Chapter 7 If the desire comes from love, you should not think 1

I was still immersed in the sudden pessimistic thoughts, and the fighting sounds of the two people in the distance stopped at some point.
I came to my senses and looked over, and found that He and Xiaowu had stopped.
There was no emotion on their faces. They just stared at each other. Suddenly, Xiao Wu strode towards me and grabbed my arm tightly: "Let's go, let's go back."
I was startled by Xiao Wu's pull and followed her for a few steps. Wen Jinliang said behind me: "Xiao Qi, you and Xiao Wu go back first. I have something to tell He."
I looked back at Wen Jinliang and reminded him, "Remember to ask He to take you back after the discussion. I'll go back first." Anyway, I felt relieved that He was staying with him.
"I know." Wen Jinliang smiled slightly.
Xiao Wu didn't say anything, and dragged me out of the villa without any destination. I finally couldn't stand it anymore, so I stopped and grabbed Xiao Wu, asking, "Do you know where I live? Why are you dragging me like this?"
"How do you think I got here? I found where you live a long time ago, but I didn't find you, so I found here." Xiao Wu glanced at me, stopped, and said lazily.
I understood what Xiaowu said. She first followed my scent to find the apartment, but didn't see me. Then she followed my scent to find He's villa. Then she happened to run into the ten people who were practicing, and she got interested, which led to the scene just now.
As for Wen Jinliang, he must have been studying in a room and appeared in the hall after hearing the fighting. So he must have also witnessed how terrifying Xiaowu was.
"That person...what's going on?" After a moment of silence, Xiaowu suddenly asked me.
"Is that person referring to He? What happened to him?" Xiaowu and I started walking towards the apartment again. When I heard her suddenly say this, I responded casually.
Xiaowu frowned and didn't answer, as if she was thinking about something. Then she looked at me strangely and asked, "Xiaoqi, did you really not notice anything?"
"Hmm? Did you notice something? Is there something wrong with Mr. He?" I looked at Xiaowu blankly, not knowing why she said that.
Seeing my confused expression, Xiao Wu whispered, "Is this really my illusion?"
"Xiao Wu, please make your words clear." I pulled Xiao Wu's arm, "It will make me feel uncomfortable if you stop talking halfway!"
Xiao Wu ignored me, shook off my hand, walked a few steps slowly, and said, "Do you have something you want to tell me?"
I was stunned for a moment. Xiaowu's sense is still so sharp.
I walked quickly to her side and said calmly, "I hope you can protect Wen Jinliang for me temporarily."
"I don't have any problem. I've been very free lately anyway." Xiao Wu answered very straightforwardly. She smiled and asked me, "Why do you suddenly want me to protect Wen Jinliang? What's wrong with you?"
"I have contracted a strange disease and now I have to stay away from him for a while, so I have to ask you for help." I answered truthfully.
Xiao Wu stopped walking suddenly, grabbed my wrist, and looked me up and down. "Strange disease? I think you're fine. Which quack doctor diagnosed you with a disease? Why did you leave Wen Jinliang because you were sick? What happened? Tell me everything."
I looked at the serious expression on Xiaowu's face and knew that she was really worried about me, so I told Xiaowu everything about my conversation with Xingguang. After all, she and Xingguang were old acquaintances.
Xiaowu was silent for a long time after hearing what I said. We just stood in the dark alley, looking at each other, and no one spoke.
Just when I thought Xiao Wu and I might have to stand there until dawn, Xiao Wu slowly spoke: "Since he asked you to stay away from Wen Jinliang, then stay away. I will protect him for you while you are away, so just take care of yourself."
"Well, that's troublesome." Hearing Xiaowu say this, I felt a little relieved.
With her protecting Wen Jinliang, there is really nothing for me to worry about. I still don't believe that there is anyone in this world who can kill the person she wants to protect under Xiaowu's nose.
After returning to the apartment, I found that Wen Jinliang had not come back yet, so I decided to tell him tomorrow about Xiaowu replacing me. Because there was no extra room for Xiaowu to rest, she had to sleep with me tonight.
When I woke up, Xiaowu, who was lying beside me, was gone. I rubbed my eyes, got up, washed up, and walked out of the room. Wen Jinliang was talking to Xiaowu on the sofa, and the atmosphere of their conversation was quite peaceful.
Wen Jinliang and Xiaowu greeted me when they saw me. I walked over to them and sat down, then replied, "Good morning!" and yawned loudly.
"Didn't you sleep well last night? You have dark circles under your eyes." Wen Jinliang stood up and poured me a cup of warm milk tea, then sat down again.
"It's all Xiaowu's fault." I took a sip of the warm milk tea and felt my whole body warmed up.
"Blame me?" Xiao Wu pointed at himself and snorted twice, "Tell me why you blame me, I am innocent."
"Because your sleeping posture is so bad, I couldn't sleep well the whole night." I put down the teacup in my hand, rubbed my aching forehead, and muttered, "Now I finally understand why the mistresses don't want to sleep with you."
"Xiao San Xiao Si?" Wen Jinliang laughed, "Is she your sister? Your family's naming is really simple."
I was startled and immediately looked at Xiaowu for help, and my heart suddenly became nervous. I didn't expect that my unintentional words would attract Wen Jinliang's attention. If I don't explain it well, I'm afraid there will be trouble.
Xiaowu noticed my gaze, coughed, and explained, "Well, Xiaosan and Xiaosi are the daughters of my uncle. They are older than Xiaoqi and I, so they are our sisters. My family is not well educated, so we name them according to the generation. Xiaoyi, Xiaoer, Xiaoliu, Xiaoqi, it's normal."
Wen Jinliang smiled and said, "So, the names of your elders are very down-to-earth, and it's not easy to make mistakes about the generation. But it sounds like you have quite a lot of people in your family."
Xiao Wu's eyebrows tightened, but he continued without blushing or beating his heart, "Yes, more children means more blessings. So the adults in our family tried their best to give birth to more children. Having so many sisters is really annoying."
In my heart, I silently gave a thumbs up to Xiaowu's quick response. His answer was so flawless that even I began to believe it.
After listening to Xiao Wu's words, Wen Jinliang was silent for a moment, showing a puzzled expression, and asked: "A bunch of sisters, does your family only give birth to daughters?"
Xiao Wu choked on the milk tea in his mouth because of Wen Jinliang's question. I immediately said, "Yes, only daughters. Although it sounds incredible, we only have sisters, no brothers."
Xiaowu has recovered from the choking. She gestured to me to keep quiet and continued to talk to Wen Jinliang, "Our family has been professional bodyguards for rich people like you for a long time, but at a certain time, our family offended a terrible guy. Our family was cursed, and the men in our family have died one after another since our ancestors, and by our generation, they have been completely wiped out. But my family doesn't want our family to decline like this, so even though Xiaoqi and I are girls, we have received strict training since we were young."
I listened to Xiao Wu's nonsense calmly. If it wasn't about me, I would have believed it. Although the content was a little bit fantasy, according to my bodyguard settings, Wen Jinliang should be able to accept this nonsense .
Wen Jinliang really didn't question it after hearing this. After all, Xiaowu and I were strong enough to be there. He asked curiously, "Does your family have many girls as strong as you and Xiaoqi who are working as bodyguards for others?"
"Not really." Xiao Wu shook her head and replied quickly, "There are only a few people as powerful as Xiao Qi and I. The others..." She stopped talking abruptly and her face became darker and darker.
My heart sank. Only a few of them could really give their master hope and survive. As for the other sisters... I didn't want to think about that nightmare reality again.
"Sorry, I think I said too much." Wen Jinliang smartly realized that he had said the wrong thing, and he apologized immediately.
"It's all in the past. It doesn't matter anymore." There was no emotion in Xiaowu's voice, but I knew she was still immersed in the past.
The three of us fell silent. After a moment, Wen Jinliang said to me, "No wonder a girl like you, Xiaoqi, has to do such a hard job as a bodyguard. You must have suffered a lot over the years, right?" He looked at me with deep pity in his eyes.
I lowered my eyes slightly and sighed softly in my heart.
Although Xiaowu's words were mostly false, she and I did grow up under strict training. During that time, we also did a lot of unimaginable hard work, and there were many times when I thought I would die.
"Fortunately, it's all over. And now that I've met you, I feel very satisfied." I looked at Wen Jinliang with a smile, not wanting him to feel my sadness.
Wen Jinliang's expression softened: "With me here, you won't have to work so hard anymore."
"Yeah." I nodded heavily to Wen Jinliang. As long as he was there, all the hard work was worth it.
Xiao Wu glanced at me, then at Wen Jinliang, and coughed hard: "Xiao Qi, don't you have something to say to Wen Jinliang?"
I said "hmm" and immediately said to Wen Jinliang: "Wen Jinliang, I have something important to tell you."
"What's the matter?" Wen Jinliang saw that my expression changed and became serious.
"I'm going to leave you for a while, and Xiaowu will protect you during this period. I hope you can allow me to leave." I said quickly to Wen Jinliang, and then looked at his reaction nervously.
Wen Jinliang looked at me in surprise: "Leaving? Why?"
I took a deep breath, looked at Wen Jinliang calmly, and said, "I have a very strange disease and must be isolated from you for a while, so I have to leave you."
"Sick?" Wen Jinliang was startled. He immediately grabbed my wrist and asked, "Is it a serious illness? I know some good doctors. I'll take you to see them right away."
Seeing the anxiety and worry on Wen Jinliang's face, I hurriedly said, "No need, I have found a cure. As long as you allow me to leave you temporarily..."
"Wen Jinliang, you don't have to worry about Xiaoqi. She has indeed found a cure, but she needs to leave you for a while." Xiaowu also spoke for me.
Wen Jinliang calmed down a little, put down my wrist and asked, "How long will you be gone?"
I remembered that Xingguang didn't tell me the exact healing time, so I had to shake my head and said to Wen Jinliang: "I don't know about this, but don't worry, I will cure the disease as soon as possible and come back to you."
When Wen Jinliang heard me say this, his smile gradually froze. He looked at me deeply and said in a very calm voice, "Xiao Qi, you must promise me that no matter how ill you are, you will come back to me in the end. I will always wait for you to come back."
I looked at Wen Jinliang and nodded heavily, "I will definitely come back to you. Please take care of Xiaowu during this time. She can easily get into trouble, so please bear with her for my sake."
"Don't worry. I will take good care of Xiaowu. After all, she is your important relative." Wen Jinliang said with a smile.
Xiaowu interrupted, "Xiaoqi, what do you mean I'm prone to getting into trouble? Also, I don't need to be taken care of."
Wen Jinliang and I both laughed when we heard this, and then I packed some clothes, food, and books and went to look for Xingguang.
Xingguang was still in the abandoned greenhouse, lying on a rocking chair beside him, sleeping with his eyes closed. The sun shone through the broken ceiling, casting a cool glow on his handsome face.
I didn't have the heart to wake him, so I quietly walked over to the vine next to him and sat down.
I took out the book from my backpack, put it on my knees and started reading it intently. I don't know how long I had been reading when the rocking chair next to me made a creaking sound and Xingguang sat up from the rocking chair.
"Xiao Qi, you're here?" Xingguang's voice was a little hoarse.
"Well, have you had breakfast?" I took out a fresh piece of bread from my backpack and handed it to Xingguang, saying seriously, "This is delicious."
Xingguang took the bread from my hand, took a bite, frowned slightly and said, "It's so sweet." Then he stopped eating.
"Xingguang, why do you frown when you eat sweet things like Wen Jinliang? Do you really find it hard to swallow?" I blurted out when I saw Xingguang's reaction.
Xingguang clenched the bread in his hand and took another bite: "No, I'm just not used to it." After saying that, he slowly finished the bread.
I closed the book in my hand, put it back into my backpack, looked up and asked Xingguang: "Xingguang, you said that as long as I leave Wen Jinliang, my illness will slowly get better. Now that I have left him, what should I do next to make my illness get better faster?"
Xingguang lowered his head and looked at me seriously for a few seconds, then said calmly, "You don't need to do anything, this is enough."
"Really? That's so boring." I stood up and walked a few steps, then turned to look at Xingguang, "Xingguang, can this really cure my illness? Don't you need to give me some more potion or something?"
Xingguang's face was calm: "I'm still mixing a new potion for you." After a pause of two or three seconds, he continued, "If you feel bored, you can practice your skills during this time. Strength is the most important guarantee for you to stay by his side."
"That's true. I've been living a comfortable life since I became Wen Jinliang's bodyguard. I haven't trained myself properly for a long time. If I continue like this, my skills will become rusty." I stretched my arms and decided to take advantage of the free time to train myself. The stronger I become, the less danger Wen Jinliang will be in.
Xingguang didn't say anything, but just watched me silently as I was about to leave the greenhouse and find an open space to exercise.
At night, after a day of exercise, I returned to the greenhouse. I sat on the vines and felt that my body was hollowed out. I tapped my sore shoulders and complained about my uselessness in my heart.
I didn't expect that my skills would be so weak in just a few months. I spent a whole day training what I normally could have done in half a day, and I was so tired. Fortunately, I didn't fight with Xiaowu before. If she knew that my skills were so weak, she would definitely train me like crazy, which would be hell.
Could it be that I have lived a comfortable life for too long? I couldn't help but think of Wen Jinliang's gentle face and his careful care, and my heart skipped a beat.
Strange, I have already left his side, why is it still sick? I thought gloomily, covering my red cheeks.
Xingguang walked in from outside. When he came to my side, he handed me a new bottle of blue potion: "Here you go."
I immediately took the bottle, drank the potion in it, looked up and said to Xingguang, "This potion tastes much better than the previous one that was so bitter that it made me sick."
"Do you like the taste now? Then I will match it according to this taste in the future." Xingguang sat down next to me and said softly.
"Really? That's great!" I said happily. I prefer the sweet taste to the bitter potion.
Xingguang did not answer, but just looked at the greenhouse in front of him quietly. I looked around the greenhouse and suddenly realized a very serious problem, which was related to my future life.
I asked Xingguang beside me: "Xingguang, we are not going to live here, are we? There is no place to take a shower or sleep here..." Ever since I followed Wen Jinliang, my food, clothing and housing have never been bad, and I have found it difficult to get used to such a bad environment. If it were in the past, I could live in the dilapidated greenhouse in front of me.
Xingguang turned his head and looked at me. He suddenly stood up and said, "Come on, I'll take you to where you live."
I followed Starlight out of the greenhouse with my backpack and followed him all the way to a mountain in the suburbs. After walking with him in the woods for a few hours, we came to a castle.
I looked at the castle hidden in the jungle in front of me in disbelief. Because Wen Jinliang likes some Western culture very much, I also learned a little bit from him.
The castle in front of me was probably built in the 17th or 18th century. The outer walls of the building had fallen off layer by layer of dust. As for the inside of the castle, it must be even worse.
Xingguang pushed open the door and walked in. He looked at me and stopped, motioning for me to come in. I had no choice but to follow him in.
Did he intend for me to live in this castle? But is it habitable?
There was no light in the castle, and it was even more blurry at night. But this did not hinder my observation of the house, because I had good night vision.
The interior of the castle was not as bad as I thought. Although it was deserted, the buildings and furniture were very clean, not as dilapidated as the walls outside.
There was a small amount of furniture in the spacious hall on the first floor. A thick red carpet was laid on the floor at the entrance and extended all the way to the staircase.
Xingguang walked up the stairs without looking back, and I hurriedly followed her.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024