Chapter 69 Little Star

Several military doctors were working nervously in front of portable medical equipment, using various probes and patches to comprehensively collect Grandma Wang's physiological parameters.
In the end, there was nothing that could be done.
They sighed and explained each parameter to their granddaughter.
Wang Xiaojuan nodded with tears in her eyes and signed the rescue report.
"The patient signed a 'body donation agreement' before her death. In terms of donation, she volunteered to join the Red Dragon Army's Eternal Life Brigade. According to the procedures, we need immediate family members and five neighbors to act as witnesses to ensure that the entire process is compliant, reasonable and legal." The military doctor looked around.
All of Grandma Wang’s mahjong partners were willing to witness it.
Meng Chao and Bai Jiacao also stood up.
"Okay, please have the five witnesses sign here. Next, we will play the video pre-recorded by the donor. Please watch it carefully to ensure that the subsequent operations are in accordance with the donor's wishes." The military doctor transferred the video to the TV in Grandma Wang's house.
The image of Grandma Wang, who was full of energy and vigor several years ago, popped up on the screen.
She sat cross-legged on the bed with an oversized shotgun across her legs, and next to her lay her biochemical pet, a saber-toothed hound named "Big Fang".
"Juan'er, if you can see this video, it means grandma is dead and has turned into a zombie!"
Grandma Wang in the video still looked full of energy, "Don't cry, you are made of water, you have loved crying since you were a child, you are nothing like the grass next door.
“Birth, aging, sickness and death are the laws of nature. People are just a bag of skin. When we die, there is nothing left. Whether we slowly rot or turn into a zombie, what does it matter?
"You don't have to feel sad for grandma. Really, how many people can live through fifty years of Dragon City traveling through time? After going through so many messed up things, grandma is lucky enough to live to this age. She has already made a fortune!
"Don't stop me, grandma. I'm not acting on impulse. I've been thinking about this for a long time. Before I traveled through time, when I was a teenager like you, I had decided to donate my body in the future.
“It’s a long story. That was when my grandma was still living in her hometown on Earth. At that time, a large-scale plague broke out in her hometown. The whole city was shrouded in the virus, and many people fell ill inexplicably, including me.
“But soon, doctors, nurses and volunteers from all over the country protected the entire city, and we received the best treatment and care.
“I am old now and cannot remember many things clearly, but I can never forget that there was a nurse with beautiful eyes who took good care of me and told me stories, sang and danced for me in her spare time.
"I can't forget her dancing awkwardly in three layers of protective clothing, like a fat white swan.
"I can't forget the deep red marks left by her mask. She seemed to be smiling all day long, happy and beautiful.
"Under her careful care, my illness gradually recovered.
"But because she hadn't slept for several days and nights, she was overworked, and had contact with too many patients. She was infected with the virus herself, and ultimately, she didn't make it.
"It was not until her last few days that I overheard the nurses' conversation and learned that she had signed a body donation agreement, wanting to donate her sick body to accelerate research on the plague.
"I cried and wanted to see her, but she had been sent to the intensive care unit, and those of us with mild symptoms couldn't get in.
"I was the first little patient she cared for and cured. She cared about me very much. In the last few days, she asked the doctor to send out a sterilized paper crane that she had folded by hand from the intensive care unit.
“I opened the paper crane. There was no writing on it, just flowers and plants. There was a little girl in a red dress who looked a lot like me. There was also a beautiful star in the sky with a smiling face who looked a lot like her.
"My grandmother was too young at the time and didn't understand many things, such as why the nurse traveled all the way from her hometown to my grandmother's hometown, fighting the virus day and night for several months, and eventually died in obscurity, and after her death she donated her body for scientific research.
“But my grandmother kept the paper crane until she grew up and traveled to another world. I would often look at the painting, watching the nurse who had turned into a star but still smiled, and wonder what she wanted to tell me.
“Whenever I encounter difficulties, I think of the nurse’s smile and feel protected by a force. It’s a good feeling.
"So, I also want to be like her, and become a smiling star in the sky, looking at our Juan'er, looking at the little grass next door, looking at our Tianfu Garden and the entire Dragon City, and let all of you little guys grow up safely and happily."
Hearing this, Wang Xiaojuan finally burst into tears and leaned on Bai Jiacao's shoulder : "Grandma!"
Bai Jiacao's nose felt sore, and all the negative emotions in his mind turned into hot tears, sliding down from both sides of his nose.
"Grandma Wang..." She also called out softly.
The old man in the picture seemed to hear the little girl's cry, and said with a smile: "By the way, Juan'er, besides you, our family only has 'Da Ya'. If I am gone, and you have to live in the school and study, please ask Uncle Meng and Xiao Cao next door to help us take care of Da Ya, okay? Xiao Cao likes Da Ya the most. She comes to our house every day after school to play with Da Ya. She won't bully Da Ya, and Da Ya won't bully her either."
Wang Xiaojuan stopped crying, bit her lip and said, "Okay!"
Bai Jiacao also nodded seriously: "Grandma Wang, don't worry, I will take good care of Daya!"
The saber-toothed hound in the video heard his owner calling his name and stood up from the bed.
The saber-toothed hound, who was several years older in real life, also stood up and wagged its tail vigorously.
Although the master had changed into a very terrifying appearance, the beast's instinct told it not to get close, but another incomprehensible impulse made it eager to try to rescue the master from the painful torture.
Bai Jiacao picked up the saber-toothed hound with some difficulty and hugged it tightly.
Daya struggled for a few times, then stopped resisting. He made a "woohoo" sound and leaned on the little girl's shoulder.
The video ends here.
Grandma Wang in the picture yawned, looked around, and suddenly revealed a naughty smile like a girl, muttering to herself: "Ha, when the dead old man was still alive, he kept telling me that he had been a Red Dragon Army soldier all his life, and even if he died, he must join the Eternal Life Brigade. He also boasted to me that 'I will go to Quantai to recruit old subordinates, and with a flag of 100,000, I will kill Yama Luo'. He is really good at bragging. He is just a private, how can he have 'old subordinates'? He is someone else's 'old subordinate'!
“Unexpectedly, the old man had bad luck and was torn to pieces by the monster. On the contrary, the old woman had the opportunity to join the Eternal Life Brigade. When I see the old man again, I’ll see how he still acts!
"Hey, you haven't stopped yet. Did you record this part as well? Just record it, don't delete it. Am I afraid that the old man will hear it? If he hears it, what can he do?"
Grandma Wang in the picture smiled and turned off the video equipment.
"Family members of the body donor, is the video just now clear and complete? Do you have any objections?" asked the military doctor.
"Clear, complete, no objection." Wang Xiaojuan said with red eyes.
"Five witnesses, do you have any objections?" the military doctor asked again.
Meng Chao, Bai Jiacao, and Grandma Wang's three mahjong partners shook their heads together: "No objection."
"Okay, since the family members and witnesses have no objections, the body donor will officially become an eternal life volunteer. The transformation ceremony will begin now. First, everyone should bow three times to the volunteer's body to show their highest respect."
The military doctor looked solemn as he led everyone to take a step back and bow meticulously.
At this time, Grandma Wang on the metal stretcher gradually turned into a zombie.
Her pupils were dilated, and she lost her ability to respond to the strong light stimulation from the outside world, and there was no trace of humanity in her eyes.
The roar became sharper and sharper, not like that made by humans or any other creature. Instead, it sounded like bacteria and viruses multiplying in the body, compressing and deforming the internal organs, and making the air flow whistling.
The bone cells were stimulated, causing her canine teeth to protrude misshapenly, while her lips and gums continued to shrink, giving her an extremely horrible appearance.
The alloy chain squeaked as she pulled it, stretching it into a straight line as if it would break at any time.
But Meng Chao and his neighbors showed no fear and completed the salute ceremony slowly and solemnly.
"Next, inject the virus inhibitor ."
The military doctor stepped forward and used a large syringe to inject a full tube of light green liquid into Grandma Wang's body.
It can be clearly seen that the light green liquid medicine flows through Grandma Wang's body along the bulging blood vessels.
The old man's violently twitching body stabilized a little.
But the cloudy eyeballs still emitted a hungry light.
"The third step is to implant memory information. We will implant the audio and video images that the volunteer infused when she signed the agreement into her mutating cerebral cortex." Two military doctors stepped forward cautiously and attached a device similar to a super brain to Grandma Wang's body.
Grandma Wang's fierce eyes were shielded by the helmet. As the super brain hummed, she seemed to be hypnotized and gradually calmed down.
Wang Xiaojuan said timidly: "Uncle Military Doctor, I want to ask, what video and audio images did my grandma implant at that time? Was it about me?"
"No." The military doctor shook his head. "It should be the picture your grandfather took when your father was born."
Everyone understood.
The old woman at the bedside had lost consciousness, her brain had begun to decay, and the horrible virus was flowing through her blood vessels and nerves, running through her shattered body, turning her from a noble human being into a deformed monster.
But in the deepest part of her dark mind, there was a small flame burning. In the light of the flame, she felt her first sigh of surprise and joy when she became a mother and looked at that small, fragile, soft ball of flesh and blood.
If there is a power that can defeat the ravages of the zombie virus, it is only this unforgettable memory.
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024