Chapter 5 Indefinite Servant Agreement 1

The crisp bell for the end of get out of class interrupted my trance. I was just stretching lazily when I saw Wei Tingyi's slender and powerful hands waving at me outside the classroom door.
"Hey, what's the matter? Is there something you want to talk to me about?" I squeezed to his side with difficulty among a bunch of crazy girls.
"Why can't I come to see you if there's nothing else?" Wei Tingyi smiled, "I just came out from the Student Union and happened to pass by here, so I took the opportunity to ask about your recent situation." He gestured for me to find a place where there aren't so many girls.
"How is it? Do they still bully you?" Wei Tingyi asked me in a low voice until we reached a corner where there were not many people around.
"Oh, you're talking about this! Well, thanks to you, everything has been smooth sailing since you came over last time! Not only do people not ignore me, they even teach me how to do the movements more standard, or how to complete the movements that are impossible to complete smoothly." I patted his shoulder gratefully.
"That's good, if you still have..." Wei Tingyi was interrupted by the vibration of my cell phone before he could finish his words.
"Ah... this guy sent me a text message again to order me around." I took out my cell phone helplessly, knowing who it was.
"Is it Yu Muchen?" Wei Tingyi asked me tentatively.
"Who else but him would be so troublesome?" I nodded vigorously.
"You... meet him often?" Wei Tingyi's eyes flickered, as if he was concerned.
"No, there's nothing I can do. Actually, I don't really want to meet him that much, but after he introduced me to the members of his football department, he seemed to rely on me even more. He would ask me to serve him at irregular intervals every day. Sometimes it was because he forgot his books in the lab, sometimes he suddenly wanted to eat some strange pastries from a strange place, or sometimes he just wanted me to come over and let him bully me... I seriously doubt if he just wants to increase my exercise, because now he calls me twice as often as before..." I sighed. To be honest, I really do meet Yu Muchen more and more often.

"Isn't it hard for you to live like this? Do you want me to go and talk to him for you?" Wei Tingyi showed a concerned look.
"Forget it, forget it. That's not necessary. Anyway, he won't call me during classes or cheerleading activities, nor will he call me when I'm busy. He's very considerate of me." I smiled bitterly. "Besides, I already owe you a lot of favors. You don't need to worry about things like this that I can handle. You're the president of the Student Union, and you're so busy. Don't worry about me." In fact, I didn't know what I was thinking. Maybe it was just because I still wanted to see Yu Muchen and didn't want the relationship to cool down suddenly.
"It's really okay?" Wei Tingyi still looked worried and asked me with his eyes.
"It's okay, it's really okay. If I can't stand it one day, I will definitely ask you for help, okay?" In order to reassure Wei Tingyi, I patted my chest until it made a "bang bang" sound.
"Beep, beep, beep" the text message came again, urging you at an inopportune time.
"Hurry up and bring me food! - Yu Muchen." Sure enough, when I picked it up, I saw that it was an order without mercy.
"Ah, never mind. I have something to do, so I'll leave now." I didn't have time to say goodbye to Wei Tingyi properly. I waved my hand casually, and Wei Tingyi had no choice but to frown and turn away reluctantly.
So, I braved the scorching sun and took advantage of my lunch break to jog all the way to deliver lunch to Yu Muchen. This was his decision, because he accidentally ate the food in my lunch box one time, and he exclaimed that it was delicious, and asked me to bring him the same lunch box every day. Of course, I protested in various ways, but Yu Muchen said that it was natural for a girlfriend to make lunch boxes for her boyfriend... So, the hammer of fate irrationally finalized this matter.
I felt very tired after getting up early to cook, pack lunch boxes, and run to deliver meals. My heart was so tired that I felt like I would never love again. But before I even reached the door of Yu Muchen’s classroom, I ran into another trouble - Gao Yutian.
"You're here again..." He looked like he was in a lot of trouble. Please, I should be the one who feels in a lot of trouble, okay? But I decided to ignore him and just continued walking silently like a young talent who met a concubine in ancient times.
"Hey! I'm calling you!" Seeing that I ignored him, Gao Yutian raised his voice and took a step in front of me to stop me from going forward.
"What are you going to do? Get out of the way. If you are late, your little Chenchen will be angry again..." I scratched my hair in annoyance.
"Don't you think you are an annoying person?" Gao Yutian said to me with a sullen face.
Huh? Am I annoying? Are you kidding me? Who is annoying now? Who is more annoying?
"Although it's not nice to talk to girls like that, you're really annoying. I... really hate you!" Gao Yutian stared into my eyes, emphasizing every word.
"Why on earth? Why do you hate me?" I frowned, confused.
"Before you showed up, Yu Muchen was always with me. We went to school together, played together, and had lunch together. He would tell me where he was going and what he was doing. The best thing was that he would share dog-raising experiences with me and take the dog out for a walk with me!" Gao Yutian sounded very excited when he spoke, and it felt like his saliva was about to spray onto the lunch box. I carefully stuffed a small piece of the lunch box into my arms.
"So what?" I asked helplessly. I felt that Yu Muchen was still on good terms with him. It was rare for men's friendship to reach this level.
"No! After you appeared, Muchen often did things that I didn't quite understand. To be honest, I don't understand why he agreed to date you. Look at you, you have no figure, no looks, and your EQ and IQ are also very low." Gao Yutian criticized me mercilessly.
"How can you talk like that?" Who is he? He is not the college idol Yu Muchen, how can he say that to me?
"Humph, now he rarely goes to the cafeteria with me, doesn't eat fried noodles and bread with me, and even Pudding doesn't let me take him for a walk!" Gao Yutian didn't hear my protest at all, he just kept mumbling to himself. I don't know whether he is a "dog slave" or a "Chen slave"...
"Anyway, get out of the way. I have to hurry and deliver something to him. If I'm late, the adult in your mind will go hungry!" Anyway, Gao Yutian was not polite to me, so I rushed forward fearlessly.
"Okay, I know that, but now because of the agreement, I have to give in! But, after your crazy agreement is over, I beg you not to bother him anymore!" Gao Yutian's words almost made me laugh to death.
"Hahaha!" I accidentally burst into laughter, "Gao Yutian, you really made me laugh to death. Do you think I really want to continue that agreement?" This time it was Gao Yutian's turn to look at me with a puzzled look.
"Don't worry, after spending some time together, I have seen clearly what kind of person Yu Muchen is. I will no longer be entangled with a little devil like him who is two-faced, moody, and full of bad intentions. Only someone like you who likes to be abused would be willing to follow him around!" I freed one hand and poked Gao Yutian's chest with my finger. He actually said that I was pestering Yu Muchen. If Yu Muchen hadn't repeatedly requested, I would have terminated the agreement with him long ago. How could there be such a thing of confusing right and wrong!
"Three days... three more days!" I raised my fingers. I had been counting the days of the agreement in my mind for a long time. I was looking forward to liberation every day. "After three days, the agreement between Yu Muchen and I will be officially terminated. At that time, I will announce to everyone that we have broken up! We are no longer a couple! Anyone who wants to pursue him or want to be with him has nothing to do with me... do you understand?" I didn't even care if others said that Yu Muchen dumped me. I had had enough of being a servant and being ordered around every day!
"Also, I can promise you that as long as the agreement is terminated and Yu Muchen and I are no longer in a romantic relationship, I will never meet him again, will disappear completely from his life, and will never disturb your loving life again!" I was almost about to swear to the sky!
Seeing my firm attitude, Gao Yutian suddenly became soft like a deflated ball. But within three seconds, he seemed to regain his vitality and seemed very satisfied with my answer. His face began to bloom with a cheesy smile that I had never seen before.
"Okay... okay! Then remember! I, I will wait for that day!" Like a villain in a cartoon, Gao Yutian left with his mouth wide open, swaying with every step, looking so happy that his head was dancing in ecstasy. I really don't understand what's so worth being happy about.

I sighed and stood in the empty corridor in silence for a second. The weight of the lunch box in my hand reminded me that there were more important things. But at this moment, I seemed to feel an ominous breath coming from behind me, very close to me, but I didn't know when it got close.
The cold breath seemed to be spraying on my neck, making me feel creepy in the weather of more than 20 degrees Celsius... If I remember correctly, this seems to be one of the horror legends on campus that the seniors have talked about - the "Six Corridors", because this corridor connects six different locations, and it is said that there are ghosts, and the ghosts will come to Shengxi College through one of the corridors and capture the students they meet!
Could it be... these ghosts? I swallowed, my whole body stiffened, and slowly turned my head...
“Ahh!” A scream cut through the sky. Of course, it couldn’t be a ghost behind me that appeared from the Six-Layer Corridor. How could a ghost appear in broad daylight? But the one standing behind me was much scarier than any ghost!
Yu Muchen was standing behind me at the moment, his handsome face was full of dissatisfaction, his handsome eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, forming a shallow "chuan" character, his obsidian eyes were full of anger that was about to burst into fire, and his lips, which were always as beautiful as petals, were tightly pursed into a slit. He stared at me silently, as if he was a burning blue flame, wanting to see through me from my eyes to my soul, burning me thoroughly, leaving no ashes.
"You, you you you...why are you standing behind me like that nervously?" I asked, finally controlling my breathing.
Yu Muchen didn't answer, but still looked at me. His face was as gloomy as a ghost. But even if he really was a ghost in the dark night that took people's lives, he probably wouldn't be as handsome and imposing as him.
"You...what do you want to do? This, this is the lunch box for you, here!" I stuffed the lunch box into his hand, but he refused to take it.
"Aren't you going to ask me when I got here?" He glanced at the lunch box and stared at my face again.
"You, you...what you said just now..." Only then did I realize that perhaps Yu Muchen had heard the entire conversation between Gao Yutian and I.
"Yes, I heard everything, your conversation with Gao Yutian, your evaluation of me, and what you were going to do next." Yu Muchen spoke very calmly, but from this coldness and silence, I sensed a restless anger that had swallowed up everything.
"Just listen, you heard it. You don't have to stand behind me and scare me like this if you heard it, right?" I curled my lips. Anyway, it's not something I can't listen to. The agreement will be officially terminated in three days, and I will definitely explain it to him clearly. Now it's just to let him know earlier.
"Are those things you said to Gao Yutian true?" Yu Muchen finally withdrew his eyes from me, turned his head to look out the window, leaned his strong back against the cold tile wall, and posed his long legs in an unrestrained and beautiful shape.
"Yeah." I nodded, acknowledging what I had just said.
"You really don't want to meet me?" Yu Muchen's attitude dropped to freezing point.
"I...I..." When the person involved asked me this, I was still a little hesitant.
"Why did you tell Gao Yutian that you would never meet me again?" Seeing that I was a little hesitant, Yu Muchen pressed on even more aggressively.
"You, tell me why?" I bit my lip and made up my mind to talk to him clearly. "Can't you feel why I don't want to see you again?" As soon as I asked this, Yu Muchen frowned again, and my heart was suddenly gripped.
"I admit that this matter was all my fault in the beginning. It was because of my vanity and my desire to fit in with everyone quickly that I lied and took your photo by accident. This is all my fault and I will never deny it. You clearly knew about this kind of thing, but you still agreed to help me cover it up and helped me deceive my so-called friends. You didn't let me make a fool of myself in the street and become a laughing stock. I am really grateful to you...but all my gratitude has long been exhausted by you!" Once I started this topic, I couldn't stop and I told him everything that was in my heart.
"Because the agreement stipulates that I have to be your 'pet dog' and your servant, so I try my best to force myself to complete all your difficulties. But have you ever thought that I am not a real dog, I am a person, a real person, I also need rest, I have my own joys and sorrows, and I have my own self-esteem. What about you? You always ignore my feelings and trample my self-esteem under your noble feet! I can't stand you treating me like a slave! And I also understand that even if you are my boyfriend, whether I can make friends and integrate into this school depends on myself. I am not a climbing trumpet creeper, nor a woman who can only rely on men. I must have my own life and my own ideals!" After saying a lot of things, I took a breath.
Yu Muchen did not interrupt me, but just looked at me with a serious look. It seemed that this was the first time he listened to my request so seriously.
"I originally thought you were a prince-like person, you were so gentle, so handsome, and you agreed to my unreasonable request. At that moment, you were like an angel from heaven in my heart. But in the process of getting along, I found that I was wrong. I couldn't accept your acting in front of others and torturing me behind others. In front of everyone, you are always so graceful, so affectionate, and so gentle to me, but when the song is over and everyone is gone... what do you do to me?" I asked him back. I think I have a straightforward personality and can't be two different in front of others and behind others, but Yu Muchen's behavior is not what really disgusts me. The tenderness in front of others is always fleeting, like a beautiful dream at night, and like clouds that will dissipate at a touch, so gentle and sweet. The more I miss the tenderness in front of others, the more I have to face the cruelty in the future. The false tenderness and real cruelty make me feel the pain of falling from the clouds to the ground every day... What I really can't stand is this!
"If you don't like it, I will..."
"No! You don't understand, you don't understand at all, what am I to you? I am just a pastime in your boring life, a small character. You don't have to care about my feelings. I am really too high for you, a high and mighty prince like you. I should return to my simple life and get rid of this treatment." Before Yu Muchen could finish his speech, I interrupted him. Somewhere in my heart I seemed to be afraid, afraid that he would say something that would meet my expectations, and those words would break down my fragile psychological defenses.
"You want to get rid of it?" Yu Muchen said in a low voice. He suddenly took a step forward and clamped my arm tightly with his hand.
"I'm telling you, it's impossible!" His beautiful lips were right next to my face, and it seemed that if he took another step closer he would touch my eyelids.
"I am your master, did you hear me? I... Yu Muchen, am your Ding Xiaoxiao's master. As long as I don't allow it, you can't escape and can only be my servant forever. The agreement between the two of us will be postponed indefinitely!" The resolute words came out from her red lips as she opened and closed.
"I... I'm not your servant, not..." I felt my legs trembling and I stepped back involuntarily.
"You are my eternal servant." A magnetic voice exploded silently in my ear. Something warm and wet licked my earlobe. Then I saw Yu Muchen's satisfied smile when he raised his head.

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024