Chapter 62: Another Gamble

When I saw the appearance of "Lao He", I heard a buzzing sound in my ears, as if I was pricked by a sharp needle, and my whole body felt numb.
How the hell is this Lao He!
It's obviously——Cheng Xiaoyan's grandmother!!
"Cluck, cluck, cluck, eat, eat..."
Her laughter became louder and louder, and her entire face seemed to be torn apart. The mottled wrinkles on her face were like worms, constantly wriggling as she laughed, and the stench of rancidity from her mouth filled her face...
I was totally terrified, looking at her in bewilderment, and even forgot to run away...
"Zhiyong, run away!"
Until, a rapid and angry shout was heard.
It’s Lao He’s voice!
I suddenly woke up, as if I had been splashed with cold water, and turned around and ran away.
My brain had stopped thinking at this moment, and I ran towards the gate of Building D like crazy...
Behind me, a cold wind blew, accompanied by the sound of whizzing footsteps, approaching closer and closer.
She is coming!
She's coming after me!
The eerie and hoarse laughter, like a death clock, kept ringing in my ears.
As I was getting closer and closer to Building D, I suddenly felt a strong force on my back. I fell forward uncontrollably, groaned, and fell to the ground in a mess.
“Eat, eat, eat…”
The old woman's voice was getting closer, and her withered hands were already on my back.
I shuddered, gritted my teeth, endured the pain, rolled forward a few times, stood up and continued running.
At the door of Building D, I saw Lao He.
He held a handful of glutinous rice tightly in his left hand and a yellow talisman in his right hand, looking at me nervously.
“Quick, quick!”
Hearing his urging, I ran even harder.
Sweat dripped down my cheeks, hitting my dry , trembling lips. My clothes were a little torn from the fall. But I couldn't care less. I kept running forward. My subconscious kept telling myself that I must get back to Building D. I would be safe there.
In fact, I didn’t know why I had this idea at the time. Logically, the old lady could come and go freely in Building D. Even if she returned to Building D, could she be spared?
Thinking about it now, I was probably too panicked at the time to regard the gloomy and evil Building D as my last safe haven.
Yes, when people are in despair, they will use even a straw to save their lives.
A roar of a wild beast suddenly sounded without any warning.
Strong, cold and brutal!
Full of penetration!
It's like a lioness that has been hungry for seven days and seven nights seeing its prey, which is terrifying.
I was so scared that I shivered, my legs went weak, I staggered and almost fell down again.
Fortunately, Lao He finally ran over, grabbed me and said urgently: "Go in quickly!"
After saying that, he threw the glutinous rice in his hand behind me, then followed me and ran towards the gate of Building D.
However, at this moment, something strange happened!
A strange wind suddenly blew from all directions.
The open door of Building D was slammed shut by the strange wind.
Lao He and I pulled the door hard, but it wouldn't open. Our faces turned pale.
At this time, the roar that had been dormant for a few seconds sounded again.
I looked at Lao He with horror, asking him with my eyes what I should do.
"Go that way!"
Old He gritted his teeth, seemed to have made some decision, took the lead, and ran towards the southwest.
There was a row of vineyard corridors, long and narrow, crisscrossing, about a hundred meters long, surrounded by ponds, which emitted a fishy smell.
I followed Lao He and rushed into the vineyard corridor.
Because it was dark and there were no street lights, we ran around like headless flies. Lao He sprinkled sticky rice on the ground while running. The beast-like sound behind me was still approaching. I glanced back while running, and my scalp tingled instantly.
I saw a dark figure, crouching on all fours on the ground, like a black panther, running towards us.
Her speed was so fast that even a 100-meter runner could not catch up with her - in just a moment, she was about to catch up with us.
"Old...Old He, she is chasing us!" I said anxiously.
Old He ran so hard that he was panting and out of breath, his face turning extremely pale.
He seemed to think that running like this was not a solution, so he suddenly stopped, looked at me intently, and said in a deep voice: "We can only gamble once more!"
"What's the bet?"
I don't understand.
"Don't ask, just open your mouth!"
As soon as I opened my mouth, Lao He stuffed a soft ball-shaped object into it.
"Turn around and grab this vine!"
"Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth and don't swallow the saliva in your mouth. When you hear me call your name, spit it out!"
"Don't forget to close your eyes. If there is any movement, don't open them unless it involves life and death!"
Old He spoke very quickly, half squatting on the ground, scattering glutinous rice all around, muttering something under his breath.
It suddenly dawned on me that Lao He was planning to use the same trick he used last time in Building D!
Without hesitation, I turned around, grabbed the vine, and closed my eyes.
Then, the sound of Lao He's footsteps could be heard fading away.
It was quiet for about ten seconds, and then a cold wind blew in my face. I was shivering with cold. Although I closed my eyes, I was sure that the old monster had come to me...
"I can't run, eat, I can't run, eat..."
She whispered in my ear in a voice as hoarse as a broken gong.
I was so nervous that I dared not move my whole body, as if I was in a plaster cast. From time to time, a cold wind blew on my neck, and a rotten smell filled the air, as if there was a dead person standing next to me.
With both hands, I grasped the slender roots of the grapevine so tightly that I almost broke them...
"The vast ocean laughs, the tide surges on both sides, ups and downs follow the waves, only remember today, the sky laughs, the world is full of tides..."
At this moment, the cell phone rang!
My body trembled and I secretly groaned in my heart.
Why did the call come at such a time? Why did it come at this moment?
The strange thing is, even though the cell phone rang, the old woman seemed not to hear it and did not take any action towards me.
"How much do we know about this world? The wind laughs, but it seems lonely. The heroic spirit still has a piece of sunset glow left. The common people laugh, and they are no longer lonely..."
The bell was still ringing, intermittently, and the melodious and sad singing broke the silence of the night.
After a while, the other party finally hung up the phone. Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, the phone rang again...
"The vast ocean laughs, and the waves surge on both sides..."
I swear, this song will haunt me for the rest of my life.
The phone kept ringing. The other party hung up and called again, and hung up again. It seemed like there was something urgent.
I was a little panicked, worried that it might be Cheng Xiaoyan calling?
After all, besides wanting to take revenge on me and Lao He, this old woman’s real target is actually Cheng Xiaoyan!
Thinking of this, a trace of fear flashed through my heart.
what to do?
what should I do?
Should I answer the phone or not?
But what if this is a trap?
Thoughts one after another kept flooding into my mind, and my head was a mess... I just hoped that Lao He would call my name sooner.
"Zhiyong, spit it out!"
Just when I was panicking, Lao He's voice finally appeared!
I was delighted and turned around, preparing to spit out the saliva and glutinous rice balls that had been accumulated in my mouth for a long time using all my strength.
However, the moment I opened my mouth, my neck suddenly tightened.
An old, dry hand suddenly grabbed me.
I didn't even have the chance to react before I was lifted up into the air...
Jul 01, 2024
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