, Qu Feiyan also became curious.
Just when Chu Qinghe rolled up his sleeves and prepared to show Qu Feiyan his skills, a figure slowly walked towards the door of Chu Qinghe's mansion outside the mansion, then picked up the door knocker and knocked gently a few times.
Jun 25, 2024
Jun 25, 2024
Jun 25, 2024
Jun 25, 2024