Chapter 66: Detour

Although the Chinese warriors had been well trained, chaos was still inevitable when they were attacked by the enemy. After all, training and fighting are two different things, and performing well on the training ground does not mean performing well on the battlefield.
Especially when your brother who was shot and fell to the ground is screaming for help beside you, it is really difficult to stay calm.
This is when the commander's role comes into play. Rock observed the bushes opposite, turned over and jumped from the carriage to the other side of the train.
"Leave the carriage, leave the railway, rely on the train for cover, and build a defensive position--" Rock squatted down and tapped the wheel with his fingers. Very good, the steel plate is at least five centimeters thick, much thicker than the steel plate used in the carriage.
"Locke, Locke, bring the horse over here, fight back, we have to fight back." Henry's adrenaline secretion was a bit too much, and he completely forgot the division of labor with Rocke.
In fact, before setting out, Rock and Henry had already discussed a contingency plan. If they were attacked by guerrillas, Henry would command the heavy machine guns to suppress the front, Stanley and Rahul would encircle them from both wings, and Rock would lead 20 commandos with superb riding skills to pursue them. Rock was confident that the Boer guerrillas would not be able to hold on after this.
As for the guerrillas, don't expect them to have any sophisticated tactics or strong will. They don't even have sufficient training and logistical support. If they can't win, Rock can forget about getting promoted or getting rich. It would be better for him to do business in partnership with Ada.
Thinking of Ada, Rock's heart ached again.
But this was not the time to be pretentious. Rock pulled Henry and squatted behind the wheel . He pulled Henry's collar and yelled at Henry's face, spitting on Henry's face: "Calm down, Henry, follow our plan. You command the heavy machine guns to suppress the fire. Don't let them escape or move their positions. I will go with Anton to flank them. You are the commander, you need to stay calm!"
Henry felt a little confused and nodded like a fool.
"Phyllis, watch Henry and don't let him do anything wrong." Rock didn't expect Henry to perform well, just not to cause trouble. After telling Phyllis, he crouched and ran to the back of the train.
"Okay, okay--" Phyllis seemed to be frightened by Rock. She nodded repeatedly and looked at Rock with a strange look.
In fact, military horses were also loaded on the train, in the carriage behind Rock and his group. Rock's horse was a four-year-old Hunter horse named "Sun". Its coat color was a bit mixed and it looked a bit dirty, but it ran as fast as the sun.
Rock rode the Sun to the rear of the car. Anton had already led the team away, and only a heavy machine gun team was left to conduct suppressive fire.
"Follow me, follow me, Sun, charge!" Rock called out to the cavalrymen who already had guns in their hands, and holding the Lee Enfield in one hand, he went around to the rear of the guerrilla position.
In fact, there was no need for an outflanking attack, as the guerrillas were already in disarray.
The guerrillas' biggest advantage is the suddenness of their attack. If they lose this, the poorly equipped guerrillas will have no chance of defeating the commandos who are armed to the teeth. Henry's caution avoided the bomb attack, and Don's bursts of fire made the guerrillas mistakenly believe that they were discovered. In fact, the guerrillas had already lost when they opened fire, but they had not yet realized it.
Even though they did not realize that they had fallen into a passive position, the guerrillas immediately became confused when they found that Anton had led more than 20 commandos across the railway to encircle and detour the enemy.
Unlike the commandos who had made plans in advance, the Boer guerrillas did not understand what it meant to "retreat when the enemy advances, harass when the enemy stays, attack when the enemy is tired, and pursue when the enemy retreats." They also did not understand what it meant to "rationally choose a combat location, quickly deploy troops, reasonably allocate troops, rationally choose the opportunity to fight, and quickly retreat after the battle." The Boers just instinctively chose the combat method that was most advantageous to them, and it was impossible for them to exert the full power of guerrilla warfare. When all the commandos' heavy machine guns fired, the commandos were already invincible.
Under normal circumstances, the Boers' attack would start with blowing up the train. The blowing up of the train would certainly cause chaos among the soldiers escorting the train. Generally in this situation, the Boers only needed one charge to completely defeat the defensive formation. This was how Winston was captured by the Boers.
Perhaps the Boers did not expect that Henry, who was facing a disaster, would be so cautious. As a result, the explosives lost their effect and the Boers lost their greatest advantage.
Unlike advancing in neat rows, Anton had already felt the threat of cross fire. When outflanking, the formation was stretched out very wide, and the commandos hardly advanced with their bodies straight. They all crouched over and used the terrain for cross cover to advance one by one. Sometimes they even rolled and crawled. This might have slowed down the speed, but posed a greater threat to the enemy. The guerrillas who had the advantage of terrain could hardly find any targets to shoot at, and had to guard against heavy machine gun fire, so they were very frustrated. The battle had just begun for less than five minutes, and the guerrilla positions had begun to collapse.
It was really a collapse. Before Anton and his men could get back into position, some Boer guerrillas panicked and tried to escape. However, anyone who dared to stand up from their position was torn to pieces by heavy machine guns. Therefore, the guerrillas did not evacuate their positions quickly, at least not as fast as the cavalry led by Rock.
Just behind the guerrilla position, Rock discovered a large group of war horses, as many as forty or fifty of them.
"Prepare for battle. Kill anyone who comes into your sight. We don't want to defeat them, but to annihilate them completely!" Rock has a big appetite. The guerrillas want to attack the commandos, and the commandos want to gain military merit from the guerrillas. The offense and defense change positions in an instant.
If Henry was with Rock, he would probably have a clear understanding of his marksmanship.
Just as Rock and his men reined in their horses, a guerrilla fighter dragging a rifle escaped from the position and tried to seize the horse and escape.
Rock didn't give anyone any chance at all. He raised his hand and shot him while he was still on the horse.
The fleeing guerrillas fell to the ground, and the commandos around Rock cheered loudly.
It is indeed worthy of applause. At a distance of about 100 meters, every bullet hit the target. His marksmanship is top-notch even among guerrillas.
Rock was full of confidence about this. Since his rebirth, Rock had consumed hundreds of bullets on the training ground every day. He never slacked off even when he was injured. A distance within a hundred meters was really a piece of cake. Rock used a hundred-meter chest target during training, and Rock only shot at the head, which was much more difficult than hitting the chest target.
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024