Chapter 53: Earth Vein Essence!

Since Li Wei's small high-intensity flashlight was shining downwards, the light did not radiate outside. Therefore, neither the giant elephant nor the powerful black bear noticed that a human had quietly entered the cave.
"Wow! Such a strong fragrance! Breathing it is such a pleasure!" Li Weiyi exclaimed as he fell into the cave.
The fragrance in this cave is several times stronger than the one emanating from the cave entrance!
"What kind of treasure is this? I have to find it quickly, otherwise those two big guys will find me after the fight, which will be troublesome!"
Having made up his mind, Li Weiyi took a high-intensity flashlight and shone it around.
Through observation, Li Weiyi found that there were no traces of artificial excavation on the surrounding cave walls, which shows that this cave was formed naturally.
So Li Weiyi walked into the cave.
Moreover, the further you go inside, the stronger the fragrance becomes.
“What kind of rare treasure is this?” Li Weiyi’s heart was full of anticipation, and he couldn’t help but quicken his pace.
After walking forward about thirty meters and turning a sharp bend of nearly 180 degrees, a dim light appeared in front of Li Weiyi's eyes.
After walking forward another twenty meters, Li Weiyi turned a 90-degree turn. The front suddenly became bright, which made Li Weiyi squint his eyes.
It was not until a long time later that Li Weiyi's eyes finally adjusted and he looked around the bright space.
This underground space is twenty meters square, with some round beads inlaid on the four walls. It is these beads that illuminate this twenty-meter square space.
In the center of this space, there was a pool of milky white liquid. Moreover, Li Weiyi could clearly feel that a trace of heaven and earth energy was converging towards the pool of milky white liquid.

Moreover, the source of the fragrance is precisely that pool of milky white liquid.
When I came to this space, the fragrance was extremely rich!
With every breath Li Weiyi took, he could clearly feel that the vital energy in his Dantian was increasing rapidly.
So, Li Weiyi walked to the pool of milky white liquid.
With the help of a strong flashlight, Li Weiyi discovered that the pool of milky white liquid was contained in a vessel about 30 centimeters in diameter that looked like a "pot" and was buried in the soil.
"Wow! It smells so good!" Li Weiyi inhaled the fragrance in the air, his face full of intoxication.
Moreover, there was a desire in Li Weiyi's body, which was to swallow all the milky white liquid in front of him!
Li Weiyi suppressed his desire and recalled the treasures that appeared in the new world as recorded in the book "New World's Records of Natural Resources and Treasures" that he had read before. Then, comparing them with the fragrant milky white liquid in front of him, Li Weiyi found something very similar to it, which was the "Earth Vein Essence Liquid"!
"The Record of Natural Resources and Treasures of the New World" is a record of various treasures that have appeared on the earth since the new world, compiled by many powerful people.
"However, the 'Earth Vein Essence Liquid' recorded in the book is almost transparent, and there is only a small amount of it. Moreover, the fragrance is not so strong." Li Weiyi made a comparison in his mind and felt a little worried.
"'Earth Vein Essence' is a rare treasure. It is formed by the gathering of the essence of heaven and earth, turning into an almost transparent liquid that emits a slight fragrance. It is very helpful for cultivation. However, this item is very rare and can only be encountered by chance!"
This is the record about "Earth Vein Essence" in the book.
"'Earth Vein Essence Liquid'? Could it be that there is too much 'Earth Vein Essence Liquid' and that's why it looks like this?" Li Weiyi looked at the "pot" of milky white liquid with some confusion.
"Never mind! If it can attract so many ferocious beasts here, it must not be something poisonous! Then I will... take a bite first!"
Having made up his mind, Li Weiyi squatted down, bent over, leaned his head over, and took a small sip.
Instantly, his mouth was filled with fragrance and Li Weiyi swallowed it involuntarily.
"Uh..." Li Weiyi widened his eyes, feeling the fragrance in his mouth, and smacked his lips softly.
Li Weiyi's original intention was to suck it in his mouth to feel the taste and see if it was poisonous. If it was poisonous, he could spit it out immediately. However, he didn't expect that he would swallow it directly.
Li Weiyi couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He just crouched there motionlessly, feeling any changes in his body.
However, after a long while, Li Weiyi did not feel any discomfort. On the contrary, he felt comfortable all over, and the vitality in his Dantian Qi Sea also increased.
"It's not poisonous! Could it really be 'Earth Vein Fluid'?"
Feeling that there was nothing wrong with his body, Li Weiyi couldn't help but feel a little secretly happy.
"With so much 'Earth Vein Essence'! I'm afraid my cultivation level can directly break through to the late stage of Qi Realm!"
Li Weiyi looked at the "pot" of "Earth Vein Essence Liquid" in front of him with joy, and immediately planned to use it to replenish his Dantian Qi Sea.
So, Li Weiyi sat cross-legged , put a high-intensity flashlight aside to shine, then leaned over and gently took a sip of the "Earth Vein Essence Liquid", and started to practice his skills to refine it.
Although drinking it directly will increase the vitality in your body, doing so will waste a lot of energy.

If you practice martial arts to absorb it, although there will still be a little waste, but refining a mouthful of "Earth Vein Essence Liquid" can increase your vitality several times more than drinking it directly!
Li Weiyi didn't care about how the two top-notch heavenly beasts outside fought. He just drank the "Earth Vein Essence Liquid" and refined it with peace of mind. The vital energy in his dantian sea of ​​qi also grew rapidly as Li Weiyi refined it.
Only about one tenth of the "Earth Vein Liquid" in the "pot" went in, and Li Weiyi's Dantian Qi Sea was full, and he could no longer absorb any more Heaven and Earth Qi.
“Huh! It’s finally full! Next, let’s start the breakthrough!”
Li Weiyi took a few deep breaths, suppressed the excitement and restlessness in his heart, and began to use the vital energy in his Dantian Qi Sea as the source of power to impact his own meridian barriers.
Li Weiyi gathered a strong amount of vital energy, selected a meridian, and then directly controlled the vital energy to attack forward.
“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…
A few minutes later, there was a click inside Li Weiyi's body, and the barrier of his meridians was broken. A huge amount of vital energy rushed into the newly opened meridian, slowly nourishing and expanding it.
After another ten minutes or so, Li Weiyi felt that this meridian had been expanded to its current extreme, and the slight damage to his own meridian caused by breaking through the meridian barrier just now was also completely repaired with the nourishment of vital energy.
Then, Li Weiyi began to open up the next meridian...
At this time on the ground, the battle between the two ferocious beasts had reached a white-hot stage.
“Moo~!” “Roar~!”
Suddenly, three arrows nearly ten meters long and as thick as human thighs appeared around the giant elephant's body. They were like flowing water.
After another roar from the giant elephant beast, three arrows as thick as streams of water shot out instantly and shot towards the powerful black bear not far away.
The powerful black bear roared loudly, and an ochre-yellow halo appeared all over his body again. However, this time the color of the halo was much richer than before.
Three thick and long arrows as strong as flowing water formed a V-shape and shot in front of the powerful black bear in an instant.
The powerful black bear's pair of paws, which were glowing with an ochre-colored halo, hit two arrows that were as strong as flowing water.
“Boom!” “Boom!”
With two loud bangs, the two arrows were immediately smashed to pieces!
The third arrow instantly hit the powerful black bear's chest!

After a loud bang, the khaki halo on the Mighty Black Bear's body disappeared instantly, and it "died together" with the arrow, and the Mighty Black Bear was also pushed backwards by the powerful force of the explosion.
After sliding for about twenty meters, the powerful black bear finally stopped.
As soon as he stopped, the powerful black bear slapped his chest and roared angrily!
Immediately afterwards, the khaki halo on the surface of the powerful black bear appeared again, and this time the khaki halo actually flowed at a very fast speed.
Moreover, as the khaki halo circulated rapidly, the size of the powerful black bear actually began to swell!
In just a dozen seconds, the powerful black bear's body had reached nearly fifty meters in height, nearly twice as large as before!
After a deafening roar, a powerful black bear, nearly three times the size of the previous one, took bear steps and approached the giant elephant beast step by step.
But at this moment, the giant elephant beast, in front of the powerful black bear, looked like a small elephant, and had nothing to do with the word "giant" at all.
Five arrows as thick as thighs and as thin as water appeared in front of the giant elephant again and shot towards the powerful black bear in an instant.
But this time, the powerful black bear simply waved his paw, and the five thick arrows all exploded, having no effect on him at all.
In just three or two steps, the powerful black bear had arrived next to the giant elephant beast, and its two huge bear paws slapped down instantly. The giant elephant beast had just put up a protective shield with flowing water light, and the two bear paws had already slapped it.
The energy is raging!
The protective shield held up by the giant elephant beast was shattered in an instant, and the body of the giant elephant beast was also knocked into the ground.
There was another earth-shaking roar, and the powerful black bear suddenly grabbed the giant elephant's nose with its two paws and pulled the giant elephant out of the soil.
Immediately afterwards, the powerful black bear swung his arms and threw the giant elephant beast away.
After knocking down several towering trees, the giant elephant's body fell to the ground with a loud bang.
After throwing the giant elephant beast away, the powerful black bear let out a long, earth-shaking roar, intimidating the giant elephant beast that was lying on the ground.
The giant elephant rolled over and stood up again, looking at the powerful black bear on the open space, growling in a low voice and staring at it for a moment, then turned around and slowly moved away from the open space.
There was another earth-shaking roar, as if the powerful black bear was declaring his victory.
After roaring, the powerful black bear shrank back to its original size and slowly walked towards the collapsed cave.
At this time, Li Weiyi, who was in the underground space of the cave, had already opened up the eight extraordinary meridians and eleven regular meridians!
At this moment, he was attacking the last meridian in his body!
“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…
After repeated impacts, "Crack! Crack!", the last meridian was opened.
"It's done!" Li Weiyi exclaimed in delight, controlling his vital energy to enter the meridians that had just been opened, nourishing and expanding them...

Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024