Chapter 44 This person is not to be feared

What an arrogant statement!
It was the first time for many viewers to see such a rich man, but before they could gather around to watch, there was another round of special effects bombardment.
[Fat Cat Pete presented the anchor with a spaceship*1. —Alas, I am still a step too late. ]
[He's so handsome, isn't he? I'll give the anchor a spaceship*1. —Prince Mu is worthy of being Prince Mu, he's still as strong as ever! 】
[15cm without the head is given to the anchor Flying Yacht*1. —I can’t compare to the big guys, woo woo woo]
As soon as the show started, a large wave of lavish gifts stunned the new viewers.
Where did this new anchor come from? Why is he so powerful?
In Langya TV, a spaceship costs two thousand and comes with its own treasure chest. Next is the yacht at 1314, the spaceship at 500, the big bone at 100, the meatball at 6, and the like at 0.1. In addition, there are wolf hair pens, which cost one cent for every hundred.
The gifts these people just gave added up to tens of thousands! Not to mention there was an emperor!
In an instant, the number of people in the live broadcast room climbed again, and this time it easily exceeded 30,000!
[Fuck, which guild's prince is this? ]
[666, I pay my respects to the boss, there are a lot of spaceships without broadcasting anything]
[Fang Shen has not joined any guilds, these are all ten-year old fans (funny)]
[Ten years old fan? Why haven’t I heard of this anchor before? 】
"Don't listen to their nonsense. This is only my second live broadcast. How can I have ten-year-old fans?"
Seeing that some old fans were fooling the audience of Langya TV, Bifang laughed and scolded them, and at the same time expressed his gratitude to the fans who came to Langya TV to support him.
These people clearly have old accounts on Shark TV, but they still turned to Langya TV to support him, and even their nicknames remained the same. It is really touching.
No matter how touched you are, you should not forget your job.
"I survived in the Qinling Mountains for four days and finally escaped successfully. Now, I am in the northernmost part of the country: Daxing'anling, above Mohe!"
"Many people may have only heard of the Greater Khingan Range, but not Mohe. In fact, Mohe is located at the northern foot of the Greater Khingan Range. The latitude here is very high, and you can even observe the northern lights. At the same time, we will also face a terrible opponent: severe cold!"
Bifang asked the drone to move farther away so that he could take a picture of his thick jacket.
[Fuck, the Northern Lights? Is that real?]
[When I hear the word Arctic, I feel cold...]
[Silently lowered the air conditioner temperature by two degrees. ]
[6 Hey, where is the guy upstairs? We are all wearing coats, and we are still using the air conditioner? ]
Bifang opened the helicopter door, and the freezing cold wind was like a steel knife scraping bones, cutting his face painfully.
White snowflakes rushed into the helicopter. Bifang squinted his eyes and shouted loudly.
"We are now about six meters above the ground, but the helicopter is complicated to dock and take off, so I don't want to trouble the pilot. Do you remember how we escaped from Shekou last time ? Today I will teach you how to jump directly from a high place and land safely!"
What? Jumping directly from a height of more than six meters?
This is at least two stories high!
When many new viewers heard this, their first reaction was disbelief, but when they saw Bifang's eager look, they suddenly became frightened.
This is too dangerous!
[666, Fang Shen is so exciting right from the start? ]
[Jumping directly? So fierce? Is this a life-threatening live broadcast? ]
[What's this about risking your life? This is Fang Shen's basic drill]
[Isn’t it different? Last time, there were branches to cushion the impact…]
[Fuck, aren't you afraid? ]
[Last time Fang Shen fell from a ten-meter-high tree and nothing happened. This is only six meters. Sprinkle some water! Damn! Hold me up!]
Six meters may not sound like a big deal, but when Bifang released the first-person perspective, many viewers were completely overwhelmed.
"Don't worry, if it's really not difficult, then what skills do we need to learn?" Bifang smiled at the screen, "Five or six meters, this height is actually completely acceptable. As long as you learn a skill, you can land and receive the attack!"
"'Ukishin' was originally a judo term, which refers to the technique of adjusting your posture to absorb the impact when falling. Later, this concept was gradually militarized and became a training program in the army. The purpose is to enable people to better protect themselves when falling or being subjected to huge impact."
"Today, I would like to take this opportunity to teach you this trick that I learned in the army."
[Damn, he learned this from the army? Did Fang Shen finally admit that he is a special forces soldier?]
[I didn’t say anything before, but now it’s confirmed! 】
[666, which team is this? Can Master Fang tell us so we can learn more? ]
[The secret is deep enough! ]
"No, this is confidential. You can't talk about it casually."
Bifang laughed it off, which made the audience even more curious, little did he know that this was exactly the effect he wanted.
With the endorsement of his military experience, his professionalism is equivalent to being certified, which is a reason that is easy to convince people.
After all, whether it is movies or books, the impression that soldiers leave on people is often that they are professional and powerful, giving people a sense of security.
But Bifang did not tell him his specific military service unit, because although the system gave him the corresponding information files, it might change in the future. What would happen if he told him now?
"Before landing, we must ensure the condition of the ground, so I parked the helicopter on a hillside that was not covered with snow so that we could see the ground conditions clearly. Otherwise, if there were any rocks buried under the snow, it would be very dangerous for us."
Bifang lowered his head to look at the ground, stretching his muscles and bones that had been sitting for a long time, awakening every muscle in his body from the fear of the severe cold.
Since acquiring advanced yoga and Pilates skills, Bifang's body flexibility and coordination have greatly increased through daily exercise. Many movements that he could not do before are now a piece of cake for him. A mere height of six meters is not a problem for him.
As far as Bifang knows, the safe height for free fall in the previous life was 15 meters as maintained by Russia's Alexei-Kens!
This is simply incredible data!
Unfortunately, he had an accident during a training session and fell from the 5th floor and died.
Although this is just a legend, it also proves that human potential is infinite.
"Landing and receiving is a process of gradually buffering and unloading force. The scientific explanation is the action and reaction force, as well as the law of conservation of momentum and impulse theorem, which makes the action time of force longer, thereby reducing the reaction force."
"When we jump down from a high place, we first touch the ground with our toes, and then squat with our legs to prepare for the roll as the first-level cushion. Then, touch the ground with both hands as the second-level cushion. Finally, retract your left or right shoulder and roll toward the side where you retracted your shoulder to complete the roll!"
"Of course, this process requires long-term training until it becomes instinctive and can be used effectively."
"like this!"
As soon as the words fell, a black shadow jumped out of the helicopter, scaring everyone!
In mid-air, Bifang crouched like an agile leopard, and large amounts of oxygen flowed into its limbs and bones with its breathing, providing continuous strength.
From the soles of the feet to the arms, the recoil force was transmitted from the ground.
Bifang bent his legs and used the force to roll outwards, rolling several times on the ground. Finally, he stood up and shook off the dirt on his body.
The clouds are light and the breeze is gentle.
[Fuck, fuck, fuck, I was still thinking about what Fang Shen said, but he just jumped? ]
[Please give me some psychological preparation, otherwise every time I finish watching Fang Shen’s live broadcast, a bottle of quick-acting heart-saving pills won’t be enough! ]
[Isn't this too skillful? It feels like Fang Shen did it with his eyes closed. ]
[I swallowed the pill silently and snorted, that's it? ]
[The patient is in the ward, just out of the emergency room. ]
[Big Brother Niutou, how did I die? What? Was I scared to death? No, that's absolutely impossible! Let me go! Woo woo woo]
[The downtrodden art student presents Big Bone*1 to the anchor. —666, what a talent! ]
[Plant a big tree and give it to the anchor Langya*1.00—Isn’t this better than the one with the shark? ]
With someone taking the lead, a gift-giving frenzy immediately began.
Bifang glanced at the backstage and felt excited. It was a great success!
After only ten minutes of live broadcast, the number of viewers approached 40,000, and there were more than a thousand comments!
The first gift rain appeared!
Perfect start!
Wang Yongbo, who was watching silently in the background, was also startled by the leap. If an accident happened during the live broadcast, he would be responsible.
But when he saw Bifang land safely, he clenched his fist tightly, and watched the number of spectators soar like a rocket, his heart was so excited that he couldn't help but send a spaceship.
At this moment, he no longer cared about Lu Wentao from Shark TV. Just this action, could a logistics team handle it?
Wang Weifeng is completely putting the cart before the horse!
This person is short-sighted and is not to be feared.
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024