Chapter 49 Devouring Tianyuan

Chapter 49 Devouring Tianyuan

"How was it?" As soon as Gojo Satoru came back, the remaining people quickly gathered around.

"Many curse spirits have been added throughout Japan, and they have begun to wreak havoc everywhere."

"Then what should we do now?" Otoko Youta is still a child, and he has already built up a lot of enthusiasm by trying to protect Qianye under the threat of Liang Miansu Nuo. He had lost his courage, but now faced with a huge increase in the number of curse spirits, he was about to feel desperate.

"The sooner Tian Yuan's barrier is broken, the less damage those curse spirits will cause."

In order to prevent the curse spirits from continuing to increase, Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru went to the High School to look for Tian Yuan. Before that, Qianye used his authority to kill Gao Yuan. Almost all the people from junior high schools are arranged to go out, but there are not enough manpower.

The staff at Qianye's headquarters were all underground. After Qianye unlocked the barrier, except for Zenyuan Dushou who was seriously injured and was taken to the high school by Xia Youjie, the others and Qianye began to contact the spells in all directions. The magician is responsible for the rescue, and Qianye has to go to communicate with the government in person. There is no time to arrange for other people, and they will handle the rest by themselves. Tianyuan

of the Xingxing Palace

had thought that such a day would come since he completely closed the Xingxing Palace, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

It is no longer considered a human being, but at this time, it hopes that it is a human being, and everything is cause and effect. If it had not allowed Kon-Suo to implement his thousand-year plan, it would not have become a human being due to Kon-Suo's calculations. If you lose the curse spirit, you will also have to face the devouring of the curse spirit technique. Originally, it could hope to regain freedom after Xia Youjie's death, but now it seemed that Xia Youjie almost wanted to crush it into pieces and eat it.

He handed over Zenyuan Toshou to Glass who was about to go down the mountain for treatment, and asked him to act as Glass's bodyguard first. Then Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie flew directly outside the boundary of the High School, and watched as everyone from the High School was transferred away. Get started.

"Kyū Shiki-茈!"

"Ultimate Wave [Whirlpool]!"

Under the two people's ultimate move, the entire ground of the high school was lifted up, and all the houses and trees were uprooted and turned into ashes under the wash of energy. The two strongest men of the era used their strongest moves, and together they ruined the campus that had held their three years of youth.

"Come out." Gojo Satoru saw the door of the Hoshigoshi Palace, and threw it over as soon as he could, blowing the door open.

"Let's go."

Xia Youjie now has a complicated attitude towards Tianyuan. He once respected Tianyuan because it protected the Japanese barrier, but now when he looks back at the group of profit-seeking magicians, he only feels ironic.

He admitted that there are people like Rotten Oranges in the world of ordinary people, and there are a lot of them. However, the world of ordinary people is progressing and resisting, but the magic world he sees today is as decayed as if it existed in ancient times. , but those in power are still proud of their decadence, thinking that this is the aristocratic style, which is really ridiculous.

Although he still does not think that the world of ordinary people is correct, he believes in Qianye and believes that the future will be better than the present. Even if he loses his power in the future, the curse spirit will slowly disappear. The curse world has continued for thousands of years. The pain should come to an end in this era.

Maybe after this time, he will become an ordinary person. Then he may return to his home and live an ordinary life with his parents...

"Jie, this place is full of decay." As soon as Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie walked into the Xingxing Palace, what they saw was a series of doors leading to unknown directions. At this time, Tianyuan was still trying to prevent them from entering.

"Tian Yuan has lived for a thousand years, even a piece of wood should rot." Xia Youjie observed these doors and followed Gojo Satoru in the right direction. The two of them were as casual as walking in the garden, but secretly let them Tian Yuan, who was observing them, began to hesitate to let them in. Maybe a talk could help remedy the situation?

Just when Gojo Satoru felt that there were so many doors, one after another, and it was getting more and more annoying, and he might as well blow them up, Tian Yuan finally convinced himself, opened the door and invited Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie to come in.

"Tsk, you are an old man."

"Wu, at least save the last bit of dignity for Lord Tianyuan before he is buried."

"Are you two determined to deal with me today?" Tianyuan saw that the two special-level people had walked to his door. , was still outside the door studying whether to save face for him. Feeling a little aggrieved, he still spoke out to let them in.

"Lord Tianyuan." Xia Youjie was very polite after he came in. He didn't show off because of Tianyuan's strange appearance, but it was unclear what he was thinking in his heart.

"Wow, you have really become a cursed spirit. Now I am even less likely to keep you. You are so old and immortal. If you have any last words, please tell me quickly. Our top student may help you complete it." Gojo Satoru said carelessly. Putting his arm on Xia Youjie, his eyes widened as he analyzed Tianyuan's data, and then asked in a quiet voice, "Jie, he doesn't seem to be strong at all. Why has the conjuring community been admiring him for so many years?

" You Jie looked at Tian Yuan with a smile, but did not continue to correct Gojo Satoru's name for Tian Yuan, "Because the existence of Lord Tian Yuan only uses himself as a formation eye to enhance the barrier technique and protect the conjurer's territory. In fact, the existence of Lord Tian Yuan is Apart from the enchantment technique, he himself does not have great strength, and his technique is only about immortality. According to ancient records, Lord Tianyuan's special status is because his enchantment technique makes conjurers not as powerful as Shinto and Onmyoji. Special groups like this have also lost their status, ability and status, so they are regarded as gods by the magic world."

"Jie Jun, you should know that this chaotic situation has nothing to do with me, so why bother to ridicule me here. What? "Tian Yuan's former body was a woman, but now this five-hundred-year-old body is a man, and he is almost used to calling himself "old man".

"Doesn't it matter? Then, do you, who claims to be omniscient and omnipotent, know about the existence of Naohua? Do you know where the fingers of Liang Mian Su Nuo are? And have you given instructions on these hidden dangers?"

The first thing to do when being a leader, Qianye arranged a lot of work for Xia Youjie, so that Xia Youjie learned how to work. Except when it is necessary, he should less do everything and arrange more. He should less look for the reasons for problems in himself and learn to question more. Otherwise, Xia Youjie would have exhausted himself sooner or later. Xia Youjie had always been slow to learn this skill, but between exhaustion and leaving some time to do more meaningful work, Xia Youjie finally chose the latter. After experiencing After this thrilling period, Xia Youjie's heart had sublimated and he began to face the occasions when this skill could be used.

"I have been guarding the barrier. I have been hiding from the world for many years..."

"I have been hiding from the world for many years. I only know how to find astral matter to assimilate and continue to live. I don't care about the life or death of others at all, right? The world is in chaos outside, and all humans are dying. You protect the barrier. Is the world useless? Or do you want to become the guardian of the cursed spirit paradise now that you have become a cursed spirit?"

"Gojo-kun, it is precisely because of my existence that there are strong people like you two. " It is your business to protect the outside world. My role is to keep talents from passing away."

"But without your existence, the magic will naturally dry up. When the magician is lost, Japan's magic spirits will also die." Slowly disappear. "

Gojo Satoru himself doesn't care about Tianyuan, the guardian of the barrier. Whether it's the Gojo family or the magic world, many people may think that he is an accomplished person. Without the Gojo family and the magic world, there would be no him. This is a unique position, but for him, he has only a mutually beneficial relationship with any existence.

As for Tianyuan? Was it Tianyuan who ensured that he could become a conjurer and enjoy all these rights? No, it's not.

The six eyes of the Gojo family is what makes the Gojo family become a super family, so the Gojo family will enshrine his six eyes. And Gojo Satoru, the strongest, has ensured the stability of the curse masters in the past twenty years, and his combat power is superior to other international curse organizations, so he never feels that he owes anyone, and he never takes anyone's position.

He knew very well that without Tianyuan, Japanese magic would not be preserved so well. Without Tianyuan's barrier, the Six Eyes would not be born again, and without the Six Eyes, wouldn't Gojo Satoru be born? No one can say for sure.

Gojo Satoru may still be born, but he may no longer be of superior origin, no longer the strongest, and no longer rebellious, but what does that have to do with him? What makes the cause and effect between the astral body and the six eyes unclear is all because of the calculations made thousands of years ago. What does this have to do with his Gojo Satoru? He is Gojo Satoru, not a puppet in someone's hands.

"What you call protection is just because you have the spell of immortality, but you will also face the future of dying from exhaustion of the spell. You are afraid of death, so you would rather trap yourself and the spell for a thousand years in the name of justice, right? "

" Satoru, this question is too sharp. It's hard for Master Tianyuan to answer."

Looking at Tianyuan who was speechless, Xia Youjie calmly stopped Gojo Satoru's increasingly heartbreaking words and slowly approached Tianyuan. . "Master Tianyuan is right at least one thing, that is, protecting the outside is our business, so I won't bother Master Tianyuan to take action, but..."

Xia Youjie teleported to Tianyuan who realized something was wrong and wanted to run away, and put his hand Riding on Tianyuan.

"But you have been working hard for thousands of years and it's time for you to rest. Don't worry, I'm devouring special grades very quickly now and won't make you feel uncomfortable."

Before Tian Yuan could speak again, Xia Youjie had already absorbed the core of Tian Yuan's spell. Pull out.

"It turns out it's nothing special." Seeing how easily Xia Youjie pulled out the core of Tian Yuan's spell, Gojo Satoru curled his lips in boredom. He thought there would be something different.

"After all, the essence of Tianyuan now is still the curse spirit." Xia Youjie said, swallowing Tianyuan.

Every time Xia Youjie swallowed the cursed spirit, he endured the malice and also felt some resentment carried by the cursed spirit. The moment he swallowed Tianyuan, many emotions flashed through his mind, and he soon calmed down.

"After today, I don't know whether the future will be good or bad, but at least my goal is still firm now." Xia Youjie released Tian Yuan and looked at Tian Yuan who had lost his self-awareness with some sadness.

"In the future, there will be no more magic power. I will live a normal life with you. I will use the money I earned from doing missions for so many years to eat, drink and have fun everywhere. When we get old, let the little devil take care of us!"

Gojo Satoru couldn't bear to see Xia Youjie's sadness. , last time he was so relieved that he almost overturned the car. Now when he saw Xia Youjie thinking nonsense, he immediately walked up to make jokes, making sure that Xia Youjie was not in a depressed mood.

"Satoru, Qianye-kun still has a large family to raise in Zenyuan. If you want to leave Gojo's family, why not make more money while you are young? Then I will protect the quality of life of a harem like you."

"Hmph. What else can you do besides magic? I am a man who can spend more than 100 million a month! "More than 100 million is the reason for Chanyuan Sheer, and the two special-level people almost went bankrupt." .

"Although, I invested part of the property under Qianye-kun's name. If it weren't for the fact that I was underage, I would still be a director."

Japan only reaches adulthood in its twenties, and Gojo Satoru is still under 20. Xia Youjie himself was a few months younger than Gojo Satoru, so in order to avoid disputes and unnecessary procedures, Qianye signed a contract after Xia Youjie proposed to hand over the money to him for management. When Jie comes of age, all his rights will be returned to Xia Youjie.

As for why Qianye can own the rights of his company when he is not old enough? That's of course because he is the only legally recognized heir of the Fujiwara family, and the entire future of the company belongs to him. What can't he use?

"? You have a private deal with the kid that I don't know about?" Gojo Satoru couldn't believe it, he felt betrayed!


"Jie! You are talking. Are you feeling guilty? Are you starting to annoy me? Are you falling in love with someone else? Ah? Why don't you speak?"

Xia Youjie had bulging veins on his forehead. He covered Gojo Satoru's chattering mouth with his hand and dragged him out of the Star Palace.

Oh, no amount of sentimentality can match Gojo Satoru's amazing mouth!

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024