Chapter 7 Gong Yeliu's Amnesia Incident 2

Before going to Xingye Liu's house, I called Jing Fengyin and Qian Yuefang - after all, delicious food should be shared by everyone. Unexpectedly, they told me that they went out of town this week and were looking for former members of the Western Pastry Club.
"You should have told me, I could have helped run errands too..." I "complained" to Jing Fengyin on the phone.
"You've worked hard during this period. Take a good rest first. I won't hesitate to help you when I need you."
Jing Fengyin's joyful voice came from the other end of the phone, and Qian Yuefang also leaned over to the microphone and shouted at me: "Just enjoy your sweet world of two with Liu, Xiao Wei Ya!"
"Don't be silly..."
Before I could finish, the guy hung up the phone.
"Qian Yuefang just likes to joke around!"
I reluctantly put away my phone and set off to Xingye Liu’s house.
More than forty minutes later, I arrived at the address Xingyeliu sent me, which was a villa located in Bishui Bay, a famous luxury residential area in the city.
After I rang the doorbell, the carved iron door slowly opened.
With curiosity and nervousness, I stepped into this house which looked very luxurious from the outside.
I wonder what Xing Yeliu's home looks like. With his personality, would he choose a cold Nordic style decoration? Or a black and white cement wall and industrial style furnishings?
With all sorts of images in my mind, I walked along the garden path until I reached the front door, which opened immediately.
"Xingye Liu, I'm here! I brought you a gift for visiting!"
I took out two bottles of plum wine that I bought on the road and placed them in front of him.
This plum wine, which has almost no alcohol content and a sweet taste, is best paired with desserts!
"Come in."
Xing Yeliu gave people a very different feeling today. He was wearing a light-colored casual sportswear, looking casual and lazy. His chestnut hair was a little fluffy and his bangs were slightly messy, which reduced his usual cold temperament.
He turned sideways and welcomed me in.
I opened my eyes wide, intending to take a good look at Xing Yeliu's home, but when I walked in, I was stunned when I saw a large room that was so empty and tidy that it seemed as if no one had ever lived there.
White walls, white ceiling, a simple low wooden coffee table, two rattan cushions, a linen carpet, modern simple lamps...
This overly simple room is where Xing Yeliu lives?
There is no sofa, no TV, no decorative paintings...
Empty and deserted, just like...
"Xing Yeliu, did you just move here yesterday?" I asked, blinking and turning my head.
"I've lived here for 5 years." Xing Yeliu said lightly, motioning me to sit on the cushion, then walked into a room next to the living room and brought me a bottle of water.
"No way? Why don't you have anything at home? There's not even a bed in your bedroom, right?" I took the water and asked him in shock.
"That's not necessary. Just live a simple life by yourself."
"Alone? Are you the only one living here in such a big house?"
My eyes widened in shock again.
"My parents died in a car accident five years ago." Xing Yeliu said lightly. After leaving such a bombshell, he turned and walked away.
I stood there in a daze for a long time.
Xing Yeliu's parents are both gone, so he lives alone in such a big, empty house.
I don’t know why, but my heart felt like it was suddenly pricked by a needle and I curled up in pain.
Xing Yeliu walked to the door of the room inside, suddenly turned around and said, "I'm going to prepare dessert for you. If you're bored, you can walk around the house. There is a study and a sports room upstairs..."
"Oh, okay." I replied softly.
I began my tour of his home after he walked into the kitchen.
The two-story building of more than 200 square meters is very spacious without too many partitions. Apart from the bathroom, there are only three or four rooms on each floor.
There is no sofa downstairs. There is a large living room with wooden floors, white ceilings and white walls, a kitchen and a balcony. Going up the spiral staircase on the left, you will find a simple and clean exercise room with only a few pieces of fitness equipment, and a study room with bookshelves all around and a table and a chair.
There is another one——
The door was not closed, I pushed it open gently and saw a bedroom that was just as spacious as the living room downstairs.
A French window, a gray mattress on the floor, and a wardrobe against the right wall...
That's all there is to this bedroom.
Huh? No, there is a small photo frame on the cubic lamp at the bedside.
The photo shows a smiling couple - a mixed-race mother who also has blue eyes, and a handsome and steady father. Between them stands a handsome boy who looks a little childish but whose expression is not cold at all.
Xing Yeliu lived in a house like this for five whole years.
There is no cozy furniture or decoration, only furnishings that meet basic living needs... Perhaps the only furnishing that can make him feel a little warm is this photo with his deceased family members.
My eyes suddenly felt sore and I almost cried.
I don't know anything, but I always blame him for being cold and heartless. Am I too much?
I didn't stay upstairs for long and quickly went back downstairs .
After hesitating for a moment, I walked towards the kitchen where Xing Yeliu was.
"The dessert is not ready yet." Xing Yeliu heard my footsteps and said without turning his head .
"Let me help you!" I deliberately said in a relaxed tone, then rolled up my sleeves and prepared to help him deal with the dessert ingredients.
Having been at Earl's Rose Pastry Shop for so long, I have become familiar with the dessert-making process.
The kitchen in Xingye Liu's house is very large. Unlike the other empty rooms, this is probably the most crowded place in the whole house with the most things.
Imported brand-name large oven, double-door super-large refrigerator, baking machine, clean workbench...
I calmed myself down and started helping out quickly.
Obviously, two people are much more efficient than one person.
Although I didn't help much, it was much better for Xing Yeliu and I to stay in the kitchen than to sit alone in the empty living room and wait bored. It not only prevented me from having random thoughts, but also allowed me to appreciate the beauty in front of me.
Xing Yeliu, wearing a pastry chef's robe, was in the kitchen, but he still shone like a star in the night sky. His posture was straight, his profile was perfect, and even his movements of whipping cream were pleasing to the eye. Add to that the scent of cake, cream, lemon, vanilla, etc. in the air... all these beautiful things brightened my mood.
"Okay. While we wait for the baking time, I'll prepare two more main courses. Do you like pasta?"
Xing Yeliu put the things that needed to be baked into the oven, adjusted the time, put the things that needed to be refrigerated into the refrigerator, then turned around and asked me.
"I love anything that's edible! Pasta is great too!"
As a big eater, how could I be picky about food?
"Then go out, I'll prepare dinner for you." Xing Yeliu raised the corner of his mouth slightly.
"Oh, yes, okay."
I covered my pounding chest and walked to the living room as if in a dream.
Even after I sat down cross-legged on the mat, the heat on my face still did not subside.
I couldn't help but touch my chest and asked myself: "What should I do? My resistance to Xing Yeliu has decreased a lot..."
It didn't take long before the coffee table in the living room was filled with the delicious food prepared by Xing Yeliu.
Two plates of fragrant and perfectly presented black pepper beef tenderloin pasta and a large portion of refreshing vegetable salad. Of course, the plate he gave me was much bigger than his own, taking my huge appetite into consideration.
The most eye-catching thing is the beautiful desserts served in exquisite utensils.
The dark brown appearance, the shape of a small volcano, the thick dark chocolate seeping into the soft cake, and the white icing sprinkled on the top is like snow, covering the molten honey inside - this is the most rich lava chocolate cake.
The pale yellow cylindrical base is inlaid with white almond slices, and extremely thinly cut strawberry slices are neatly decorated on top of the almond tower - this is a strawberry almond tower that makes people salivate at first sight.
On the square white plate, chocolate sauce outlines a slender pattern, green leaves of rosemary dot the pattern, and in the center there is a piece of white peach heart cheese, which is fresh and beautiful - this is a refreshing and delicious Italian herb cheese.
The crispy crust, swirling patterns, and the shape like a horn, with blue fruit pulp faintly visible between the folds - this is the soft and delicious blueberry croissant.
In the transparent glass container, there is a light green and milky white solid, with a small cherry with a stem sleeping peacefully on it - this is the unforgettable Matcha Bavarian milk jelly.
I stared at these beautiful desserts that looked like works of art with my mouth wide open for a long time.
"My mouth is watering, let's eat!"
Xing Yeliu sat down opposite me, with a barely perceptible smile in his voice.
"Okay, I'm starting!" With delicious food in front of me, I didn't have too many distracting thoughts in my mind.
What to eat for the appetizer?
Well, let’s start with the matcha milk jelly!
I picked up the glass bottle and took a sip with the small pocket spoon next to it. The cool, slightly sour taste seeped into my stomach from the tip of my tongue, like the wind on the branches of a willow tree in April, or the breeze on an island...
"too delicious!"
My eyes lit up and my hands moved faster uncontrollably.
"Let's try the lava cake now. This is just the right time." Xing Yeliu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looking in a good mood.
I looked away from him and focused myself.
I picked up a big spoon and gently dug at the edge of the lava cake - rich and smooth chocolate liquid flowed out. I scooped a spoonful and put it into my mouth. My tongue seemed to be wrapped in chocolate and it was so sweet that it seemed to melt.
"So sweet! And the cake is so soft... Xingye Liu, I'm so happy! I get to eat such a delicious dessert made by you!"
I squinted my eyes with joy, and Xing Yeliu, who was sitting cross-legged, looked like a model for a magazine cover, very handsome. In addition, he was in such a good mood at the moment, with a faint smile on his face...
One look at it can hook your soul away.
"You really are... someone who is easily satisfied!"
"Of course! When I'm unhappy, just give me dessert and I'll feel refreshed immediately."
I quickly finished the matcha jelly, and the lava cake became less and less as I moved.
"You don't want to eat? "
"These are all prepared for you. I'll just eat the pasta."
Xing Yeliu shook his head. He poured a glass of plum wine I brought and tasted it. The white jade wine glass was brought to his lips.
As the amber plum wine went down his throat, his fair face became a little more flushed.
However, when he raised his head again, his eyes were a little moist.
"Why are you looking at me and not eating?"
After I finished another dessert, I looked up at Xing Yeliu who had been watching me eat.
"You eat like a human being."
Xingye Liu's voice was softer than the morning breeze.
"Who?" I asked curiously.
A trace of nostalgia flashed across Xing Yeliu's face, as if he was recalling something. After a long time, he showed the same warm smile as the handsome boy in the photo.
"Like my mother. Like you, she loves desserts very much. It was with his superb dessert making skills that my father won my mother's heart..."
Immersed in memories, Xing Yeliu's cold aura completely dissipated. He seemed to have returned to the happy time he missed the most.
For some reason, the sweetness in my mouth suddenly turned into a sour and slightly bitter taste.
"Don't stop, keep eating."
He looked at me and poured himself another glass of plum wine.
"Have you been living alone like this since your parents passed away?" My voice became a little low and hoarse.
Xing Yeliu looks very fragile now, and I'm afraid he will break if I touch him.
"Yeah. Without them, I would have no home." He suddenly looked at me and smiled, "Lin Weiya, why am I telling you this? You are so happy as long as you have something delicious to eat, you don't understand anything..."
“What silly laughter!” I was unhappy now. I put down the spoon in my hand, looked him straight in the eyes, and responded, “I understand. Food can’t talk, but it can also be integrated with the emotions of the pastry chef… Xingye Liu, you don’t know? Your desserts are delicious, so delicious that I want to cry.”
I raised my hand and wiped my eyes.
The refreshing taste of matcha milk jelly is like the helplessness of a person exiled to the ends of the earth;
The sweetness in the lava cake hides a person's sadness sealed deep in his heart;
The gorgeousness of the strawberry almond tower conceals the loneliness deep in a person's soul...
Actually, I understand him.
"Why? Didn't you say my desserts were delicious?"
Xing Yeliu probably had the legendary physique that gets drunk at the drop of a hat. The cup of plum wine, which was like a drink, actually made him a little tipsy, and the blush on his face became deeper and deeper.
"Because you're probably still feeling sad about the misfortunes of the past. You can't get over it, so you can't start over. If it weren't for the desserts, I think you might..."
"What could I possibly do?"
"Maybe I won't be the Xing Ye Liu like today. Although he is usually cold and likes to scold me, he will help me at the critical moment and make so many delicious foods for me..."
I counted the good and bad things Xing Yeliu had done for me since I met him, and found that this guy had done more good to me than bad to me.
"Xingye Liu."
"I've decided!" Today's visit made me figure out some things. I looked at Xing Yeliu solemnly, "Let me be your friend and family from now on! I hope that one day I can taste a very sweet dessert that will make your heart sweeter and mine too!"
Xing Yeliu looked at me and didn't answer for a long time.
His eyes were half-closed, and I thought he was drunk and didn't hear me clearly, but unexpectedly, the corner of his mouth raised, and his ice-blue eyes flashed with dazzling light.
The stars in the sky are moving, and their hearts are also beating.
Boom boom boom…
My heart beat faster and faster, and I sat there with wide eyes, watching the slightly drunk Xing Yeliu reach out, grab my hand, hook my pinky finger with hers, and lightly touch my thumb.
"It's agreed."
After he let go of my hand and sat back, my hand seemed to be fixed by something, maintaining the posture of suspended in mid-air.
What just happened?
Why do I suddenly feel like I'm the drunk one?
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024