Chapter 62 Secret

Chapter 62:

The heavy rain that chills the bones and the dementor’s surprise inspection all seem to symbolize the ominous nature of this semester. Before getting out of the car, Mu Yu repeatedly confirmed that the jade pendant and sachet were protected by the strictest formation. She couldn't let these two things out of her sight. That's why she was the last one to get off the bus.

The freshmen had been led away by Hagrid, and the others were walking along a muddy path. Not far away, she saw Daphne walking at the end of the crowd, hugging Astoria and softly comforting her. Mu Yu took a few steps to catch up with Daphne.

Astoria was shivering in Daphne's arms, with no color on her face. Daphne kept comforting her. When Daphne saw Mu Yu, she just said hello to Mu Yu hastily. Mu Yu handed the remaining piece of chocolate to Daphne: "I have another piece of chocolate here. She needs this."

"Thank you, Yu. Professor Luping gave chocolate to each compartment, but one piece is not suitable for Astoria." It was obviously not enough, she was frightened. "Daphne muttered, "Only the Ministry of Magic could come up with the idea of ​​letting dementors stationed at Hogwarts."

Mu Yu didn't answer her words and was stunned as he handed over the chocolate . Yu discovered that Daphne had been wearing the brooch she gave her. She seemed to like the gift very much.

"Professor Lu Ping should be our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this semester. Finally, we have a normal person teaching this class." Mu Yu turned to Professor Lu Ping. Compared to Quirrell, who had Voldemort stuck to the back of his head in the first year, and Lockhart, who talked about running trains in the second year, Lupine could not be more normal except for the shortcoming of being bitten.

Daphne was obviously not that interested in the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. She just said casually: "I hope so."

They came to the end of the muddy path, and it was the first time for Mu Yu to return to school through this road. Dozens of carriages were parked scatteredly in front of them, and creatures that looked like horses but not horses stood between the shafts. Their black skins were tightly attached to the skeletons, and every bone was clearly visible. A pair of large, black wings sprouted from the ridges between the bones. Their pupils were all white, and they stared blankly at the continuous rain.

Other students had already boarded the carriage one after another. She and Daphne walked towards a carriage with Astoria. When passing by the creature pulling the cart, she casually mentioned: "Weird creature."

Daphne said doubtfully: " "What?"

"The horse-like creature standing in the middle of the shaft pulling the carriage."

Daphne looked at Mu Yu with a strange expression: "Yu, are you okay? The carriage always moves by itself." Ah huddled in Daphne's arms. Stolia also raised his head and looked at Mu Yu in confusion.

None of them can see it. Mu Yu subconsciously didn't want to admit that he was different: "Maybe the dementors made me hallucinate. Get in the car quickly, I'm starving."

"It's not a hallucination." A voice came from behind them. It's Professor Lupine.

"Do you mind if I share a car with you?" Lu Ping asked them politely.

Daphne glanced at Lupin's shabby robes, she pursed her lips, but still said: "Of course I don't mind, Professor."

The carriage was just big enough for the four of them. But with Lupine joining, the atmosphere was particularly awkward. Astoria kept chewing the piece of chocolate in her hand without saying a word. Daphne and Mu Yu sat speechless. Lupine seemed tired and leaned against the car window with his eyes closed to rest. He didn't look like he wanted to explain what he had just said.

As the carriage bumped through the pouring rain, Mu Yu's thoughts had already drifted to next year's competition. Without that spell, she had no doubt that even if she exaggerated the benefits of inciting the academy to participate in the competition, Shen He would not move a step.

Or... She tightened her grip on the railing inside the carriage. If one goes wrong, there will be another body in the Christmas detention area.

There were also Xu Yu's traps, the dangers of Kunlun Ruins, and Dumbledore's vague suspicions...

The turbulent thoughts did not calm down until he stepped off the carriage and walked through the majestic gate into the brightly lit auditorium. Hogwarts always had a magic that could calm her complicated moods.

But that didn't change her mind. The semester had been terrible from the beginning.

Going out all night on the first night of school must be something even a Gryffindor can't do. Mu Yu thought this while circling the corridor on the eighth floor. The long period of confinement made Nagini extremely irritable. She had no doubt that if Nagini continued to stay in the narrow dormitory and waited for her to return from class, the entire dormitory would cease to exist.

There is something hidden in the corridor on the eighth floor...

Mu Yu can feel a special energy flowing in it, but she can only capture this energy. She groped carefully at the seemingly blank wall. Nagini, who was forced into the sachet with a traceless stretching spell cast by her, was struggling desperately.

"Nagini, stop making trouble, I know you are not feeling well."

She just wanted to find a place to hide Nagini quickly.

The moment this thought passed through his mind, Mu Yu touched a door. A huge arch appeared out of thin air on the originally empty wall. Mu Yu pushed open the arch door directly.

There was a musty smell in the air. Piles of old books were piled up to the ceiling. In addition to books, there are also various worn-out sculptures with peeling paint, and even furniture piled together haphazardly. Everything has a strong sense of history, and some objects even have a layer of disgusting green hair on them.

The Cornish elf squeaked merrily among the clutter like a mouse.

She released Nagini. It also liked such an environment very much and began to swim around. The hissing sound made the originally happy elf scream and fly away.

All her attention was drawn to the crown worn on a statue in the distance. The dim and dirty environment cannot conceal the brilliance of the crown itself. It stands out among a pile of old clutter. The crown is actually not that dazzling. On the contrary, it looks a little faded. Like all the items here, it cannot escape the erosion of time. But to her, it was more than just a dead object forgotten by time.

Another piece of Tom's soul. The aura of his soul was all too familiar to Mu Yu, pure evil mixed with boundless loneliness. She easily took the crown off the statue's head, raised the light crown and looked at it carefully: "It's so beautiful." On the crown was engraved a line of shallow cursive characters: Endless wisdom is the most precious wealth of mankind.

"This seems to be a relic of the founder of Ravenclaw House." She looked at the name engraved on the other side, which read Rowena Ravenclaw. "You have always been very picky, Tom. But I don't agree with it. In other words, wisdom is important, but there are many things more valuable than wisdom. "

"Yu, stay closer to me." "Even if there are only two of them in the room, even if they are close at hand, Tom Riddle can't be sure whether he is close. Holding Mu Yu tightly, did he catch the looming sandalwood scent? Before that day comes, he will firmly connect his world with Mu Yu, and he will let this erratic cloud stay in the palm of his hand until that day comes.

From now on, there will never be such a misty cloud floating across his gray world, and there will never be a flower from the other side blooming on the road to the abyss.

He won't allow it either.

Mu Yu didn't refute him for the first time, and she took a few steps closer to him. Nagini was also sitting quietly in the corner at this time.

"It was a snowy day." His slender fingers passed through the simple crown in Mu Yu's hand, "I walked a long way to Hogwarts and applied to Dumbledore for a teaching position."

"Dark Magic Defense." She accepted it without thinking.

"I told him that I had advanced magic to an unprecedented degree, and that I put all my talents at his command and shared what I had learned with his students. He was still the same, repeating the same old arguments, Laughing at my ignorance. Unfortunately, nothing I have seen in the world can prove his point: love is more powerful than magic." He sneered contemptuously, "He threatened that I was looking in the wrong place, so where else could I find it than Hogg. Watts is more suitable for carrying out my research, but he feels guilty."

Frame after frame flashed through Mu Yu's mind, including the fiery red Bianhua flowers in the courtyard of Mingyuan Mountain and those locked in the dark toilet. The little girl screamed "freak" and scolded her, her gloomy face flashing during Legilimency.

Dumbledore had mentioned the importance of love to her countless times, and gently advised her that love is the most powerful magic. He told her over and over again that her grandfather loved her very much, and that she was deeply loved.

She felt love, and love was indeed very warm, but the night was too dark, and this warmth was too small compared to the long night.

This is family love.

There were stories about her grandfather, a period of turbulent years when he was young and frivolous. From the fragments of words spoken by others, she could barely piece together intermittent pictures and get a glimpse of his past. Whether it was him, Shen Qitong's master Ning Yue, or Xu Yu in the past, they had devoted their lives to breaking the academy's monopoly on power and relieving the suffering of the people, but one after another they turned into loess. , or are so cautious that they dare not reveal their true thoughts easily.

This is the great love of the world.

The love between men and women is an area that Mu Yu is particularly unfamiliar with. Olivia, her nominal mother, spends her life chasing nothingness. Does Mu Yi really love her? If he loves her, why should he forcefully keep her fading life regardless of her wishes?

Even the emotions between relatives can easily deteriorate, let alone people who are not related by blood and are only connected by inexplicable fate.

She had experienced love and witnessed love, but as for Tom, had he ever experienced even a moment of tenderness and sadness suddenly sweeping over her. Very strangely sad. It is different from the sadness when my grandfather passed away, and it is even different from the sadness mixed with hatred when I know my true life experience. This sadness was not that strong, but like the drop of water that vowed to penetrate the stone, it persisted in penetrating through her scarred heart.

"Tom, fireflies can only fly between the needles and threads. Even if they fly to the end of the needles and threads and touch the boundless void, they will only be swallowed by the coldness of the void. "Don't be afraid. She swallowed the words. She could say this to eleven-year-old Tom, tell him that he had nothing to fear from anyone, not even death. She also always believed that in her eyes, there was only Tom Riddle. This was the first time she had doubts about it.

He has long since changed.

The little boy would not necessarily refuse Mu Yu's comfort, but Voldemort could not tolerate any form of pity or sympathy.

Olivia had thrown away that gentle boy, would she have also thrown away the boy she saw in the orphanage? Just like Olivia, she only saw a shadow of nothingness.

She soon realized that this was entirely self-inflicted. It is most boring and foolish to insist on distinguishing these.

"Yu, go on." His red eyes stared at her closely, and he knew that Mu Yu had not finished what he said.

She bit her lip and could only change the subject stiffly: ""You have always wanted that position. Perhaps Dumbledore thought you had other reasons for coming to Hogwarts, but you really wanted the position. Hiding things is just a purpose for you. "

Mu Yu can always grasp his true desire. He should be surprised by this, but for the first time, he has a strange feeling. There is something she can't say, and she won't say it again, just like that night in the Leaky Cauldron He had never been able to ask the question in the bar and had no answer. He had never cried out in his heart for Mu Yu to say the unfinished words and give the answer.

"Tom, madman, teach me. "From Tom to Madman, her tone became softer every time, "You have advanced magic to an unprecedented level, but what I have mastered now is far from enough. It is too slow to learn by myself. I can also bring you a lot of things. "Mu Yu didn't preach to him. She knew he wouldn't tolerate others saying this word to him, "Oriental formations, talismans, spells... all you need is to keep exploring the unknown areas. There are so many unknowns in magic, and even Dumbledore has many areas that he has not yet explored. "

His red eyes gradually became fanatical.

"I'm afraid this room is more than just a place to hide things. "The originally dusty room gradually twisted and gradually formed a courtyard. A clear spring from nowhere flowed through the courtyard, and fiery red flowers bloomed on both sides.

This is the small courtyard on Mingyuan Mountain . , is also the part of Mu Yu's memory that is enough to burn his soul.

This place is closely related to Dumbledore's magic weapon, that dirty, humble, useless love,

but he does not want to avoid this place, he does not want to avoid any part of Mu Yu's soul. There is only this one time. Next year, when he regains his body, recruits his old subordinates, and takes control of Norway, all the humble, dirty and useless love, and the sin of letting people enjoy sinking will be like a speck of dust in his hands

. The countless lives disappeared under his command, leaving no trace behind.

When the entire small courtyard was completely formed, Mu Yu said the last words: "Let's explore unknown areas together and merge completely different magics into the most powerful one. Use this power to weave ideals for others. "

It's really ironic. Both Grandpa and Dumbledore have always hoped that the East and the West can eliminate the prejudices accumulated over the long years and communicate together. I'm afraid they never expected that they would be the first to take this step. "

Ordinary black magic has no need for me . Come teach you." Under such circumstances, he could still remain rational and see her not-so-pure purpose, "Tell me, Yu, what do you want to learn most?"

Mu Yu looked up at him, without any hesitation: " Li Huo. I want to master the powerful fire that can damage the soul before the end of this school year." The emotions surging in those red eyes made her laugh out loud, "Madman, you know who I want to deal with. "

There was silence all around, and Nagini didn't dare to make any movement at this moment. The girl's clear laughter only made the whole room more miserable.

"This is our little secret. "Tom Riddle was caressing the flower of the other side of the world that was blooming the most. The flower of the other side of the world was so fragile that even his broken soul could easily break it off.

The time and space where his obsession once existed, when he showed Mu Yu that from everywhere Was she also thinking this when she picked up the "trophies"?

A secret that only

one person could share with him.

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024