Chapter 5: Staying for spiritual practice and forgetting to return 7. Marriage

The locust plague at the end of the year not only caused damage to Qingzhou, but also affected the Xiongnu. The Xiongnu not only suffered from the locust plague, but also drought. The land was barren for thousands of miles, and more than half of the people and animals died of starvation and plague.
At that time, the old Chanyu of the Xiongnu passed away and passed the throne to his son, the Left Wise King Wudadihou. According to the Xiongnu custom of passing the throne from brother to brother, the old Chanyu's younger brother Zhiyashi should have inherited the throne. However, when the old Chanyu was in power, he killed his half brother in order to let his son succeed to the throne. The death of Zhiyashi made the Right Ruganriju King Bi, one of the next generation of nephews, feel fearful, because according to the custom of passing the throne from brother to brother, Zhiyashi should have inherited the throne. If the throne was passed on to his son, he would be the eldest son of the eldest house in the third generation and the first choice.
Although he was dissatisfied with the old Chanyu's overbearing behavior, he was afraid that his uncle would use the same method against him as he had used against Zhiya Shi. So he tried to protect himself, took his men away from the royal court, and rarely participated in court meetings.
However, Wudadihou died soon after he ascended the throne, and his younger brother, Zuoxianwang Pu Nu, succeeded him as the Great Chanyu. Bi became even more resentful after learning about this. As the Xiongnu were plagued by drought and locusts, he took the opportunity to show goodwill to the Han court and sent envoys to Yuyang County to propose a marriage alliance with the Han Dynasty.
When the prefect of Yuyang delivered the memorial to Luoyang, it was the beginning of the new year, and the court officials had a heated discussion on whether to agree to the marriage.
The Xiongnu's request for marriage was like a drop of water splashing into a pot of boiling oil. The news was widely publicized in the palace, with vivid details. People were talking about it behind the scenes that the emperor was interested in marriage and wanted to marry the royal princess to the Xiongnu.
I will not believe the rumor until it is confirmed, but Prince Yi and Zhongli obviously do not think so. Although the two sisters have passed the age of marriage, I still think that they are under 20 and still young, so they have stayed in the palace and have not married yet. I did not expect that the marriage would have such a big impact on them. It was not until the two children came to me crying that I realized that it is not right to keep girls when they grow up. If I keep them by my side, I am afraid that they will blame me as a mother for being too unreasonable.
"Yang'er should also have his coming-of-age ceremony this year, what are your plans?"
Liu Xiu handed me the memorial from the Zongzheng, but I didn't read it and put it aside. "Let the Taichang and Zongzheng take care of it according to the etiquette." Compared with Liu Zhuang's coming-of-age ceremony, I am more concerned about my daughter now. "The crown prince should also take a concubine after he comes of age... This reminds me that our two daughters have already grown up and it's time for them to get married. In addition, this year is also Hongfu's coming-of-age year. Although I don't want to marry her off so early, I also want to choose a husband with good character for her. I think the son-in-law, Han Guang, is a good person..."
"Lihua." He reached out and held my hand, with a helpless expression, "You don't have to be so anxious. I haven't made a final decision on the marriage."
I responded calmly, "Who could Your Majesty like? There are no women waiting to be married among the princes and dukes who are closely related to Your Majesty, except for the Prince of Qi, Liu Zhang, who has a daughter..."
"That's exactly what I wanted to discuss with you." Liu Xiu rubbed his brows, his expression tired but with a hint of sorrow, "I just received a report that the King of Qi has passed away."
Liu Zhang...
I was stunned and forgot what to say for a moment.
"I have issued an edict to confer the posthumous title of King Ai on him. According to etiquette, his children should observe a three-year mourning period." He paused, then looked at me in embarrassment, "I think..."
I subconsciously retracted my hand: "I will immediately ask the Liang and Dou families to pay their betrothal gifts. In addition, the Han family will also pay their betrothal gifts..."
"Lihua..." He held my hand even tighter.
I struggled hard and shouted, "My daughter, who I carried with great difficulty for ten months, was not to be sacrificed for a marriage alliance!"
Liu Xiu sighed deeply and said, "You misunderstood. I have no intention of sending my daughter to marry the Xiongnu."
I was so angry that I could no longer listen to him. I pushed the case and said, "There is no room for negotiation on this matter. It's not that I don't love my country, my country, and my people! But I can't be so broad-minded as to send my own daughter into the fire pit with my own hands!"
I wanted to leave, but he pulled me back from behind: "Since the Han Dynasty, China has continuously made marriages with neighboring foreign countries. Emperor Gaozu, Emperor Hui, Emperor Wen, Emperor Jing, Emperor Wu, Emperor Xuan, Emperor Yuan, all dynasties have been unable to avoid this. I..."
I felt angry and hurt, and before he could finish his next words, I hurriedly broke free from his hand and ran out the door.
Along the way, my mind was filled with many chaotic thoughts, including the years of war, the misery of the people living on the border, the earthquakes and collapses, and the locust plagues that devastated the land.
After returning to the West Palace from Guangde Hall, his anger had mostly subsided and he had calmed down. Suddenly, he felt indescribable helplessness and frustration.
Shanan understood how tired I was and helped me to the bed to rest. Not long after I lay down, I heard someone crying outside the window. "Who is crying outside?" I felt annoyed, so my tone became impatient as well.
Shanan hurriedly asked someone to go out and check. After a while, the little palace maid reported back: "It's Princess Yuyang crying in the corridor."
I got up from the bed and said, "Who bullied her again? Hurry and bring her in."
After a while, Liu Liliu, with red eyes, walked in timidly. When he saw me, he knelt down and kowtowed without saying a word, and then started sobbing.
I saw her small body kneeling on the ground with her shoulders shaking. The last bit of impatience in my heart disappeared and I quickly asked Shanan to help her up.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying? Did your teacher scold you at school? Which palace servant didn't serve you well and offended you? Or did someone gossip and make you sad?"
I guessed seven or eight reasons, but she always wiped her tears and said nothing, just kept shaking her head.
"Princess!" Shanan knelt beside her and comforted her with a smile, "If you just cry like this without explaining the reason, how can you ask the Queen to make the decision for you?"
Liu Liliu was stunned for a moment, then raised his head with red and swollen eyes and asked in a timid voice: "Eldest sister...Are the elder sisters going to get married?"
I raised my eyebrows and shifted my gaze to Sanan, who shook her head slightly at me.
Liu Liliu wiped her tears and sobbed, "My eldest sister and second sister are getting married, and my third sister has found a suitable husband. They said... they said my youngest sister and I are the only ones without a husband in the palace, so... so the barbarian came to propose marriage, and father wants to give me to the barbarian..." She managed to say this, tears already streaming down her face, she was crying so hard that she could hardly breathe.
I suddenly realized, and couldn't help but feel angry and amused: "Is this what makes you sad?"
She nodded repeatedly, choking up and saying, "I don't want to go to such a far place. They say the Xiongnu are far away, and if I go there I will never see my father, the emperor, and my mother again!"
My nose felt sore and I sighed, "Silly girl, why are you so silly? How old are you? How could your mother be willing to send you to a place where there are tigers and wolves?"
"But...but they all said...I am not the Queen Mother's biological daughter, and the Queen Mother doesn't like my biological mother, so, so...this time she will definitely choose me to marry..." She cried breathlessly, feeling very aggrieved.
I felt angry and pity for her, and scolded her, "If you think like that, aren't you destroying the love your mother has shown you over the years?" When I got emotional, my voice choked up.
Liu Liliu trembled all over, knelt down hurriedly, kowtowed and apologized: "I was wrong! Mother loves me and has raised me for many years, just like all the other sisters..." Seeing me crying, she was shocked and anxious, "I was wrong! Mother, don't cry, it's all my fault!" She wiped my tears with her hands, I turned my head away with a sour look, she excitedly opened her arms and hugged me, crying loudly, "Mom - you are my dear mother -"
"Li Liu...silly child! You silly child!" I was so heartbroken by her crying that the mother and daughter hugged each other .
Shanan took great pains to tell a lot of jokes before she finally managed to reduce her sadness. I also comforted Liu Liliu with kind words and reassured her, and she reluctantly went back.
After she left, I calmed down a little, dismissed my attendants, and said to Shanan, "Go and find out who is spreading rumors and slandering Princess Yuyang!"
Maybe my tone was too harsh and Shanan was actually frightened.
I gritted my teeth and said coldly, "I know who they are. Go find the eunuch and ask him to find out who Princess Yuyang met today. If they are slaves in the palace, send them directly to the torture chamber!"
Shanan agreed and left. As soon as she left, the eunuch outside reported: "Your Majesty has arrived!"
I was unhappy, but I had to stand up to greet him. Liu Xiu walked into the bedroom slowly. When she saw me, she was startled and sighed, "You are already a grandmother, how can you still be so impulsive? Look at you, your eyes are swollen from crying again."
I didn't want to talk about what happened just now, so I just lowered my head and kept silent. At this time, another report came from outside the palace: "Princess Nieyang is here!"
Liu Xiu and I looked at each other, and I subconsciously moved a little closer to the bed.
When Liu Zhongli entered the room, she was holding a guzheng in her arms. She looked calm and smiling. After taking off her outer robe, she greeted Liu Xiu and me. I was afraid that she would see that I had cried and then ask questions and cause unnecessary trouble, so I turned my face away.
"My daughter has just learned a musical instrument and has gained some experience in practice. I would like to ask Father and Mother for some guidance."
Liu Xiu nodded with a smile.
Zhongli bowed slightly, took two steps back and sat on the couch, placing the guzheng across his legs. He picked up two notes slowly at first, and then suddenly plucked the strings with his slender jade fingers, and the melodious sound of the strings poured out like flowing water.
Zhongli raised her eyes and glanced at us quickly. Her eyes flickered and her red lips parted as she sang in a gentle and charming voice: "My family married me to a faraway place, to the King of Wusun in a foreign country. I live in a yurt with felt walls, and I eat meat and drink milk. I miss my hometown and feel sad. I wish I could be a yellow crane and return to my hometown."
The song was clear, but with a deep sorrow. As soon as the lyrics were sung, everyone in the room changed their expressions instantly, and I also raised my head in shock.
If I remember correctly, this song "Yellow Crane Song" was written by Liu Xijun, the daughter of King Jiangdu, who was married to Wusun during the reign of Emperor Wu of Han. The resentment and sadness contained in the lyrics are enough to make those who hear them cry and sigh.
The Wusun king Liu Xijun married was old and could be her grandfather. Later, the Wusun king gave Xijun to his grandson. Xijun could not stand this custom of incest among foreign nations and appealed to Emperor Wu of Han. However, the emperor told her that the country would unite with Wusun to deal with the Xiongnu and asked her to obey local customs and let it go. Xijun eventually married two generations of Wusun kings and died in depression in Wusun. After her death, Emperor Wu sent another princess, Liu Jieyou, to Wusun to marry. Liu Jieyou served two generations and three Wusun kings in total...
Since Emperor Gaozu of Han, there were as many as sixteen princesses who were recorded as being married off to foreign countries, including the emperor's daughters, daughters of royal families, and palace maids. Although these women fulfilled the interests of a country and a nation from a righteous point of view, as individuals , their fates were all tragic.
After Zhongli finished singing "The Yellow Crane Song", she stood up from the couch, still holding the guzheng tightly in her arms, and stared at her father motionlessly. Her skin was white and smooth, like a white jade sculpture, but her eyes seemed to have two clusters of flames burning. For some reason, seeing her performance like this, I couldn't help but think of myself back then.
After a long time, Liu Xiu clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Zhongli played the piano very well." He paused, turned around and said to me, "I haven't finished speaking before, you left. What I want to tell you is that even if marriage alliances are inevitable in all dynasties, as the emperor of Han, I will never sacrifice my own daughter, nor am I willing to sacrifice the women of my Han family!"
I opened my eyes wide, and for a moment I forgot whether to cry or laugh. I bit my lip and looked at him with mixed emotions.
"Don't worry..." He patted my shoulder gently, "I have ordered General Li Mao to go to the Xiongnu to report. The two countries can be friendly, but the marriage will not be mentioned again."
I was so moved that I smiled shyly.
Zhongli kowtowed: "Thank you, father, for your mercy! Your daughter thanks you, father and mother, on behalf of your sisters!"
I climbed out of bed and held her hand. Her fingers were cold and her palms were wet with sweat. "You are also a silly child!" Then I turned to Liu Xiu and said, "Our children are all kind and friendly, aren't they?"
Liu Xiu smiled gently and answered without hesitation: "Yes."
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024