Chapter 47 Green Beetle

Chu Yunsheng looked up and saw that the person who was lured away was Zhang Zicheng, whom he met at the beginning.
At this time, Zhang Zicheng struggled desperately in fear and shouted for help, but he could not get rid of the hook of the flying insect no matter what, and flew farther and farther away.
The machine gunner on Bus No. 1 poured bullets in a frightened manner, shooting at the flying insect that had hooked Zhang Zicheng away. Chu Yunsheng didn't know whether he wanted to hit the flying insect or Zhang Zicheng!
The flying insect circled in the sky for a few circles, bit Zhang Zicheng's head, tore his body apart, threw it down casually, and then turned around and pounced on the No. 1 machine gunner on the bus that was spewing flames!
"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!!!" Chu Yunsheng saw Zhong Nan jump onto bus number one from the back, lying on the roof, shouting frantically.
It was too late. The flying insect seemed to have identified the machine gunner and flew over everyone's heads at high speed. Its hind legs were slightly raised, causing the machine gunner to scream in fear.
Zhong Nan grabbed the battalion commander who was about to take over the shooting from the machine gunner and said solemnly: "Don't shoot!..."
The frenzied flying insects quickly tore the machine gunner to pieces and continued to circle at high speed, seemingly looking for a new target.
Zhong Nan murmured in a low voice: "Let it kill. When it has killed enough, it will go back!"
Everyone was a little depressed. Chu Yunsheng also understood what Zhong Nan meant. With their current strength, they could not deal with such arrogant flying insects. Their speed was too fast! Except for one flying insect that was entangled with the helicopter, it was locked and hit by several rockets from the ground troops and shot down. The other two flying insects kept diving and rising, and they could not be hit at all.
Chu Yunsheng knew that blindly shooting would only anger these flying insects. Judging from the habits of red beetles, angry insects are much more dangerous than predatory insects. Predatory insects will generally leave on their own after hunting enough food, but angry insects will stop at all costs to eliminate the threat.
Chu Yunsheng pulled Yu Xiaohai off bus number one. Staying on the roof at this time was simply an act of seeking death. The two of them sat on the ground next to the wheels of the bus.
The gunfire from other locations also gradually stopped, as if everyone had accepted the rampage of the flying insects. Except for the panicked screams of the crowd when the flying insects swooped down, and the cries for help of the unlucky people who were hooked away, everything fell into a depressing silence.
After preying on more than a dozen people, the remaining two flying insects spread their wings and flew away. The crowd that had been fleeing for their lives gradually gathered together again, as if nothing had happened.
Zhong Nan was counting the number of people and casualties on the truck. Chu Yunsheng showed his face and jumped off the truck. He wanted to go over and take a look at the downed flying insect. At that time, he only saw the flying insect falling down, but it was not dead. The ground troops spent a lot of weapons and ammunition and cooperated with the awakened soldiers of the military to kill it.
When Chu Yunsheng arrived, the scene had been blocked by the military and he could only stand outside and observe.
The flying insect is cyan, different from the color of the red beetle, but it has a solid shell all over its body. There are signs that the insect body has been frozen. It should be a freezing attack made by an awakened soldier of the military. There are multiple bullet holes of varying depths and a few holes on the shell, which means that after losing the rainproof layer, the protective ability of the shell is still very high!
According to his observations just now, the flying insect's attack mainly comes from the slightly bent barbs on its hind legs, the tearing of its front legs, and its long, sharp, saw-like mouth.
Chu Yunsheng was a little unsure, wondering if his armor could hold up against these flying insects.
Then researchers from Dongshen University also rushed to the scene and began to carefully cut up the flying insect. Chu Yunsheng was recognized by the researchers as a member of the school guard team and temporarily got the opportunity to approach the dead insect.
The researchers named this flying insect the cyan beetle and conducted a detailed dissection of its physiological structure. During the process, one researcher was even burned by the liquid in the beetle's body.
At the instruction of the scientific researchers, Chu Yunsheng drew out the Qianpi Sword to test the strength of the shell. As expected, the shell of the flying insect was much stronger than that of the red beetle. Chu Yunsheng needed to inject some vitality to split the green shell.
This result made Chu Yunsheng a little discouraged, but fortunately there didn’t seem to be many of these flying insects. Otherwise, once these flying insects soaring in the sky became overwhelming, humans would have no power to resist at all.
Chu Yunsheng returned to the truck in a depressed mood. The dramatic civil strife had ended dramatically. Almost everyone was dejected. The depressing haze was always floating above everyone's head, making it hard to breathe.
Qian Deduo was severely beaten by Zhong Nan and sat in the corner sighing. Yu Xiaohai hid aside and tried hard to practice his abilities. It was not known whether he was stimulated by the flying insects, but Chu Yunsheng hoped that he could persist in this way.
The truck started up again and moved forward slowly amidst the bumps. Chu Yunsheng closed his eyes and practiced, absorbing vital energy bit by bit.
A day of practice made him a little tired. Just when he was drowsy, he heard Qian Deduo's rustling voice. Chu Yunsheng opened his eyes alertly. People from the fourth and fifth groups gathered together, and Yu Xiaohai was calling him.
The faint light in the sky had completely dimmed. It should be the night time of the Sunshine Age. Chu Yunsheng looked at his watch and it was about 11pm.
Qian Deduo had recovered some of his spirit and whispered, "Hush! Brother Chu, the food processing factory is nearby, and we are about to take action. Everyone will get out of the car one by one, and be quiet, don't make any noise. Zhou Tingyun, you stay in the car in case the captain comes looking for us."
"Why do I have to stay in the car again?" Zhou Tingyun said dissatisfiedly.
Qian Deduo acted as if it was natural and whispered, "Of course it's you. You have the lowest ability and you haven't recovered yet. Can you run away if you encounter danger?" Then he comforted her, "You stay here to cover for us. I will definitely give you a share when I come back. You can share things without taking risks. Where can you find such a good thing?"
Zhou Tingyun bit her lip and said excitedly: "I knew you looked down on me!"
Qian Deduo frowned and threatened: "Are you going to follow us or not? Zhou Tingyun, let me tell you, if you don't listen to me, just go to Qin Heng's group. Now our group 5 doesn't need you!"
Zhou Tingyun nodded helplessly, as if she was deflated, and muttered softly: "If you don't want to go, then don't go. What's the big deal..."
Others didn't hear her last words clearly, but Chu Yunsheng did. He didn't understand what was wrong with Zhou Tingyun's brain. She knew that this kind of thing was very dangerous and her life might be in danger, so why did she have to go with him? Qian Deduo had promised to give her a share when he came back. Didn't she think it was not enough? Did she want to get more?
Chu Yunsheng thought to himself: Human hearts are indeed greedy, especially at a time when food is as valuable as life.
But he did not interrupt. He followed the others and quietly jumped off the truck. At this time, few people were still on the road. Most of them were too tired to rest and lay on the ground. Except for a few scattered fires, the surroundings were very quiet.
Qian Deduo got a night vision goggles from somewhere, which was a domestic military product. He led the way in front, and the people behind him shuttled through the dark crowd one by one.
This illegal factory processes bread and is located next to an overpass not far from the outer ring road.
After leaving the crowd for a distance, the surroundings were in darkness. Jiang Ye had to turn on the flashlight. Relying on the faint light, everyone moved forward cautiously while groping.
Chu Yunsheng didn't encounter any bugs along the way, which he thought was normal. If there were any bugs nearby, they would have been attracted away by the crowd in the distance.
They were doubly careful and finally found the overpass. Suddenly, a ray of light appeared on the horizon. Yu Xiaohai touched Chu Yunsheng and whispered, "Brother Chu, look over there!"
Chu Yunsheng pulled off his mask and saw a large group of glowing flying creatures on the horizon. They were like fireflies in summer, illuminating that small piece of sky with a brilliant red color. In the world shrouded in darkness, it looked very magnificent.
"What is that?" Chandler crouched over and asked nervously.
Chu Yunsheng shook his head, God knows what it is!
"Look! What's under those things?" Yao Xiang from the fourth group almost screamed out loud, and Jiang Ye covered his mouth immediately. Insects are much more sensitive to sound than to light.
Chu Yunsheng looked far away and saw the glowing flying object flying farther and farther away, about to disappear on the horizon. Under the bright red light, a huge "tree"-shaped plant was reflected. The specific appearance was not very clear, but its height completely exceeded all the buildings next to it. This plant definitely did not exist in the Sunshine Era. Chu Yunsheng had never heard of such a terrifying tree near Shencheng.
Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment. They encountered strange creatures suddenly appearing one after another. They didn't know what to say except to be amazed. It seemed that the world was becoming more and more weird and complicated!
Chu Yunsheng pushed Qian Deduo and said, "Don't think about it, hurry down and find something!"
Everyone then came to their senses from their amazement and quickly went around to the red brick house on the side under the overpass. There was nothing around it.
Qian Deduo was obviously very familiar with this place and quickly found the main entrance. It was estimated that he had worked here for quite a long time before.
"Preliminary observation shows no bugs! No people!" Chandler observed with a night vision goggles, whispered, and made an OK gesture.
However, the gate of the yard was open. Everyone felt a sinking feeling in their hearts, fearing that someone had already come to raid the place!
Chandler frowned and walked in along the wall.
Although no bugs could be seen through the night vision goggles, Chu Yunsheng had been fooled in the supermarket before and no longer believed in this stuff. The team members probably knew this too. After all, they had a special research department that studied it day and night, so everyone was still very cautious.
Qian Deduo led the way straight to the warehouse. The small factory didn't have much space to begin with, and now it looked a bit deserted.
Chu Yunsheng followed Qian Deduo. The warehouse was behind the workshop. After going around the workshop, there was the gate of the warehouse.
At this time, seeing that the door of the warehouse was closed, Chandler breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go over.
Chu Yunsheng suddenly found that the vitality near the warehouse was surging and the cold air was approaching. He was immediately terrified and pulled him back, saying in shock: "Be careful!"
Before he finished speaking, a woman in white flashed out from the warehouse door, with a strong icy aura surrounding her body. She glanced at Chu Yunsheng and the others, jumped lightly onto the roof, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.
The speed is so fast that it is comparable to Chu Yunsheng’s state when his armor is activated!
"Who is it?" Jiang Ye, who was following Chu Yunsheng and the others and only saw a shadow, asked nervously .
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024