Chapter 50 Wei Zhiyuan left

Lao Xiong was a very forward-thinking person, he liked the atmosphere of freedom, democracy and good discussion. However, as he, the founder, publicly gave up his position, Wei Qian became the dictator of the entire company, and the old approval and discussion system of three meetings and one floor with many people talking and talking soon became a mere formality.

In Lin Qing's words, ever since CEO Wei became President Wei, his level of terror has been upgraded from "Sneezing Monster" to "Bic the Devil". The originally humane and hierarchical company is like a fragile soap bubble, which was destroyed by his slap.

Less than a week after Wei Qian took over, the entire company turned into a mechanically operated concentration camp.

And under such Nazi-like pressure, work efficiency was almost twice as high as before.

During lunch break, the HR department discussed the result behind closed doors. Lin Qing summarized the reason: every time Director Wei stared coldly at someone who delayed his work, that look would make people "tremble with fear and almost want to leave."

The insider who picked up the phone from Wei Qian's office was called "The Ring". When the call was answered, the man's incoherent and concise "Come to my office" was as terrifying as "Avada Kedavra".

The materials to be submitted to creditors were sent back by Wei Qian and required to be rewritten more than twenty times. He only wrote that the three department managers of the investment, finance and budget departments were almost willing to sacrifice their lives for the country.

If they want to work overtime, the administrative and human resources departments have to coordinate with them. Even the front desk staff in the entire headquarters only dares to go out to buy drinks.

Just like this, I worked non-stop for more than half a month, day and night, with an average working time of more than twelve hours a day.

As for...weekends? What is that? Can I eat it?

Finally, the final version received a reluctant approval from Wei Qian.

The perception that "the new boss is a pervert" was ingrained in every employee's mind like a cornerstone, but the strange thing was that none of them resigned in the end.

When crisis strikes, perverts are much more effective than lenient leaders.

More than a month later, Wei Qian, Sanpang and two department managers went to several creditors and went through several negotiations.

The result was successful, and Wei Qian extended the repayment deadline by one year.

The price he paid was that he had to mortgage almost all of his shares in the project company he was currently building.

In the words of Sanpang, "That's great. We've changed the death sentence to suspended death sentence - hey, isn't that your Xiaoyuan? Why is he here?"

Wei Qian had the car parked under the company's office building, stuck his head out and asked, "Why are you here?"

Wei Zhiyuan got off his bicycle and stuffed a lunch box into his hand through the window. "I'm going to go to another city with a teacher to hold a seminar next week, so I may not be back until the weekend. I've already told the hourly worker what to do every day. I've paid her salary and grocery money. If you have any laundry to do, just put it in the small basket at the door and she'll pick it up. I've also bought an extra portion of the daily necessities for the family. I've arranged the medicines that grandma usually takes in order, and I've written down how many tablets of each type to take and posted it next to the medicine bottle. If Xiaobao is not at home, you can get it for her, three times a day."

Wei Qian frowned imperceptibly. Although there was nothing in the long list of things Wei Zhiyuan asked him to do that required him to do, it still sounded trivial and troublesome to him.

"You must remember to eat on time," Wei Zhiyuan said, "I bought a box of milk and put it in the refrigerator. Heat it up when you drink it, don't drink it cold."

After Wei Zhiyuan finished giving his instructions, he seemed to have just remembered that there were other people present, and smiled at the others as if he was a little "embarrassed": "Brother, Third Brother, I'm leaving now."

After saying that, he put on his shoulder bag, got on his bicycle, and disappeared around the corner in the blink of an eye.

The two managers looked as if they had just seen Bin Laden picking his nose - even though their perverted boss hadn't said a word from beginning to end, he looked pleasant.

What does it mean that Mr. Wei is amiable?

That's like Jurassic and donuts, two completely unrelated things!

At this time, only Mr. Sanpang Tanyu appeared calm...even serious.

As a bystander, he felt a kind of crisis of siege - when did Wei Qian's family become so long-winded in their daily life?

Wei Qian's life was so casual in the past. If he wanted to eat fried dough sticks, he would open the window and shout to the people downstairs. If he didn't have change, he would owe them. If he didn't want to eat, he would just grab a handful of rice and throw it into the pot to make a pot of porridge. He would just take a few bites of pickles and eat it. And when he rode his bicycle to school every morning, he would just grab a corn from Old Lady Song's pot, hold the handlebars with one hand and hold it with the other hand to eat it. Although it has been a few years, Sanpang still has the illusion that it is still vivid.

After spending a long time in the office, Sanpang would unconsciously think deeply. Wei Zhiyuan gave him the feeling of a silent spider, subtly weaving a kind of invisible and intangible web of order in his home. Everyone would subconsciously get used to it and obey it - including Wei Qian, the head of the family who was strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

Sanpang clearly saw Wei Qian frowning just now. Given their friendship since they were young, Sanpang could read from his eyes the message "Ah? Why are you suddenly leaving? What a trouble."

If it were in the past, let alone his younger brother going out for a week, even if Wei Zhiyuan went abroad for scientific research in Antarctica for two years, it would be no problem. Whoever wanted to go wherever he wanted could go, as long as he didn't die outside and didn't come back, Wei Qian would most likely encourage him and give him some money - he would be more at ease if there was one less person who was an eyesore around.

It changed, it changed unconsciously.

Wei Qian got out of the car carrying his lunch box. Sanpang hurriedly followed him and went upstairs with him. He decided to find out what this matter meant.

Sanpang asked tentatively: "How come you have become the boss of your family?"

Wei Qian sighed: "I just can't take care of it."

The fat man half-jokingly said, "Your Majesty, this is not okay. Your power has been hollowed out. Do you remember that the door of the Ministry of Internal Affairs faces that way? Do you still know what brand of toilet paper you use at home and how much an hourly worker earns?"

Wei Qian: “…”

He really doesn't know.

When Old Lady Song was in charge, she was illiterate and didn't know how to do many things, so Wei Qian still needed to keep an eye on them. Ever since Old Lady Song fell ill, it seemed that without anyone noticing, these things were taken over by Wei Zhiyuan, and Wei Qian seemed to have never thought about them again.

The fat man shook his head and said, "It's over, Your Majesty, just wait for your throne to be usurped."

Wei Qian smiled and didn't take it seriously, thinking he was joking.

Sanpang then beat around the bush and said, "By the way, I also want to ask, your Xiaoyuan is almost a junior, and the school hasn't found a younger sibling for you?"

This grandson is talking about something that is not related to the topic. Wei Qian's face changed at that time: "Don't mention it."

Sanpang looked around to see if there was anyone around, and followed into Wei Qian's office: "What's going on? Did he find a plain girl or a Hedong lion?"

That's good. As long as she's a woman and alive, Wei Qian feels that he will like her.

The debt was delayed for another year. Wei Qian felt that he had finally breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could catch his breath, he was blocked by Sanpang again. He didn't want to say anything at first, and wanted to just laugh it off, so he said: "I'm busy every day, with a lot of extracurricular activities in and out of class, and I can occasionally get investment to make a small thing and make a little money."

"Oh, I know about this. When we were his age, weren't we also fooled by Old Bear saying 'labor is the past, capital is the present, and technology is the future'? We dared to work in the 'present' back then, while those who are promising are now eyeing the 'future'." Sanpang said, "When you were away on a business trip, I saw those kids once. They all brought computers to your house for a party. There were a few boys and two girls. Hey, you know what, one of the girls looked really 'future-like', very pretty..."

Wei Qian put aside the lunch box that Wei Zhiyuan had prepared for him, and used the chopsticks as a pen, spinning them around between his fingers. Finally, he could not help but listlessly told Sanpang the truth: "It's hopeless. Even if that girl is as beautiful as a fairy, it won't help."

Sanpang sensed this and Wei Qian’s answer was about to come out. His eyelids twitched and he felt as if his bad words had come true.

As expected, Wei Qian said helplessly, "That bastard told me that he had a crush on a guy. I have been trying to get him back for several years, but I can't get him back no matter what."

Although Kim Jong-un had expected this, he still didn't know what expression to use when he heard it with his own ears, so he had to put on a weird face.

Wei Qian sighed, looked up and told Sanpang, "I told you this because he's your brother. Don't tell anyone outside. It's not good for the child."

Sanpang looked at Wei Qian and was distressed to find that this unconscious brother was still counting money for others.

He knew he couldn't tell the truth. Firstly, Wei Qian might not believe it, and secondly, he didn't know what would happen if he told the truth. He could only cup his hands around his chest and act delicate, and asked tremblingly, "Then... didn't he tell you who he fell in love with?"

Wei Qian rolled his eyes at him: "Who knows - anyway it's not you, don't be nervous, you look safe."

Kim Jong-un was simply grieving his misfortune and angry at his lack of resistance, crying out to the sky: “My brother…”

Wei Qian thought he was lamenting about Wei Zhiyuan, so he waved his hand and said, "Let him be. I can't control him anyway."

Yes, silly brother, it will not be up to you by then - Sanpang looked at Wei Qian with a very disgusted expression, stood up silently and left Wei Qian's office. He finally understood how he mistook a high fever for a fever and pneumonia for a cold. He had never hated Wei Qian's carelessness as much as he did now.

After Sanpang returned, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Like most straight men, Wei Zhiyuan's one-sided and twisted feelings for Wei Qian made him feel uncomfortable all over.

He watched Wei Zhiyuan grow up and called him "Third Brother" since he was a child. Sanpang didn't want to assume or judge him with malice, and even less wanted to use the word "disgusting" to describe him. But asking him to accept it calmly was absolutely impossible.

Sanpang felt that he knew what Wei Zhiyuan was thinking. Wei Zhiyuan was trying to make his presence felt in some way. If he continued like this, one day Wei Qian would become dependent on him.

Due to his family background when he was a child, Wei Qian had some obstacles in interacting with women. Sanpang didn't want to see Wei Zhiyuan go astray, and even more so didn't want to see him involve his brother.

This won’t do. It will be dangerous if it continues like this. We have to think of a way to ruin this matter - Kim Jong-un thought secretly in his mind.

Regardless of what Kim Jong-un was planning, after Wei Qian tried his best to temporarily solve the debt problem, he found a turning point to revitalize the project. The person who brought this turning point was the most unreliable consultant in history.

The fees of large consulting firms range from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions, which is too expensive for Wei Qian, for whom "money is everything" at this time. He can only afford some local, relatively small consulting firms, who sent someone to contact him.

The man's name was Ma Chunming, and he was about the same age as Wei Qian himself. He had a baby face and two dimples when he smiled. His facial features, clothing, and conversation all seemed to interpret with his life what it meant to be "immature and unreliable", and he seemed particularly unreliable.

Wei Qian looked at his sloppy old suit that looked like a performance art, so he could only patiently ask, "What major did you study?"

Consultant Comrade Ma Chunming proudly told him: "Food safety."

Wei Qian: “…”

When Ma Chunming saw his expression, his confidence was first hit. He carefully opened the folder in front of him and explained in a low voice: "But I don't think my major is important. I can quickly understand an industry within ten days. This is the quality that customers need."

Wei Qian thought about it and it made sense. He himself was a graduate student in life sciences, and now he had gotten to this position by accident. He made a living from this, so he should be at least somewhat capable, right?

So he maintained a polite and gentle attitude and continued to ask: "Then can I ask, how did you learn about the entire industry in just ten days for the last project you took on, which was unrelated to your major?"

Ma Chunming pondered for a moment, and said in a self-reviewing tone, "Well... to be honest, this is actually my first time dealing with business. I... I'm a PhD student who just graduated from school, and I've been working here for less than half a year."

A doctor of food safety with no one to guide or teach him stands in front of a real estate tycoon. What is the difference between him and a child who is thrown into the Gobi Desert and has just learned to walk?

Wei Qian even noticed that the other person's hands holding the folder were shaking.

What does it mean that cheap goods are not good?

Wei Qian completely lost his already limited patience and planned to call an insider to ask the doctor to leave.

Unexpectedly, Ma Chunming became smart at this time. When he saw his indifferent expression and the action of raising his hand to pick up the phone, he immediately knew that he was about to be thrown out. He hurriedly tried to save himself and spoke at a machine gun speed to fight for his chance: "I can really understand an industry within ten days. Listen to our steps!"

Wei Qian said coldly, "I don't need to listen. I don't want to pay someone who studies food to teach me how to sell a house - even a PhD won't do."

He picked up the phone and called the administrator directly: "Send someone over to help me see the guest off."

Ma Chunming bit his fingernails nervously and blinked his eyes rapidly. His round face made him look like a groundhog that had a seizure.

"Listen to me! I'll finish soon - we will first study what the entire industry relies on to survive, that is, what everyone is selling." The Groundhog said quickly, facing Wei Qian's indifferent gaze, a layer of sweat quickly soaked his forehead, but he had no choice but to continue speaking, hoping to have a tiny hope of impressing the young helmsman in front of him.

"After studying the actual value, we will study the source of this value, that is, from the beginning of 'production' to the complete sale, which links are auxiliary and which links are key, that is, creating value."

At this time, the door of Wei Qian's office opened. A male employee in the administrative office greeted Wei Qian in a well-trained manner, then his eyes fell on the consultant who was about to cry, and he said politely: "Are you sending this guest out?"

Ma Chunming didn't expect that he would screw up so quickly. He suddenly felt that his life had become gloomy. He looked at Wei Qian with an inexplicable expression of grief and anger, picked up his bag listlessly, and thought desperately: Is there any loser like me in the world? After completing his doctorate, he couldn't find a suitable job. He finally found a job in a "consulting company", but after entering, he found that it was more like a "scam company". The first time he did business, he was despised by the client...

Ma Chunming felt that it was better for a person like him to die than to live, so he decided that the first thing he would do after leaving here was to find a subway station and lie down on the tracks.

At this moment, Wei Qian suddenly said, "No, I asked you to pour a glass of water for the guest. He needs to sit for a while."

Ma Chunming, who was imagining how he was crushed into a bloody mess by the speeding train, was stunned with his eyes hanging on the window.

Until the staff member poured him a glass of water and then quietly left.

Wei Qian crossed his hands on the table and said, "What did you say? The value of every link from the beginning of the project to the sale of the product? Please tell me in detail."

Ma Chunming let out a long sigh and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "We need to first figure out what the links are, what needs to be done in the early stages, what needs to be done during construction, and so on, and the impact of each step on the success of the project."

Wei Qian suddenly felt enlightened; he found out where he went wrong.

When we first started working with Mr. Zhang, his value lay in his connections. He had a strong background in the local area and was able to get the land they wanted at a low price and high quality price. This was their value, which was reflected in the significant reduction in the cost of the final product.

However, this time it didn't happen. Mr. Zhang was a local tyrant. He traveled thousands of miles to City C to fight for a piece of land. He had no roots at all, so he lost the most basic advantage.

The process of obtaining the land use rights was extremely smooth, so smooth that it seemed a matter of course.

But they should have known that the early stage of land acquisition is obviously a very important link in value-added, and the superiority of personal connections or planning is the key point of value-added. These key points were not reflected at all, and the government readily approved the land use permit. Isn't that the conclusion that "If no one picks the plums on the main road, they will suffer"?

It's no good relying on luck.

Wei Qian figured out the crux of the problem in an instant, and immediately came up with several solutions.

"Ma Chunming, right?" He raised his head and smiled at the anxious groundhog. "We sincerely invite you to stay and complete this consulting work. If possible, you are also welcome to join our company later."

The next morning, Wei Qian went to the company early for a meeting. Wei Zhiyuan packed his luggage, said hello to Old Lady Song, and finally walked around the house to make sure he had nothing forgotten before closing the door and leaving.

He didn't know how his strategy of nibbling away at the enemy's advantage would work, so Wei Zhiyuan decided to give it a try. It wouldn't work when he was around, and he had to stay away from the enemy for a few days to see how defeated the enemy was, so he accepted the teacher's invitation.

This is a progress test.

Wei Zhiyuan doesn’t know yet that his opponent for some time to come will be the invisible saboteur, Kim Jong-un. He still optimistically estimates that if things continue like this, it will only take him one or two years to succeed.

He still thought he had plenty of time and could take his time.

Xiaobao briefly lived in the art school dormitory during the holiday for extra training, so the house became empty as soon as Wei Zhiyuan left.

Old Mrs. Song moved out of the room with difficulty, leaning on a cane, and walked around the room twice, already sweating profusely.

"I'm a useless person." She thought, looking down at the cane in her hand, "I can't throw this thing away once I pick it up."

She was in a depressed mood - Old Lady Song had always been like this in recent times. If you gave her food, she would eat it. If you bought her things, she would scold others for not knowing how to live. She would either appear angry or listless, becoming extremely difficult to please, and no one knew how to make her happy.

Old Mrs. Song knew clearly that she had become stupid. She began to lose her sensitivity to numbers, could not calculate accounts, and even the concept of money became weak. She forgot what she said two minutes later, and would remember it again after a long time, and found that she had said the same annoying repetitive words.

Old Mrs. Song survived and recovered well, but she lost the ability to be happy.

And once the talkative and cheerful Xiaobao left, she felt even more lonely.

Old Mrs. Song slowly moved her crutches, opened the door and went to the next room. She planned to sit with Ma Zi's mother. Her speech was unclear now and she had to say it several times before others could understand her. They were all busy, and Old Mrs. Song was afraid of annoying others, so only Ma Zi's mother had the time to chat with her.

When she entered Ma Zi's mother's house, Old Mrs. Song found that Ma Zi's mother was staring at an old map of the city in a daze.

Old Mrs. Song asked, "Aunt, what are you doing?"

Ma Zi's mother turned around and saw Old Lady Song, but she was not panicked. She knew that what she had done would make a fuss if seen by anyone except this old lady.

They share the same physical feelings of powerlessness, the same pain and loneliness.

"Big sister," Ma Zi's mother lowered her voice, with a strange smile, as if she knew she was going to the playground, pure and expectant, she said to Old Lady Song, "I'm going to leave."

Jul 07, 2024
Jul 08, 2024
Jul 09, 2024
Jul 09, 2024