Chapter 64 Shenghua

Seeing that Qin Zhengguo still looked nonchalant , Song Yuanchao said to him sternly, "Zhengguo, in business, contracts are extremely important. Although it is said that people are inherently good, the truth is that human nature is ugly and unpredictable. Even the best of friends may turn against each other in the future because of a little bit of profit."
"We are friends, but more importantly, brothers. Daqi, Gu Jie, and you too, it's fate that we can be together. I just want our relationship to last forever, rather than falling out over trivial matters in the future."
Compared with Qin Zhengguo, Li Daqi and Gu Jie could easily accept what Song Yuanchao said, because in history, Shanghai was the first to come into contact with the West, and Shanghai's local culture was the most deeply influenced by Western culture. Moreover, in the hearts of Shanghai people, as Song Yuanchao said before, "Brothers should settle accounts clearly" is a matter of course.
But it is difficult for Qin Zhengguo to change this idea, because he has never had this concept. His personality also makes Qin Zhengguo pay more attention to friendship than Song Yuanchao and others. He is more likely to believe in people and verbal promises rather than using so-called contracts to restrict both parties.
"Okay, okay, I'll do as you say for such a small matter." Qin Zhengguo pouting and agreeing reluctantly. Seeing this, Song Yuanchao sighed in his heart. It seems that he will have to instill these ideas into him more in the future, otherwise the tragedy that happened to him may happen again.
"There is no order without rules. This is what I think..." Song Yuanchao immediately expressed his thoughts.
Before, making clothes hangers was just a trial run. Now Song Yuanchao would not just find a few people to start working as he did when he made clothes hangers. He planned to do everything from the formal way.
Although starting a company is still a dream nowadays, and even the policy for self-employed individuals has not been released, the time is almost up. According to what Song Yuanchao knows, after the National Day this year, the country will gradually open up to individual businesses, and a large number of self-employed individuals registered with the industrial and commercial authorities will begin to emerge in society.
The next year, in 1980, the first official business license for individual business owners was issued, marking the beginning of the most important moment in the history of reform and opening up. Individual business became a supplement to state-owned and collective enterprises.
Although the time has not come yet, Song Yuanchao plans to first establish his own team structure and establish it with a formal management system.
According to Song Yuanchao's idea, he would first set up a company. Of course, registering the company was impossible because even registering as an individual business owner was a luxury now.
But this does not prevent Song Yuanchao, Li Daqi, Gu Jie and Qin Zhengguo from settling the matter first, clarifying their respective equity structures and the division of labor within the company. It will not be too late to formally register when the time is right.
"The four of us set up a company, or a unit. Of course, the country does not allow formal registration at present, but I think with the current situation, it will be open one day. In other words, it's like doing business together. Let's make it clear how much each person owns and what they are responsible for. What do you think?"
Everyone didn't expect Song Yuanchao to be so understanding, and they looked at each other in surprise for a moment.
In fact, among the four, only Qin Zhengguo lacks some understanding of the company and its equity structure. Li Daqi and Gu Jie both understand it.
As the largest city in China, Shanghai is also the place that once had the most frequent contacts and exchanges with the West. In this respect, people from Shanghai have an advantage over people from other places.
For example, the famous "Four Major Companies" in the old society were all in Shanghai. After liberation, the name "company" also existed in Shanghai for a long time until it was gradually replaced by "unit" more than ten years ago.
As for the equity, it is easier to understand. Just like the share that Song Yuanchao mentioned, equity is fundamentally not a foreign term, but a native Chinese term. In the thousands of years of history of feudal society, the concept of "investment" is very common. As long as two or more people are engaged in business together, there is the concept of investment. Even if it is an independent business, in order to win over the shopkeeper and the big clerk under him, the boss will often give some dry shares to the other party at an appropriate time .
"I have no problem!" Li Daqi was the first to agree.
"That's fine with me too." Gu Jie nodded.
Qin Zhengguo was a carefree person to begin with. Although he didn't understand what Song Yuanchao said, he believed in Song Yuanchao and believed that he would never lie to him. Since that was the case, Song Yuanchao could do it as he pleased. He didn't care at all, so he agreed.
"Well, since everyone agrees, let's clarify two things first. The first is the equity structure, that is, how much each of us four owns."
Song Yuanchao proposed a proposal that he would distribute the shares according to the total 100%, with each of the four people getting 25% on average. However, Li Daqi objected to his proposal as soon as it came out. In Li Daqi's opinion, such a distribution was unfair to Song Yuanchao.
"Yuan Chao, whether it was the clothes hanger before or the review materials sale now, it was you who came up with it, and you also paid for it, so of course you should get the lion's share no matter what. The average score now is too inappropriate, and I can't take advantage of you."
"Brother Song, Daqi is right. You were the one who led this matter. Why did you give us so much? This is not appropriate!" Gu Jie shook his head like a rattle to express his opposition.
"I say Yuan Chao, I don't understand what you mean by shares or no shares. Since it's a contribution, whoever contributes more will get more, and whoever contributes less will get less. I think what Daqi and Gu Jie said is right. I have no objection to what kind of company you want to set up and what kind of shares you want, but if you give us such a proportion, wouldn't that be taking advantage of you? We are all brothers, and I, Qin Zhengguo, have never taken advantage of my brothers in my life, and I will never do it!"
All three of them opposed this distribution ratio, which made Song Yuanchao laugh and cry, and at the same time, he couldn't help but be moved.
For Song Yuanchao, he actually doesn't care how to make money. With his knowledge, it is easy to make money. Even if he doesn't do any business, he can wait until the old houses are demolished, take out loans to buy houses and wait for them to appreciate. In just ten years, he can easily own a large number of houses.
According to the subsequent appreciation rate of housing prices in Shanghai, Song Yuanchao could have achieved several small goals with his eyes closed after 2005.
In addition, with the establishment of the stock exchange on December 19, 1990, the old eight stocks began to be listed.
There is also the issuance of subscription certificates in 1992, which enabled Song Yuanchao to easily obtain huge wealth. From this point of view, money actually does not mean much to Song Yuanchao, and what he is doing now only has two purposes.
The first purpose is that Song Yuanchao does not want to live a dull life like his previous life, leaving behind countless regrets. The second purpose is that he wants to do what he can for the people around him, those who deserve help, so as to change their fate.
It is precisely because of this that Song Yuanchao had such a plan, and hoped to change the original future through this method.
For the sake of equity structure, Song Yuanchao tried his best to get them to accept his suggestions, but the three of them refused to follow the proportion proposed by Song Yuanchao and expressed their opposition.
The four argued for a long time, and finally Song Yuanchao made concessions. Li Daqi and the other three each held 15%, and Song Yuanchao alone held 55%. Even so, Li Daqi and the others felt that it was still a bit high. For example, Qin Zhengguo even proposed that he did not want any shares, as long as they could work together. Song Yuanchao rejected this strongly and firmly.
In the end, this ratio was determined at Song Yuanchao's insistence.
In addition to the equity structure, Song Yuanchao also proposed to give the company a name. No one could think of a good name for a while and acted indifferent. Song Yuanchao smiled, shook his head and sighed, tentatively suggesting the word Shenghua.
"Shenghua, prosperous China, sounds good, let's use it!" Qin Zhengguo said it twice to show his agreement. Li Daqi and others also felt that the word Shenghua sounded grand and easy to read. In this way, the name of the company was determined.
Then, Song Yuanchao drafted a company agreement, wrote down the company name and each equity structure in black and white, and then let everyone review it. After everyone looked at it and found no problems, Song Yuanchao signed it first, and took the ink pad to press his fingerprints, and Li Daqi and the other three also signed and pressed their fingerprints.
After everyone had finished, Song Yuanchao gave each person one copy of the four copies of the agreement, and reminded them to keep them properly and to register the company as soon as possible according to the contents of the agreement when it was possible to register.
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