Chapter 54 Bamboo Raft


Because of that power, Shen Nong's spiritual core was at a critical point.

Ze felt the violent fluctuation of energy in his body, so he strengthened his own strength, enveloped Shen Nong, and set up a protective barrier around him.

Shen Nong was surrounded by Ze's strong yet gentle contradictory power, and his body did not show any discomfort due to the promotion.

All the discomfort was dispelled by this force. He felt as if he was in a stream, with the water flowing through his body and the gentle sunlight shining on his face.

Shen Nong's only feeling at this moment was - comfort.

When the spiritual power of the spirit core surged and the emerald-like spirit core became clearer and free of impurities, Shen Nong knew that he had been promoted.

After the upgrade, his strength became even stronger. Originally, he could only repair the appearance of Lu Shuang's legs, but could not completely restore the broken leg bones. Now, he tried his best and the leg bones could be restored to 90%.

As for the rest, he just had to take good care of himself by taking the medicine and using his special powers to heal. It would only be a matter of time before he recovered.

To the members of the Wood Tribe who were watching nearby, it seemed that their priest was rebuilding a pair of legs for Lu Shuang.

After Shen Nong withdrew his supernatural powers, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Tu Dong had been waiting by the side.

"Take him back and prescribe him a herbal medicine to heal his bone injury."

Tudong nodded and asked the orcs to carry Lu Shuang onto the wooden board, and then send him to the earthen house that specialized in treating injured or sick orcs for easy care.

Thanks to Ze's help, Shen Nong did not faint from exhaustion this time, but he was still a little dizzy due to the continuous high-intensity mental output.

After resting for a while, Shen Nong's mental state improved a lot.

It just so happened that the orcs from the Feather Tribe were hovering above the Wood Tribe.

Shen Nong recognized that it was Yingya, the captain of the Yu tribe hunting team.

Their animal-like claws were holding the large backpack. Shen Nong guessed that it must be the kelp that they had promised to deliver.

The orcs of the Yu tribe had extremely strong eyesight and could easily see Shen Nong, who was almost a small dot on the ground.

At Shen Nong's signal, Yingya and his men landed outside the gate of the Mu tribe.

Baskets of kelp, so fresh.

Shen Nong's mood also became better when he looked at the green kelp.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Yingya shook his head. "If it weren't for this big backpack given by your tribe, we would have to carry it several times to get this much."

The one who returned with the Mu tribe caravan this time was Lu Chun, whose strength was second only to Bao Qiu and Lang Yu.

She said to Shen Nong happily: "Priest, I saw the sea!"

When Lu Chun thought of the endless blue sky, he still felt a little excited.

Shen Nong raised his eyebrows. The last time they left, the Yu tribe went to the beach and did not take the people from their Mu tribe caravan with them.

Lu Chun quickly answered Shen Nong's doubts, "When they first went there, they found that the big backpacks could hold a lot, but they could only carry two. They felt it was a pity, so they thought of bringing some people with them so that they could sit on their backs and hold the backpacks.

There are tribes on the seashore, but we don’t see them often because they are far away. But now those tribes are also in a hurry to replenish salt, and they will go to collect kelp from time to time.

Priest Yu Ji felt that the level of the orcs in their tribe was not high. If too many of them went there, other tribes would think that the Yu tribe was weak and would definitely come into conflict with them.

Just in case, they wanted to send our caravan along, saying they would give us more kelp and not take our animal skins."

Shen Nong understood, "You must be careful."

Lu Chun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded vigorously.

She had never been cared for like this before. The priest was worried about their safety. The priest was so nice!

Shen Nong took a look at the eight neatly arranged large baskets, five of which contained kelp, and the other three contained oysters that Shen Nong had asked Yingya to find.

Yingya followed Shen Nong's gaze and said, "There is still a lot of shell meat over there. If it's not enough, let's go there again."

The oysters at this time of year are plump and delicious. If you want to make oyster sauce, these three large baskets won’t be able to produce much in the end.

"Get some more." Shen Nong looked at the big backpack and said, "I'll have someone bring some more backpacks for you when we leave."

The Yu Tribe did not have a large backpack. Even if they wove it themselves, due to the raw materials, the weight-bearing capacity of such a large backpack would not be as good as that of the Mu Tribe. In the end, they could not carry as much as the Mu Tribe's large backpack.

Yingya liked the big basket very much. When he heard that they should take more back, he said happily, "Okay, I'll fill it with meat and bring it to you in two days."

Shen Nong smiled and said, "Okay."

It was lunch time for the Mu tribe. In the past, the tribe only had one meal a day, and they were often not full.

Ever since Shen Nong came, the entire tribe has had three meals a day without missing a single meal.

Apparently the Yu tribe also eats one meal a day, but Yingya learned from the tribesmen who had visited the Mu tribe and returned that the Mu tribe eats three meals a day.

He was a little bit unconvinced at first, but now he believes it.

When he saw the full bag of meat, Yingya's eyes widened.

He had never eaten so much meat at one time, and it all smelled so delicious.

Shen Nong did not disturb them while they were eating. After they finished eating, Lu Chun found Shen Nong and told him some things about the caravan's trade with other tribes.

"Bao Qiu contacted a tribe around the Yu tribe, called the Wushan tribe. The tribe leader knew Bao Qiu's intention and wanted to trade with us, but the priest of that tribe seemed reluctant."

Lu Chun dug into his pocket and pulled out a stone. "This is what the tribe leader secretly gave to Bao Qiu. He said this stone is very hard. If possible, he wants to exchange it with a stone like this."

Shen Nong looked at the black stone and didn't care at first. "Why would he think that we would exchange the best animal skins for just harder stones?"

Lu Chun also found it very strange. She handed the stone to Shen Nong and recalled what Bao Qiu had said to her, "Bao Qiu also asked this question, but the Wushan tribe has nothing else to exchange with us.

The patriarch said that their priests valued these stones very much. Although he didn't know what these stones were used for, there must be a reason why their priests valued them so much.

Bao Qiu thought that you, the priest, might know the answer, so he didn’t say anything too final. It happened that the chief stuffed another stone into Bao Qiu’s hands, so he asked me to bring it back for you, the priest, to see.”

Shen Nong took the stone. The heavy feeling in his hand made him take a closer look. Although he was doing plant research, he also did some research on various types of soil and minerals.

That thing in your hand is stone, it's iron ore.

Shen Nong looked at it carefully, turning it over and over again. This iron ore was a little different from the interstellar iron ore. It seemed to be purer. There were very few impurities, so it seemed that it contained a lot of iron.

He asked the system to check it. The system charged him one hundred infrastructure points for the test and quickly gave Shen Nong the answer.

The iron content is 75 percent, the same as interstellar iron ore with higher iron content.

[System prompt: The host has discovered iron ore, and will enter a new era. The reward is 1/10 of the secret mall. ]

The sudden system prompt sound made Shen Nong stunned for a while.

Then the system's happy voice came into my mind, "Ahhh! Host! A part of the secret mall has been opened! Do you want to take a look!"

Shen Nong placed the iron ore on the table and said to Lu Chun, "Tell Bao Qiu to make a deal with the Wushan tribe!"

Lu Chun watched the priest go from being indifferent to being very concerned. She glanced at the black stone and thought that there seemed to be something about the stone.

But Lu Chun thought of what Bao Qiu said about the priest of Wushan tribe. Bao Qiu said that the other party had an extremely tough attitude and directly drove them out.

However, the priest had told them to do their best, no matter how difficult it was. Lu Chun accepted the order and said, "Yes, priest."

After Lu Chun left, Shen Nong called out the system again, "Let me see what's in the secret mall."

The system quickly turned on the light screen, and Shen Nong discovered that fishing nets were sold in this shopping mall.

He had previously thought of making a big fishing net to catch fish in the sea, but he had not found any suitable crops to make it here, so he had to give up.

The fishing nets in the system mall cost at least 100 infrastructure points each and were made of hemp fiber. This kind of net absorbs water and easily rots. If you want to extend its life, you need to dry it out in the sun every two days.

The most expensive one is one thousand infrastructure points each. It is made of synthetic fiber, is very tough and will not rot easily.

The products produced by the system, even if there are differences in the quality of the materials, are all of very high quality in workmanship.

Thinking of the abundant meat resources in the boundless ocean, he couldn't help but bought ten low-grade fishing nets.

Most of the things in the secret mall are tools, and there are also some blueprints.

Shen Nong clicked on the design drawing and found that it was a ship.

There are abundant fish resources in the water, but many orcs in the Beast World do not eat fish. Not only do they not know how to eat them, but they are also difficult to catch.

Water belongs to fish. No matter how good orcs are at swimming, they cannot breathe freely in water.

Up to now, the fish eaten by the Mu tribe are all caught by Hu Xiao and his hunting team.

It is impossible to catch much with orcs of a slightly lower level, and there is also the risk of drowning.

A ship can solve all problems.

The designs here also vary in quality, ranging from wooden boats to aircraft carriers.

There are all kinds of flying things in the sky, from hot air balloons to starships.

The prices also range from low to high.

The highest price, with countless zeros.

Shen Nong had thought about shipbuilding before, but no matter how wide his knowledge was, it was impossible for him to be involved in everything.

Boats were one of the things he had never been involved in.

It's true that someone will give you a pillow when you fall asleep.

In addition to the ship design drawings, there are also some steelmaking drawings.

According to the current era, all high-end products are useless, and you can only buy the lowest-end one for everything.

In the end, Shen Nong spent 100 infrastructure points to buy the blueprints of a simple wooden boat, and spent another 100 infrastructure points to buy the process diagram of the steel pouring method.

After all the operations, he only had 12,000 infrastructure points left.


After resting and filling their stomachs, the members of the Yu tribe were ready to go back.

Shen Nong took out five hemp fishing nets and gave them to Yingya along with a large backpack.

Yingya and his men are very fast. They just need to put the fishing net into the sea, and then they work together to drag the net and catch a lot of seafood.

You can never have too much meat. Now that we have more and more little brothers, it is inevitable that some of them will not be full.

It’s never a bad thing for him to have multiple sources of meat.

Yingya didn't quite understand what this big thing was, so Shen Nong explained it to him and demonstrated it. After listening, Yingya was eager to try it.

I wish I were on the sea right now, to see if I could just grab this thing called a fishing net and fly it around, and I could get a lot of fish.

Seeing that Yingya looked anxious to go fishing at sea, Shen Nong said nothing more and waved goodbye to them.

After sending away the orcs of the Yu tribe, Shen Nong drew the process of building the wooden boat on a clean wooden board, and then handed the board to Shi Xia.

Shixia looked at it carefully for a while, understood the process, and knew how to build it.

She asked, "Priest, what is this strange thing used for after it is made?"

Shen Nong replied: "It allows us to walk on water."

Shixia's eyes widened. He could make people walk on water!

She looked at the wooden board again, as if she wanted to see a hole in it. This was simply unimaginable.

Something like a leaf can actually allow people to walk on water?

Knowing the final use, Shixia was in high spirits. She also wanted to make it quickly to see if she could really walk on water.

Although this wooden boat also needs iron nails to be fixed, the giant trees of the Wood Tribe can replace the iron nails first. However, after iron is obtained, it will definitely have to be replaced with iron nails in the later stage.

Although the hardness of the giant tree is as hard as iron, it is still a tree after all and has the characteristics of a tree.

It easily rots when exposed to water and cannot be used for a long time.

It takes time to make a wooden boat. Shen Nong wanted the tribesmen to get used to balancing on the water as soon as possible, so he asked Shi Xia to make some bamboo rafts with bamboo.

The bamboo rafts were made very quickly, and four were made in half a day.

Shen Nong asked the hunting team to take the fishing nets and carry the bamboo rafts to the river to start practicing and fishing.

Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024