Chapter 67 is over

Chapter 67: The End

Unlike the magic world where one needs to hide oneself, [Xia Youjie], as the new tyrant of curse masters, does not need to abide by the rules of the magic world.

[Xia Youjie] took advantage of the raging curse spirit to vigorously develop the Panxing Sect, and the curse masters became his thugs. Suddenly the whole of Japan believed in the Panxing Sect, and the title of Living Buddha [Xia Youjie] resounded throughout Japan.

[Xia Youjie]'s spells and the curse spirits collected during this period have made the Japanese political circles avoid him and dare not make enemies with him. They are also afraid that the spell master will deal with him and cause the curse spirits to wreak havoc again.

Therefore, without knowing the attitude of Gojo Satoru, the government put pressure on the magic world and divided the magicians and cursers into two factions in the magic world. The magicians were still an official organization, but at the same time He recognized the status of curse masters in the underground world of magic and even regarded the Panxing Sect as the orthodox state religion.

After becoming the state religion, the Panxing Sect opened branches across the country to promote the theory of the reincarnation of gods. It openly adopted young magicians from ordinary people as branch gods, completely monopolizing the resources of wild magicians and ensuring the safety of those who were recruited by ordinary people. The safety of the little magician oppressed by ordinary people.

"Jie, what do you want to do?"

That day Gojo Satoru returned to Panxing Sect with [Xia Youjie]'s ugly treasure, and saw a pile of corpses at the feet of [Xia Youjie], including those of ordinary people and those of curse masters. .

But those are not important. What is important is that [Xia Youjie] decomposes the power of the Son of God Hachiman as a seed and places it on all ordinary people who come to Panxing Sect to worship.

This seed can reproduce through contact between ordinary people, and ordinary conjurers cannot see it. It can only be discovered by conjurers when it absorbs enough resentment and grows into a curse spirit, but this does not include Gojo Satoru.

"After seeing the future world and understanding your world, I admit that this end of the law era will eventually eliminate the magicians, but even so, I also hope that in this era when I am alive, the sacrifices of the magicians can be praised. , Let their sacrifices not be in vain, so I want to create the final peak era of magic!"

[Xia Youjie] During this period, he controlled some government officials through some magic spirits that can live and die with the host, and also He controlled most of Japan's chaebols and put most of Japan in his hands, in order to build this peak era of magic.

"I have swallowed the Tianyuan given to me by Lord Jie. As long as I don't die, the Tianyuan barrier will always exist. But as long as I don't extract Tianyuan's spell, the moment my life stops, Tianyuan and the curse spirit in my body will They will all run out. Therefore, I have established a bond with Hachiman God. After my death, Hachiman God will purify all the cursed spirits in my body, including Tianyuan."

"As for Hachiman God?" [Xia Youjie] chuckled, "He. The existence itself is incredible. He should return to the place where he belongs after I die. "

Is this the new path you have chosen?" Gojo Satoru thought, this is not a pain, but a true one. He is working hard and looking forward to accomplishing his goals, which is different from the feeling before that he was ready to die at any time. "In this case, I will help you stop the other Gojo Satoru!"

"No, I can solve Satoru's matter. You should be almost back to your own world, right?"

[Gojo Satoru] versus [Xiayou] Jie] must have been aware of his actions during this period. Since he didn't come to find him, then [Xia Youjie] would naturally come to explain. This time, he had no intention of abandoning his best friend and going on the road alone.

[Gojo Satoru] was indeed very aware of [Xia Youjie]'s actions during this period, but he did nothing, and no one from Noctua and Nanami looked for him. This kind of thing, except for [Xia Youjie] and [Gojo] Enlightenment], other people are not suitable to get involved.

Because according to [Xia Youjie]'s current strength, even if he wants to subvert Japan, only [Gojo Satoru] can stop him.

Xia Youjie didn't go to deliver the cursed jade to [Xia Youjie] these days. Instead, he and [Gojo Satoru] were working on the documents together. Neither he nor Gojo Satoru appeared in front of anyone else, and they always teleported when they left the house.

"Satoru?" Xia Youjie put down the document in his hand and looked at Gojo Satoru who came in alone. "Where's the other Satoru?"

"Here comes Jie, take him down to the Star Palace." Gojo Satoru sat on the chair next to Xia Youjie with some boredom, "Jie, do you think this world will end well?"

"Do you care about this?" Xia Youjie rarely saw Gojo Satoru being so sentimental. Logically speaking, this look should not be shown in Gojo Satoru.

"If the ending will get better, then why are we still here?" When [Xia Youjie] asked him, Gojo Satoru had thought about this question, but he didn't understand the reason why they traveled through time, and what else could they do? Can't go back? Or is there a new world waiting for them?

Xia Youjie has already made arrangements for his family, and with Qianye here, he has nothing to worry about.

Since their world slowly lost its magical power, although he and Gojo Satoru have lived a fulfilling life and have been seeking stimulation from ordinary people, in fact, neither of them have any goals to pursue, and one month is already the limit.

During this period of time, although seeing the direction of another world has made Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru lose control of their emotions many times, this life of splitting and reuniting, fighting and making noise is far more suitable for them than peaceful indulgence. , so Xia Youjie doesn’t want to return to the original world that much.

A peaceful world is good, both for conjurers and ordinary people, but not for Gojo Satoru.

Although traveling across the world now separates them from their relatives and friends, Gojo Satoru himself is not the type to miss his family. Xia Youjie knows that Gojo Satoru is more concerned about the time travel being out of control.

"Don't think so much, let it take its course. The most important thing is to be prepared for the possibility of being here and to be ready to leave at any time."

"Ah~" Gojo Satoru lay on the table boredly and turned around Xia Youjie's pen, " This ability to travel through the world is great, but if it can only travel through time and space similar to our world, wouldn't it be too boring? "

Although Gojo Satoru didn't feel other existences, he felt that the person who sent them through must be He could hear his words, so he sat up and asked upwards.

"If you want to play, just change to a fresh world! It can be anything like a Pokémon trainer or the Naruto world! I don't like running around in circles! It's too boring!"


Faced with Gojo Satoru's menacing request, the sky was empty. , and there was no response.

Death Star Palace.

[Xia Youjie] was not the first time he came to the Xingxing Palace, but it was indeed the first time he entered the interior of the Xingxing Palace. After all, Tianyuan was guarding against him before, and it was impossible to let him get close.

"Jie. Have you finished what you want to do?" [Gojo Satoru] asked casually while studying Tengen who had become [Xia Youjie] Shikigami, and didn't seem to care much.

"Ah, it's almost done, there is one last thing left." [Xia Youjie] walked to [Gojo Satoru] and faced Tianyuan side by side.

"What's the matter?"

"Beat you and become the strongest recognized by everyone." [Xia Youjie] tilted his head and looked at [Gojo Satoru] with a smile, "What do you think, Satoru?"

"You're still the same." [Gojo Satoru] didn't wear anything to block his six eyes today, so he looked directly at [Xia Youjie] with his six eyes.

"At least we have made progress this time. I didn't intend to hide it from you, but came to discuss it with you."

[Xia Youjie] wants to become the uncrowned king of the magic world and a unique tyrant, then [Gojo Satoru] cannot be like before Likewise, be a brave man who defeats the devil, otherwise the brave man will eventually be kidnapped by morality to confront the devil.

A brave man's partner is a bond, a friendship, but also a shackles. The devil doesn't like to put shackles on the brave, he just wants the brave to always be a prince.

"Hmm~ There is indeed progress! Okay, then Teacher Mala will give Xia You a little reward. I won't let you go easy this time." [Gojo Satoru] raised his eyebrows and accepted [Xia Youjie]'s challenge.

"It's what I asked for."


A huge explosion sounded in the back hill of the high school, causing everyone in the high school to run out to watch.

"It's Xia Youjie!"

The conjurer's five senses were strengthened by the spell, and he could still see people flying in the sky even though he was far away.

"He and Gojo Satoru started fighting?"

They apparently went to the director's office together on Christmas Eve, but not long after, the two started fighting again? Real crackdown or fake crackdown?

[Xia Youjie] now has thirty-six special-level curse spirits. Each special-level one has its own domain. There are also 1,600 first-level curse spirits. There are countless below the first level. When facing [Gojo Satoru], those levels Insufficient spell spirits can only be used to polish the cannon.

"Jie, don't you want to fight head-on?"

"That won't work. I don't know the field yet, and as a magician, my advantage is that I can bully the weak with more. When facing Satoru, I can't be more vigilant. "

[Xia Youjie] stood on the manta ray, standing outside the range of Wuliangkong, and waved his hand to summon all the curse spirits of level 1 or above under him.

The entire high school seemed to have entered the dark night, the sky was blocked, and there was no sunlight. All the magicians realized that these two were serious, and immediately looked for bunkers, preparing to watch this most powerful battle.

[Xia Youjie] gave up the pleasure of punching to the flesh and chose to beat him with the curse spirit, which made [Gojo Satoru] a little unhappy.

"In that case, wait for Huijie to stop feeling sorry for his curse spirit."

[Xia Youjie] smiled.

"Of course not."

In order to prevent himself from losing consciousness in the infinite space, [Xia Youjie] prepared to let [Wu Jiao Satoru] fuse the spell at the beginning, so he directly used several special-level curse spirits to open the field in turn, and the first-level curse spirit Constantly use suicide attacks to block [Gojo Satoru]'s ultimate move.

Soon, [Gojo Satoru] used the Infinite Space. However, [Xia Youjie] had already expected that three special-level domains were deployed to confront [Gojo Satoru]. Then the curse spirits outside the domain attacked the Infinite Space together, using With this move, the field of [Gojo Satoru] was broken, and the reversal technique was used to refresh the brain and expand the infinite space again.

Seeing that [Gojo Satoru] deliberately let himself enter the magic fuse, [Xia Youjie], after counting five times, drew out the clouds and jumped into the battlefield.

"Jie!" Seeing [Xia Youjie] come in, [Gojo Satoru], who was already high, quickly stepped forward and started a hand-to-hand fight with [Xia Youjie].

The resentment that the two had accumulated for ten years was vented in this battle, and they almost fought each other lifelessly, making the magicians outside the field wonder if they hated each other so much because they were mortal enemies.

Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie, who were hiding in the dark, watched the two peers fighting happily and had a premonition.

After the fight was over, it was time for the two of them to leave.

[Xia Youjie] didn't want to displease [Gojo Satoru], but even though he was hit on the head, he still knew his purpose today. After quickly fighting [Gojo Satoru] for hundreds of moves, the remaining special ones suddenly took action, allowing [Gojo Satoru] subconsciously returned to defense, [Xia Youjie] cut without any lower limit, and took the opportunity to slash at [Gojo Satoru].

"Satoru has been a little tired these days. I'll take him back to Panxing Sect to rest for a while."

Holding the fainted [Gojo Satoru] and sitting on the manta ray, [Xia Youjie] looked at the people from the high school. Smiling, and then flew to the Panxing Sect with [Gojo Satoru] in a swaggering manner.

"This is too obvious." Gojo Satoru watched unhappily in the isolated space as [Gojo Satoru] woke up automatically as soon as he entered the Panxing Sect, as leisurely as if his master had returned home.

"Well, the world has ended, let's see where it goes next."

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024