Chapter 60 Trainee Inspector

It seemed that Phyllis treated Rock's house as her own and lived there comfortably.
Based on this, Henry also openly occupied a room under the banner of protecting Phyllis.
Rock tried to object, but his objection was ineffective. After staying at Rock's house for one night, Henry never returned to his own kennel. Isn't it true that a dog will always be dissatisfied with a poor home?
"Listen to me, Rock. Sell the house to me. I won't let you suffer any loss. How about 500 pounds?" Henry would lobby Rock whenever he had the chance. The price had risen from the original 200 to 500.
If it was just Henry alone, then maybe Henry could continue to live like before, but with Phyllis around, it wouldn't work. Even though Henry and Phyllis often hurt each other, Henry certainly didn't want Phyllis to live in such an environment. Even though Henry didn't admit it, it had become a habit for him to pamper Phyllis. Otherwise, after Henry knew that Phyllis had run away from her marriage, his first reaction should have been to inform his father, instead of helping Phyllis to hide it.
"500 pounds? You must be dreaming. Not to mention that the original value of the house is more than 1,000 pounds. After I took over, I added buildings and improved the feng shui - do you know what feng shui is? It is a mysterious art to increase good luck. Haven't you noticed that I have had good luck since I bought this house ? How much do you think it is worth?" Rock would not sell it. If he sold the house, he would have no reason to come back at any time. Now it is so good. Although he still lives in the dormitory, Rock can come back anytime to feast his eyes.
What's more, some things are really hard to explain, such as Feng Shui, which is very magical. Although Rock doesn't quite believe in this thing, in the eyes of others, it is true that Rock has had good luck since he bought this house, which is difficult to explain.
"1000? I'm afraid you're just dreaming. You only spent 100 to buy this house. Now I'm letting you make five times as much, and you're still not satisfied?" Henry knew how much Rock spent on the house and how much the house was worth. But would Henry let Rock get his wish?
"Brother Henry, do you have 1,000 pounds?" Phyllis was a little curious. 1,000 pounds was not a small amount of money. Phyllis and Henry's father worked as directors in the Colonial Affairs Office and only earned 1,000 pounds a year.
This can also explain why Henry, a guy who was kicked out of the army, was able to work in the Cape Town Police Department. According to convention, the Cape Colonial government would not recruit anyone with a stain. Being kicked out of the army was not necessarily because of a crime, but it was definitely a stain.
"Eat your meal!" Henry was always nice to Phyllis, he was really like a father to her.
Yes, Rock, Henry and Phyllis are having breakfast. Since Henry and Phyllis moved in, Rock sometimes comes back to have breakfast. Otherwise, it would be too lonely to eat alone.
Especially, when one uses a long dining table for twelve people to eat breakfast.
The variety of breakfast is definitely not as rich as afternoon tea, but it tastes good, the milk and eggs are very fresh, and I won’t mention the other things.
Phyllis puffed up her lips and wanted to refute Henry, but she rolled her eyes and said nothing.
"There's good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Henry let Rock choose for himself.
"Is it okay not to listen?" Rock wouldn't be fooled.
Phyllis laughed out loud, and Henry was furious. He slammed the table, and the cutlery on the table made a chaotic clatter. "No, you have to listen. The good news is that the commandos hired from the Chinese Brave Battalion will be in place soon. The bad news is that as soon as they arrive, the commandos will start to carry out some military tasks. But don't worry, I can't run away this time. I want to go with you, but you know, you are actually in charge. If I give orders, I'm afraid I will only make things worse."
Military mission?
MMP, those old turtles in the military really have bad intentions. Henry criticized the "linear tactics" in the newspaper. Those old turtles didn't say anything, but their bodies were honest. They directly dispatched the commandos to the front line. Come on, I'll give you the guns. If you have the ability, come and fight!
It was really a retribution. Rock originally thought that he could hide behind Henry and hold up the sky when it fell. However, he didn't expect that Henry was not big enough when the sky fell, and no one could escape.
"The news is confirmed?" Although he was thinking, Rock still had a smile on his face. His hands were steady as he tore the bread, and his speed and strength were even.
Hmm, Anna’s skills are really hard to describe. I’d better just eat the bread while soaking it.
"OK - this is the news Director Russell got from the Governor's Office. The expeditionary force has to deal with the Boers and cannot spare any troops to escort the supplies, so they asked our police station to be responsible for escorting the supplies to the front line. This is not a combat mission, but it is somewhat dangerous because the Boers are attacking our transportation lines. But you know, in the entire police station, only the commando has a certain combat capability." Henry was also very troubled. If Phyllis had not been present, I believe Henry would have cursed.
He really deserves to be scolded. The Cape now has 250,000 expeditionary forces, of which the vassal troops on the Cape Colony side exceed 35,000. With so many people, they can't even spare any manpower to transport supplies to the front line. They have to transfer personnel from the Cape Town Police Department, which has a total staff of only more than 600. I'm afraid not only Henry, but even the Police Chief August Russell would want to scold him.
Of course Henry had nothing to say. Transporting supplies was just an excuse. The real purpose was to retaliate against Henry for his lies in the newspaper. August Russell probably understood this, so he did not object, because if he did, it might lead to more violent retaliation from the military.
"No , Brother Henry, you can't go. I won't let you go!" Phyllis widened her eyes, unable to believe that the war was so close to Cape Town.
"Phyllis, eat your meal!" Henry said the same words, but this time he was very gentle.
Tears welled up in Phyllis' eyes. She lowered her head and stopped talking. Born into an aristocratic family, Phyllis knew that this was her inescapable fate.
It is really fate. The lobster soldiers on the battlefield were lined up and shot. The most dangerous people were not the soldiers in the line, but the officers leading the charge in front of the line. These people were generally children of aristocrats. In peacetime, they enjoyed the privileges brought to them by their aristocratic status. In wartime, they had to prove with their lives that they deserved the privileges they had.
"Well, how big will the commando team be expanded to?" Since the order cannot be changed, Rock has to find a way to gain some benefits.
"It can be as big as you want. This time, a total of 80 people will be transferred from the Chinese Brave Battalion. I will put them all into the commando team. If there are not enough people, we can also draw Indian and Boer police officers." Henry was also good at bargaining. In other words, if he could make another contribution this time, Henry could be promoted to superintendent of police.
Maybe Rock could also strive to become a trainee inspector.
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024