Chapter 6 Salty Lies! 4

"Weiwei, what's wrong with you lately? Why do you always seem absent-minded?"
Just when I got the side dish wrong for the eighth time, Hua Likong, who was busy entertaining guests, asked unexpectedly.
"Ah, no." I answered a little flustered.
"This is for table 14. Be careful not to break the plate." Hua Likong said seriously.
After delivering the plate to the guest’s table, I fell into deep thought again.
"How does it taste? I made it freshly." I scooped a spoonful of the curry rice that I had just made during my free time and fed it to Hua Likong's mouth. He ate the curry rice I fed him seriously.
"How is it?" I demanded.
"Well, it's a little salty, a little bitter, and a little sweet." Hua Likong described the taste in his mouth.
Oh my God, Hua Likong can actually taste so many flavors. It seems that although his sense of taste has not been completely cured, the degree of improvement is quite good.
"Hualikong, I'm tired." I said suddenly.
Actually, I came up with an idea.
"Are you tired? Why don't you go and take a rest first? I'm here." Hua Likong said with concern.
"No, just play a game with me." I looked at Hua Likong, my serious expression not ambiguous at all.
"What game?" Hua Likong asked curiously.
"Let's play an eye-to-eye game. We look each other in the eye, and whoever laughs first loses. If you get distracted during the eye-to-eye process, it counts as admitting defeat." I pulled the corners of my mouth apart, revealing a faint smile.
"Okay." Hua Likong agreed casually.
I didn't expect it to go so smoothly.
"Okay, I'll start on the count of one, two, three."
I silently touched the bell on my wrist and looked seriously into Hua Likong's clear eyes.
A black vortex gradually swept away all his thoughts, just like sweeping all his feelings into the bottomless sea.
As expected, whenever I looked into Hua Likong's eyes, I was always confused. Even if I was a guest who didn't eat curry rice, the scene I saw when I read my memory was not like this. Hua Likong's situation made me feel very special.
"You're distracted." Hua Likong smiled faintly and reminded me.
"Well, then give a punishment." I suggested with the same smile.
"Well... I'll punish you by curing my sense of taste." Hua Likong said lightly.
"Hualikung, is this all you ask for? You're too easily satisfied, aren't you? Besides, I was about to find the last customer. It seems that curing your taste buds is just around the corner." I blurted out.
"Chi Weiwei, why do I feel like you're a little weird lately?" Hua Likong seemed to notice that something was wrong with me, so he finally asked.
"What's weird about that?"
Am I being too obvious?
"Maybe you're tired."
"I guess so."
It seems like the topic is becoming increasingly narrow.
I originally thought that as long as Hua Likong didn't take the initiative to talk about this matter, we would never break that thin paper. But I didn't expect that things I didn't want to happen always happened so quickly.
It was a sunny morning. The city, which had just been washed by rain, became unusually clean and fresh. The dark clouds that had been covering the sky over City A gradually dissipated with the crisp calls of birds. Everything was so pleasant.
Browning came to the curry house just like that, when Hua Likong was not there.
Oh, by the way, Browning is Hua Likong's tall, white-skinned, blue-eyed mixed-race friend. He looked at me with a proud attitude.
Of course, just based on his temperament, I felt that he had the capital to be proud. Although I felt that he had no ill will towards me, he just had a kind of self-confidence that ordinary people could not achieve.
"Are you Chi Weiwei?"
I have to say that Browning speaks Chinese very fluently and standardly.
I recognized Browning, but Browning was not curious why I was not surprised to see him and did not mention his identity.
"I think you should have heard what happened that day?" Browning said seriously.
It turned out that he actually saw me that day. However, it seems that he did not tell Hua Likong about this.
"What's wrong?"
Instead, I lost my usual great patience and wanted to get straight to the point, even though I knew that getting straight to the point might not be a good thing.
"You know, you're going to delay him if you keep going like this," Browning said bluntly.
"Browning, I don't quite understand what you're saying. It won't be long before I can cure Hua Likong's sense of taste. How can you say there's a delay?"
Why does it feel like a plot from a TV series? The key is that this doesn't meet the necessary conditions in the TV series?
"Hua Likong is the heir of a family with the ability to read minds. His sense of taste must be cured, otherwise it will delay many things."
The heir of a family of mind readers! It turns out Hua Likong can really read minds! Why has he never told me about this? What good is it to keep it from me?
For a moment, my mind went blank.
I don’t understand… I really don’t understand…
I have always thought that Hua Likong trusted me very much, but now it seems that I was just being wishful thinking and things are not like that at all.
"you do not know?"
Seeing my expression change from surprise to frustration, Browning seemed to realize that he had said something he shouldn't have.
"Sorry," he apologized in a low voice.
"It's okay. Browning, I just want to ask you one thing, and I hope you can tell me honestly."
My heart felt inexplicably empty, and its beating was numb like a machine.
"What is it? As long as you want to know, I will tell you the truth."
I have to say that Browning is a very honest person. Although he is proud, he is honest.
"Why did Hua Likong come to my curry restaurant in the first place? Did he simply want to cure his sense of taste? But even if he simply wanted to cure his sense of taste, why did he have to come to me? How did he know about the existence of our curry restaurant?"
There are so many questions.
I want answers, all of them.
"Well..." Browning hesitated for a while, then told me calmly , "Actually, the reason why Hua Likong tried every means to enter your curry house is because he wanted to cure his sequelae. As for why he had to come to you and how he knew about the existence of your curry house, I don't know."
It turns out that Hua Likong didn't come to the curry restaurant to help me, but just wanted to cure his sense of taste. And he did it in a way that was equivalent to deception, deliberately eating in my curry restaurant, deliberately exaggerating to show his weak sense of taste, so that I would notice him, deliberately waiting for me to invite him into the curry restaurant, and deliberately let me sign the contract...
I always thought that he suffered losses in these matters and felt guilty about it, but I didn't expect that it was all a blatant deception in the end.
Haha! How ironic! How can I expect someone to think about me wholeheartedly?
I really thought I was blessed by God, but it turns out that the lucky cat falling from the sky was just wishful thinking.
My eyes and nose suddenly felt sore, and it seemed like my tears would burst out uncontrollably at any moment.
It turns out that he didn't really come here for the management of the curry house. It turns out that what I thought was a joint fight was just a one-man battle...
My heart seemed to be tightly bound by a heavy shackle, and breathing became difficult.
"Are you okay?" Browning asked with concern in his tone, seeing that I looked a little distraught.
"It's okay." My voice trembled unconsciously.
"Is that really okay?" Browning asked again.
"It's really okay. You go back first. Although I don't know what impact it will have on him if his sense of taste cannot be cured, I will talk to him properly. When he comes back, I will definitely talk to him properly." I said seriously, which was equivalent to making a promise to Browning.
"Okay, I'm sorry about what happened today, but thank you very much." Browning said, looked at me, and left the curry house with peace of mind.
"how so……"
After Browning left, I squatted down uncontrollably, crying in a voice that even made me feel ashamed.
"Weiwei, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"
I was sobbing, and when I heard the voice of the person coming, it was too late to put away my weakness. I could only wipe the tears from my face in a hurry, and stared blankly at Yining running towards me worriedly.
Following behind her was Hua Jinghuan.
Really, why bring people here at this time?
It was so embarrassing that so many people saw me crying.
"Hey, Weiwei, are you okay?" Yining helped me up from my squatting position and took me to the private hall where I sat quietly.
Fortunately, there were no customers in the curry house for the time being. Tears are a form of cowardice, and showing tears in front of a group of people is an idiotic behavior.
"Are you okay?" Hua Jinghuan asked.
"Yeah, it's okay." I shook my head.
"I heard from Yining that your cooking skills are pretty good, so I was planning to try the curry rice you made. But now it seems that it may not be possible." Hua Jinghuan pursed his lips and smiled faintly.
"Why don't you let Yining make it for you. She used to help me here often and can also make curry rice." I suggested.
"Okay, okay. Weiwei, you take a rest. I'll help you look after the curry house today. You can go out to relax, or have fun, you can do anything." Yining looked at me and said seriously.
It’s hard to imagine that Yining could be so considerate.
"Well, then I'll go out for a walk. Hua Jinghuan, I'm sorry, I have to let Yining entertain you." I said a little embarrassedly.
"It's okay, just focus on doing what you want to do." Hua Jinghuan looked at me with understanding eyes.
"Yeah." With Yining watching over the curry house, I could relax and take a break.
Walking on the busy street, I felt that everything around me was so familiar, yet so strange. Unconsciously, I walked to the riverside.
I can't tell clearly which direction the wind comes from. But what I know is that when the river breeze blows, most of my troubles are gone. The river breeze always likes to unscrupulously sweep away your troubles. I like this kind of river breeze, playful and cute, no matter how many troubles there are, they can't cover up the happiness of the river breeze itself.
"Chi Weiwei!"
"Chi Weiwei!"
Huh? Someone called me? Who could it be?
"Chi Weiwei!"
I was startled by the sound coming from far away, and turned around to find that it was Hua Likong walking towards me. Jiang Feng playfully lifted the hair on his forehead, making his already handsome face even more handsome.
Hua Likong? What is he doing here?
"Chi Weiwei!"
In the moment I was stunned, Hua Likong had already walked in front of me.
"Why are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time. Hey, what are you daydreaming about? Is there anyone watching the curry shop?"
Hua Likong threw several questions at me at once, and I didn't know where to start answering.
"What's wrong? Why aren't you talking? Are you sick?"
Hua Likong reached out his hand worriedly to feel the temperature of my forehead, and this time I didn't hide.
Perhaps sensing that there was nothing wrong with me, Hua Likong seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.
"The wind here is too strong, be careful not to catch a cold." Hua Likong warned.
"Hua Likong." I thought about it for a long time and decided to speak.
"What's wrong?" Hua Likong looked at me in confusion.
"Browning has been to the curry house."
As soon as he finished speaking, I saw a flash of surprise on Hua Likong's face. Even though it was very brief, I caught it.
"Browning..." He hesitated, "What did he tell you?"
"I told you that you are the heir to a family of mind readers." I said honestly.
Hua Likong was startled again.
"You told me not to delay your taste treatment, saying you didn't have enough time," I continued.
This is the first time I see Hua Likong in a daze for a long time, it's really unexpected.
"Chi Weiwei, don't let your imagination run wild." Hua Likong said, "You didn't waste my time. Look, isn't my sense of taste much better than before? Can't I taste several flavors other than astringency? Although it's sometimes there and sometimes not, and my sense of taste is very weak, it's much better than before, isn't it?"
"But as long as it's not completely cured, it's just a waste of your time." I said with some self-mockery.
Perhaps he heard the self-mockery in my tone, Hua Likong looked at me with some worry: "You can't think like that."
I suddenly felt that all words seemed so pale in the face of the results.
"You also know that there is only one last customer left. As long as you can repair the Memory Bell, you can completely cure my sense of taste." Seeing that I didn't say anything, Hua Likong emphasized again.
"you know?"
A wave of surprise came over me. It turned out that Hua Likong knew that the purpose of my waiting for five special guests and solving their problems was to repair the Memory Bell. I had always thought that he didn't know about this.
"If you know all that, why don't you just tell me?"
Was he worried that I wouldn't help? Did he think I couldn't be trusted?
My heart is filled with a strong sense of loss.
"I do know that your Memory Bell can cure all the sequelae of a family of mind readers, and I was really confused at first. Why didn't you help me cure my sense of taste when you clearly had the Memory Bell? But then I accidentally discovered a small crack on your Memory Bell, and I thought it must be broken, so there is no direct way to cure my sense of taste. And you are so persistent in finding five special guests. If I'm not mistaken, I think the Memory Bell will be repaired after solving the problem of the five special guests."
After listening to what Hua Likong said, I stood there in a daze.
I only knew that a good memory bell could cure all tastes, but I didn't expect it could also cure all the sequelae of a family of mind readers.
I always knew Hua Likong had a high IQ, but I didn't expect him to be so smart.
"I really don't have the ability to completely cure your sense of taste, so you should find other ways and don't waste your time with me. You don't have enough time, right? Although I don't quite understand what you are saying, please cherish your time."
After saying that, I left the riverside without waiting for Hua Likong's response.
The river breeze made my already sore eyes ache even more. I suspected that there was fine sand in the river breeze, otherwise I wouldn’t feel like crying.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024