Chapter 53 Father and Son Reunited

Chapter 53 Father and Son Reunited

  The news of the SHIELD agent's capture quickly spread back to America, and the president was furious.

  "I've given you so much budget, and I've done so much for you internationally every year, and yet you can't even do this!"

  The SHIELD team had just completed the formalities, received the jade omen, and entered the booked hotel when they received a call from their boss. He yelled at Nick Fury through the communicator because he had just been reprimanded by the President.

  "I'm sorry, sir." Nick Fury was scolded without being able to fight back and was scolded to death.

  "You beep, then beep, why beep?" The boss's voice gradually became distorted and intermittent, sounding extremely funny.

  "I'm afraid there is a machine here that can block satellite signals. Maybe we should launch a new satellite. Goodbye, sir." Fury took the opportunity to turn off the communicator and put the signal receiver he had broken off into his pocket.

  "It's terrible, isn't it?" Hawkeye leaned against the wall. Out of his loyalty to the country and his ambiguous attitude towards immortality, he was forced to know some inside information.

  "It's not terrible. I have already thought about his attitude. I am afraid of something more terrible - war." Fury sat exhausted on the sofa in the inn, not understanding why they, who were originally mature and experienced, were so short-sighted.

  "Human trafficking, how could they come up with such an idea?" Hawkeye shook his head. "I thought they could at least hold out until the martial arts competition in half a month."

  "Then you really overestimate them. People who have been high and mighty for too long are unwilling to bow their heads and face the truth."

  "Luo Fu disdains to compete for land with lower civilizations, but all short-lived species will covet immortality. Do you know what the most terrifying idea is?" Fury supported his forehead with his hand.


  "Perhaps after we lose the war and everything, the flower-growing people will incorporate the entire Earth into their territory, and then let everyone integrate here. Maybe the first few centuries will be a little difficult, but as long as the integration lasts long enough, the offspring will be able to obtain the longevity gene."

  "This is too..." Hawkeye was shocked by this crazy idea.

  "Unrealistic and out of touch with reality, right?" Fury said tiredly. "Who said that this incredibly powerful neighbor didn't even think about invading? Everyone was frightened by their pacifism, which has never happened before in history."

  Thinking of using a match to avoid a meaningless war, one must be either too confident or too naive. Unfortunately, Luo Fu was the former.

  But Hawkeye quickly reacted: "I don't think the gentlemen on Capitol Hill have such high moral standards. They will not agree to this plan. They prefer their own immortality."

  "But you can't guard against thieves all the time. I think our neighbors will get pissed off one day."

  "Then let's change a group of people." Captain America suddenly pushed open the bedroom door.

  "Steve? You heard everything." Fury was not surprised at all. He had known that Captain America was outside the door and he had let him hear it on purpose.

  "Then change strategy and seek other ways. I will never allow the president to squander the country's assets to fight a war that cannot be won," he said firmly.

  "I think you should learn some politics, Captain." Nick Fury said meaningfully.

  The governor of Belloberg voluntarily withdrew from the presidential election. Other politicians are masters of making empty promises and bribery. The two parties are in cahoots with each other. This system is like this from top to bottom. Only the identity of Captain America can break the deadlock.

  "That's exactly what I meant." Steve vaguely guessed something, but for the sake of the people, he had no choice.

  The player looked at the increasingly strange map and said, "Maybe we should let the company buy the United States. That might solve the problem."

  The system rolled its eyes and said, "You're using your left hand to fight your right hand, right? You're not afraid that the Immortal Boat will summon the Emperor Bow to blow up the Earth."

  The player turned around on the swivel chair and started a wheelchair racing game with himself: "It all comes down to resources. The company has been stuck on Earth for too long. At the time, there was not enough energy, so there was nothing we could do. Now we should be able to expand into the universe."

  "Why don't we pack these guys up and throw them out to expand the market, and launch Mechanical Ascension at the same time, and then work on the Dream World after Pinoconi is online, tsk tsk."

  "And then let them start border trade and provoke two anti-organic wars, right?"

  The player enjoyed it for a while, then shuddered: "Hey, the pie can still be painted, we are not following history."

  But before the big plan was completed, the president announced to the media that he would visit Luofu, and he couldn't even wait for the competition to begin. Since the boss said so, other small countries that were trying to curry favor with the emperor also echoed the trend and said they would come to visit and plant flowers.

  Player: It feels like a poor relative from the countryside coming to beg for food.

  But no matter how poor the relatives are, they are still relatives after all. Luo Fu still wanted to give his neighbors some face. The Land Horizontal Division directly marked out a piece of vacant land for the use of the president's special plane and arranged for the flight control officer to receive him personally.

  Yan Qing, who was visiting Luofu with Jason and others, naturally also received the news. As the general's brave guard and one of Luofu's first ambassadors to the United States, he also played his own role and had his own mission.

  "Jason, the President of the United States is expected to visit Luofu tomorrow. Sorry, I can't accompany you now," Yan Qing patted his shoulder and lowered his voice, "Be careful. I see that these two have steady steps and strong limbs. They are not simple guys."

  Jason nodded as well. He also lowered his voice and said, "I understand. There are too many suspicious points. I have observed that they all have calluses on their hands from practicing martial arts. It is possible that they are spies who know my true identity and are trying to trick me into believing me."

  Dick and Tim could naturally see Jason's vigilance, they were used to it, being suspected was the fate of superheroes, not to mention that they didn't even have a photo together, which was indeed a bit suspicious.

  But the more important thing is the Joker. Without the help of powerful surveillance cameras that can be mobilized at will, it would be difficult for them to find that guy in an unfamiliar place. If the Joker really makes a big noise, then it would be over.

  But facing Jason's puzzled gaze, smiling was the most important thing. The two Wayne sons hugged each other's shoulders and smiled at their lonely brother with eight teeth.

  Jason, Jason silently rubbed his eyes that were dazzled by the reflection of his teeth.

  On the Kunyu stage, the smiling Miss Fox expressed her willingness to help Beloberg with this small favor. Admittedly, Danding Division and Gongzao Division did have similar goods, but Beloberg's [Immunity to Wind and Snow] was better in that it had a long-lasting effect and was low in cost.

  Bronya was very happy to get a huge order for Beloberg. She was anxious to discuss it with her subordinates. Bruce said that he could handle the next problem for her, so she said goodbye in a hurry.

  After Bruce had gone through the redundant business process and waited until the matter was over, he finally stated his purpose:

  "Ms. Tingyun, there is something I must ask for your opinion. I once had a child, but he unfortunately died in an explosion..." He slowly laid the groundwork, trying to arouse Tingyun's sympathy.

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Wayne." Tingyun smiled and waited for his next words. She did not refuse rashly. After all, she still admired Beloberg's spirit and hoped that this order would not be ruined by a wealthy businessman.

  But Bruce's next words froze her smile -

  "But I saw him again in Luofu." Bruce took out the photo and said firmly:

  "He looks exactly like my son who passed away."

  Tingyun looked at the photo in silence. There was almost no difference between Cloud Rider Jason and Gotham Jason except for the slight differences brought about by growth. And coincidentally, she also knew this legendary foreigner who became a member of the Cloud Riders in just one year.

  Like the general's top disciple Yan Qing, his bloodline and background were deliberately concealed. His martial arts and strategies were both top-notch, and he was originally thought to be just a short-lived talent, but there was no doubt that he was a man of heaven.

  Tingyun looked at Bruce Wayne's appearance carefully again. Apart from the black hair and blue eyes, there was no blood similarity between them.

  "Excuse me, but may I ask if Mr. Wayne is Jason's biological father?"

  "No, Jason is my adopted son." Bruce shook his head.

  "Then Jason's biological parents..."

  "They are all dead."

  This is a problem. Originally, people speculated that Jason was the child of a wandering flower grower, but now there is no evidence. Tingyun was a little overwhelmed and opened the fan in time to cover up his expression.

  It's really unbelievable that I have to get into such a trouble. Next time I see Jason, I will give him a good beating.

  "So what does Mr. Wayne want?" asked the fox girl with her face covered. There was a light in her blue eyes that Batman could not understand.

  Bruce stammered twice: "I, I want to see him again and tell him that I miss him all the time and it's not his fault..."

  Jason stood behind the man, at a delicate distance that would not arouse his vigilance, but was just enough to hear the man's conversation clearly.

  Dick and Tim behind them covered each other's mouths at the same time, and they communicated with each other by blinking their eyes:

  "Why is Bruce here? I thought he went back to Gotham to dig graves. Damn it. Now if Jason sees him flirting with girls, our image will be ruined."

  "Wake up. The charm of Gotham's richest man doesn't work in Luofu. Don't you find that the person opposite you looks familiar? Isn't that Tingyun who was once on a diplomatic mission?"

  "So Bruce went to her to find out what happened? Please, normal Bruce, please don't be like Batman and talk nonsense!"

  Passerby: Is it some kind of foreign custom to wink at someone? Very strange, take another look.

  Tingyun's eyes curved slightly, and the fox ears on his head trembled slightly: "So, you have always missed him, right?"

  "Yes, forever."

  "Even though he's been away from you for nearly three years?"

  "Yes, I will carry this longing into my grave." Bruce said firmly.

  "Jason, what do you think?" Tingyun shook his wrist slightly, closed the fan, and pointed behind Bruce.

  Bruce suddenly turned his head and saw the child he had been thinking about standing three feet away, and his other two sons were hugging each other in a strange posture.

  Dick, you are already a big boy. Although you are a Roma, you should still be a little ashamed. There is no need to be so exaggerated when you are intimate with your brother.

  Bruce thought of a lot at that moment. The above is not all. There are also the first snow in Gotham, the young children snuggling in front of the fireplace listening to him read ancient fables, the silhouette of Robin flying in the night sky on his first night patrol, and him and his son laughing loudly in the audience of the baseball game...

  At that moment, he even made a plan to escape from Luofu.

  But when he really looked into the eyes of his resurrected son, he felt his throat choked up and could only speak hoarsely:

  "Jason, you've grown up."

  My son, whom I thought would sleep forever, you have grown up.

  Jason just looked at the man who suddenly rushed over and hugged him tightly with a blank expression. He felt that he was about to get two bruises from this guy's arm. He raised his hand to push him away, but couldn't help but hugged his shoulders.

  Dick wiped his tears as he looked at the father and son hugging each other, then as if he remembered something, he grabbed his third brother who was taking pictures non-stop and hugged him.

  Jason let out a muffled groan, but it sounded more like a groan.

  Tingyun: Applaud, smile, and leave.