Chapter 58 Death Laugh

In fact, Su Xia is lucky.
Dad has plenty of materials here, and the materials for refining various potions can be found on the first floor or in the basement.
There is no need for Su Xia to find a way to get the materials herself.
There is no need to rush to pay back the money owed for materials.
I can think of a solution later.
So Su Xia could keep trying without any worries, without interruption for the whole afternoon.
Hong Bafu leaned against the window, tossing a few potions in his hand back and forth, and said, "Brother Su, you know, in other pharmacy shops, apprentices can't get too many materials. It's good enough if they can try once or twice a day. In the early stage, they can basically only do errands and odd jobs."
Su Xia was stunned for a moment, then looked up and said, "Are we the only exception?"
"That's right, the teacher is the only exception!"
In other pharmacies, many poor apprentices can barely make first-level potions after several months of training, and it takes several more years to advance to the second level.
The apprentices wouldn't even dare to think of a situation like Su Xia's casual attempt.
The sky outside the pharmacy window had darkened, the sun was setting, and it was seven o'clock in the evening, time for dinner.
The economy was very bad after the war, and many people in the city changed their three meals a day to two meals or even one meal. If they were not hungry, so many people would not choose to join the army.
After all, the death rate of soldiers in this era was quite high.
The night wind blew through the city, drifting from the wealthy area in the center to the edge of the ruins.
In the simple refugee camps, many refugees are still hungry.
The relief food promised by the city lord is getting less and less. No one knows where the food has gone. Many people are starving to the point of being skin and bones, like living skeletons.
People who starve to death will not be buried, but will only become new food, helping the living to survive longer.
No one knows when these desperate days will end.
Over at the pharmacy, the aroma of food has filled the entire first floor.
The waiter from the restaurant across the street brought a luxurious meal of eight dishes and one soup.
"Master, this is tonight's dish. Do you like it?"
Facing the old man, the waiters were quite respectful and kept bending over when speaking to him.
Dad glanced at it calmly and said, "Okay, go back, I'll come and clean up later."
Several waiters retreated respectfully.
As a respected pharmacist, Dad is not short of money, and many people around him want to please him.
In terms of quality of life, Dad could live more comfortably than those guys in the wealthy areas of the city center , but he has always been relatively simple.
The reason why I ordered so many dishes is because my apprentice eats so much.
The old man called a few apprentices: "Come over to eat."
"Come on!"
Hong Bafu swallowed and a smile spread across his chubby face.
Su Xia and Lan Bafu also followed.
The four masters and apprentices sat down one after another. The shop was filled with fragrance and the yellow light added a bit of warmth.
At the dinner table, Su Xia learned more about the life stories of her two brothers.
Both of them are orphans whose parents died in the war. Later, they met their father and have lived in the pharmacy ever since, treating it as their home.
"Brother Su, what about you?" Lan Bafu asked, "I never knew where you were from."
"I am from Feijia City, and my parents died in the war..."
Based on the original owner's memory, Su Xia made up an orphan story for himself.
Anyway, the two cities of Feijia City and Coral City are not far from each other. During the war, the residents of the two cities often fled to each other.
A large number of civilians died or went missing during this period, and it is now difficult to verify.
"Alas, we are all orphans!"
Lan Bafu sighed in a low voice, saying that war is a cruel thing.
Although the large-scale war has ended, small-scale frictions continue .
One day in the future, either the human race will counterattack or the mechanical race will attack, and a large-scale war will eventually break out again, and the shadow of war will hang over everyone's head.
Even without a new war, life in the areas ruled by the Machines is quite difficult.
People see no hope and are like puppets with gradually twisted souls, living between sanity and hysteria every day.
"Many resistance organizations are not really bent on opposing the Machine Race. If the Machine Race can really allow humans in the areas they rule to live a stable and happy life, then it is not impossible for them to lay down their weapons."
But the cruel reality proves that the mechanical race's concept of "ruling people by people" is simply not feasible. It only allows a small number of people to have power first and then exploit the remaining majority.
We must give up illusions, resistance is the only way out...
After dinner.
Su Xia continued to try to refine the second-level poison.
Just as the refining process began, one of the bottles shattered and wisps of poisonous mist spread.
Hong Bafu took a bottle of universal antidote and handed one to Su Xia, then consoled him: "Brother Su, make some first-level potions to make back your investment first, and then try the second-level potion tomorrow."
"Yes, we have no shortage of time or materials, so there is no need to rush." ​​Lan Bafu also said, "The most important thing is to relax your mind first. The more anxious you are, the easier it is to make mistakes."
Based on their own experience, they estimated that Su Xia should be able to refine the second-level potion in about 5-7 days.
This speed is enough to cause a sensation among the outside world as a super genius.
Now I’m afraid that Su Xia is too impatient and can’t hold his temper.
Every pharmacist has a long road to failure.
Su Xia nodded: "Okay, I'll try again..."
He was not impatient and was able to accept countless failures. The reason he continued to try was because he had found a little of the "feeling" that Hong Bafu mentioned.
This feels very special, like an epiphany in a novel.
When he put the materials into the conical flask again, he actually had a feeling of "imminent success".
The pointer on the wall turned.
Time passed slowly and it was ten o'clock that evening.
During this period, Su Xia never succeeded.
Still failed...
I have experienced countless failures.
The pile of scrap materials next to Su Xia was already taller than he was, and the bill for materials he owed to his father seemed to have no end in sight.
Perhaps because he hadn't rested for too long, there were a few bloodshot eyes, but his spirit was still high.
Just after ten o'clock, he finally had a tube of dark green poison in his hand.
【Name: Death Laughter】
[Level: Second-order potion]
[Type: Poison]
【Description: Life happiness medicine】
[After inhaling the poison gas, the enemy will fall into a crazy laugh]
[Note: Under the effect of the talent "Death's Gentleness", this potion has an additional 13% efficacy]
An indescribable joy surged in Su Xia's heart. She no longer cared about how much money she owed. Success was the most important thing!
He immediately handed the tube of poison to Hong Bafu and said, "Brother Hong, take a look!"
"This is……"
When Hong Bafu saw the potion, his heart trembled and he stood up immediately.
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024