Chapter 59 Chapter 59

It's quite edible.

Shen Nong decided to go to the Yu tribe again to make arrangements in the tribe.

Not long ago, according to the tribal list provided by Songshan, he took advantage of dark to tie up all their priests and brought them back to the Mu tribe.

The orcs who were guarding them reported to Shen Nong more than once that these priests were clamoring to let them go back to the tribe except when they were eating meat.

Only the priests of the mountain tribe were the quietest, busy stewing various bone soups.

Shen Nong listened to the report and rubbed his forehead tiredly. Ze, who had just returned from training, saw this and walked behind Shen Nong.

Following Shen Nong's technique, he gently pressed for Shen Nong.

Shen Nong was too lazy to move, so he leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes, and let Ren Ze massage his head.

Ze's gaze unconsciously looked at Shen Nong's eyebrows, passed over the gracefully curved nose, swept across his soft lips, and fell on his delicate collarbone.

Ze didn't dare to look anymore and turned his head away, but because of nervousness, he couldn't control the strength of his hands. Shen Nong hissed, "It hurts, be gentle."

Ze immediately controlled his strength, he knew he was very strong. After each training session, even Hu Xiao would say that he couldn't stand his strength.

Normally when he was with the priest, he would deliberately restrain his strength for fear of accidentally hurting the other party.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally hurt the priest.

Shen Nong didn't take it to heart. He closed his eyes, enjoying the head massage, while thinking about how to make those priests quiet down.

It cannot really be resolved by force, otherwise this so-called "alliance" will also quickly collapse.

He thought about it for a long time and finally came up with a solution that was not a solution.

"Ze, go find Hu Xiao."

Ze took his hand back and said, "Okay."

Hu Xiao came soon, and Shen Nong told Hu Xiao not to restrict the activities of the group of priests too much.

They can move around within the tribe during the day and around the mud houses at night.

He also asked Hu Xiao to take them to visit various teams every now and then.

Hu Xiao nodded and agreed, "I'll go right away."

So, the priests were pulled out of the mud house and lined up in a row by Tiger Roar.

The priest of the Grass Tribe was not very old either, and looked a little older than Lu Shuang, but he was very brave, and he thought that they were too noisy, and the Wood Tribe was finally going to take action against them.

"Are you afraid of being discovered, so you are going to drag us somewhere else and kill us now?"

Hu Xiao looked at him like a fool and asked, "You are in the territory of the Mu tribe. I want to kill you but you are afraid of being discovered and choose a place?"

The young man was stunned by what he said, and then stopped talking.

Compared to the priests from other tribes who were always thinking too much, Shanfeng remained calm from beginning to end.

After Hu Xiao lined them up, he led them forward and told them to keep up and not fall behind.

Otherwise, you have to look for people all over the tribe.

He was not at all worried that these priests, who were unable to carry anything, would run away from the tribe.

The Mu tribe has only one regular exit, and the secret exit is only known to the hunting team. The priest said that it is an escape route in critical moments.

The fewer people who know about it, the better.

The priests from the seven tribes lined up neatly and followed Hu Xiao with doubts in their eyes.

I wonder what tricks these treacherous orcs from the Mu tribe will play next.

Hu Xiao followed Shen Nong's words and took the seven people to wander around without any purpose. Anyway, they wandered around wherever they went. Since they were close to the brick kiln, he took the priests to the kiln to watch the bricks being made.

When leaving the breeding area, I would take people to watch the pigs eat and sleep.

Since they were close to the meat-making team, they were taken to see the pickled meat. The greedy priests drooled at the meat and the white salt.

The production team also made a circle, but they just stood at a distance and watched Hu Xiao for a few seconds before taking the people away.

Because the production team is really busy, if too many people go, it will delay the work.

And because Lu Shuang had an accident there, these priests are very weak and it might be dangerous if they go there.

Hu Xiao felt that he was extremely smart after watching from a distance, which was safe and would not delay the work of the orcs in the production team.

But just because of those two glances, these priests were shocked for a long time.

Those big wooden objects looked scary, but they also felt a strong desire to explore, and their curiosity was aroused.

The more blurry it looks, the more I want to get a closer look. The less I know what it is, the more I want to understand it.

However, Hu Xiao did not give them this opportunity. He was busy and had no time to accompany them all the time.

Besides, the production team was in danger, and there was no way he could bring them close.

Before the group was taken to the pottery-making team by Hu Xiao, they were still thinking about the big things of the production team.

After arriving at the pottery team, they had no time to think. They stared at the clay that was molded into various utensils with wide eyes. It turned out that the pottery bowls they usually used to drink broth were made of clay, no wonder it was lighter than stone.

But they didn't know how the mud finally became so hard.

Because when they wanted to look inside, Hu Xiao pulled them away and returned to the mud house they were in before.

After going around like this, the priests stopped clamoring to let them go back.

But I also started not sleeping.

Because they were not allowed to go far at night, they could only move around the adobe house. So the seven people each held a torch, gathered in front of the adobe house, and began to study how it was built.

If the orc warriors guarding them had not heard them discussing from time to time their own guesses about how the house was built, they would have almost thought that these priests were going to set fire to the house.

As soon as the sun rose, after drinking the morning soup, they started to visit the Mu tribe in groups.

The orcs on guard received an order from Hu Xiao yesterday that there was no need to restrict their activities during the day, so they just ignored it and let them leave.

Although they could wander around the Mu tribe, they couldn't go into each team.

Without Hu Xiao leading the way, the guards in charge of guarding the teams would not let them in at all.

So this scene appeared in the Mu tribe: a group of priests and guards stared at each other, and when they got tired of staring, they took a break and then continued to stare.

But no matter how they glared at them, it was useless. The guards just said that they would not let anyone in without the captain of the hunting team.

Now, the seven priests began to look for Hu Xiao all over the tribe.

Their movements were reported to Shen Nong.

Shen Nong breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the Mu tribe had now completely aroused their interest.

Now I guess they won’t leave even if we chase them away.


The four children rescued from the Wushan tribe get along well with Yucao and his family, and now follow them to herd cattle and sheep.

It's good enough for the children to get familiar with each other, and Yucao acts like a big brother. He is the oldest among the children and takes good care of the younger ones.

With Yucao around, Shen Nong was not too worried about the four children.

Shen Nong calculated the time. This afternoon, Yingya and his men would come to the Wood Tribe to deliver oysters. They would stay here for one night, and they would go to the Feather Tribe together tomorrow morning.

In the sky not far from the Mu Tribe, Yingya and his group were flying towards the Mu Tribe, each holding a large backpack in their claws.

"Yingya, including this time, we have sent shell meat to the Wood Tribe three times. Each time it's more than the last time." Diaomu said with some concern: "Do you think the Wood Tribe will not want us to collect shell meat in the future?"

After all, if you eat so much shell meat, you will definitely eat enough. And this thing will not be kept for long and will easily go bad.

Yingya stared at the front. Ever since the Wood Tribe provided enough large backpacks, most of the orcs in the tribe were helping the Wood Tribe pick up shelled meat.

The last time he went to the Mu tribe to trade according to the schedule, everyone got a large piece of high-quality animal hide in return.

This made the tribesmen work harder to pick up shells and meat, hoping to exchange them for more large animal skins to save for use in the winter.

They were really short of animal skins, even more than food.

He was also worried that the Mu Tribe would no longer want the shell meat, but he did not show it. Instead, he comforted them, "We will listen to the Mu Tribe whether to accept it or not. If the Mu Tribe no longer wants the shell meat, they can find other ways to do things for the Mu Tribe and trade with them."

Diao Mu's worries faded a lot, and he smiled and said, "It's good to be able to fly."

Yingya repeated softly, "Yeah, it's good to be able to fly."

This was the first time that the orcs of the Feather Tribe thought that it would be great to be able to fly.

In the past, they were excluded and expelled because they could fly. Now, because they can fly, they can help the Wood Tribe do many things and trade with the Wood Tribe on their own.

They like this feeling very much.

I really hope it can continue forever.

Yingya and his crew arrived on time, and in addition to oysters, they also brought a lot of fish. Each one was quite large, and it was obvious that they were carefully selected.

All these fish were caught by them using fishing nets.

Ever since Yingya started using the fishing net to catch fish on the sea, he has loved it so much that he wishes he could fly over the sea with the fishing net in his hand all the time.

"Priest of the Wood Tribe, your fishing net is really a good thing. Our tribe has not lacked meat for a while."

Shen Nong smiled, and then told them to stay for one night and leave together tomorrow.

Yingya nodded and agreed. Then, he asked cautiously, "Do you still want the meat from the shells?" Shen Nong nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I'll take as much as you can."

He has a system warehouse, and he can put the cooked oyster sauce in it without worrying about it expiration.

After hearing this, Yingya nodded happily, "Okay, I'll go talk to the tribesmen!"

He must let his tribe know this good news as soon as possible.

Shen Nong didn't know why Yingya was so happy, so he asked someone to send all the oysters to the food preparation team.

Shen Nong had no high-tech method to make oyster sauce from the oysters sent by Yingya, so he could only use the most common method of boiling to make oyster sauce. The oil yield was not high, but the taste was very delicious. Just add a little bit of the fresh fragrance and it will come out immediately.

There were already quite a few piled up in his warehouse, all packed in small baked bamboo tubes.

After Yingya and his men sent him oyster sauce several times, Shen Nong would not save as much as he did now. He would collect half and distribute the rest, and also let the tribesmen taste the flavor of oyster sauce.

The food preparation team skillfully processed the oysters sent by their priests. After washing the plump oyster meat, they began to prepare to boil oyster sauce.

The boiled oyster meat was distributed to the tribesmen.

The first time I cooked the oyster meat, there wasn’t much, so I gave it to the children to try.

The second time, there were a lot of them. The members of the hunting team, including Hu Xiao and Tu Feng, all rushed to eat them. They even ate all the food they left for the priests, which made the members of the food-making team very angry.

This time, the food-making team was afraid that the hunting team would come to steal the food again, and they also saw that the hunting team was really working hard, so they left some for them.

As a result, the male orcs in the hunting team refused to eat anything, which left the food-making team puzzled.

However, Mao Yun and several other female orcs received a lot.

The food-making team left some of the rest for their priest. Thinking that Ze didn't come with the hunting team to rob last time, and he had always been with the priest, so they also left some for him.

The rest of the food-making teams shared it with the children.

Shen Nong had dinner with Yingya and the others today. Yingya told him a lot about the tribe on the other side of the sea.

Because they went to Yingya much more frequently than before, and there were more people.

The tribe over there noticed something unusual and sent a lot of people to watch them secretly.

They knew someone was hiding behind them, but they couldn't do anything about it. They couldn't just chase them away. If anyone had to leave, they would be the ones to leave. After all, they weren't a tribe from the seaside.

Yingya said they were fishing with nets and were seen by those tribes.

Once, I wasn't paying attention and it was almost stolen by some tribe on the seaside.

When the food preparation team came to deliver the oyster meat, Shen Nong was listening attentively.

Ze put the oyster meat away, said that the food preparation team had sent him some meat, and asked Shen Nong if he wanted to eat it.

Shen Nong always eats until he is 70% full at night, and won't eat more than a bite. He didn't even look at her, and just waved his hand, "You help me eat it."

After that, he asked Yingya, "Was it stolen in the end?"

Yingya shook his head and said with a smile, "Thanks to Luchun, those people stole half of the fish before she noticed. Her orc level is high, so the other party didn't dare to provoke her. They just put down the fishing net and ran away."

Except for the things Shen Nong made by himself, which he could only think were delicious, all other things were edible, no matter how good or not they tasted.

Ze listened to the conversation between the priest and Yingya, and first silently ate the priest's portion of oyster meat. Then he touched his stomach, felt that he could still eat more, and started to eat his own portion.

The oyster meat, which could fill a whole clay pot, was eaten up immediately.

Seeing that it was getting late, Shen Nong said goodbye to Yingya.

When he stood up, he saw two small ceramic basins in front of Ze and asked, "Have you finished eating the meat sent by the food preparation team?"

Ze nodded, "Yeah."

Shen Nong thought about how he had just eaten a whole roasted leg of lamb, two roasted pig's trotters, and drank three large bowls of broth.

He actually had enough stomach to eat two ceramic basins of meat. He whispered, "You're quite a eater."

"What?" Ze didn't hear clearly.

Shen Nong waved his hand, "Nothing, go back to sleep."

"Okay, go to sleep."

The author has something to say:

Choice: I can show off two pots of oysters at a time.

The physique of orcs is different from that of ordinary people. Eating two bowls of orcs will not cause gastrointestinal discomfort or increase the metabolic burden on the kidneys.

Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024