Chapter 70: The Japanese sneak attack

"Yoshi! These stupid Chinese are still sleeping when death is imminent. They are just like lambs to be slaughtered.
I really don't know how the Sakata regiment was able to have its headquarters destroyed by such a group of Chinese people. They are simply rubbish!"
A wolf-like cold smile appeared on Keiichi Furukawa's lips, his eyes were full of undisguised murderous intent, and his words contained sarcasm towards the Sakata Corps.
At this time, a captain staff officer nearby said cautiously: "Captain, we have already entered the hinterland of Luotuo Ridge. You can see that the terrain is complicated. Should we send an infantry squadron as an advance team to be on the safe side?"
Keiichi Furukawa smiled indifferently and said, "Takeshita-kun, you are too cautious. I have all the information about the Chinese Army Independent Battalion under my control. It is still dark now, so we can launch a surprise attack under the cover of darkness."
After a pause, Furukawa Keiichi said confidently: "Besides, even if the Chinese discover us, the Imperial Army can definitely defeat and destroy them in a head-on battle!"
The Japanese captain nodded and said, "Captain, what you said makes sense. It seems that I have been worrying too much."
Immediately, Furukawa Keiichi ordered his subordinates behind him: "All squadrons, listen up. Immediately follow the plan I have drawn up and divide your troops into four groups to surround the Chinese Army Independent Battalion and destroy it completely!"
"Remember! All troops must march quietly, and no one should fire a gun!"
"Scout team, you lead the way. If you can, remove the sentries set up by the Chinese along the way. If you can't, avoid them!"
"Hai! We understand!"
The Japanese officers all bowed their heads, and each took their troops and, according to the previously designated plan, divided into four groups and quietly moved towards the independent battalion's headquarters.
Yang Lin didn't know that the training requirements were very strict and that there were strict arrangements at each guard post.
He made his fortune by sneak attacks, so how could he not be on guard against the Japanese using the same method against him?
In addition to the visible sentries deployed on the important roads around Luotuo Ridge, there are also many hidden sentries.
These sentinels work in shifts 24 hours a day, keeping a close eye on the surrounding situation without any slackness. Any disturbance is under their surveillance.
In particular, the establishment of the reconnaissance company has greatly strengthened the independent battalion's defense system.
It is located less than 3 kilometers , on an inconspicuous low hill.
Several sentries from the independent battalion were hiding here secretly. They were wearing snow-white cloaks that almost blended in with the snow on the ground. It was almost impossible to detect their presence without getting closer.
At this time, they seemed to find a figure on the mountain road ahead, quietly moving towards this side.
After discovering
"People in front, stop. Who are you and what are you doing here?"
The leading sentry squad leader loudly questioned the suspicious person in front, while the other sentries picked up their weapons and flashed out from the corner.
They pointed their guns at the figures on the roadside. They were wearing ordinary people's clothes and the leader was carrying a backpack.
In addition, there were already many people living around Luotuo Ridge, so they did not open fire directly.
The Japanese scout was startled at first, but soon calmed down and responded in Chinese: "Don't misunderstand, sir. We are fellow villagers who went up the mountain to collect herbs."
"Fellow villagers who went up the mountain to collect herbs?"
The sentry squad leader was cautious. He was wary of the other party and did not completely trust him.
"You two, go over and search!"
"Yes! Monitor!"
Two of the sentries responded and walked down the hill with guns in hand.
Although the Japanese scouts were carrying backpacks, holding hoes, and dressed like herbal farmers, they also carried weapons to be on the safe side.
As long as the enemy comes forward to search, their camouflage will be torn off immediately, and the large force behind them will also be discovered.
In addition, the other party has already discovered them and has become more vigilant, so it is almost impossible to kill them quietly at this time.
Several Japanese scouts exchanged glances, suddenly drew out the pistols at their waists, and shot at the oncoming sentries.
“Bang, bang, bang, bang!”
A burst of gunfire rang out, and the two sentries were caught off guard and fell to the ground screaming.
"Damn it! It's the enemy, shoot, brothers, shoot quickly!"
The other two sentries heard what the squad leader said and quickly started shooting at the enemy at the foot of the hill.
“Pah, pah!——”
The sound of gunfire continued, and the bullets and fire lines were particularly eye-catching in the night.
Unfortunately, there were only five sentries on duty here, and only three were left at this time. Although they tried their best, they still failed to eliminate the few Japanese devils.
Soon, they were knocked to the ground one after another by the Japanese scouts who rushed over.
However, the sound of gunfire that pierced the night sky soon attracted the attention of the other sentries of the independent battalion.
After they realized that something was wrong, they quickly gathered here and reported the news of the enemy's attack to the battalion headquarters.
"What? A large number of devils are attacking?"
Yang Lin woke up from his sleep with a start, and was very confused as to how the large Japanese army had suddenly infiltrated.
After all, this is the heart of our controlled area. If the enemy wants to come here, they must pass through the defense zones of some friendly forces.
However, facing a powerful enemy, Yang Lin had no time to think. After he got up, he immediately ordered the soldiers to assemble urgently.
"Everyone assemble urgently!"
"Hurry up!"
Soon, the bugler of the independent battalion puffed out his cheeks and blew the emergency assembly whistle.
After a period of training, the soldiers' mental outlook has been completely changed. They are no longer the mob with lax military discipline.
The soldiers got up as quickly as possible, picked up their weapons and ran out of the barracks to assemble.
As Yang Lin walked towards the open space at the entrance of the base, he asked, "Ma Gan, what is the specific situation?"
Ma Gan said: "Our forward observation post has already exchanged fire with the Japanese. According to their report, the enemy has dispatched at least a battalion of troops, and they also brought a lot of heavy machine guns, artillery and other heavy firepower weapons."
When Yang Lin heard this, his brows immediately frowned. He didn't expect that the Japanese would mobilize so many troops and come so suddenly, catching him off guard at all.
At present, the combat forces at the independent battalion’s headquarters include only the 1st Company, the artillery company and the battalion’s direct guard platoon.
At present, it was still dark and the specific situation of the Japanese could not be seen. Without any cover, the role of the artillery company was almost negligible.
As for the other main infantry and cavalry companies, they were stationed in several nearby villages. It would be difficult for Yang Lin to assemble the troops and make combat deployments in a short time.
This made Yang Lin feel very difficult.
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024