Chapter 53: So You Are Han Tan

When Cheng Qian was searching for Fuyao Mountain like a headless fly, Shuikeng also followed nearby. With a forehead full of anxiety, she looked at the endless green mountains and plains, not knowing where to find a needle in the grass, when suddenly she felt something on her sleeve rubbing her wrist and itching.

Shuikeng looked down and saw a leaf stuck in her sleeve. Then the leaf turned into a green and yellow caterpillar right under her eyes.

The girl part of the puddle had goose bumps all over her body, and the bird part wanted to eat it up. Just as she was conflicted about what to do, she saw the caterpillar raise its upper body and speak in Li Yun's voice, "Where have you been?"

...Second Brother is becoming more and more crazy.

Shuikeng was crying and rushing all the way, his mind was a mess, and without much thought, he blurted out: "I'm near Fuyao Mountain."

As soon as she finished speaking, she almost bit off her tongue - bah, why did she just tell the truth, how can she explain this?

Sure enough, after hearing this, the caterpillar's temperament suddenly changed. Its limp body actually "stood up". Even though it twisted eight times, it still stood quite imposingly.

The person who spoke changed to her senior brother, Yan Zhengming asked: "Why did you run back to Fuyao Mountain? The mountain is still sealed."

This is a long story. Over the past hundred years, they had sneaked back several times, but apart from seeing some suspicious people of unknown origin in the nearby villages and towns, they could not find the Fuyao Mountain that was supposed to be here.

It was not until Yan Zhengming cultivated his primordial spirit for the first time that he realized that only his primordial spirit could enter the sect master's seal, and that the sect master's seal was actually a key.

It turns out that it is no coincidence that the cave on Fuyao Mountain is connected to the Valley of Monsters. The whole mountain is a natural secret place. If the current leader took away the leader's seal and sealed the mountain, no one could enter or leave at will. No wonder they are a small and dilapidated sect without even a guard along the way, but were able to survive in a corner for so long in the wind and rain.

After hearing the question, Shuikeng was speechless for a moment. After a while, she stammered, "I...I...I just suddenly missed home and came back to visit."

Unfortunately, their head brother was not so easily fooled. Yan Zhengming said, "Missing home? Come on, you were still chewing diapers in my car when you left Fuyao Mountain. How could you imagine that? Tell me the truth."

Puddle: “…”

She had never lied since she was a child, because there was no need - her senior brothers were much older than her and usually doted on her. Apart from the homework she had to complete, everyone would do their best to get her anything she wanted, and even if she made mistakes occasionally, she would not be punished excessively.

But she was only pursuing him with a glimmer of hope for survival. If she told the truth, what good would it do except for making her fellow brothers unwilling to give up and then suffer disappointment together with her?

Shuikeng gritted her teeth and decided to make up a lie. She racked her brains and made herself sweat all over her back. She said with a tongue tied, "I... when I was waiting for you just now, I flew to the sky and saw blood in the village in the distance. I suspected that it was the devil we were looking for this time, so I chased after him - Second Senior Brother was also there, but I was in a hurry at the time and didn't have time to tell him - well, in the end I chased him all the way to the vicinity of Fuyao Mountain. Senior Brother, do you think this time it will really be... Fourth Senior Brother?"

Her heart was beating wildly as she lied, and she spoke with a bit of lack of energy.

The caterpillar was silent for a long time. After a while, Yan Zhengming said slowly, "Your second brother said that it was too far away and he didn't feel any blood."

It's bad enough that I can't make the story sound reasonable, and now there's someone trying to sabotage me!

Finally, Shuikeng threw in the towel and said, "Okay, I'll tell you the truth. You're so annoying! I saw a handsome guy in Second Senior Brother's golden cicada eyes. He followed him all the way here."

Yan Zhengming: “Hmm?”

Shuikeng suddenly had an idea and added, "Really, he's much more handsome than you!"

This remark hit the sore spot of her head brother. As expected, Yan Zhengming refused to talk to her anymore. The caterpillar lay down limply again. Li Yun hurriedly said to her, "Stop fooling around. Come back soon."

Then the caterpillar seemed to have run out of energy and turned into a leaf again, curled up into a ball, and fell off her body.

Shuikeng felt that she had finally gotten away with it and breathed a sigh of relief. She turned around on the spot, turned into a palm-sized bird, flew into the bushes, and concentrated on looking for someone.

However, at this time in Shu, Yan Zhengming said to Li Yun: "When I came here, I saw blood here, but now the blood has broken. Maybe the people in Mingming Valley have dealt with it. The girl in Shuikeng is very shameless. I don't believe that she can become more tactful just because she likes a boy. She is so hesitant, there must be something wrong. Let's go over there to save her from getting into trouble."

Li Yun was almost convinced by his well-reasoned words, when she heard Yan Zhengming say indignantly: "What's that 'much more handsome than me'? This traitor is really a dog with no knowledge of gold and jade - humph, I want to see."

Li Yun sighed deeply, feeling that his junior sister's cleverness was a loss in the end, as she had provoked the eldest senior brother with just one sentence.

On the other side, Cheng Qian couldn't find Fuyao Mountain, so he had to hide his sword, restrain his frosty true energy, and disguise himself as a mortal to blend into the nearby villages and towns.

The world on earth seemed to have really gone from bad to worse in recent years. Cheng Qian still remembered the first time his master brought them down the mountain to the East China Sea. The villages and towns along the way were much more lively than they are now.

He casually entered an inn, ordered a pot of tea, but put the steaming tea aside and stopped the waiter and asked, "Little brother, I want to ask you for a place."

The waiter saw that he was very handsome and dressed neatly, so he naturally wanted to curry favor with him. He walked up to him, bowed and said, "Sir, please speak."

Cheng Qian said, "I heard that there is a fairy mountain less than thirty miles east of here. I came here to look for it, but I can't find it. I want to ask you locals for directions."

The waiter's face turned serious after hearing this. He looked Cheng Qian up and down and asked cautiously, "Why, you are not one of those immortals who practice Taoism, are you?"

"What immortal or not," Cheng Qian said with a smile, "I have practiced two sets of exercises at home, but I haven't even entered the sect yet. How dare I call myself a cultivator? From what you said, are there many people asking about that mountain?"

The waiter threw the rag over his shoulder and said with a smile, "That's right. A customer asked me about it a few days ago. To be honest, I was born and raised here. I have heard the legend of the fairy mountain over there since my grandfather's generation, but no one has ever seen it. How can we, mortals, see the place where the fairies live?"

Cheng Qian said, "According to what you said, there are many immortals coming and going, so they can't find it either?"

The waiter smiled and said, "Otherwise, how can it be called a legend? However, the scenery over there is nice. If you are willing, it would be nice to go there and take a walk to relax."

The waiter was about to leave when Cheng Qian stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, little brother. You said someone was asking about that person a few days ago. Where did he go? I'll catch up with him as soon as possible. Maybe we can find each other as companions."

The waiter replied, "I saw them heading for the official road. But sir, those people don't look friendly and don't seem easy to mess with. You'd better not mess with them."

After hearing this, Cheng Qian's heart suddenly moved. What do a large group of people want by planning to attack Fuyao Mountain?

He got up and left before the tea cooled down. Cheng Qian had only walked along this pipeline once, when he went down the mountain.

Because his eldest senior brother, who seemed to be getting married, had several large carts that could not go on the side roads, they could only pass by on the official road. At that time, he could not even ride a horse well, let alone fly a sword. He also wanted to practice martial arts at the same time, so the master had to take care of him all the way...

Cheng Qian turned into a ray of frost and passed silently along the official road. He felt that every blade of grass and every tree here were memories.

He chased for about twenty miles when his footsteps suddenly stopped, almost without any buffering. Cheng Qian dangerously retracted the step he had almost taken - he saw two stones standing opposite each other in the alley, the layout of which was very deliberate, as if man-made, with imperceptible talismans engraved on them.

The two opposing spells formed a net that cut off the road in the middle - anyone passing by would inevitably alarm the person who cast the spell.

Cheng Qian frowned slightly and focused his true energy on his eyes. When he looked around, he saw that this place seemed to have been set up with a dragnet of talismans within talismans - the roadside stones, the ground, and even the wooden signs of varying lengths hanging in the shade of green trees. Almost every step was a trap.

He glanced around and suddenly felt angry - who was sneaking around at the foot of Fuyao Mountain?

But fire is fire, Cheng Qian still did not release his spiritual sense rashly. He took two steps forward and one step back to avoid each talisman and continued to move forward. The further he walked, the more frightened he became. Although he did not release his spiritual sense, he could vaguely feel that the person who carved the talisman was definitely a strong person. Occasionally, a trace of blood would leak out from the beginning, development, turning point and ending of the talisman, which showed that the person might not have practiced the right method.

Ordinary cultivators are not forbidden to kill, but they usually do not kill for the sake of killing. They have no bloodlust in their hearts. Even if they have killed several people, they will not leave blood behind. But it is different for demon cultivators. When Cheng Qian first entered the sect, he went to see the three thousand demon paths in the Nine-story Sutra Building without knowing the extent of the world. He thought that there was no difference between those and the righteous paths, and he even asked his master about this. It was not until now that he realized that although the two seem similar, they are actually very different.

The righteous path begins with communicating with heaven and earth, and emphasizes breathing in the pure air of heaven and earth to condense true essence. The essence of the evil path is to devour, taking in but not leaving. In this way, it is impossible to distinguish between the clear and the turbid, and although progress can be made by leaps and bounds, it will absorb violent energy after a while. Even if one has never been stained with blood, the talismans left behind will naturally be filled with blood.

Once a magic cultivator breaks the rules and sheds blood, his life will be ruined and no one can pull him back - that is why it has been rare for a magic cultivator to achieve great success since ancient times.

Anyone who enters this path must be determined to risk everything and never look back.

Even for Cheng Qian, it took him a lot of effort to get through this thrilling talisman net, but he did not see the "group of people" that the waiter mentioned. When Cheng Qian carefully avoided the trap and sneaked into the formation, he saw an open space and a tall man with his back to him.

The man radiated a circle of powerful spiritual consciousness around him, and he was actually quite arrogant, as if he was the only one in the world who was supreme. The place was filled with the smell of blood. Cheng Qian didn't know how powerful this man was, so he hid behind a big tree and once again restrained his vitality. He seemed to have become a dead object.

The man with his back to him seemed to be setting up some formation, but halfway through, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The man was tense all over, as if facing a great enemy. He muttered something to himself in a low voice. Then he suddenly lost his temper at the empty space and pounded the ground with a loud "bang bang". He looked crazy and shouted, "How dare you!"

After yelling, the man was like a puppet whose strings were suddenly pulled up. After being stiff for a moment, he suddenly stopped struggling, and laughed a series of sinister laughs like a night owl. He asked himself and answered, "What am I afraid of, you piece of shit."

Cheng Qian frowned - Mr. Nian could also ask and answer his own questions, but it just looked funny, but on this evil cultivator, it was simply creepy.

The next moment, the man roared angrily and started to hurt himself on the spot - he slapped his chest with a palm, and there was a sound of wind and thunder in his palm, and he did not hold back. Then, a ball of black gas surged from his chest, and collided with the palm force he hit at himself. I don't know whether it was his palm that hurt his chest, or the ball of black gas on his chest that hurt his palm. Anyway, he first hurt himself ten thousand and then eight thousand.

The man staggered two steps and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Cheng Qianxin thought: "What's wrong with this?"

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from not far away. The talisman that the big demon had placed on the edge was triggered, and a group of fireworks exploded on the spot. In an instant, countless bloody bone claws emerged from the ground and turned into eerie chains. They tied up the man and threw him roughly through the air, smashing him hard on the ground.

The unlucky guy was the puddle.

She had not expected that Cheng Qian would blend in with the mortals. She had been searching for him in the nearby mountains and forests in the form of a bird for an unknown period of time. The longer she searched, the more disappointed she became. She was exhausted both physically and mentally, and she was caught off guard and fell into the hands of this big devil.

The moment she was caught, she suddenly changed into human form and tried to resist, but found that her cultivation was suppressed by the demonic energy.

She fell into the puddle and was almost dizzy. She almost started to curse, but she held back and did not provoke the other party. She knew that there must be life-saving things placed on her by her senior brothers. She turned pale and said nothing. She curled up on the ground pretending to be dead, while trying her best to resist the invading evil spirit.

Shuikeng was right. The moment she was tied up with the chains, a hairband behind her head broke, revealing a puppet talisman placed inside it by Yan Zhengming. It was also that puppet talisman that prevented her from being pierced through by the chains.

The puppet talisman of the Yuanshen cultivator was completely incomparable to the semi-finished product that Cheng Qian gave to Xue Qing. Yan Zhengming and Li Yun had already found her nearby. As soon as the puppet talisman was broken, Yan Zhengming immediately locked onto her position and rushed over with Li Yun.

Cheng Qian, who was hiding aside, could no longer recognize the puddle. Girls change a lot when they grow up. A little baby grows into a big girl, and sometimes even her original appearance will change drastically, not to mention that she has folded her wings.

Cheng Qian was completely confused about where she came from, so he did not show up and just watched what happened from the side.

At this moment, Shuikeng suddenly felt the restraints on her body loosen, and she heard the big devil shouting in panic: "Girl, go away!"

Shuikeng was stunned, but before he could be happy, the chain suddenly tightened again. The big devil changed his tone and said sinisterly: "It's just a hundred-year-old demon... bastard!"

The big devil suddenly stretched out his left hand, with his five fingers forming claws, trying to grab the chain off, but his right hand tightly grasped his left wrist, as if trying to stop himself from doing so. The first voice shouted again, "Don't play dead! Go, I can't hold on for much longer!"

It was the first time in Shuikeng's life that he met such a mysterious demon cultivator. He finally couldn't help but raise his head, wanting to risk his life to gain some experience.

When she looked up, she even forgot to run.

I only heard her call out stupidly, "Fourth Senior Brother?"

The demon's eyes were red, his face was ferocious, and his facial features were distorted and deformed, but she still recognized him at a glance. That person was Han Yuan - the Han Yuan they had searched all over Kyushu but could not find!

Han Yuan seemed to be stunned by this shout. His expression relaxed and his eyes fell on Shuikeng's face. He looked unbelievable, flustered, and dodging. After a long while, his lips trembled slightly and he whispered, "You, you are... Little Master... Ah!"

Before he could finish his words, the demonic energy in his body suddenly surged, and the whole person almost turned into a ball of black mist.

The cold voice spoke again: "So you are Han Tan, it really is easy to get it!"

As soon as the word "Han Tan" came out, Cheng Qian's pupils shrank suddenly, and he could no longer care about anything else - before others arrived, the frosty sword shadow had arrived, and cut off the chains tied to Shuikeng's body. At the same time, a long whistle was heard, and the whole ground shook. The talismans that Han Yuan had placed on the periphery were broken by a sword with extremely domineering sword energy.

Then a figure flashed before his eyes like the wind, and the sword energy slashed towards Han Yuan like a mountain pressing down on his head.

Shuikeng screamed, "Don't! Fourth Brother..."

In a split second, Cheng Qian had no time to think about the sect's rules. In the chaos, he instinctively protected Han Yuan and raised his hand to take the sword.

"The full moon that rises and falls" is matched by "the blue sky that soars to a bright future".

There was a gap in the sword in the man's hand, which just happened to jam the two swords from the same origin together.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

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