Chapter 45: The End of the War

An uneasy and sad piano sound rang out.
For some reason, after hearing such music, Zheng Jun, Zhang Yixing and others all felt extremely depressed and as if a disaster was about to happen.
Then, Su Chen's voice resounded throughout the place:
"Light is as light as paper, light is scattered everywhere
As the applause faded, he hurriedly
He is singing about the unbearable pain
The script was performed on stage for the last time
The whole village was sitting in their seats
Quietly watching how time abandons this theater
The flames of war stained his tears. Who is clamoring for candy in the wind?
The dust from the beginning of this story has already obscured the sunlight..."
Pictures suddenly appeared in the minds of Zheng Jun, Zhang Yixing, Ma Di, Chen Li and others.
In a village, news of a war spread, everyone was in a panic, and a strong wind blew up the dust. But the children were still naively clamoring for candy.
Compared with Mr. Gai’s "Victory" with its flashing swords and rivers of blood, it makes people’s blood boil.
Su Chen's lyrics are full of depression.
Although there is no word in the lyrics that directly describes the war, it gives people a vivid feeling, as if it is happening around them, in their own village.
The depressing feeling of impending storm strikes everyone's heart.
Su Chen continued to sing in a plaintive voice :
“Fear is written on the faces of the children.
The wheat fields have turned in the direction of the chariots.
The shape of the dandelion is dispersing its desperate flight
She only wants to sing this song to stop the war
Candlelight in the evil night, the sky breaks and the war ends
Songs of sorrow spread thousands of miles away to relieve famine in hometown
Innocence stumbles on this road
He was cut by the silver grass..."
Listening to Su Chen's rap, the smile on Teacher Gai's face had already frozen.
Su Chen has a strong sense of rhythm, but this sense of rhythm is different from many songs that copy the violence of black music or deliberately emphasize the tone to show the rhythm.
Su Chen's rap is very different. He mainly uses the emphasis on the beat texture to achieve the purpose of stabilizing the rhythm. In addition to making the rhythm of the song more stable, the emphasis on the beat also makes good use of the final descending tone of each sentence to increase the sense of rhyme while also increasing the sense of rhythm.
Gives a very good texture.
There is a clear difference between this and Mr. Gai's own singing style which deliberately imitates black music.
Gives people a refreshing feeling!
Chief Director Che Che was already shocked at this moment.
He could never have imagined that Su Chen’s rapping skills were so strong!
Moreover, the lyrics of this work...
It’s so vivid.
There was no blood in every word, but the misery and pain violently hit his soul.
"What is the shape of hope in children's eyes?
Do you wake up with bread and breakfast and a bowl of soup?
Farmers burned fields and villages and finally took up guns
He gradually got used to it and gave up resistance..."
After hearing this, netizens from all walks of life in the live broadcast room could no longer hold back.
A huge wave of bullet comments, so dense that the words could not be seen clearly, floated out.
"Who said fighting can show heroism? That means treating human life as worthless!"
"Ordinary people just want to live a peaceful life, why do they need so many war gods?"
"I just want breakfast and milk, not blood and war!"
"Although Mr. Gai's songs are passionate, their values ​​are not quite right!"
"Listen to Su Chen's song. War brings only death and disaster to mankind!"
"Don't build your ideals on the death of others!"
Su Chen's song thoroughly aroused anti-war sentiment among netizens from all walks of life.
Through Su Chen's songs, everyone clearly realized that the war that the angry young people talk about as wonderful as it can be is actually a devil that will destroy everything!
At this time, the drum beats and rhythm of the music are stronger.
Su Chen's singing voice touches everyone's soul even more directly:
"What is the shape of hope in children's eyes?
Is there a swing in the yard? Is there candy in your pocket?
The light of the bayonet is polished by hatred in the distance
But he smiled without panicking..."
When Su Chen finished singing the song.
In the waiting area, Zheng Yun, Zhang Yixing, Chen Li, and Lao Fan next door were shocked and speechless for a long time.
Su Chen's song gave them more to think about.
Although we are living in a peaceful era now, we must cherish the hard-earned peace even more.
Teacher Gai could not help but lower his head in shame.
Whether in terms of singing skills, the content of the song, or the thoughtfulness, his self-righteous song "Victory" cannot be compared with Su Chen's.
When Su Chen returned to the waiting area, everyone saluted Su Chen.
At this time, the online voting between Teacher Gai and Su Chen officially began.
First, several representatives of the audience judges commented on the works and performances of Mr. Gai and Su Chen.
A: "There is no doubt that this song by Brother Chen has a huge warning effect!"
B: "If Mr. Gai was the top rapper before, I think things will be different from now on!"
C: "Whether it is the quality of the work or the ideological connotation of the work, Brother Chen's work is a complete winner! In terms of interpretation, Brother Chen's master level is even more incomparable to Teacher Gai!"
Ding: "Brother Chen is so versatile. If Brother Chen had released his rap works earlier, Teacher Gai might not be so frivolous!"
When Teacher Gai saw that the audience and judges were overwhelmingly inclined towards Su Chen, he suddenly had a very bad feeling.
The consequences of losing to Su Chen now seem to be far more serious than he had imagined!
Not only has his position in the rap world been shaken from now on, but also, judging by the reactions from all sides, there may not be many judges who will vote for him...
A few minutes later, the voting results came out.
Director Che Che looked at the data in his hand and felt a little bit unbelievable.
However, he will not announce the final result personally.
Still following the old rules of the show, the intelligent robot C will read it out.
In great anticipation.
Intelligent robot C begins to announce the results:
"First, I will announce the results of each group's PK."
"The winner of the first group of contestants is Lao Fan next door!"
"The second group of contestants is won by Chen Li!"
"The third group of contestants is won by Zheng Jun!"
"The fourth group of contestants is won by Su Chen!"
Hearing this result, some people were happy and some were sad.
The winners are of course extremely happy, because this means that no matter how many votes they get, they will not be eliminated in this round.
The defeated Ma Di, Liu Sijian, Zhang Yixing, and Teacher Gai were in a heavy mood.
Especially Mr. Gai, he couldn't be happy when he thought about the unfriendly public opinion on the Internet.
In the online live broadcast room, the expectations of netizens from all walks of life were pushed to the peak.
"At this moment, who is first is not the most important thing. I just want to know who is last!"
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
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