Chapter 49 Abyss

Chapter 49 The Abyss

If he could do it all over again, Lucas would rather get drunk in a bar in Alaska and be thrown out on the street than set foot in the Albanian rainforest.

After another failed job interview, he had to face a mountain of debt and two babies waiting to be fed at home. He never dreamed that his dream of becoming an explorer traveling around the world would come true in such a weird way.

"Why not try your luck in the southern rainforest of Albania. Twenty years ago, an explorer obtained a complete piece of orangutan fur in the southern rainforest. He made a lot of money." His friend's suggestion made him excited. Of course, more importantly, His friend offered to finance the expedition, otherwise he couldn't even afford a plane ticket.

"For your dream, man." His friend shrugged, not caring at all. He had invested so much that Lucas's adventure was just the tiniest speck of dust.

After flying halfway around the world from Alaska, taking three trains, walking for an hour to this small village, and then getting lost in the boundless rainforest, Lucas knew he was destined to achieve nothing. When he first arrived in the village, the locals repeatedly warned him to throw away his naive ideas and go to the nearest airport to catch a flight home.

"The depths of the rainforest have been taken over by demons," they repeated tirelessly in broken English.

Lucas is an Alaskan through and through, and Alaskans won’t give in to anything. For people living in the third world, the worship of gods and nature is as distant and nihilistic as the legendary Indian curse. Lucas stepped over the dead branches and leaves on the ground. Before, there were huge mosquitoes unique to the tropical rainforest buzzing in his ears from time to time. Now the entire rainforest was so quiet that he could only hear the rustling sound of him stepping on the fallen leaves.

He took out the compass, which had become a piece of scrap metal spinning haphazardly since half an hour ago. The satellite phone is also weird here with no signal at all. He wanted to identify the direction by the position of the sun above his head, but the layers of leaves completely blocked the sunlight above his head.

A few compressed biscuits, three cans, and a gallon of water were the only things he had left. Starving to death due to getting lost in the tropical rain forest is the most miserable way to die. Who knows which beast his body will end up in. He had already thought of an epitaph for himself two hours ago, an explorer who fell on the "gold rush" road - provided that someone found out that an Alaskan disappeared in Albania.

"The house elves' rebellion in Norway is getting more and more serious. I heard that house elves from other parts of Northern Europe also intend to go to Norway."

Lucas almost thought he was hallucinating. He actually heard a sweet, childish voice. The voice of the girl who took off her clothes still spoke in English. Who but him would come to explore such a ghost place? Moreover, the elf

said, "The Ministry of Magic, which can't even handle the house-elf rebellion, is useless. It's no different from the master he once served." This was a sharp and hoarse man's voice. .

Lucas was completely confused. He heard more things that he didn't know. The Ministry of Magic

might be those writers who in Lucas' eyes were insane and had nothing to do. He had seen such people before. Such people will travel all over the world in search of inspiration, and they have long blurred the boundaries between fantasy and reality.

But finally there is some human voice. They sounded very relaxed, not like lost travelers at all. They might be able to take him back. Thinking like this, Lucas followed the sound and took a few steps closer.

The sound of conversation had disappeared, and in the dead silence there was only the sound of pen tip rubbing parchment.

Lucas strengthened his suspicion.

"Change this symbol line." It was still the hoarse male voice, he seemed to be pointing something, "The puppet can already sense the weak energy, how to run the energy. Yu, think about it..." "

It's time I'm going to meet the Minister of Magic of Norway. Dumbledore has his own news channel. There has been too much noise the past few days." At this point, the girl seemed a little annoyed, and the pen tip was rubbed on the paper again. Suosuo's voice showed that she was busy writing something, "The puppet is no longer effective in experiments. My ability is not enough to make the puppet operate autonomously..."

The girl's voice lowered.

"Go on, Yu. You have always been smart, and you always know the answer."

The hoarse male voice had a hint of confusion.

He looks like a real devil.

"Find an ordinary person to experiment." The girl's voice was emotionless.

"Here, behind that tree, isn't there a ready-made Muggle?"

According to what the girl just said, Muggles should be equal to ordinary people. In an instant, Lucas imagined all the plots that could appear in Hollywood movies. For example, they are mad scientists and murderous international mercenaries. He has never been good at analysis, but at this time his brain calmed down unusually. The locals said that there were explosions in the depths of the rainforest a few days ago. They must be working on something terrible. A man named Dumbledore is monitoring their whereabouts. He is either a national figure or their opponent... .He

thought quickly while slowly moving out from behind the big tree where he had been hiding just now. There is no point in hiding anymore. His only thought now was to fool them into letting him go.

The two girls in the family have just learned to walk.

Only then did he see the two people clearly. He clearly saw the girl's appearance. The girl was wearing a black dress, with long black hair hanging softly beside her ears. She was leaning against a big tree, and her appearance was typical of Eastern gentleness. Even such a casual posture has its own style when she does it.

When he saw the figure next to the girl, he felt that the blood in his body stopped flowing.

This is a thin man, his face is paler than a skeleton, and his scarlet pupils appear even brighter in the dark rain forest. The most terrifying thing is that he is floating in the air like a mist.

A huge snake coiled around the girl, its triangular snake head moving little by little, as if it was dozing off.

All the countermeasures that were originally planned disappeared at this moment.

"Yu, you know that spell. Use my wand."

The girl had stood up.

He seemed to be frozen. He had no idea who these two people were, and he didn't dare to think about it.


His last memory was fixed on the two little people running in the small house. They were the sustenance and tenderness of his life.

The last ray of sunlight disappeared over the horizon. The approaching night is gradually disintegrating the hot air.

"You are right, Tom. He can absorb the energy smoothly, but it will get stuck when it reaches a node. More modifications are needed before ordinary people can completely release the energy." Mu Yu's tone was as gentle as ever. The man lying on the ground, with no sparkle in his eyes, could not arouse her in the slightest.

Her slender fingers touched the parchment in her hand.

Tom Riddle did not pay attention to the parchment in Mu Yu's hand. His red eyes never left Mu Yu. Mu Yu put down the parchment in her hand, took out her wand and pointed it at the unconscious man on the ground.

The hand holding her wand was held by another long, pale hand.

Without a tangible body, it was still difficult for him to touch her.

"What are you going to do?" His voice was high and cold at this moment.

"The Oblivion Charm. He knows too much."

"Knowing too much about the Forgetting Curse" Tom Riddle imitated Mu Yu's tone with a clear sarcasm. He softened his tone and moved closer to Mu Yu: "Yu, there is another way that will be cleaner. It won't leave any traces and won't have any risks."

Mu Yu's hand holding the wand shook.

Tom Riddle's voice echoed in her ears: "You have the ability to cast that spell, and you are cruel enough. Do you remember how to make a Horcrux?"

Mu Yu recalled the sound of the dagger piercing the skin. She thought she wouldn't care about that, she just got rid of her enemy. But at this moment, in the Albanian dusk, she seemed to be able to feel the temperature of her blood again, with its unique fishy smell, tempting her step by step into a darker abyss.

She had only mastered less than one-tenth of Dongfang's soul-splitting technique for making soul containers, which could not support her to independently complete the creation of Horcruxes. There seems to be only one way now.

"There will be no pain. Yu, this is simply a kindness to Muggles. A relief, just like that time in London. You are helping him."

Mu Yu's wand was still pointing steadily at the ground. Man, Tom Riddle stood beside her and was not anxious at all: "I have plenty of time, and I don't lack a Horcrux. I can wait until you really make up your mind."

In order to lure Mu Yu to commit the same crime as him, he You can even put your plans for eternal life on hold for now.

"Tom, when was the first time you used this spell?" Mu Yu's voice was so soft that he could hardly catch it. Such gentle questions contained no emotion, no pity, and no interrogation. They seemed to be just an innocent child curious about new things.

The last gorgeous sunset glow on the horizon also dissipated.

"When I killed my dirty Muggle father."


"So fast that he didn't even have time to say the last words."

The leaves rustled in the first gust of wind at night, and the breeze took away even the The sigh was indistinguishable even in the dead silence of the forest, and it carried with it a mantra that was almost like murmuring in sleep.

"Avada Kedavra."

Like a leaf falling to the ground, the passing of a life is so silent, without causing a single ripple.

"You are not wrong. Yu, I understand you."

She only saw those scarlet eyes, and in the reflection of those eyes, there was the entire broken London.


Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024