Chapter 54

A weird smile

. The last thing Idarui saw before he fell into coma was the weird smile of the old woman with her eyes open.

Then her eyes went dark, and Daterui's consciousness fell into darkness. Before she lost consciousness completely, she was worried about the situation on Edogawa Conan's side and the trouble it caused.

But that’s all for another day.

"Well, I mean, Li Hai, you have to be gentler. The other person is just a child. What should I do if he is so heavy-handed?" The old woman changed her loving smile and looked at her like a joke. The man named "Reumi" who is imprisoning Idarui.

This man didn't take the old lady's words to heart. He said to the "old lady" with some mockery: "I think it's time for you to stop pretending to be an old man, Yamei. It's so ugly."

Next In seconds, the "old lady" took off the mask from her face, and behind the mask was a young woman. She looked completely different from just now. Now this woman's face was full of sarcasm.

"Looking at this little girl and the little brat we found before, I guess this one should be better, right?" the woman said.

Li Hai said "cut". Based on many years of experience in getting along with each other, he only felt that the other party was fake. Then Aumi picked up Ida Rui and said to the woman: "Stop pretending, Naine, it's time for the last one to stop. It arouses the suspicion of the police, and you and I can't live without it."

"Yes." Yes, yes." Nayin spread her hands and motioned for Rehai to lead the way, just like a normal pair of parents bringing a sleeping child home.

【Bad...bad guy! This is a game of chess! ]

[Wait a minute...? If we go by their conversation... Could it be that that little kid was talking about Yueshan's classmate that Zaizai and Xiaoke had visited before? ]

[Why don't you show me everything! Why did this episode end! ! (Screaming)]

[These episodes are educational, please don’t be reckless when encountering this situation! ]

[Good question, but, why not leave it to Officer Megure and the others. 】


The live broadcast had been turned off without Idarui noticing or having a chance to pay attention.

On the other side, the young detective team who were waiting for Ida Rui became a little panicked when they didn't see her return. Among them, Yoshida Ayumi's expression was the most obvious.

"Conan, Xiao Ai, why did Liui-chan go away for so long and still not come back..." Yoshida Ayumi turned her head and asked the two most reliable people among them.

Ayumi Yoshida would also be very panicked about Daterui not returning yet. If she just returned a wallet, she shouldn't be back by now.

When Ai Haibara called Daterui's cell phone and Yoshida Ayumi used the detective team badge to contact each other, they never got a response from Daterui.

"Is nothing going to happen to Ryui-chan?" Yoshida Ayumi said, her eyes never leaving the direction in which Date Ryui disappeared.

Edogawa Conan suggested looking for someone, and called Daterui's number again on the way, but the other party was still unanswered.

When they ran in the direction of Idarui, Idarui and the old woman were nowhere to be seen.

"I wonder if it's because Liu Yi returned the things, so the old lady wanted to express her gratitude and asked Liu Yi to go back with her to get the thank you gift?" Kojima Genta panted as he followed the others. At the end, he said when he saw them all looking around.

Although this possibility is not impossible and Edogawa Conan did not deny it, Haibara Ai shook her head and said, "Liu Yi is not the kind of person who will not contact us if she follows."

"Yes, if Lui If Yi-chan follows, she will definitely call us or use the detective team badge to contact us!" Yoshida Ayumi also agreed with Haibara Ai's words and said accordingly. "If she didn't contact us, could it be that something happened on the road...?"

"Could it be that the phone is out of battery or has no signal?" Motoda Kojima asked.

After hearing what Genta Kojima said, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya immediately denied his idea and added: "If it is because the phone is out of battery, Ryui can use the badge to contact us. If it is because there is no signal... this There should be no such situation nearby."

He looked around and saw that there was no signal. There were people using mobile phones on the streets they passed just now.

"Maybe Liui really went with that person." While everyone was speculating, Haibara Ai said the biggest possibility, but Yoshida Ayumi said that if Ida Liui really went with that old lady, Why not contact them if you leave?

Then Edogawa Conan followed their words and came up with the most likely scenario, "Perhaps that old lady was the instigator of the previous serial kidnapping case."

"Huh?!!!" In addition to Hui Yoshida Ayumi and others besides Hara Ai exclaimed, and then Yoshida Ayumi said in a panic, "Then we have to find Officer Megure and the others! Or we can find that old lady nearby!! Otherwise, Liu Yi will It's dangerous!"

"Wait! Don't be reckless! It's easy to scare someone away!" Edogawa Conan immediately stopped Yoshida Ayumi and others who were about to find the old lady. "Haihara, take them to Megure first. Call the police, and I'll go look for clues nearby. You'd better act together and don't separate."

As soon as he said this, Edogawa Conan ran towards the nearby residential area, and Yoshida Ayumi was also worried about Edo. Conan Kawawa will also be taken away like Daterui.

Haibara Ai trusted Edogawa Conan. She said: "Now that Edogawa has started to take action, let's go too. Then we will just contact him for the next step."

"But Xiao Ai, this is really true Is it okay?" Yoshida Ayumi asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Edogawa will find a way." Haibara Ai looked at the direction Edogawa Conan left and said.

I don't know how long it took before Idarui woke up from the darkness.

Her vision was blurry, and it wasn't until she woke up and could see everything clearly that Idarui could see the structure inside the house.

Idarui's mouth and hands were sealed with tape. She was lying on her side on an unknown sofa. There was an old-fashioned TV set in front of her in the corner, and an animation of Masked Superman from an unknown age was still playing on it. .

What she saw in front of her seemed to be in a certain room in a residential building.

Next to the TV is a window blocked by curtains. Judging from the bright light through the gap, it should still be daytime.

Idarui didn't know how long she had slept. The room was almost dark, and she couldn't see much clearly with her peripheral vision. When she calmed down and listened to the situation in the room, there were still drops of water in a certain room. sound.

"You're already awake so soon."

Idaliuyi looked at the voice. There was no one within her sight, not to mention that the voice sounded like a little boy.

However, the other party didn't seem to mind that Idarui didn't reply to his move. Just now, he guessed that Liuyi had woken up from Idarui's subtle hand movements.

After a while, Idarui heard a rustling sound.

Then she saw in her peripheral vision a little boy whose hands and feet were also bound. The only difference between him and her was that the little boy's mouth was not covered. This was also the reason why the little boy could speak.

Idarui recognized who that person was.

The little boy in the photo above was the person in front of Idarui who was giving the wallet to the "grandma" before.

It was Tsukiyama's classmate who was in the class next to them at Tedan Elementary School.

"Were you also tricked by my grandma? I'm so sorry...I didn't expect grandma to do such a thing with those people." Tsukiyama-san felt a little guilty, but what he revealed to Idarui was Yueshan was also deceived by his own grandmother.

But why?

With Idarui in this state, she couldn't express her doubts.

"They will be back soon. Just wait. I will ask them to help you take off the tape on your mouth later." Tsukiyama said apologetically, "You must be very hungry."

Tsukiyama The classmate was talking to himself. Idarui was not sure whether the other party's mental state was normal, so he could only listen to Tsukiyama-san's words quietly while paying attention to the movements around him.

She didn't know if the old woman had discovered the cell phone and the Junior Detective Corps badge on her body, but Idarui couldn't find these two things in her current position.

But she didn't wait long, the door of the house was opened by an unknown person.

It was at this time that Tsukiyama-san, who was still talking to himself, closed his mouth.

After a sound of footsteps, Idarui heard the voices of a young man and woman.

"Hey, you're so good. You moved here to chat with your new friend to prevent yourself from the bitterness of not talking for so long?"

Ida Liuyi heard someone putting something down. There was a sound on the table, and then she saw the woman coming in front of Tsukiyama-san, with one hand on the wall, and she looked at Tsukiyama-san with a sneer on her face.

"I said, Nayin, don't waste time. We have to prepare to change places. Let me see... The next place is in the suburbs. We need to take these two brats there with the "goods". "

Behind the sofa where Idarui was lying was the strange man, Rehai, who was talking.

Nayin spread his hands, took out the drug he had prepared in advance and said, "I understand, don't Don't worry, no one here knows about it anyway, so it'll be fine if you play for a few more days. "

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024