Chapter 64 Nothing More Than This

"Xiaobao said that I was deeply poisoned and didn't have much time left, and I think she was right.

I felt very miserable and really didn't want to die, but I didn't know how to tell my brother.

I put two dollars and fifty cents under my pillow. The teacher said that the things left by the dead are called inheritance, so I have two dollars and fifty cents of inheritance. I wanted to buy a bottle of drink. I had never drunk soda in a glass bottle, so I didn't buy it. I thought, I'd better leave it to my brother. Don't forget to take it.

But I still want to drink it.

When I die, can you not throw me away? The teacher said that the dead should be buried underground. Can you bury me at the door of your house?

Although my life is short (pronounced zan, which means very short), it is very meaningful. I don't know what the meaning is, but teachers always say that a person's life should have "meaning", so I think mine should have meaning too.

My favorite person is my brother, and my second favorite person is Xiaobao, that’s it.

Although it is meaningful, I still don’t want to die.”

Wei Qian woke up at four in the morning. He didn't know what he dreamed about, maybe he dreamed about the past. As soon as he opened his eyes, he remembered the suicide note written by Wei Zhiyuan when he was a child.

I don’t know if it’s because I saw another suicide note.

This story begins when Ma Chunming fell into a sewer in the middle of the night and called for help.

Xiaobao was not at home at the time. Wei Qian wanted to go out for a look, but he had a severe cough that day and Wei Zhiyuan refused to let him go out.

Generally, when encountering such a situation, Wei Qian would not argue with others. He would show that he was used to being the boss - using practical actions to show that I have the final say here, do you have any objections? Oh, sorry, I didn't listen to you.

So Wei Zhiyuan found that reasoning was futile and had to resort to rudeness. The moment Wei Qian went out, Wei Zhiyuan jumped out and blocked the door with his back, then with extremely swift movements and professional skills, he grabbed the tie hanging on the coat rack at the door, pulled it, and tied Wei Qian's hands to the hooks of the coat rack in no time.

Wei Zhiyuan's knot was not a high-tech one, it was easily untied. His advantage was that his hands and feet were nimble and his movements were fast. While Wei Qian was tied up by him for a few seconds, he took out Wei Qian's car keys, locked the door, and ran away quickly.

Wei Qian's style of dealing with things at home and outside is like a split personality. When encountering such a situation outside, his first reaction is always to unbutton his buttons, but at home, his first reaction is always to lose his temper and curse.

Wei Qian impatiently pulled the tie buckle that was tied around his neck, and the coat rack fell down with a "snap", and the things hanging on it fell to the ground.

"Fuck." Wei Qian lowered his head and observed for a few seconds, then decided to just throw it away without bothering to clean it up.

But just as he was about to step over the inverted coat rack, he saw that the bag Wei Zhiyuan hung on it fell open, and two notebooks rolled out of it, one of which was still open.

Wei Qian hesitated for a moment, worried that there might be electronic devices or something in Wei Zhiyuan's bag that might be crushed, so he condescended to pull out the bag that Wei Zhiyuan usually carried with him. Only then did he realize that Wei Zhiyuan's bag was unusually low-tech, with not even a pair of headphones in it, just a few pens and the two soft-cover notebooks.

The book that was rolled open on the ground was filled with all kinds of codes and notes that no one else could understand, mixed with Chinese and English. Wei Qian flipped through two pages with great interest. Although he didn't understand it, he thought it was quite impressive. Then he patted the dust off the book and put it aside.

He thought the same thing about the other one, so he picked it up and shook it gently. However, the thing, which was an antique from some century, almost fell apart. There was a bunch of messy things and fallen pages inside, all falling to the ground like snow.

Wei Qian made a "tsk" sound, lifted up his trouser leg, squatted down and picked up the tickets one by one.

There were clippings from academic journals, and some incomprehensible essays written by Wei Zhiyuan himself. Finally, Wei Qian saw a crumpled napkin mixed in among them. It was covered with words.

The handwriting was a dark red and yellowish color like rust. Wei Qian took it and took a closer look. He was shocked to find that it was actually dried blood.

It was a true suicide note. Judging from the date of the signature, it was the second year after he left home to go abroad.

Wei Zhiyuan has grown from eight years old to over twenty years old, from a little monkey who refused to go to school like the havoc in heaven to a well-educated overseas returnee now. However, the style of his suicide notes has remained almost unchanged, all of which are trilogies.

He first explained what happened to him - he was in danger during a mountain climbing trip, his supplies were almost gone, and he had lost contact with the outside world. He and a few unlucky companions were trying to save themselves in an extremely harsh environment. He wrote this suicide note in case no one buried him after he died.

The second part explains the legacy - what to do with his accounts, technology shares, etc.

Finally, he still summarized his own life.

However, this time, Wei Zhiyuan did not act like he did when he was young and ignorant, not even knowing the meaning of the word "meaning", and he did not brazenly say that his life was short but meaningful. Wei Qian saw that he used something very thin to guide the direction of the bloodstains. Unlike the above two parts, his writing language was changed to Chinese.

"From birth to death, I have had one inverted and sharp obsession after another. Looking back, there is nothing else. I understand what Brother Xiong said."

"It would still be a great pity if I ended up here without being able to see you for the last time."

Below was a string of Wei Qian’s name. The fragile paper had been torn several times and was covered in blood.

Wei Qian carefully reached out and touched the surface of the old paper. The rough and frizzy touch seemed to be mixed with some kind of blood-red longing and pain from the other side of time and space.

How could his beloved brother write his name on a napkin with blood when he was hungry, cold and almost desperate?

Those lines of bloody words were like a wedge, ruthlessly driving into Wei Qian's heart, leaving an indelible mark.

Later, although it was immoral, Wei Qian couldn't help but sit down and open the book that was filled with various things by Wei Zhiyuan. He found that it was actually a diary that Wei Zhiyuan bought at the airport when he went abroad. He didn't write every day, sometimes there might be a break of ten days or half a month in between. However, after such a long time, there were only the last few pages left in the book.

The last article was written when he returned to China and ran into Wei Qian, and then went to see Xiaobao.

All the struggles and redemptions, extreme tenacity and extreme fragility, are all melted into the lines.

Because of this, Wei Qian propped up the coat rack and restored it to its original state, and when Wei Zhiyuan was ready to be beaten and went home, he acted as if nothing had happened and did not mention a word about someone daring to tie him up.

In the early morning of winter, there was no sign of dawn yet and even the wind stopped at some point. The surroundings were extremely quiet.

Wei Qian could only hear Wei Zhiyuan's steady breathing beside him.

Wei Qian wanted to move, but Wei Zhiyuan held him tightly from hands to feet. The posture was just like old Grandet lying on gold coins. He was confined in a small space, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Wei Qian didn't want to wake him up, so he tried to struggle a little. Unexpectedly, this caused the sleeping Wei Zhiyuan to resist unconsciously, and his hands on him tightened, strangling Wei Qian so much that he almost couldn't breathe.

This brat spoke better than he sang, and he almost packaged himself as a hard-working romantic with no regrets. Wei Qian almost believed it.

This unconscious movement while sleeping completely betrayed Wei Zhiyuan.

"You little bastard." Finally, Wei Qian had to pull out one hand and pull him off him with difficulty.

Wei Zhiyuan was finally startled by him and asked dazedly: "Hmm? Brother?"

Wei Qian patted his head: "It's okay, go to sleep."

After saying that, he got up, went to the toilet, and then walked to the large balcony connected to the living room. The large balcony was originally a mess, with only a place for people to sit, and the rest was piled with miscellaneous items. Later, Wei Zhiyuan transformed it into a small study. He bought a soft small sofa and a small rattan coffee table, and laid a clean carpet underneath. If you want, you can sit on the floor. On one side are tall bookshelves, and on the other side are paintings and many small storage compartments.

There were cigarettes and a lighter under the coffee table. Wei Qian took out a cigarette and was about to light it, but then he remembered something, hesitated for a moment, and put it back.

The window frames were covered with ice flowers, and even the searchlights of the occasional passing cars could not reach such a high floor.

Wei Qian stretched out his legs, sat on the small sofa, and stared out the window at the misty night for a while. The unlit cigarette kept turning around between his fingertips. Occasionally, he would bring it under his nose to smell the scent, and that was enough to satisfy his craving.

His eyeballs seemed to be covered with a layer of clear glass, and his gaze penetrated calmly, as peaceful and tranquil as the autumn moon over a calm lake.

The outline in the darkness was almost graceful.

Wei Qian rarely had time to sit idle and daydream like this. No one could tell what he was thinking. He seemed to have turned into a lifelike and handsome statue, waiting for the rising sun.

"What can I give him?" When it was late at night and everyone was asleep, this thought suddenly flashed through Wei Qian's mind.

It is easy to write a suicide note, because in the end, people find that there are only a few things easy to write about - where they came from, where they stopped, what is left, what wishes are left... and the trajectory of their lives. The trajectory of most people can actually be summarized in one sentence.

Life and death, it turns out is nothing more than this.

"If I find out that I don't have much time left, what can I leave for him?" Wei Qian thought so. He felt very tired and his waist muscles were still awkwardly sore, but he was no longer sleepy and even wanted to sit here until dawn. It was like a river that had been blocked for many years was suddenly washed away in his heart. He wanted to follow the thin stream of water to see where it would eventually flow to.

But in the end Wei Qian failed to get what he wanted, because Wei Zhiyuan found him not long after.

The young man rubbed his eyes, bent down, stretched out his hands from behind the sofa, crossed them on Wei Qian's chest, put his chin on his shoulder, rubbed it with infinite affection, yawned and asked: "Why did you get up? Are you feeling unwell?"

Wei Qian: "I can't sleep, get up and walk around."

Wei Zhiyuan's eyelids were about to close. He tried hard to blink and took Wei Qian's hand: "Your hands are cold. It's almost dawn. Can you go back and lie down for a while?"

Wei Qian's thoughts were cut off and he stood up following his hand. Wei Zhiyuan immediately clung to him without saying anything and said coquettishly, "Brother, can you not go to work tomorrow?"

Wei Qian rolled his eyes at him and said, "How can I make money if I don't work? Sell my body? Selling my body is a physically demanding job. I really can't do it for a long time."

Wei Zhiyuan laughed, he always felt it was unreal, like a dream where happiness came too quickly.

He even began to fear dawn, fearing that this was just another illusion he had made up to amuse himself.

After the morning meeting the next day, Wei Qian said to Wei Zhiyuan without warning, "I asked the administration staff to book a plane ticket for you. The investment funds will be in place soon. You need to make a trip. Someone will be needed to connect with you."

Being driven away just after he succeeded, Wei Zhiyuan almost suspected that he did it on purpose. However, business is business after all, and besides, it was not an investment for him alone. Wei Zhiyuan no longer had the heart to work, so he could only complain a few words in his heart with dissatisfaction and went back to pack his luggage.

The night before Wei Zhiyuan left, Sanpang came first.

The fat man came with a grim message: "All of Wang Dongliang's assets have been frozen, and all the relevant personnel have been controlled, but there are always fish that slip through the net - his brother-in-law who is particularly prone to trouble has disappeared. Now we are secretly wanted for him. We suspect that he may come to seek revenge on you."

Wei Qian threw a piece of smoking cessation gum into his mouth and said nonchalantly, "Come on, warmly welcome."

Sanpang looked at the smoking cessation gum in shock: "You're quitting smoking? Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Wei Qian waved his hand: "The body is the capital of revolution. You are a nouveau riche whose thinking is not up to the standard. Stop talking nonsense and get out of here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Zhiyuan opened the door with a smile and said to Sanpang, "Third brother, I'll see you off."

Sanpang: “…”

This bastard is quite good at hitting wherever he points.

Sanpang thought that it was Wei Zhiyuan who forced Wei Qian to quit smoking, so when he was leaving, he looked at the young man at the door with some surprise, wondering if this kid could really have such a big influence on Wei Qian?

Kim Jong-un couldn’t tell whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, he just felt very weird and left in a depressed mood.

I don’t know if it was because of Kim Jong-un’s bad luck, but not long after he left, Wei Qian received a call.

The other party asked in a timid voice: "Hello, are you...are you Wei Qian?"

Wei Qian first thought that the caller was trying to sell something, and before forcibly hanging up the phone, he couldn't help but sarcastically say, "You bought this resident's personal information at a discount, right? You can't even tell who it is. With your professional qualifications, what can you sell?"

He was about to hang up when the other party suddenly shouted, "Don't, don't hang up!"

The man on the phone seemed to be overly excited, his breathing became noticeably heavier, and he suddenly asked, "Wei what? Your mother's name is Wei what?"

This strange question made Wei Qian stunned for a moment, and then he immediately realized who that person was and hung up the phone without hesitation.

After a while, the number just sent a text message: "I know you don't want to recognize me, but you have my blood after all, so at least meet me, okay?"

A time and address are attached below.

Wei Qian stared at the text message for a while, then he thought about it and replied: "Okay."

After replying, he immediately made a quick decision and called an acquaintance in the police, providing the time, place, meeting method and contact number. Finally, Wei Qian added wickedly, "I think this group of people must be a gang, and all the members probably have criminal records or previous convictions. When you arrest people, you must pay attention and try to catch them all at once without leaving any behind."

The acquaintance agreed immediately: "No problem, those who have criminal records and then commit crimes again are the most abominable. If they are caught, they must be severely punished."

Wei Qian sneered, “It couldn’t be better.”

Because of this, Wei Zhiyuan refused to leave at first, and finally Wei Qian threw him and his luggage to the airport without saying anything and drove away.

Unexpectedly, something happened as soon as I left.

The police had plenty of clues, and it was the end of the year when work summaries and assessments needed to be conducted. Everyone was very enthusiastic about their work, and they caught the man without much effort.

Including the "Ji Xuewen" who was not sure whether he was real or fake, a total of seven or eight people were arrested. The police arrested them all at once. Ether, ropes, sticks and many controlled knives were found at the scene. You could tell what these bastards were planning to do without even looking.

Sanpang went to the police station to take a look, then called Wei Qian and said, "I saw Ji Xuewen, a bald old man who kept insisting that he wanted to see you. I scanned him with my X-ray eyes and I don't think you two are related by blood."

Wei Qian was about to meet a partner and took the elevator downstairs with Xiao Fei: "Nonsense."

Sanpang: "But are you really not going to come and see? What if it is really..."

Wei Qian said coldly: "What does it matter if it's true or not? Blood relationship means nothing."

"Oh, okay, it's nothing." Sanpang choked back his words. The most inhumane thing about Wei Qian is that he has no curiosity about things that normal people would be curious about.

But... there's nothing wrong with it.

"But there is something that I don't think is very good." Sanpang said, "I looked at the group that was arrested, and it seems that Wang Dongliang's brother-in-law is not among them."

Wei Qian raised his eyebrows: "What do you think that person looks like?"

As he was talking, the elevator door opened halfway and a short man with a flat head walked in. Both his temperament and eyes did not look like someone who worked in this office building, but he was well dressed. Perhaps for this reason, the security guard let him in.

Wei Qian couldn't help but look at him again. At this moment, Sanpang said, "He's not tall, quite dark, with a flat head, and a little slanted eyes... I'll send you the photo later, you..."

Wei Qian's pupils suddenly shrank, and in a flash, he grabbed Xiao Fei's narrow shoulders and pulled her back. Xiao Fei was looking through the materials for the meeting, and she was still wearing 12-centimeter high heels. She was caught off guard and only had time to scream softly. Wei Qian almost grabbed her feet and threw her back. With a "crack", one of her heels was broken, and she panicked and held onto the wall of the elevator.

The bright elevator reflected the dazzling light of a knife. She saw the man with a flat head took out a sharp dagger from somewhere and stabbed Wei Qian.


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