Chapter 47: The Tide of Vitality! Breakthrough in the Vitality Realm!

Over the next few days, everything went according to plan.
Lin Bao and six other men took turns patrolling near Li Weiyi's house, while brother and sister Bai Jian and Bai Weiwei secretly protected Li Weiyi's parents on their way to and from get off work.
Moreover, Bai Jian also found a house and lived in the same building as Li Weiyi, which made it convenient for him to take timely action if any situation occurred.
As for Li Weiyi, he was at home every day, striving to break through the Qi realm.
On the night of the seventh day, Li Weiyi, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed with his eyes closed, suddenly had a vague feeling, the kind of feeling that the mirror was about to break but could not be expressed in words.
Li Weiyi opened his eyes with joy and hurried to the roof.
Generally, breakthroughs in cultivation are best achieved in an open space to facilitate the absorption of vital energy.
Therefore, Li Weiyi chose the rooftop, where the vitality of heaven and earth was abundant and there was no one to disturb him, making it perfect for a breakthrough.
Li Weiyi hurriedly went up to the roof, then sat cross-legged, trying to sense the vital energy of heaven and earth around him, guiding it to slowly merge into his body.
In Li Weiyi's perception, colorful little dots of light slowly flew towards his body. Once these colorful little dots of light touched Li Weiyi's skin, they merged into his body.
As these small spots of light entered, Li Weiyi felt warm, as if he had just come out of a bath, his whole body relaxed and refreshed.

As time went by, the energy of heaven and earth gathered more and more around Li Weiyi, and more and more energy of heaven and earth entered Li Weiyi's body.
However, the technique that Li Weiyi chose to study was very different from that of others. The core purpose of the technique he chose to study, Guiyuan Gong, was to gather the primordial energy of heaven and earth to open the Dantian Qi Sea, go upstream, and break the meridians!
The practice of Guiyuan Gong is completely opposite to the practice methods of other existing exercises.
Other exercises all open up the meridians one by one first. After all the meridians are opened up, they then gather the vital energy of heaven and earth in the meridians throughout the body to open up the Dantian Qi Sea. This is a step-by-step practice method.
However, Guiyuan Gong does the opposite. It first opens up the Dantian Qi Sea and then radiates to the meridians throughout the body.
Moreover, according to the introduction of Guiyuan Gong, if one opens up the Dantian Qi Sea and gathers enough heaven and earth Qi, one can even open up the meridians of the whole body at once! Pushing one's own cultivation directly to the limit of the Qi realm! It is truly domineering!
However, no one dared to try this kind of domineering and powerful martial art!
After all, it was just a technique that had been created but not yet proven in practice. If this technique could be successfully cultivated, it would be fine. If it could not be successfully cultivated, then the rest of the practitioner's life would be ruined.
After all, that was the Dantian Qi Sea! The most important place to cultivate the heaven and earth energy! There was no room for any mistakes!
The heaven and earth energy around Li Weiyi became more and more dense. As the heaven and earth energy increased, Li Weiyi began to impact the barrier of his Dantian Qi Sea again and again.
However, although the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi around Li Weiyi had become much denser, the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi he could control to impact his Dantian Qi Sea was still not much. Moreover, he had been impacting his Dantian Qi Sea for nearly an hour, but there was still no sign of a breakthrough.
After a long period of unsuccessful siege, Li Weiyi couldn't help but become a little impatient, and his mood was no longer as calm as before.
Now, Li Weiyi has begun to doubt the correctness of the Guiyuan Gong. After all, it is a practice that has not been proven to be feasible.
At that time, he just chose the Guiyuan Gong spontaneously.
Li Weiyi has now begun to consider the consequences of his failure in reaching the Qi realm, fearing that his life will fall into disarray!
Once Li Weiyi's mind was in chaos, the most direct impact was the chaos of the vital energy of heaven and earth.
The heaven and earth energy that was originally drawn into Li Weiyi 's body to impact the Dantian Qi Sea barrier suddenly rioted uncontrollably, impacting Li Weiyi's body wantonly and destroying his body.
Moreover, not only was the vital energy of heaven and earth in the body rioting, even the vital energy of heaven and earth around Li Weiyi's body suddenly lost its previous peace and became extremely violent!
Storms formed by the vital energy of heaven and earth were blowing wildly around Li Weiyi!
At this moment, not only did the heaven and earth energy around Li Weiyi become violent, but the entire Shuguang Community, the entire East District, and even the entire survival base, and even the entire earth! The heaven and earth energy rioted crazily!
At this moment, on Earth, all the practitioners above the Fame Realm stopped their cultivation and looked at the sky in shock and amazement, looking at the empty and transparent storm of heaven and earth vitality!
“What…what’s going on!?”
"What happened?!"
"How could the vitality of heaven and earth be so disordered!?"
Survival Base No. 2 is the headquarters of the Practitioners Association, a survival base completely controlled by the Practitioners Association!
On the rooftop of the majestic headquarters building of the Practitioners Association, three middle-aged men were looking up into the void with frowns.
These three people are the three presidents of the Cultivator Association! Qin Jue, Ji Changkong and Zhuge Yuanlong!

"Brother Qin! Brother Ji! This vitality tide is much weaker than the first vitality tide recorded as allowing the entire human race on Earth to enter the era of cultivation!" Zhuge Yuanlong stretched out his hand to feel the restless vitality of heaven and earth, and frowned slightly.
"Well! It will be much weaker. With this rate of attenuation, I'm afraid that within three to five hundred years, the vitality tide will completely disappear." Qin Jue nodded.
The first tide of vitality was the revival of vitality a hundred years ago, which brought mankind into the era of spiritual practice.
However, the amount of heaven and earth energy produced by this tide of energy is much less.
However, this is only relative to the first vital energy tide. In fact, the vital energy of heaven and earth on the entire earth is still much richer.
“The vitality tide is, for the entire human world, quite good so far! At least, with each vitality tide, the vitality between heaven and earth will increase a little, which will make the practice of practitioners much easier.” Ji Changkong stretched out a hand, and in his palm, the vitality of heaven and earth gathered madly, forming a small tornado!
"The tide of vitality is at least good for us practitioners. The most important thing right now is the enemy that exists in the dark, 'Shadow'! This force has infiltrated deeply into our practitioner association. It may not be that easy to dig out the people from 'Shadow'!" Qin Jue frowned and said. He has never felt at ease since he discovered this "Shadow" force not long ago.
"'Shadow'?" Zhuge Yuanlong narrowed his eyes. "Before, we didn't know anything about this force, nor did we know what exactly it was planning! Moreover, we didn't even know the leader of this force!"
"Now, not only our Practitioners Association, but even the Chamber of Commerce and the Alliance Government have been made miserable by it, and the people are in panic! However, this 'Shadow' is really hiding too deeply. Until now, we have only caught a few small fish!" Ji Changkong's brows gradually frowned. This "Shadow" organization was too tight, and they had no way to start investigating.
The three of them stared into space, frowning and thinking...
At Survival Base No. 1, on the top floor of the Alliance Government Headquarters Building, in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, stood a burly middle-aged man and a thin man with white hair.
"Brother Fan! This time the vitality tide has increased the vitality of heaven and earth by a lot, which will make our cultivation a lot easier!" said the burly middle-aged man.
"Yes, with every tide of vitality, the vitality of heaven and earth will increase a little. The environment on the entire earth is developing in a direction that is conducive to cultivation." said the white-haired thin man.
Of these two, the burly middle-aged man is the super-powerful man belonging to the Alliance Government, Chen Jian! And the thin man with white hair is the super-powerful man belonging to the Business Alliance, Fan Tianlei!
"But, the vitality tide is not only beneficial to us humans, but also to the fierce beasts!" Chen Jian's expression became more serious when he said this. He worked for the Alliance Government to completely eradicate the fierce beasts on the earth and restore peace to the human world. However, the wish was beautiful, but it was difficult for him to do it alone!
"With this vitality tide, the overall strength of our human practitioners should be improved, but the impact on those ferocious beasts will be slower, which is also an advantage in fighting against them!" Fan Tianlei frowned slightly, and thought of something, and then said: "Now, our three major forces are disturbed by the 'Shadow', and the internal friction is intensifying. I just hope that this force will not destroy the survival base that humans have worked so hard to build in vain in the mouths of ferocious beasts!"
"These people! They simply can't tell the difference between the important and the unimportant! The greatest enemy of mankind today is the ferocious beasts! We should work together to resist the ferocious beasts! But they... Alas!" As he spoke, Chen Jian sighed, his heart filled with hatred for the "Shadow" forces.
"Maybe...where there are people, there will be conflicts?" Fan Tianlei seemed to be very troubled by the "Shadow" force.

But now, Li Weiyi's Yuan Qi in his body has become even more violent due to the interference of the Yuan Qi tides from the outside world. Moreover, more and more Yuan Qi of Heaven and has poured into Li Weiyi's body, making Li Weiyi, who was already in great pain from the Yuan Qi of Heaven and Earth in his body, even more miserable!
Li Weiyi tried his best to control the Yuan Qi in his body and move them all out of his body. However, the Yuan Qi now became extremely violent and it was difficult for Li Weiyi to control it.
Moreover, these violent vital energies of heaven and earth continued to wash over Li Weiyi's body, hurting his internal organs.
Suddenly, Li Weiyi straightened his body and spat out a mouthful of blood.
Then, Li Weiyi opened his eyes, looking much more listless.
Feeling the raging heaven and earth vital energy in his body, and the heaven and earth vital energy continuously pouring in, Li Weiyi frowned deeply.
"Failed? It seems that I should not have disobeyed Instructor Long and chosen other techniques to be more cautious! Sigh!"
"Is it true that this Guiyuan Gong cannot be practiced?"
"It's possible to go with the flow! Is it really not possible to go against the flow?"
"When practicing, should we go with the flow? Or should we go against the flow?"
At this moment, the vital energy of heaven and earth on the entire earth was slowly returning to calm, and the raging vital energy of heaven and earth in Li Weiyi's body was naturally affected by it, becoming much gentler than before.
Li Weiyi naturally felt this phenomenon.
"Hmm? The heaven and earth energy in my body has calmed down a lot?"
"How is this going?"
Li Weiyi tried to control the energy of heaven and earth in his body again, and this time, he was able to control it very easily.
Afterwards, Li Weiyi prepared to slowly move the energy of heaven and earth out of his body, but just as he was about to take action, he stopped immediately.
"Can I try again?"
At this moment, after the riot just now, a lot of the heaven and earth energy in Li Weiyi's body was retained in his body, as much as seven or eight times as much as before.
Moreover, after the heaven and earth energy in Li Weiyi's body lost its restlessness, it was all controlled by Li Weiyi.
"I just don't believe it! It won't work this time!"
Li Weiyi did it as he thought. He controlled the vital energy of heaven and earth in his body and attacked the barrier of Dantian Qi Sea again.
Every impact now will create a crack in the barrier.
Under the continuous impact of Li Weiyi's control of the vital energy of heaven and earth, more and more cracks appeared on the barrier of Dantian Qi Sea, and soon covered the entire barrier.
With another impact of the vital energy of heaven and earth, a series of fragmented sounds of "crack! crack!..." were heard, and the barrier of Li Weiyi's dantian qi sea turned into silver light and disappeared. Under Li Weiyi's control , the vital energy of heaven and earth rushed straight in and instantly sank into the dantian qi sea.
"It's done! I finally broke through the Qi realm!"
Li Weiyi exclaimed in surprise.
The Dantian Qi Sea has been opened up, and the Yuan Qi of Heaven and Earth has found a destination. However, Li Weiyi still dares not relax for a moment. He slowly absorbs the Yuan Qi of Heaven and Earth from the outside world to fill the dry Dantian Qi Sea.

Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024