Chapter 64: Different People

Ever since Sharma was sent to Robben Island, no Indian police had caused trouble for Rock for a long time. On the one hand, this was because Sharma's fate served as a warning to the Indian police. On the other hand, it was also because Dirang could get three or five pounds each time by setting up the scam at the dock, which made many Indian police envious and jealous. They didn't hate him, but they dared not.
For this reason, Rock had a good feeling about Indian police officers during this period. When the commando team expanded, Rock even allowed Henry to choose two Indian police officers. It was unreliable to expect them to fight, but they could still move things and handle logistics.
If this continued, perhaps Rock would be able to partially change his view of Indian police officers. However, on the morning of the day of departure, Rock was completely desperate about Indian police officers.
According to the requirements of the expeditionary force headquarters, Rock and his men had to set off before February 15th, so that they could deliver as much supplies as possible to Dordrecht before the British army launched an attack on the Eastern Front.
Henry was more cautious and set off early on February 14th. After all, most of the Chinese policemen didn't have lovers, and those who had lovers had already broken up.
The night before departure, Rock received unbelievable news that one of the two sergeants of the commando, Indian Rahul, fell off a chair during his nap and broke his arm, and was unable to go to Dordrecht.
"Broken your arm while sleeping? This reason is really fresh!" Rock was really surprised to find that this was a possible operation.
"That damn coward, God knows how his arm was broken. He did it on purpose. Maybe he broke it himself." Henry gritted his teeth. This behavior was too bad.
But it seems normal when it happens to Indians.
"What should we do? We are now one sheriff short." Rock was a little depressed. The loss of a sheriff would definitely affect the previous arrangements.
According to Henry and Rock's plan, Stanley and Rahul each led a team to guard the front and last two carriages of the train respectively. Rock and Henry led the largest team to defend the middle part of the train. Rahul was responsible for the rear of the train. Now Rahul could not travel with the team because of a broken arm, so Rock and Henry would have to assign one person to be responsible for the rear part of the train.
"It's okay, the chief gave me authorization and Anton is now the acting sheriff." Henry told Rock the good news.
This is good news and an unexpected surprise. Although there is no such rank as acting chief of police, as long as Anton does not make any mistakes and returns from Dordrecht, he will be promoted to chief of police.
"Rahul, that bastard, are we just going to let him go?" Rock didn't want to let Rahul go. It was okay for him to be a little slack on weekdays, but when he was about to carry out the mission, Rahul became a deserter. Rock hated this kind of person the most.
"Let him go? How is that possible? The director asked Rahul to go to Stellenbosch to recuperate. He will never be able to return to Cape Town in his life." Henry laughed. Stellenbosch was not .
To be more precise, Stellenbosch is also a prison like Rock Island, but Robben Island holds prisoners, while Stellenbosch holds the families of the escaped Boers.
Since the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer War, many Boers in the Cape fled to the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Free State to help the Boers and the British fight. Their families who remained in the Cape became an unstable factor, but these families had not committed any crime. The British, who were always sanctimonious, could not take tough measures against them, but they could not let them go either. So the British concentrated all the families of the fleeing Boers in Stellenbosch for centralized management, which was almost a refugee camp, not the same as a concentration camp.
"This is too easy for him." Rock was furious. What kind of punishment is this? I'm afraid it's almost like a reward .
Perhaps in the eyes of the British, guarding the refugee camp is a tough job, but Rock doesn't think so. Don't forget that before the British colonized the Cape, the Boers were very rich, so the refugees in the refugee camp and the prisoners on Robben Island were two different things. When the British gathered the families of the fleeing Boers in Stellenbosch, they did not confiscate their property. What's more, the right to distribute supplies was also controlled by the guards of the refugee camp, so Rahul's life should not be too comfortable. The guard of the refugee camp is simply the emperor of the refugee camp.
"Cheap? You don't know the situation in the refugee camps. If you knew, you probably wouldn't think so." Henry knew more about the refugee camps than Rock. It was obvious that in Henry's opinion, it was not a good job.
Is this good?
It depends on the person.
The train station was deserted in the early morning. The commando was mainly composed of Chinese policemen, who had no families in Cape Town, so there were few people on the platform to see them off. The police station did not arrange a military band or anything to see them off, and August Russell did not show up at all, as if the commando had been forgotten.
Rock didn't feel anything. If no one saw him off, then so be it. He was happy to be alone and quiet. Rock didn't like the sadness of separation. It was a bad omen.
In fact, last night, Zack really wanted to go with Rock. According to Zack's words, even if he couldn't help much, he could at least take care of Rock's life.
Rock didn't think so. What a joke! They were going on a mission, not sightseeing. There might be a battle. Did they have to bring a servant to the battlefield?
Rock didn't think he was that noble.
Rock soon realized that he was wrong. It was not uncommon to bring a servant to the battlefield these days. Henry brought one with him. The figure looked familiar. When Rock approached, he found that it was Phyllis.
"Brother, there might be a fight on this trip. Is it really okay to take Phyllis with you?" Rock was a little uneasy. There was no mercy on the battlefield. If something happened to Phyllis, not only Henry, but Rock would also be heartbroken.
Henry glared at Rock, then turned around and glared at Phyllis, muttering something that Rock couldn't hear clearly.
"Don't look down on me. I was a member of the Boy Scouts." Phyllis was very proud, as if the Boy Scouts were something extraordinary and more powerful than the Boer guerrillas.
"Locke, you may not believe it, but Phyllis's gun is more accurate than yours." Henry looked helpless. It seemed that something happened after Rock left that night that Rock didn't know about.
Rock almost laughed out loud. Henry was afraid that he had some misunderstanding about his shooting skills. Henry had no idea how accurate Rock's shooting skills were. Their bet had not even started yet.
"Get on the train, get on the train, everyone get into the carriage." The soldiers maintaining order on the platform waved small red flags in their hands and began to drive people into the carriage.
The railway station is now under military control. The police are only responsible for the security outside the railway station, and all those on duty inside the railway station are regular soldiers.
It was only then that Rock discovered that the soldiers on duty on the platform were wearing khaki uniforms, the same color as police uniforms, instead of the traditional bright red. It seemed that the British were not so stupid.
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024