Chapter 54 The Concept of a Company

Who dares to go?
Everyone knows that the young master of the Liu family is leading the troops to stabilize the situation in Yangzhou! If the county marquis takes office at this time, wouldn't he be ready to be killed?
"Sir, sow gave birth to piglets recently..."
"My mother has a severe cold, and the doctor said she must be taken care of!"
"grown ups……"
Each one has similar reasons.
Chen Ping was so angry that his face turned green: "Waste, waste, get out of here!"
Everyone fled in panic.
Chen Ping was somewhat exasperated.
The current situation is really a headache. Sending the county magistrate is fine, and it is reasonable and legal. But who will go? Who dares to go? How to go? If one person goes, wouldn't that be like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth? In this chaotic world, it is normal for a thief to jump out and rob and kill people, right?
How many people should be sent?
With five people, we can go and deal with the bandits on a larger scale. After all, that group of scattered soldiers were not all killed, and most of them fled.
Thousands of Liangzhou soldiers escorting?
This is another joke... Luo Xiongchao's scattered soldiers entered Yangzhou in the name of "Liangzhou soldiers". If you send a few thousand more, it would be strange if the common people don't revolt!
Therefore, the young master of the Liu family really planned every step carefully and took everything into consideration and calculated everything.
" Liu Dahao, Liu Dahao, you really gave birth to a good son!"
Chen Ping smiled bitterly and shook his head. He picked up a pen and paper and randomly selected a person. He had to send him. Back then, the young master of the Liu family came to Yinzhou with two donkeys, but now he has established a foothold. Maybe Liangzhou also has such talents?

For the time being, Liu Zheng had indeed not considered the reaction from Liangzhou.
Because every winter, the northern wilderness would invade and plunder Liangzhou due to lack of food. At this time, the border was always in a state of war, and the Liangzhou government had no time to take care of this side.
Even if he had time to take care of the affairs of Yangzhou, Liu Zheng had already established his foothold.
Yesterday's chaos is over. In the past two days, with the support of the prominent family, Liu Zheng directly launched a drastic "layoff" operation in the Yangzhou County Marquis' Mansion!
All of Lu Zhengyi’s former men will be captured!
With the support of the Yinzhou and Yangzhou soldiers, the work was successfully completed on the first day.
Those who were reappointed were all recommended by various prominent families. In this way, everyone was happy, and the prominent families who welcomed the new master to Yangzhou received the first dividend. Liu Zheng, of course, didn't care about this - anyway, with Liangzhou Prefecture in place, neither he nor his father could really become the county marquis of Yangzhou!
How to control Yangzhou?
To openly confront Liangzhou Prefecture as Jiang Xuan said was pure nonsense.
In fact, Liu Zheng had already made up his mind. As his sphere of influence slowly expanded, these were all things that needed to be solved. At least before the world really went into chaos, if he wanted to be both legal and reasonable and truly control the territory, this really required the perfect art of a ruler.
Unlike Yinzhou, although the people of Yangzhou are now loyal to Liu Zheng, he is not a county marquis in legal terms. Therefore, Liu Zheng can only temporarily govern Yangzhou as a "colony"! Since ancient times, there have been several ways to govern colonies to achieve the purpose of true rule.
First, completely eliminate them... This is too unrealistic for Liu Zheng.
Second, control and support the oligarchic government, that is, the puppet government, and try to maintain their original laws and customs. Liu Zheng can only do this by trying to make the counselors and deacons of the county magistrate's mansion become people from prominent families. After all, in this era, the rule of prominent families over the people sometimes even exceeds that of the county magistrate's mansion! As for the county magistrate, he is definitely a person from Liangzhou Prefecture, which he cannot do, so he chooses to hollow out his power as much as possible!
Third, he must go to the colony to manage it in person, which is what Liu Zheng intends to do! Because Yinzhou is already his father's and his own territory, even if Liangzhou Prefecture wants to change people, they have to consider the people's emotions. But Yangzhou is different. If Liu Zheng wants to control this place, he must stay here.
"Brother Liu is so busy, do you still have time to summon Yue Ru?"
Liu Zheng was thinking about something when Zheng Yueru came.
Liu Zheng smiled and invited her to sit down and poured her some hot wine.
Zheng Yueru said with a smile: "Brother Liu, I heard that the Yangzhou prominent family has given Brother Liu a lot of help this time. What do you think, Brother Liu?"
It’s here as expected!
Liu Zheng knew that Zheng Yueru, or rather, the several prominent families in Yinzhou, must be worried about this matter. Because since there is help, there must be rewards. What they are worried about is that Liu Zheng will get together with the prominent families in Yangzhou, and then they will be abandoned.
Liu Zheng smiled and said, "This time I asked you to come here to discuss the establishment of a company."
Zheng Yueru was confused.
Liu Zheng nodded. This is exactly what he intends to use to rule Yangzhou! Company! The role played by this thing in history is really too important! From ancient Rome, the Age of Exploration, the Netherlands, Britain, Spain, to the merchant groups in the late Ming Dynasty, they all appeared in the nature of "company". What is a company? To put it more thoroughly, a company is a new way to pool resources and capital!
Now, in the Longyan Dynasty, or in other words, since ancient times, the business model on this land is independent individuals, small space, solidified resources, and narrow vision. Even the most advanced business model is the current family management! But despite this, it is impossible to achieve real resource integration and capital aggregation. It can be said that people in this era still rely on the weather for their livelihood. If the weather is not good one day, they may not have enough to eat for a year.
Isn’t it the same for prominent families?
A robbery may wipe out a year's profit, which can easily cause a business family that relies on blood ties to fall into chaos.
At this time, a company is really needed!
As the Yinzhou clan and the Yangzhou clan met, there would inevitably be conflicts, and Liu Zheng could only reconcile them in this way. He was a ruler, and he couldn't rely on guns and cannons to solve everything. He needed these people to make money for him and pay taxes for him! Then, he needed them to live better than himself, which was complementary!
"Brother Liu...can you tell me in detail?"
Zheng Yueru was somewhat shocked that Liu Zheng would come up with advanced ideas from time to time.

Liu Zheng also patiently explained: "I plan to set up a joint stock company in Yangzhou! Of course, you can also understand it as setting up a huge business, a chamber of commerce! There may even be more than tens of thousands of people involved!"
Zheng Yueru took a breath and said , "Pangda Commercial Company?"
Which business is the largest?
The Royal Company of Jinghua is huge, isn't it? It only has a few thousand people!
Liu Zheng paused. He knew that Zheng Yueru would find it difficult to understand, so he could only explain it in a concise way.
"Yueru, this explanation might be more direct."
He laughed and said, "Our Chamber of Commerce
, anyone can invest! No matter what kind of investment, we accept it, it can be silver, a caravan, a production workshop, raw material supply, or even an idea or a theory, all will be measured through a value conversion relationship! "
Zheng Yueru nodded.
She understood this. After all, she had received Liu Zheng's "advertising" education and knew how to monetize intellectual property.
Liu Zheng continued: "In this way, we can cooperate with more strangers, instead of limiting the business to the family and our own caravan... In this way, our Chamber of Commerce can become a living entity!"
"Think about it, is it possible for the Zheng family's caravan to reach Jiangdong, which is controlled by the Cheng family? Where can we sell our perfume?"
Zheng Yueru shook her head.
Liu Zheng smiled and said, "Once the Chamber of Commerce is established, these resources can be integrated and shared!"
Zheng Yueru was so shocked that she was speechless for a long time.
Chamber of Commerce?
Young Master Liu’s idea was really too bold, but she felt that it was feasible!
Liu Zheng smiled without saying anything, and wrote down some concepts of limited companies on paper. The concepts inside made Zheng Yueru terrified. To some extent, debtors can not pay back? Sharing risks and protecting the interests of investors to the greatest extent!
These rules were so shocking that Zheng Yueru found it difficult to digest them.
Liu Zheng was not in a hurry. He drank while waiting for Zheng Yueru.
In fact... he hasn't said that the establishment of such a large company is very important for integrating idle funds, knowledge, resources, land and labor in society, and can gradually influence politics, military advisors, systems and other superstructures through economic power, and this influence is increasingly prominent! This is the best way Liu Zheng came up with to rule Yangzhou, or to rule his own city in the future! Once such a business is established, the cohesion of the nobles will be greatly strengthened, and the so-called county lord is nothing!
This is what Liu Zheng is going to do now.
As for the deeper theories, Zheng Yueru didn't understand, and neither did the other prominent families. In fact, the existence of the company was mainly to explain the value of exchange, the value of the market, and the value of production and consumption... Of course, these difficult things will not be discussed for the time being.
Zheng Yueru looked at it for two full hours before looking at Liu Zheng with a wry smile.
The shock in her heart at this moment was beyond words!
What's going on with Mr. Liu's brain?
"Brother Liu means that this company... the Chamber of Commerce, with Yinzhou Prefecture as the legal person, our prominent family is a shareholder, and ordinary people can even become investors?"
Zheng Yueru said uncertainly.
Liu Zheng nodded: "Yes, that's it!"
This is not only a reform of the distribution model, but also a way to unite people! Just imagine, Liu Zheng led the entire Yinzhou and Yangzhou people to make a fortune and conquer cities and territories. Who would care about a mere county marquis? With Yinzhou Prefecture as the credit endorsement, the combination of officials and businessmen can guarantee the development and expansion of the business to a greater extent!
The Chamber of Commerce's logistics and logistical support capabilities can also promote the efficiency of future marches and campaigns!
Complement each other and achieve true win-win situation!
Zheng Yueru stood up with a wry smile and bowed deeply to Liu Zheng.
"Young Master is so talented, Yue Ru is ashamed of herself!"
"Liangzhou is not a place for Brother Liu to bow down to!"
Liu Zheng was stunned.
This evaluation is too high.

Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024