Chapter 68 Three Red Heads

Chapter 68 Three Red Heads

  Peter Parker was listening to the class absent-mindedly. He wanted to concentrate, but there was always a feeling of anxiety that interrupted his listening mood. This feeling of anxiety was not strong, but rather looming, but he was always restless.

  If he thought clearly, he would put aside his annoyance and devote himself to the hardship of learning. But he was still a young boy, and his restless heart made him make up his mind.

  "Teacher! There's an alien in our house. I want to go see it!"

  He also imitated Jason, stood up and made up a nonsense excuse, but this time he did not attract the teacher's magnanimity, but instead his classmates looked at each other in confusion and burst into laughter.

  "Hahahahaha! Peter, what stupid things are you talking about! Hahaha there's an alien in my house hahaha, why don't you say you are Spider-Man!"

  The school bully laughed so hard that he fell backwards. His laughter became more and more sharp and piercing. Even Ned couldn't hold back his laughter:

  "Pfft, sorry, Peter, but, pfft, how did you come up with that reason?"

  Peter realized it later and his face turned redder and redder, until it turned into a big red tomato.

  In contrast, the teacher's face became increasingly gloomy.

  Jason Todd, the second son of Wayne, could have made up an excuse to skip school. His father was powerful, and his family's wealth would be enough for him to live on for the rest of his life even if he didn't go to school.

  You, Peter Parker, a poor boy whose parents have both passed away and who lives with his aunt, who do you think you are to dare to skip my class with such a ridiculous reason?

  He is totally disrespectful to his elders and is actually going against the will of Heaven!

  Peter was ordered by the teacher to stand in the corridor for a class as punishment.

  The world is going downhill. The teacher agreed to Jason's nonsense excuse casually, and no one believed the truth I told. Spider-Man took his schoolbag with a wronged look and walked to the door to stand there as a punishment.

  The moment the door closed and the figure disappeared from the teacher's view, Peter rushed out at an extremely fast speed that was inconsistent with human anatomy, biology, and physics. As he ran, he silently calculated in his mind:

  Fifteen minutes have passed since the class started, and there is still half an hour left before the end of the get out of class, which is enough time.

  He changed his clothes quickly and neatly, and was thankful that there were no surveillance cameras in the corridor.

  On the other side, a remote road.

  On Jason's head was a red bucket that he got from somewhere, and there were two holes in the bucket.

  It was really a mistake. After he ran out, he realized that he didn't have any facial disguise. After hastily changing his clothes, he found this lonely and broken red barrel on the side of the road.

  At that moment, Jason admitted that he felt the call of destiny. He swore that he heard the voice of the Star God. He said:

  Try it on!

  As if it was fate, he found that the barrel was exactly the right size for his head, and the broken part of it matched his eyes.

  It was in this dramatic situation that he got the nickname that he would regret later: Red Hood.

  The message came from the jade in his hand:

  "Jason, according to Taipusi's speculation, this time the [Secret Teachings of the King of Medicine] is very likely to appear in the following location, but please be aware that this is not the Luofu area, and Taipusi's ability is limited, so there is a high possibility of unpredictable risks."

  Dan Heng's figure flickered in the projection. He calmly analyzed the situation with Jason:

  "At present, SHIELD has not received any information. Nick Fury is still cleaning up the traitors in SHIELD. There is no unusual movement from the Avengers. This is the perfect time for you."

  Jason took out a hook gun. He found that he had an innate talent for this simple tool. He wandered among the dense steel jungle with a red head, and even had time to reply to Dan Heng:

  "I understand, sir, but the [Sea Ranger] is never afraid of any difficulties!"

  He shouted, closed the communication with Dan Heng, and headed towards the target point according to the address sent.

  Peter Parker didn't know what he was chasing, but his intuition told him that he should not stay in the classroom doing nothing. However, that confusing intuition disappeared after he left the school gate, leaving him standing there like a stupid shoebill.


  He heard a noise and saw a red head.

  "Wait, is that a red barrel? Hey! I thought the high rope swing was my patent! But Batman and Robin used the hook gun before me, and it seems that other heroes have used this trick too. Wonder Woman's magic rope should have the same effect, but in New York, at least this area around Queens Boulevard should be my patent..."

  He muttered to himself, and spider silk was shot out, following the red head.

  "Hey~ The guy in front with the red barrel on his head, red barrel, red helmet (red hood)!"

  Spider-Man kept shouting in the back, and Jason didn't hear him until he read the name Red Hood.

  "What are you again, Pyjama Boy?"

  He taunted rudely, and the grappling hook in his hand was aimed at the rooftop of a tall building. He swung over and landed with a somersault.

  "Listen, I don't care where you came from as a superhero. If you want to save the world, go down there and help the old lady cross the street. I have something else that's very important to do. I don't have time to play house with you."

  Jason pointed at Spider-Man's chest without any hesitation. His specially modified mechanical voice was cold and fierce. He had two guns of unknown models hanging on his waist, and the barrel on his head made him look like a psychopath.

  Spider-Man raised his hands in front of his chest, revealing his palms to indicate that he was not a threat. He tried to have a casual chat with this super villain who looked as inexperienced as he was, hoping to persuade him to mend his evil ways through words.

  "Calm down, calm down, man. I have absolutely no ill intentions. I am just curious about what you are going to do in such a hurry. You know, high-altitude jumping is a very dangerous behavior. Oh, I am definitely not doubting your ability. I am the same as you. I am also good at this trick..."

  "Shut up, you chatterbox," Jason interrupted him fiercely after realizing that this guy was just talking trash:

  "I'm the Sea Ranger. I have my own things to do. I'm going to look for a group of villains who are involved in human experiments. I advise you to go back to where you should go!"

  He refused Spider-Man's talkative treatment and withdrew a chat option. Jason took out his grappling gun and flew away, leaving Spider-Man standing alone.

  "Hey, what is a Sea Ranger? I'd better call you Red Hood. Do you think you can get rid of me? Dream on!"

  He also started swinging, and because of the bonus from the locals, he swung faster than Jason.

  "Hey, Red Hood, where are you going to investigate the human experimentation case? I can help you!"

  He followed Jason around like an annoying and noisy parrot.

  "Also, what is the [Sea Patrol Ranger]? Are you an organization? Did you get the clues from your companions? Why haven't I seen you before? Did you go to the Luofu martial arts competition..."

  Spider-Man kept chattering after Jason, and the two red heads were swinging between the bustling buildings in New York at the same time, which was very festive.

  "Jason, you haven't arrived yet?"

  Dan Heng reconnected to the communication, but he used Luofu dialect. Poor Spider-Man had no money to buy the synesthesia beacon service launched by the company, so he could only try his best to remember the unfamiliar syllables in his heart.

  "No, a strange guy was pestering me and kept asking me questions. It would be too rude to be a local hero."

  He complained that because he didn't know whether the person was an enemy or a friend, he couldn't rashly take the person to the designated location.

  "Who can catch up with you? Show me his features."

  "No problem, boss."

  Jason received the order and turned around with the communication device: "Eggplant!"

  Spider-Man made a V sign, not understanding why.

  With a click, the stupid photo of Peter Parker was sent over.

  "…It's Spider-Man, a new superhero in New York. He has super powers. It seems that he has only recently become a superpower, so he has never participated in Rove's superhero competition."

  “Can he be trusted?”

  "It's hard to say. From the information available, he seems to be just a guy who is eager to help others. His greatest contribution is to prevent a car accident. You need to make your own judgment.

  But you don’t have much time, the appearance time of those guys from [Medicine King Secret] is almost over.”

  Dan Heng hung up the call, and Jason finally stopped his endless circling. He said to Spider-Man who caught up with him:

  "Listen, I have a very important mission. If you must come with me, you must follow my command. Do you understand?"

  Spider-Man, who finally got involved in a big event, said: "Understood, sir. I will complete the mission!"

  "Gentlemen, what do you want to do?"

  An elegant voice suddenly sounded from the side, and Yinzhi appeared from nowhere. He still looked so shiny and dazzling, and even held a specially cultivated rose in his hand.

  Player: Hey, how can you play a hero game without me? As for how I appeared, of course I opened the door... No, of course I relied on my extraordinary wisdom!

  Spider-Man: "You, Silver... who are you? When did you show up?"

  He looked confused, conflicted, and a little horrified.

  "Pure Knights?" But Red Hood disagrees. If the universe is a lie, then these guys who believe in purity are the last honest people.

  "I am Silver Branch of the Pure Knight, and I send my greetings to you, Mr. Mysterious and Just Sea Ranger, and to you, Mr. Funny and Kind... Um."

  Silver Branch saluted gracefully, but didn't know how to address Peter Parker.

  "I'm Spider-Man, the Spider-Man who's been in the headlines a few times recently! Don't you guys watch the news?"

  Spider-Man was so angry that he jumped up and down, but there was nothing he could do. The two people in front of him, one was an alien visitor who had just arrived on Earth yesterday, and the other was a rich second-generation student who had just transferred from Gotham. Neither of them cared about the gossip tabloids on the streets of New York.

  But the ruthless Red Hood didn't care about Spider-Man's fragile heart. He was just glad that a reliable guy finally came. He believed in Silver Branch's fighting ability more than he believed in his father.

  "Well, I have a bold plan."