Chapter 62: You’re not dead?

Jiang Yingyue screamed and fell to the ground, then burst into tears. The two faces in the bag were exactly the ones she knew. Although she had been mentally prepared to some extent, when she really faced the reality, she still couldn't completely accept this cruelty.
"Do you know them?"
The policeman who accompanied them asked, although the situation was clear, he still needed to confirm with Jiang Yingyue, and the necessary procedures could not be omitted.
Jiang Yingyue nodded, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably. She was completely exhausted and leaned completely on Tan Xuan.
"One is my colleague, Sister Wang, and the other is our client tonight, Mr. Li. We had dinner together at Wangjiang Tower tonight. We just separated not long ago, and I didn't expect them to..."
Two policemen asked Jiang Yingyue about the dinner they had with them tonight while taking notes. After the identity of the deceased was further confirmed, the police zipped up the bag again and carried it to the car to be transported away. Although they had defined this accident as an accident based on the scene, they still needed to conduct a detailed examination of the body to determine the detailed cause of the accident.
The police car took the deceased away, and most of the police officers also left after collecting evidence. Only a few people were left by the river to continue salvaging the car from the water.
"Tan Xuan, did you find anything?" Xiao Di asked Tan Xuan without hesitation when there was no one else around. She saw that Tan Xuan had been watching silently for a long time. He had done nothing but support Jiang Yingyue just now, so it was time for him to make a comment.
Tan Xuan sighed, "Nothing is left, it's clean."
"Do you need a cigarette? I'll get it for you." Xiao Di had seen Tan Xuan's ability and knew that he could detect some clues through the smoke that ordinary people could not understand. After all, that time in the bath.
When she was investigating the clues of Sun Shunli's death, she saw it clearly. This time was similar to the last time, both times happened in the water, so she took the initiative to ask.
Tan Xuan shook his head. "No need. We should wait and see. Besides, the conditions here are complicated. It is difficult to find clues with ordinary tricks. But I am sure that this is not an ordinary traffic accident. There must be other things involved."
"Why?" Xiao Di was confused. Although she might not be able to understand the answer even if she asked, she still habitually asked questions to get to the bottom of the matter. Jiang Yingyue also raised her head when she heard Tan Xuan's words, waiting for Tan Xuan to give a detailed explanation.
" People who die suddenly often become ghosts, but I didn't see the ghosts of these two people nearby."
"What do you mean?" Xiao Di and Jiang Yingyue looked at each other, still confused. The second half of the sentence was easy to understand, but the first half was even more incomprehensible to them.
Seeing that the woman was staring at him, Tan Xuan didn't want to explain any more, but now he could only patiently explain to them: "I have told Xiao Di before that ghosts are transformed from people's obsessions. People who die of old age will die completely if they don't have any strong obsessions. As the old saying goes, death is like the extinguishing of a lamp, and they will not become ghosts. People who die unexpectedly are also called people who die suddenly. When such people die, they may be unwilling or have resentment in their hearts, and they are often easy to become ghosts. And here by the river, it's clean now. Not only can you not see the two newly dead ghosts, even ordinary wandering ghosts rarely wander around here."
"What does this mean?" Xiao Di asked with a frown. After being with Tan Xuan for a long time, she learned to be like Tan Xuan and frowned at every turn.
Jiang Yingyue also asked: "If there is no ghost, doesn't it prove that Sister Wang and Mr. Li died in an accident?"
"No." Tan Xuan shook his head again, "Their ghosts should have been taken away by the female ghost you saw."
"Ah!" Jiang Yingyue panicked again, "Are you saying that Sister Wang and the others have turned into ghosts, and they took their ghosts away after the ghosts killed them?"
Tan Xuan nodded, "You can say that, just now I can tell from the expressions of their corpses that they must have turned into ghosts."
Jiang Yingyue sobbed again, "Sister Wang and the others were killed by ghosts. They are still bullied by ghosts after death. Isn't it too pitiful?"
Tan Xuan glanced at Jiang Yingyue and did not continue to comfort her. He told her the truth: "There are many pitiful people in the world, and there are also many pitiful ghosts. It's useless for you to feel sad for them. Dead is dead. This is already a fact. No one can change it. You should think about how to report it to your company. After all, one of the dead is your colleague and the other is your client. The police will contact your company soon. Your company may not investigate how they died, but you can't help but ask why they died together. Even if your company doesn't ask too much, their families will not ignore it, right?"
Jiang Yingyue understood what Tan Xuan meant. She would explain what needed to be explained. She didn't want to hide anything, but she could only speak according to the existing facts. But now she couldn't accept the current facts no matter what. Two living lives were gone so quickly. Jiang Yingyue sobbed and asked Tan Xuan: "Did Sister Wang and Mr. Li die in vain? Can't the police solve their cases?"
Tan Xuan shook his head. "The police can solve cases committed by living people, but they can't solve cases committed by ghosts. They won't believe our stories, and even if someone believes them, they can't report them."
"Why?" Jiang Yingyue expressed that she didn't understand.
Tan Xuan explained with a wry smile: "The police investigate cases based on evidence. Where can you ask them to find evidence of ghosts? This society is based on science. What we are talking about is superstition. We are discussing superstition with the police. Do you plan to redress the injustice for your colleague or turn yourself in?"
Jiang Yingyue was stumped by Tan Xuan's question. Without thinking too much, she knew that what Tan Xuan said made sense.
"But we can't let Sister Wang and Mr. Li die in such an unclear way, right?"
Looking at Jiang Yingyue who was still very persistent, Tan Xuan sighed, "There are so many unclear things in the world, how can there be someone to defend them all? Even if someone gets rid of that ghost in the future, no one will defend the cause of death of your sister Wang and Mr. Li."
"Stop talking, let's go, there's no need to stay here." Tan Xuan didn't let Jiang Yingyue continue. According to her current state, she would chatter endlessly even if she didn't have any questions. This is a normal behavior when people are stimulated. Tan Xuan has seen many crying, chattering, and silent. If he left them alone and let them calm down on their own, it might not be useful until tomorrow.
Tan Xuan gave Xiao Di a wink, and Xiao Di walked to the other side of Jiang Yingyue.
"Come on, get some rest. You may have a lot to face tomorrow."
As Xiao Di spoke, he held Jiang Yingyue's arms, and dragged Jiang Yingyue from the riverside back to the car, one on the left and one on the right.
"Where are you staying tonight? Going back to the dormitory? I'll take you back first." After getting back in the car, Tan Xuan's first thought was to settle Jiang Yingyue. As for Xiao Di, he was just a hitchhiker, so he just followed the car first.
"I'll go back to the dormitory." Jiang Yingyue said woodenly, with no expression on her face. She had not yet come out of the grief and anger she had just felt.
"Go back to the dormitory?" Tan Xuan was stunned. He had been to Jiang Yingyue's dormitory downstairs before, so he was not unfamiliar with the place. However, her roommate had just died. Could she live there ? Tan Xuan felt a little worried.
"Do you have any relatives or friends in Jiangzhou? Why don't you stay somewhere else for a few days?" Tan Xuan looked at Jiang Yingyue and asked, but after waiting for a long time, Jiang Yingyue didn't answer. Jiang Yingyue just stared out of the car. Tan Xuan knew that he was asking in vain. If she had relatives, she wouldn't have come to him if she encountered problems a few days ago.
Tan Xuan turned his head to look at Xiao Di and ordered directly: "You should comfort her. She can't be like this now."
Regardless of whether Xiao Di was the type of person who could counsel others or not, Tan Xuan directly gave the task to Xiao Di. Considering Jiang Yingyue's current situation, it was not a good idea to let her live in the dormitory alone.
It was late at night and there were very few people on the streets. Those who should go home had already gone home, and those who didn't want to go home were also looking for their own place to stay. Only a handful of people had a home but could never go back again.
Tan Xuan was not driving fast. He hoped that seeing Jiang Yingyue in the car would help her get out of her grief. After all, he was worried about letting her face this cruel reality alone. But the journey always has an end. Not long after, Tan Xuan drove into the community where Jiang Yingyue's dormitory was located.
This time, Tan Xuan did not just send Jiang Yingyue downstairs and leave. Instead, he and Xiao Di sent Jiang Yingyue upstairs and back to the dormitory.
Jiang Yingyue took out the key and opened the door of the dormitory. The room was dark, and only the light from the window brought some light into the room. Jiang Yingyue did not turn on the light, and walked directly through the living room to the north-facing bedroom with the weak light. She looked dazed and did not even greet Tan Xuan and Xiao Di to come in.
Jiang Yingyue pushed open the bedroom door and turned on the bedroom light. She realized that there were two other people who came back with her. She turned around and greeted Tan Xuan and Xiao Di. However, when she turned around, she suddenly froze there, looking at the bedroom opposite. The expression on her face changed again and again, surprise, confusion, joy... In an instant, all kinds of expressions appeared on her face. Because she saw that her roommate was sitting on a chair in front of the window reading a book.
"Sister Wang, you are not dead?" Jiang Yingyue said with tears on her face, looking at the bedroom opposite.
Jiang Yingyue realized that what she said was inappropriate, and quickly waved her hand apologetically, "When did you come back? I didn't even notice you were in the room just now."
As she spoke, Jiang Yingyue wiped the tears from her face and walked towards the bedroom opposite. Sister Wang in the bedroom was not angry at her words. Instead, she put down the book in her hand, smiled and waved at her.
Just as Jiang Yingyue was about to walk into the opposite door, she heard someone shouting behind her, but now she only wanted to give Sister Wang a warm hug, but then she felt someone picked her up.
"Stop right there."
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024