Chapter 59 His love for you...Alas

Wei Qian bent over and carefully treated the minor wounds on Wei Zhiyuan's body.

Wei Zhiyuan had a slightly deep wound on the back of his neck from being hit by something. He went to the hospital to have it treated. The rest were minor injuries that were not noticeable. Wei Qian was using alcohol to disinfect and apply medicine to each of his wounds, and his face looked very bad.

Wei Zhiyuan took off his shirt and threw it aside, then sat there like a human being. He didn't say a word even when he was hurt, and his eyes kept following Wei Qian's face.

After a while, he suddenly said, "Brother, can you stop frowning?"

Wei Qian said unhappily, "Who cares? I didn't charge you any money, yet you're still complaining about my service attitude."

"That's not the case." Wei Zhiyuan explained indifferently, and paused for a moment, as if he was hesitating whether to say the next word. After a while, he decided to be frank, so he said, "The key is that you keep doing this, and I'm almost reacting."

Wei Qian seemed to be thinking about something else and didn't react at the time. He came to his senses two seconds later and said, "Wei Zhiyuan, you are still pushing me too far, aren't you?"

Wei Zhiyuan looked at him, then slowly lowered his head. After a moment, he smiled a little sourly.

Wei Qian knew clearly that he was pretending to be pitiful, but he still couldn't help but have a thought in his mind: Why is he like a puppy who happily ran up to ask for a bone but ended up being kicked and knocked over?

However, he was not done feeling pity because Wei Zhiyuan turned his head and asked him sincerely, "Can I kiss you? Not on the lips, but on the face or forehead."

Wei Qian couldn't bear it any longer and raised his head to stare at him.

Wei Zhiyuan still didn't know when to stop, and gestured: "Just for a moment."

"...Fuck your mother." Feeling that his little sympathy was wasted like this, Mr. Wei, who was a very polite person, couldn't help but swear.

Wei Zhiyuan laughed, as if he didn't get the kiss, and he felt happy even after being scolded.

At this time, someone knocked on the door. Wei Qian went out, opened the door, and let Sanpang and Ma Chunming in.

"What's going on? Let me see. Oh my god, brother, did you just crawl back from the trenches in Iraq?" Sanpang looked Wei Zhiyuan up and down as soon as he entered the room, then pointed at the small bottle in Wei Qian's hand and asked, "What is that?"

Wei Qian recalled: "I forgot who gave me a bottle of white wine last time. It was over 50% alcohol."

"What a grudge this is, are you planning to torture him to death?" Sanpang said, "Where's the medicine for external injuries? Didn't the doctor prescribe it?"

"It seems a little too little, and it's sticky, so it doesn't look disinfected, right?" Wei Qian said. He glanced at Wei Zhiyuan and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Wei Zhiyuan shook his head with obvious satisfaction.

Before he finished shaking his head, Sanpang slapped him on the forehead.

"You are such a jerk!" Sanpang accused him in a very iron tone, and then said to Wei Qian, "You can get out now."

Wei Qian threw the wine bottle away. The old man didn't want to serve him anymore, so he staggered to the balcony with Ma Chunming, holding a cigarette in his mouth.

Ma Chunming tried to gather his strength, and managed to summon some fighting spirit from the whirlpool of heartbreak. He lowered his voice and asked Wei Qian, "Was it an accident?"

Wei Qian's face darkened: "Nine out of ten times, it's not true."

Ma Chunming lowered his voice even more: "Is it about the land in City A? They can chase them here? This is too much! Can we call the police?"

Wei Qian blew out a smoke ring calmly: "Okay, but there is no evidence."

There is a piece of land in City A that was originally planned to be a square. It is the only vacant land left in the core area of ​​the city center. The government has leaked news that it intends to replan this land for commercial use. Wei Qian and his team have been eyeing it for more than half a year.

There are too many high-quality plots of land to be had, and there is another company in the area that is also determined to get one.

It is said that the boss of the rival company is named Wang Dongliang, who is in his early fifties and employs a large number of people who have been sent to labor camps. He was not a good person in his early years. Even though his business has been cleaned up now, he is still a local bully who can't change his bad habits.

At the beginning, they sent people to negotiate and promised to pay 50 million as a condition for Wei Qian and others to withdraw from the competition.

But even a fool knows that this is a misleading and unfair clause. Compared with the appreciated value of the land, 50 million is nothing.

A strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. Wang Dongliang never expected that he would be humiliated by an outsider. He has been rampant in City A for a long time, like a shrimp learning to walk from a crab - now he can only walk sideways and has forgotten how to walk vertically.

So Wang Dongliang became angry and embarrassed.

Before that incident, there were several threatening letters sent to Wei Qian's office.

Xiao Fei called the police at first, but they couldn't find the source. Even the test results didn't show any evidence pointing to Wang Dongliang. What's more, the local police couldn't reach City A, so there were many difficulties in coordinating and investigating the matter.

Wei Qian simply told Xiao Fei not to make a fuss and used the threatening letter to wipe the e-liquid out of the filter.

Perhaps seeing that intimidation was not working and seeing that the time for the auction was getting closer, Wang Dongliang became anxious and started to take a radical approach.

"Isn't it just a piece of land? Just let us withdraw. Our country has 9.6 million square kilometers. Do we need to fight to the death over a piece of land?" Ma Chunming said, "Besides, we are doing legitimate business. Wang Dongliang is a gangster who doesn't follow the rules at all. How can we fight him? He hired someone to hit you with a car this time. Will he send a bomb to your house next time? He has no law and is just a terrorist!"

Wei Qian said without even raising his eyelids, "That's impossible. Even if the land falls into my hands one day, I will sign a contract to transfer it to a third party for one dollar the next day, and I will never let the land fall into the hands of Mr. Wang."

Ma Chunming sighed and said earnestly: "Don't be so angry..."

"Fighting spirit? I don't have any." Wei Qian flicked the ash into the trash basket on the balcony. "Is it great to be a hooligan? I am one too."

Dr. Ma was speechless. He had never seen anyone scrambling for the title of "rogue".

"How can you do this..." Dr. Ma protested weakly, "Are you going to fight violence with violence? Stop kidding."

Wei Qian looked at him with a half-smile: "Oh, you dare to talk back to me, are you brave enough?"

Ma Chunming: "I am reminding you to be rational."

Wei Qian asked back, “Why weren’t you rational and reasonable when you stood outside the hotel door all night?”

Ma Chunming: “…”

The knife hit him right in the chest, choking him so much that he couldn't speak for a long time. Three seconds later, Ma Chunming threw his sleeves and strode out, cursing softly: "You are simply... simply a bastard! A big bastard!"

It sounded like a decent man who was being teased. Wei Qian smiled gently, stretched out his legs and sat on the short sofa on the balcony. He looked out the window at the clear and crisp autumn sky and finished the cigarette in his hand.

After a while, Sanpang also walked in. Wei Qian raised his head and looked at him inquiringly.

Sanpang lifted up his trouser legs and sat down next to him: "The kid is fine - but you two are in a dangerous situation today."

"Danger?" Wei Qian stood up, propped his hands on both sides of the balcony window, and looked down from above, "Someone is watching near my house. You should work overtime today, go back to the company and sort out your address book, and check all the connections you can find."

Sanpang was stunned for a moment: "Are you going to fight to the death with Wang Dongliang?"

"He is the one who wants to fight me to the death." Wei Qian raised his eyes and looked at Sanpang, "Why, are you going to be as cynical as Ma Chunming?"

"That's not the case." Sanpang shook his head.

Ma Chunming was born into a respectable family. He studied smoothly since childhood and became an educated man. His hobby is still to stay at home and read books. He is a typical scholar. Scholars don't want to get involved in this kind of thing. They think the price is too high and it is a loss of face.

But Kim Jong-un understands this truth. The "good guys" who refuse to move when led and only retreat when beaten are the ones most likely to cause trouble. Everyone knows that you will only pick on the weak.

The third fat man raised his own concerns: "The question is, can we beat him?"

Wei Qian turned his head and glanced at him: "If he was Mr. Hu Si, I would avoid him, but is he?"

"you mean……"

"If they want to continue to exist, the mafia must have mafia rules. If they use these gangster tricks in the business world, does he really think he is the second in command when he is the boss?" Wei Qian sneered, "You can't keep the mafia by using business to support the mafia for long. This piece of land is certainly good, but it's not priceless. He didn't hesitate to hire someone to run over me with a car to steal it. Guess why?"

Sanpang lowered his voice and said: "They are short of funds and are afraid that we will raise the price during the bidding process."

"He can no longer afford to support himself. He is desperate," said Wei Qian.

Sanpang hesitated for a moment: "Then it's safe..."

"I've recently told everyone to be careful. If the manager is worried, they can hire someone to follow them. If they see anyone suspicious near their home, they can call the police and say they've been targeted by a theft gang... Just call Director Zhao and let him know what's going on. I'll treat him to a meal in a couple of days. All expenses will be reimbursed."

Wei Qian is a reliable person. On some levels, he is more reliable than the ethereal Old Bear who pretends to be a god all day long - Brother Le still died with regrets.

Sanpang knew that his advantage was his smoothness, and that he was not a very capable person after all, but he believed that Wei Qian was a capable person, so after listening to Wei Qian's words, he said no more and planned to follow Wei Qian's lead in everything.

At this point, Sanpang changed the subject: "Hey, how did Xiaoyuan get that big cut on the back of his neck? If it was a little more to the side, it would have been fatal."

Wei Qian didn't know what he remembered. He paused for a moment before he said as simply as possible, "The window on the driver's side was broken. It might have been scratched by something."

Although he said this lightly, Comrade Sanpang looked big and strong but he was smart at heart. When he heard the words and saw that Wei Qian was unharmed, he figured out what the scene was like after a little thought.

Sanpang frowned for a long while, and said, not knowing whether he was sighing or worried, "His love for you...ah, it's simply..."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Wei Qian's calm and indifferent expression immediately fell apart. He frowned and sat down on the small sofa. His legs almost buckled. He felt uncomfortable no matter what. He changed his posture irritably and waved his hands: "Don't mention it. I'm so annoyed."

Sanpang was silent for a while. "My wife is pregnant recently, and no one in the company dares to let her work more, so she has nothing to do all day. She bought a lot of weird novels, and not only did she read them herself, but she also forced me to read them. When I protested, she said I didn't love her anymore. I pinched my nose and read a few books, and I felt that it was all nonsense. It's just that we live together normally. At most, when we first met, we were not calm for a while under the influence of hormones. After a long time, what else is there to say? You are good, more than ten years, he is not tired of it, more than four years, and I sent him away. Well, this time he comes back, I think he will get worse, what do you think he thinks?"

Wei Qian said unhappily, "No, Fatty, what do you mean? Wasn't it the time when you stuffed the girl's photo into my room when I was away?"

Sanpang: "If Xiaoyuan were a girl, I would tie you to his bed."

The two of them couldn't continue their conversation until here, and they stared at each other in silence for a while. Wei Qian pointed a finger at the door and said, "Get lost."

The fat man stood up, pressed down Wei Qian's hand, and patted the back of his hand twice: "You guys, take care of yourselves."

After saying that, he strolled out with his square steps and ran into Ma Chunming, who was still sulking and looking downcast. "Come on, Master Oogway, don't keep getting stuck here. These days, a gangster's methods can't beat a 'decent person' with a gangster's heart... Alas, you're quite childish..."

After the two men left, Wei Qian came out and saw that the bastard Ma Chunming had used a marker to draw two little turtles in armor and armed with sharp weapons behind his balcony door. Each of them was holding a sewing needle and staring at each other fiercely. Their heads were like those of the Ninja Turtles, with a strip of cloth tied on their foreheads, and the word "er" was written on the side.

Wei Qian read Ma Chunming’s message from it - the two bastards wanted to fight.

...This bastard is actually still alive and well under his rule, taking his salary and occasionally challenging him. Wei Qian feels like he is a truly wise ruler.

He heard suppressed laughter. Wei Qian turned around and found that Wei Zhiyuan was standing behind him at some point.

Wei Zhiyuan was still shirtless. His shoulders were broad and straight, and the muscles on his exposed upper body were clearly defined and graceful. Even the miserable wounds did not seem to be an eyesore, but instead added some vibrant wildness to him.

Wei Qian had seen this kid's naked butt countless times, but he had never felt as embarrassed as he did now. His eyes slipped away as soon as they touched Wei Zhiyuan, and he focused on Wei Zhiyuan's nose as much as possible: "I'll let Xiaofei take care of Xiaobao, and you should stay out of the house for the next two days. I ran into some problems, and I got involved today..."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Zhiyuan suddenly interrupted him: "Actually, I'm very happy today."

Wei Qian was speechless. He intuitively knew what Wei Zhiyuan was going to say next and wanted to stop him, but his temples were throbbing so hard that he couldn't utter a word for a while.

Wei Zhiyuan slowly approached him and rested his hands on the wall behind Wei Qian.

"I have always hoped that I could protect you one day." Wei Zhiyuan said softly, "You never gave me a chance, and I finally got one today."

Wei Qian's throat slid slightly without being noticed, but his slightly drooped eyelids made it seem that his expression did not fluctuate at all.

Wei Qian said coldly: "You are simply sick."

Wei Zhiyuan smiled bitterly, looking somewhat melancholy. "Brother Xiong said that I should reflect on myself three times a day, and look at the wall in front of me every night before going to bed, and recall the thoughts of the day. For a while, I was making a stand-alone disaster-themed game with a few friends. At that time, I had an idea every day. I hoped that there would be a sudden earthquake, and the brick and earth framework would collapse, burying the entire city. Then I could use my flesh and blood to open a gap for you, so that you could watch me shatter into pieces in your arms."

He stared into Wei Qian's eyes, and his hand that was supporting the wall slowly slid down and gently rested on Wei Qian's body: "But later I analyzed it and found that the reason I had this idea was purely because I hated you. I was fantasizing about taking revenge on you in a roundabout way. It's a typical loser's way of thinking, so I stopped myself from thinking about it, although it still pops up once or twice occasionally..."

He got closer and closer to Wei Qian, and after gently closing his eyes, he smiled like a child: "Just one hit, my skin is covered with wounds like rags, hit me if you dare."

Wei Qian: “…”

Wei Zhiyuan smiled even more brightly: "Yes, brother, I am threatening you."

However, after he said this, he still behaved properly and did not do anything outrageous in the end. He just kissed Wei Qian's eyebrows very gently and carefully, like a dragonfly touching the water, and then stepped back after a short pause.

Then he let go of her hand and took a step back: "Fuck, I'm so happy. It's worth it to be beaten to death by you."

Wei Qian had no idea why he had to stand there like a wooden stake, listening to the nonsense coming from this psychopath's mouth. He also had no idea why he didn't hit him, why he didn't push him away, and why he just stood there at attention like a stupid goose, letting him do whatever he wanted.

Wei Zhiyuan's eyes, his voice, Sanpang's words "take care of yourself" before he left, all these things were tangled into a mess in Wei Qian's mind.

Finally, Wei Qian turned left expressionlessly, went back into the house without saying a word, and slammed the door.

After that day, Wei Zhiyuan was obsessed with Wei Qian and insisted on going to work with him every day. He followed Wei Qian wherever he went. During the day, he asked Xiaofei to set up another desk in Wei Qian's office and did his own work with headphones on. In the evening, if there were social events, he would follow Wei Qian for meals, and if not, they would go home together. As a result, Wei Qian could see this thing 24 hours a day, as long as he didn't close his eyes.

A few days later, Song Xiaobao came back, accompanied by a retired female special police officer that Alex and Xiaofei had found to help.

Wei Qian had no choice but to go with Wei Zhiyuan to bring her back.

When Jian A met Wei Qian for the first time, he stared at him the whole way and was almost drooling. Finally, Wei Zhiyuan couldn't bear it anymore and blocked his sight and gave him a warning look.

Alex whispered to Xiao Bao: "How stingy, I was just taking a look."

Song Xiaobao stretched out his slender high heels and crushed his feet fiercely: "I want some of your face."

Alex was as thick-skinned as a city wall. He didn't care at all. If he wasn't allowed to look at this, he would look at something else. He shifted his gaze to Wei Zhiyuan, almost licking every muscle line on Wei Zhiyuan's body through his clothes. After licking, he wiped his mouth and looked at Song Xiaobao with a critical and disgusted look, and continued to nibble his ear: "Actually, you are the one who was picked up, right?"

Song Xiaobao was really fed up with this bitch and planned to beat him up for 300 rounds. But at this moment, Alex, who was a professional at taking beatings and never resisted, suddenly raised a hand and easily pinned her down. At the same time, his expression became serious: "Wait, stop it."

As he spoke, Alex turned his head suddenly and saw a figure flash in the distance. When they walked over to check, the person had already run away.

"Someone has been following me for a while," Wei Qian said, "I'm almost used to it."

"No one is following you." Alex said, "I think this person might be taking pictures of you."

Although Alex is a mean person, he is indeed a supermodel. In recent years, he has even stepped into the film and television industry. Even people like Wei Qian who don't watch TV find him familiar. Dealing with paparazzi has almost become his daily routine. He is particularly sensitive to candid shots.

He hit the nail on the head.

I don’t know if the other party knew that they had noticed it, but the next day Wei Qian received a courier in his office. It contained a thick stack of photos, some of which were relatively clear while others were blurry.

The more blurry the photos are, the more ambiguous the content seems, especially one photo that seems to be taken from a long distance outside the window. At that time, Wei Zhiyuan only said a few words to him and pecked him lightly on the forehead, but the photo made it look like Wei Zhiyuan pressed him against the wall and kissed him.

Wei Zhiyuan came over immediately and asked: "Was it sent by that Wang or something?"

He frowned and picked up the most outrageous photo: "I'm sorry for my negligence."

Entrepreneurs and politicians are not from the entertainment industry. The whole society requires them to have "corporate social responsibility". Especially when Wei Qian usually interacts with local government officials and partners of large companies, what age are they? After all, there are only a few people like Mr. Zhang who are still shameless at their age. What do they think?

As for Wei Zhiyuan's origins, Wei Qian rarely explained to others, only saying that he was a younger brother, just like Xiaobao. Who would know that they were not biological children?

In this age where homosexuality is already shameful...incest between brothers?

This is too much.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Wei Zhiyuan calmed down, and several plans immediately flashed through his mind that would perfectly take all the responsibility on himself and get rid of Wei Qian - not to mention that it was all his wishful thinking, his brother was simply forced by him innocently, and even if Wei Qian really did... he planned to do everything he could throughout his life to prevent his brother from getting into any trouble again.

Just then, the phone on Wei Qian's desk rang.

Wei Qian raised his hand to stop Wei Zhiyuan from talking and picked up the call.

The other party spoke slowly: "Mr. Wei, it's really hard to say a few words to you."

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