Chapter 6 Li Wei 01

After giving my statement at the police station, I breathed a sigh of relief.
The fat man didn't die, he just had a head injury and was sent to the hospital for bandaging.
As expected, my testimony was different from that of the Fatty's gang.
That group of people said that I suddenly went crazy and hit the fat guy, but what I said was that the fat guy touched my face and tried to take advantage of me, so I hit him in self-defense.
In order to prove that I was not lying, I asked the police to examine the injuries on my face and retrieve the surveillance video in the corridor.
Fortunately, the police here are very fair. They did everything carefully step by step instead of just rushing through it. I couldn't help but feel relieved about my good luck.
When things were almost over, the fat guy who was injured by me, with his head wrapped in thick gauze, walked into the police station in a menacing manner, supported by several people.
As soon as he saw me, the fat man's eyes turned red with anger.
"How dare you hit me, you little bastard! Are you tired of living?"
The fat man roared and glanced at the person next to him.
Those strong men were about to walk towards me, and the policeman behind me quickly stepped forward to stop them.
"This is the police station, why are you yelling?"
"So what if it's the police station? Do you know who I am? I can ! This little bitch beat me up like this, why don't you send her to jail?" The fat man roared angrily at the two policemen standing in front of me.
I stood back and rolled my eyes.
This fat guy really thinks he is the emperor.
According to the Criminal Law, there is no need to bear criminal responsibility for self-defense.
When the act of self-defense clearly exceeds the necessary limits and causes serious harm, the person shall bear criminal responsibility, but the punishment shall be mitigated or exempted.
The fat guy still has the strength to cry out now, so his injuries shouldn't be serious, so my defense was not excessive.
Moreover, the law also stipulates that if a person takes defensive action against an ongoing violent crime such as assault, murder, robbery, rape, kidnapping, or other crimes that seriously endanger personal safety, and causes injury or death to the unlawful attacker, it does not constitute excessive defense and the person does not need to bear criminal liability.
That fat guy tried to take advantage of me and seriously endangered my personal safety. Does that qualify as meeting the above requirements?
After all, I am a person who understands the law. It is wishful thinking for you to send me to jail just based on a few words.
"We will decide the sentence. What are you shouting about? Did you bring the medical report from the hospital? If you did, bring it out. We will handle this matter as soon as possible so that you can go home earlier."
"What medical report do you need? My head is right here. Anyone with eyes can see that I was beaten! Look, there's so much blood! Go home? I can go home, but this little bitch must go to jail!"
The fat man was still roaring in dissatisfaction.
The policeman ignored him and just signaled with his eyes to the young policeman who had just helped me record my statement. The young man then walked up to the fat man and wanted to show him his head.
There is no medical report, so this is the only way to check it.
Although the fat man was reluctant, he had to tilt his head to accept the examination, while still shouting that he would sue me.
I sat quietly, staring at the small alarm clock on my desk, until a middle-aged policeman came over and patted me on the shoulder, and then I reacted.
"Your name is Ai Ye, right? There's a young man outside, he looks very anxious and says he's looking for you." The middle-aged policeman grinned at me.
I was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked up at the door, and saw Leng Zimo walking in, looking around.
When he saw me sitting at the corner, his expression relaxed a little, but his handsome brows frowned habitually again, and he came in front of me in a short while.
"What happened? How did you get caught here?" Leng Zimo asked me as soon as he came over.
I was surprised by his sudden appearance and asked blankly, "Why are you here? Who told you that I was arrested?"
I thought no one would come here to pick me up, and I didn’t even tell Li Wei, the only person I knew. But I didn’t expect Leng Zimo to come instead.
So surprised!
"A friend of yours called the school office and said that you were arrested and wanted to ask for your home phone number, probably to inform your family. It's quite strange that she claimed to be your good friend, but she didn't know your home phone number. I was discussing a plan with a few people in the office at the time. When I heard your name, I took the call. I didn't hear what the girl said sobbingly, but I heard that you were arrested by the police station. I didn't ask which police station it was, so I called a few police stations in City A and rushed over when I found out you were here. What happened to you? How did you get arrested?"
Leng Zimo chattered to me excitedly.
I felt the throbbing in my head getting worse.
"I say, Leng Zimo, did you put some kind of curse on me? Why do I always run into you every time I get into trouble?"
I was surprised. Was this a novel or a movie? What a coincidence!
"You were the one who put the curse on me! I'm also curious about how you always let me know when you get into trouble! It would be wrong not to help you, but if I help you you'll always get into trouble! Tell me what happened quickly?" Leng Zimo sat next to me, wiped the sweat off his face, tilted his head and asked me.
I looked at him without saying anything, but just pointed at the fat man who was actually arguing with a few policemen not far away.
"I hit that guy on the head!" I said in a flat tone.
Leng Zimo looked in the direction of my finger, and the moment he saw the fat man, his pale face suddenly darkened, and his brows, which had finally relaxed, became even tighter.
As the fat man was cursing, he felt someone was looking at him, so he looked towards us. The moment he saw Leng Zimo, the arrogant expression on his face froze.
"Know him?" I subconsciously asked the stiff boy next to me.
Leng Zimo didn't answer directly, but just looked at me and asked me in a hoarse voice: "Why did you hit him?"
Frightened by Leng Zimo's gloomy expression, I narrated what happened honestly, except that I replaced Wang Meiwen's name with her nickname "Mosquito" during the narration - I still wanted to save Mosquito's face.
By the time I finished telling the story, Leng Zimo's face had become extremely ugly.
He was breathing agitatedly, glaring angrily at the fat man who was still standing in a daze not far away, took a breath, then reached out and pulled me away.
"Leng Zimo, I can't leave yet. The case isn't closed yet!"
"No need to wait, he won't sue again!" Leng Zimo said coldly, staring at the fat man who looked a little ashamed.
Everyone around me was as confused as I was.
All she heard was the disgusting fat man timidly calling out to Leng Zimo: "Xiao Mo, I..."
"Is this how you do what your dad does? With your character, I'm not surprised at all that Xiaoting has become like that! I really wish I hadn't come and seen you like this, I could still deceive myself and think that you are not so dirty!" Leng Zimo yelled at the fat man with red eyes.
The fat man stretched out his hand to grab Leng Zimo's arm, but Leng Zimo dodged it very quickly.
"Don't touch me with your dirty hands! Do you have any shame? You shouldn't show up at the police station and clamor to sue others! You don't have the face to sue others! You deserve to be beaten!" Leng Zimo roared excitedly, then pulled my hand hard and rushed out of the police station.
My mind is in a mess.
I have known Leng Zimo for a short time, and this is indeed the first time I heard him swear.
Seeing him so out of control and looking a little hurt, I turned around and looked at the fat man in surprise.
He just stood there as if he had been beaten stupidly, waving his hands at the police and saying blankly, "I won't sue anymore."
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024