Chapter 6: Wait Until Death

Although I didn't fall in love with Qiu Jieqin, and I wasn't heartbroken or in agony for her playing with me and deceiving me, I was still extremely angry! I felt that I was greatly insulted! I laughed at myself and was shaking with anger.
In the past 19 years, I have never hated anyone in this world, but today I feel disgust and hatred for Qiu Jieqin from the bottom of my heart. For someone like me who is naturally indifferent, such strong emotions are really the first time in my life, and I was even surprised later.
A long time later, I recalled what happened today. It was strange that I was so angry. Thinking carefully, it might be because I was so proud that the beautiful school girl liked me, but suddenly I found out that it was all fake. The beautiful school girl actually looked down on me. This huge contrast made my self-esteem suffer a great blow. When I reflected on myself , I no longer hated Qiu Jieqin.
But I was really angry at that time. After the bell rang, I returned to the classroom with a livid face and without saying a word. I swore in my heart that if I ever cared about Qiu Jieqin again, I would be a fucking inhuman!
So when Qiu Jieqin came to chat with me after class as usual, I was holding a book and reading it attentively, not even looking at her. She asked me questions one after another, but I pretended not to hear them and ignored them. Qiu Jieqin was very surprised and snatched the book from my hand, saying, "What are you reading? You are so engrossed that you can't even hear me talking to you?"
Before she had time to look through my book, I snatched it back. I threw the book into the desk, turned around and walked out of the classroom without saying anything. Qiu Jieqin was puzzled and said in a wronged voice: "What...what's wrong? Are you angry like this?"
After school, I still saw Qiu Jieqin waiting for me at the school gate. She also saw me and smiled at me. You know what, this little girl is really charming just by looking at her appearance. Just that smile is enough to turn everyone upside down. The boys around me looked at me sideways.

The ancients said: A beautiful woman can conquer a city with a smile, and a second smile can conquer a country. Qiu Jieqin's smile is not enough to conquer a city or a country, but it is more than enough to conquer these little boys. I once saw a boy walking while looking at Qiu Jieqin with his head tilted, but unexpectedly, with a "bang", he hit the electric pole hard, causing Qiu Jieqin to laugh non-stop.
The only one who didn't look at her was me. I treated her like a transparent person, walked past her, ignored her, and pretended she didn't exist.
Qiu Jieqin was stunned for a moment, then followed me and said to me with a grin, "Are you still angry? Okay, okay, I was wrong. I shouldn't have snatched your precious book. I promise I won't do it again next time. Is that okay?"
I ignored her and walked forward.
Seeing that I didn't react, Qiu Jieqin said, "Really? He has already apologized, why are you still looking so stern? Are you trying to be cool?"
"Hey! You can't be so stingy, right? You're a boy! Will you die if you give way to a girl?"
"If you ignore me again, I'll be angry!"
"I'm really going to get angry!"
"Tang Qian! Stop! What are you doing? I'm telling you, I'm angry! If you ignore me again, don't blame me for ignoring you in the future!"
I continued on my way, treating her words as if they were wind blowing past my ears.
Qiu Jieqin stamped her feet in frustration and said, "Mr. Tang, you are so cruel. I will never look for you again. Go and be cool on your own. Goodbye!"
I wished she would stop bothering me and stop looking for me in the future. I heard her footsteps and she turned around and parted ways with me, walking down another road.
I heaved a sigh of relief, finally getting rid of that annoying girl, now I was free. But the good times didn't last long, I had only walked about 20 meters, and the familiar footsteps came quickly from behind. Qiu Jieqin suddenly passed me from behind, blocked my way, and grabbed my right hand, with an anxious face and said seriously: "Tang Qian, don't be like this, what happened? Tell me! Please don't torture me like this, I'm so sad."
I sneered in my heart, thinking, stop acting in front of me, I know exactly what you want to do, don't think I will be fooled by you.
I struggled to free myself from her grasp with my right hand, smiling coldly, and walked away from her without saying a word.
I guess Qiu Jieqin has never been treated so coldly since she was a child. Her pretty face suddenly turned red, and tears of anger and grievance rolled around in her eyes. She bit her lower lip hard to hold back the tears.
She just stared at me as I walked away, feeling extremely complicated.
For several days after that, I ignored her and she ignored me, and we were like two strangers. During this time, Qian Xiaolei approached me twice intentionally or unintentionally. I knew she was sent by Qiu Jieqin to get information, and I didn't want them to know that I eavesdropped on their conversation. I acted abnormally with Qian Xiaolei, and she refused to get any answer from me.
A few days later, and that day I guessed was the last day of their bet, during a morning class, Qiu Jieqin passed by my desk, suddenly threw a ball of paper on my desk, and then walked away.
I sneered and opened the piece of paper, wanting to see what she was up to. The note read:
Tang Qian: I will wait for you under the old locust tree by the playground at 12 noon. I have something very important to tell you. If you don't come, I will wait for you under the tree until I die!
I kept sneering. She actually used this trick to fool ignorant teenagers. Did she underestimate me? I threw the paper ball into the desk and ignored it.
At noon, after I had my meal, I simply lay down in the classroom and took a nap. I slept until the afternoon bell rang. I saw Qian Xiaolei and Sun Li walked into the classroom with strange expressions, and they glared at me fiercely as soon as they came in.
I pretended not to see it and turned my head away from looking at them, but I knew Qiu Jieqin didn't come.

When the teacher came to class, Qian Xiaolei lied that Qiu Jieqin was not feeling well and asked for half a day off for her. Girls always have some mysterious discomforts, and the teacher did not suspect anything and started teaching.
After every class, Qian Xiaolei and Sun Li would run to the playground. At that time, I was very hard-hearted and didn't even glance at the playground.
Finally school was over. I was walking home with my schoolbag on my back, and Qian Xiaolei caught up with me halfway.
Qian Xiaolei stopped me breathlessly and yelled at me, "Tang Qian! What's wrong with you? Qiu Jieqin has been waiting for you for five hours, why don't you keep your appointment?"
I said coldly, "Did I promise to keep the appointment? What can I do if she waits for me foolishly? Go and tell her that she doesn't need to wait any longer. I won't go to meet her."
He turned his head and walked away. I was thinking: This play is so real. If I hadn't known about your scam first, I would have been fooled. Alas! People are so treacherous!
Qian Xiaolei cursed angrily from behind: "Tang Qian! You are not a human being. Is your heart made of iron or stone?"
I pursed my lips, held my head high, and walked away without saying a word...
After dinner, it started to drizzle outside, and I started to feel a little upset. Could Qiu Jieqin still be waiting for me?
Impossible! I immediately rejected this idea in my heart.
Qiu Jieqin once said in person that she looked down on me. The reason why she played the trick of self-torture was probably because she still fantasized about winning the bet. It was so late now and it was raining outside. What's more, I clearly asked Qian Xiaolei to tell her that I would not go.
She can't be so stupid as to still be waiting for me, right?
The rain was getting heavier! Somehow, there was always a sense of inescapable entanglement in my heart that always prevented me from concentrating on reviewing my lessons.
I simply stopped reading and went to the living room to watch cartoons with my younger sister. After watching for a while, someone outside the house suddenly called out: "Tang Qian! Tang Qian! Where are you? Come out!"
I recognized Qian Xiaolei's voice and frowned, thinking angrily: Is this the end? Why are you still looking for me? And you even came to my house.
My sister opened her big innocent eyes and said to me, "Brother, it seems like there is a girl outside calling you?"
My mother also poked her head out of the room and asked me with a very strange look: "Xiao Qian, are they looking for you?"
Qian Xiaolei was still calling my name outside. I rushed out of the living room angrily, opened the door, and saw Qian Xiaolei standing in the rain, soaking wet, calling my name.
I was shocked and quickly opened an umbrella, ran to her to shield her from the rain, and shouted, "Qian Xiaolei, are you crazy? You don't even hold an umbrella in such heavy rain."
Qian Xiaolei suddenly burst into tears, grabbed my arm, and cried, "Tang Qian, I beg you, please go, Qiu Jieqin can't hold on any longer, she...she even refuses to eat, she just cries there, if you don't go, I'm afraid she will get a serious illness!"
I was shocked! I yelled, "Is she stupid? Didn't I tell you to tell her not to wait? Why is she still waiting for me? Why don't you try to persuade her?"
Qian Xiaolei cried, "I tried to persuade her, but she was stubborn and insisted on waiting until you came. She wouldn't leave even if you dragged her away. Please go see her and stop torturing her. She... is so pitiful."
I suddenly felt inexplicably distressed, and my blood boiled. I stuffed the umbrella into Qian Xiaolei's hand and ran towards the school...

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024