Chapter 49: Yin Temple

I couldn't understand it. How could such a healthy person die in less than a day?
Could it be——
A terrible thought suddenly flashed through my mind - Zhang Ting's death was related to opening 404!
I panicked a little, picked up the phone again tremblingly, and asked Chen Wei: " did she die?"
"It is said to be a car accident." said Chen Wei.
"Car accident?" I frowned. If it was a car accident, could it be just a coincidence?
However, Chen Wei's next sentence made me feel like I was falling into an ice cellar.
He said Zhang Ting bumped into him herself!
Although he did not see this incident with his own eyes, it has already spread like wildfire in the school. It is said that at around 3:00 a.m. last night, some students saw Zhang Ting and several boys eating barbecue near the school. Halfway through the meal, Zhang Ting suddenly stood up and said she wanted to find her mother. Several boys were puzzled and asked, "Whose mother are you looking for?"
Then she staggered towards the center of the road. Someone tried to pull her, but she kicked him away.
At this time, a large truck happened to pass by, and Zhang Ting rushed towards the truck without hesitation...
After listening to Chen Wei's story, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart.
Although I don't like her, she is a life after all.
Yesterday it was full of vitality, vigor and chirping life, just because of curiosity - today, it has been separated from this world forever.
Yes, curious!
Since ancient times, curiosity has killed countless people - in order to explore secrets, people often take chances and go deep into danger, not knowing that death often hides in them.
"Zhiyong, are you coming to school today? Many people are discussing Zhang Ting's death." Chen Wei said.
I sighed and said I couldn't come anymore. I had had enough of the atmosphere in Building D and didn't want to go back to school and be stimulated again... Please ask for leave for me.
Chen Wei said yes, then he hesitated for a moment and whispered, "Do you think Zhang Ting's death is too weird? She came to visit Building D yesterday, and she died today. Oh, by the way, I saw her coming down the road yesterday, covering her face, as if she was beaten. Do you know what happened?"
"I don't know. Don't investigate these things. Just live a good life." I said softly.
I felt inexplicably guilty.
I thought about the hard slap I received yesterday, the girl’s angry expression, and her threat to take revenge on me.
Suddenly, I hope she can come back to life. Even if she beats me up, ten times, it will be worth it...
After hanging up the phone, I leaned on the pillow, lost in thought.
I didn't expect something to happen so soon.
404 is simply an executioner who can take someone's life at any time...
What kind of ferocious beast is hidden in that door that can kill people so easily?
Is it just a baby boy in black?
No, Lao He said, the baby boy in black is just the tip of the iceberg, there are even more terrifying things out there.
A feeling of powerlessness came over me, and I lay down again, hoping to continue sleeping. When I woke up, everything, including Chen Wei’s phone call just now, would be just a dream.
At around eight o'clock, Liu Fuqiang came to take over.
I washed up and went to Room 105 to visit Cheng Xiaoyan.
Normally at this time, she would still be sleeping, but today she got up for the first time.
Her lips turned a little pale, her complexion gradually turned duller from its previous rosy white, and she had more dark circles under her eyes - this was a sign that her liver disease was becoming more serious.
Cheng Xiaoyan saw me, forced a smile, and said, "Are you going to school today?"
"No, I'm going to take a leave." I shook my head and said, "By the way, what do you want to eat in the morning?"
"I have no appetite." Cheng Xiaoyan stood up from the bed, walked to me, raised her head, looked at me with clear eyes, and said softly: "Zhiyong, I want to go to the temple, can you accompany me?"
I was stunned and asked, why go to the temple?
"Please pray for peace. I'm in this condition now. If I pray for peace, I'll feel a little comforted." Cheng Xiaoyan's tone was somewhat self-deprecating.
I thought it was okay and it would be nice get rid of bad luck, so I agreed to her request.
At this time, the old man passed by, saw Cheng Xiaoyan and I getting ready to go out, and asked us where we were going.
When he heard about going to the temple, his eyes lit up and he asked if we could get him an amulet or something. He had been feeling inexplicably nervous at night these past few days and was particularly afraid that something might happen.
In fact, almost every patient in Building D has the same condition as the old man. To put it bluntly, they are afraid of death.
I promised the old man that I would try my best to get him a blessed Buddha or jade or something. He was so happy that he kept thanking me.
When I was leaving, I saw Lao He. He had just come back from buying breakfast. When he learned that Cheng Xiaoyan and I were going out, he looked at us meaningfully and said, "Be careful."
I know he is afraid that Cheng Xiaoyan’s grandmother will attack me, but it’s daytime now, so isn’t it okay for him to just come back at night?
However, I later realized that this was not what he meant at all...
Liuli Mountain is a well-known tourist attraction in our area, but with the development of the times, it is now heavily commercialized. You can see all kinds of vendors everywhere. Among these vendors, there are monks in monk's robes who set up stalls and sell products that they claim to have been blessed. The prices are high and it is difficult to tell the real from the fake.
Anyway, it was still early, so Cheng Xiaoyan and I walked around leisurely hand in hand, looking at this and that, just like a couple.
There are two famous scenic spots in Liuli Mountain, one is Xisui Pavilion and the other is Guanyin Tower on the top of the mountain.
The former requires a fee, and the price is not cheap, an entrance ticket is two hundred yuan; the latter is free, but because it is at the top of the mountain and vehicles are prohibited from passing, it can only be accessed on foot, so many tourists are discouraged.
I asked Cheng Xiaoyan where she wanted to go. Cheng Xiaoyan thought about it and said let’s go to Guanyin Pagoda. It’s free and more fun.
Worried that she couldn't climb the mountain, I said, "Let's go to Xisui Pavilion. It's only 400 yuan for two people. It's said that this place is where high monks go for enlightenment. It will definitely be worth the trip."
Cheng Xiaoyan kept shaking her head and insisted on going to the Guanyin Pagoda.
I knew she was trying to save money for me, and I was so touched that I didn't insist. I thought that if she couldn't walk anymore, I would carry her up.
Although the Guanyin Pagoda is one of the attractions in Liuli Mountain, it is located deep in the mountains and most of the roads there have not been developed. There are few tourists and the road is extremely tortuous and difficult to walk on.
After Cheng Xiaoyan and I walked for a distance, we couldn't find anyone to ask for directions, so we could only walk around aimlessly.
"Hey, look there!"
Cheng Xiaoyan's eyes suddenly lit up and she pointed to a cave surrounded by weeds about 30 meters ahead, feeling secretly delighted as if she had discovered a new world.
This cave is indeed quite hidden. If we two were not so directionally challenged and walked aimlessly down there, we might not have found it.
I walked forward and saw two big bright red characters carved on the cave - Yin Temple.
Yin Temple?
What a strange name - but since it has a name, it must have been developed and should not be dangerous.
Cheng Xiaoyan couldn't wait to pull me and said she wanted to go in and take a look. I had no choice but to lead her inside.
It was pitch black in the cave. After walking a few steps, I would touch spider webs. I used my body to block the front and turned on my phone to light up.
I don't know how long I walked, it seemed like there was no end here, except for the mottled stone walls, there was only darkness...
"Why don't we go back?" I said to Cheng Xiaoyan.
"No, walk a little further. I always feel that there is something ahead." Cheng Xiaoyan insisted.
I nodded and the two of us continued walking forward.
After walking for about a few dozen seconds, the flashlight suddenly shone on a person's face.
I was startled and stopped in my tracks, asking in surprise, "Who?"
The "person" didn't say anything and stood there motionless.
When I looked closer, I realized that the "person" was not a real person, but a clay monk made of mud.
The monk sat cross-legged on the ground, his body dark, his mouth slightly open, and a pair of cold eyes glaring at us fiercely. He looked more like a butcher than a monk.
I breathed a sigh of relief. Cheng Xiaoyan came up to me curiously and said, "Wow, this monk is so realistic and scary, just like a ghost..."
"Don't talk nonsense." I said speechlessly.
"I'm telling the truth. Look at him, he has a ferocious look on his face, as if he wants to eat us... Zhiyong, what do you think this is?" Cheng Xiaoyan was very brave. She walked up to the clay figure, looked around, and almost touched it with her hand.
Before I could open my mouth, the monk's eyelids suddenly moved.
My heart skipped a beat and I rubbed my eyes.
I read it wrong?
"Xiaoyan, let's go... I always feel something is wrong with this place." I said with a sense of foreboding in my heart.
Cheng Xiaoyan looked at me strangely and nodded in agreement.
However, at this moment, something strange happened!
The clay monk with his hands clasped together suddenly opened one hand and fiercely pinched Cheng Xiaoyan's neck...
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