Chapter 6: Practicing Alone Xiang Qianlan02

——You will go.
After Qi Beichen sent me back, I thought about what he said and felt a strong sense of insecurity. The conditions proposed by Sun Nuofan were extremely tempting. For a newcomer who knew nothing, this was an opportunity that fell from the sky.
Yes, I will go.
I just hope to have his support, and hope that no matter what happens in the future, I will tell myself that I have done nothing wrong and I will never give up an opportunity.
Sun Nuofan did not choose any particular role for me in the script, but this road is dark and complicated, and everyone uses different methods. What exactly supports me to keep going?
——Miss Xiang, have you ever heard this saying? Some people are born actors.
I pondered for a long time and smiled. The moment I turned around, I saw Zhong Ling staring at me. Today, Hongdou and Cheng Rujuan were not there. Zhong Ling was standing by the door in a black dress.
"You will audition for Butterfly Kiss Youth, right?" she asked me.
"I...didn't understand what you said..." I suddenly felt uneasy.
"Why are you pretending to be so noble?" Zhong Ling looked at me strangely. "Brother Nuo Fan said he found the most suitable heroine for the script. I didn't believe it at first, until he showed me your information. Xiang Qianlan, you are really scheming."
I said to myself, "Brother Novan?"
"You stole my sister's position, you thief." I was baffled by Zhong Ling's hatred. She said confidently, "You must know the famous Zhong Yu'er, right? She is my sister and also Brother Nuo Fan's girlfriend. Brother Nuo Fan originally promised to give her this role, but now he has changed his mind."
The atmosphere immediately became tense.
How could I not know the popular female star Zhong Yuer? I didn't expect that she was Sun Nuofan's real girlfriend and Zhong Ling's sister.
I sneered and glanced at Zhong Ling, then walked straight up to her and whispered, "Since your sister is so capable , why did I take her place? Or did your sister's fame depend on just one Sun Nuofan?"
"You must have seduced Brother Novan like those little goblins! I really look down on people like you." Zhong Ling said gritting her teeth.
"Are you looking down on me or are you jealous? Is Sun Nuofan so easy to seduce? Your sister is such a failure." I said.
"You!" I had no intention of causing trouble over such trivial matters, and it was time to go to class. I took my books from the desk and changed my shoes . Zhong Ling still looked at me unwillingly. She stared at me, but couldn't find any words to laugh at me.
Her fingers trembled convulsively on both sides of her skirt.
I sighed inwardly.
"I don't come here to make an enemy of anyone. I hope you're not the first one to make an enemy of me."
I said this calmly, silently withdrew my gaze from Zhong Ling, smiled faintly, and walked out of the dormitory.
After thinking about it, I took out my cell phone and sent a text message to Sun Nuofan: I want to compete in a fair way.
I vaguely thought of Yin Shuitong. Was it destined that girls would not like me? But I felt relieved. Zhong Yuer would be very happy to know that her sister cared about her so much.
As I walked, I looked at the scenery on both sides of the road, lost in thought.
Apart from taking professional courses at the School of Management, I moved the time I spent at the School of Art to the training center of Sun Nuofan's company. Sun Nuofan gave me a laptop and sent me the general content of the script and detailed information about the role. The script is called "Butterfly Kissed Youth" and it is a campus youth idol drama. It is still in the early planning stage, and the next step is auditioning and selecting roles. Although there is still a process of auditioning and casting, most of the main actors have been internally decided. It is because of this that Zhong Ling holds a grudge against me.
I heard that this drama was originally offered to Zhong Yuer, but Sun Nuofan felt that Zhong Yuer was not suitable and insisted on waiting and choosing a female lead who he thought was one in a million.
The training base of Jiaou Company for training actors is not far from the company. Walking in the corridor of the training center, everyone I met was whispering to me. A group of people came towards me, led by Sun Nuofan, who was walking with big strides while talking quickly to the secretary beside him.
I saw him and he saw me.
"Qianlan, come on." A smile appeared on his handsome face, and he walked past me into the conference room. Several senior executives following him looked at me with inquiring eyes and also walked in.
"Tsk, I heard she's the newcomer who came to the company by 'sleeping with people'?"
I heard a harsh word and immediately turned around, only to see a woman in a red dress walking towards me, followed by her assistant and makeup artist, all looking at her in fear.
"Sister Michuan, we're going to be late!" said the assistant wearing big glasses anxiously.
The woman walked towards me in a charming manner. She looked me up and down and laughed disdainfully: "Little sister, the entertainment industry is not a place for everyone. Why are you so confused? Are you short of money? Or are you short of men?"
I know when to speak and when to shut up. At this moment, I choose to shut up.
When the woman saw that I didn't answer, she snorted coldly and left angrily.
In fact, I don’t know whether my choice to step into this big dye vat is right or wrong. Since I promised Sun Nuofan that I would come for training, I began to learn to control my diet, practice facial expressions... and other basic skills. In addition, there are special teachers who teach me about acting.
Sun Nuofan's script will start shooting in two months, and he gave me two months to grow and transform.
Most of the courses were scheduled at night, so Sun Nuofan asked his secretary to rent a house for me outside the school. After Qi Beichen knew that I often came back in the middle of the night, he also moved out of the dormitory and picked me up every day. This touched me more or less.
However, Qi Beichen has never caused me any trouble. I heard that his parents are divorced, and he started learning to earn money on his own. When he has money, he buys me clothes. I feel uncomfortable spending his money and always give it back to him, but he still finds ways to give it to me, leaving me with no way to deal with it.
I actually encountered a lot of things during the training process, but I never told Qi Beichen.
I received threatening letters when I went to the training center to take acting classes. When the get out of class was over, I found that my notebook had been thrown into the toilet. Another time, I was walking on the road and a wretched man appeared, bumped into me maliciously, and then ran away laughing.
Recently, I always hear noisy noises outside the house in the middle of the night, as if someone is trying to scare me on purpose. For a moment, I don’t know who I have offended.
One day, during lunch, Qi Beichen looked at me and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why do you look so haggard?"
"It's okay." I answered as calmly as possible.
He said, "No, something must be wrong with you."
"Then after dinner, please walk with me," I said.
After dinner, he took me to Gushan Park. Gushan is a small hill with a very low altitude. At this season, the mountain is full of maple leaves.
Before leaving, Qi Beichen said he was going to the supermarket nearby to buy two bottles of water and asked me to wait for him at the entrance.
The accident just happened.
I was standing on the steps watching some kids playing shuttlecock, and a boy about seventeen or eighteen years old came up to me and asked me if I was Xiang Qianlan. I said I was, and his face suddenly changed. He scolded me for stealing Zhong Yuer's role and pushed me out.
I could never imagine that he would be so vicious. I was standing on the edge of the stairs, and there was an artificial lake with rockery below. When the boy pushed me, I fell headfirst into the lake. I felt a stinging pain on my face. I covered my face and struggled to stand up from the water. The water was not deep, just up to my calves, but the shore was full of sharp stones. I looked at the blood on my hands and knew that my face was cut.
"I've been following you for a few days. This time I'm giving you a warning!" The boy didn't want to kill me. He shouted arrogantly. I guess he was a fanatical fan of Zhong Yuer.
I wanted to climb ashore and give him a slap, but another man had already rushed up behind him, grabbed him by the collar, and started punching and kicking him.
"Did you hurt her? Who ordered you to do that?" Qi Beichen rushed over, pinned the boy to the ground and beat him. He was quick and fierce. If he continued to beat him, someone would die.
"Qi Beichen." I climbed ashore with difficulty. People around me saw this horrible scene and some children were frightened and cried. I stayed calm and tried my best to wipe the blood off my face, but I couldn't wipe it clean.
"How are you?" Qi Beichen grabbed the boy who was beaten to a pulp and took me to the hospital. "Xiang Qianlan, no one dares to bully you. If anyone bullies you, I will kill him."
Qi Beichen grabbed the boy tightly, and the boy must have acted on impulse. In the hospital, the doctor gave me emergency treatment. Qi Beichen sat on a chair, gasping for breath, and the boy next to him started crying out of fear.
"Why are you crying! You dare to cry even though you killed someone!" Qi Beichen yelled at him viciously. The boy must have been used to being spoiled and had never been treated like this, so he cried even harder.
"Forget it, Qi Beichen, he's still a child, let him go." I saw that the boy was still young, and Qi Beichen had avenged me by beating him up, so I didn't want to pursue it any further.
"Although he is a child, we can't let him go!" Qi Beichen said.
Seeing my face being bandaged by the doctor, Qi Beichen dragged the boy to the police station, and I failed to stop him. My life was not in danger, but I suffered a lot. The doctor said he didn't know if it would leave scars.
I was afraid that Qi Beichen might cause trouble, so after staying in the hospital for three hours, I ignored the doctor's advice and rushed to the police station. Many people looked at me strangely along the way. When I arrived at the police station, the boy's mother was already there.
When she saw me, the woman immediately knelt in front of me and cried and begged me to let her son go. She said that her husband died early and she didn't believe that her son would do such a thing. Her son was just confused for a moment.
The boy had completely lost his previous arrogance and was trembling with fear. The mother was still begging me desperately. I couldn't bear it, so I pulled her up and told her that if her son did anything dangerous like this again, I would hold him accountable.
A policeman took our statements and we all agreed to resolve the issue peacefully. On the way back, Qi Beichen and I were speechless.
The moonlight is desolate.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024