Chapter 44: Engagement

As of 1899, no one in the world knew the pros and cons of linear tactics better than Rock.
Historically, linear tactics have indeed played a very important role. In the era of smoothbore muskets and flintlock rifles, due to the limitations of weapon defects, in order to increase the killing effect, the only way to increase the hit rate was to use close-range shooting and queuing shooting.
The British went to the extreme in this regard. The lobster soldiers were also called "Redwood Army". This custom was retained during the Civil War. In order to distinguish the white shirts that supported the king, the army that supported the parliament adopted bright red as the color of their uniforms. With the establishment of the constitutional monarchy, the lobster soldiers wearing tricorn hats finally conquered the world along with the British Empire.
Linear tactics were the main tactics used by the lobster soldiers to conquer the world. This tactic had very high requirements for discipline and coordination. During combat, the infantry had to listen to the marches played by musicians on the battlefield and advance step by step at a fixed speed to the beat. The goose step that was widely used later began to take shape during this period.
The famous march used by the British army is "British Grenadiers' March". The style of this song is very fresh and cheerful. The "Lobster Soldiers" faced the enemy's bullets, endured the casualties of their comrades around them, walked through various complex terrains, fearlessly fought against all kinds of enemies, and established the glorious British Empire accompanied by this lively song.
The Battle of Waterloo best represents linear tactics. At that time, the Duke of Wellington demanded that the British army must allow the French Guards Cavalry to charge within 20 yards before opening fire. What is the concept of 20 yards?
18 meters!
It was about the length of a bus. At this distance, the soldiers on both sides could almost see the freckles on each other's faces. The other side was still cavalry!
Since linear tactics had been successful, the British had no reason to change, so in the Second Boer War, British troops continued to use linear tactics.
We cannot say that the British are stubborn. No one would improve a tactic until it is completely eliminated by the times. Linear tactics were completely eliminated by the times during the First World War Maxim machine guns and barbed wire in the First World War became a nightmare for linear tactics. More than 60,000 British and French forces were killed in the Battle of the Somme in one day, and linear tactics became history from then on.
In fact, in the Second Boer War, linear tactics had already shown their exhaustion. The total population of the Boers was only 400,000, and they were unable to engage in head-on combat with the British Expeditionary Force, so the Boers had to use small-scale militia to fight guerrilla warfare against the British in Transvaal.
The Boers' record was indeed brilliant. In the just-concluded Battle of Ladysmith, the British army suffered 1,139 deaths and 250 missing, while the Boer army suffered only 8 deaths and 30 injuries.
It looked like the result of the battle was like the Boers fighting against a black tribe, which was simply unacceptable to the arrogant British.
Of course, relying on the huge difference in overall strength, the British were indeed able to conquer the Boers, which meant that the weakness of linear tactics had not been completely exposed, and also led to heavy losses for the Anglo-French forces in World War I.
No one knew all this except Rock. Even if Rock told it all, no one would believe it. But if Henry said the same words, the effect would be completely different.
"- Do you understand? If we still stubbornly use bright red as the color of military uniforms, if we still stubbornly use linear tactics and refuse to make progress, then the empire will sooner or later face even more tragic losses. Think about it, the Boers have no machine guns and their population is sparse, but if it were replaced by another country that was not much smaller than the empire, what would be the result?" Rock could only say what he could, and this was already shocking enough.
"What will be the result--" Henry subconsciously repeated Rock's words. After Madame Clicquot opened it, Henry hadn't drunk a sip yet, but his mouth was already dry.
"You have served in the army before, and you know the power of the Maxim machine gun. So think about it, when the soldiers line up in neat rows and charge at an army equipped with Maxim machine guns, what will they face? The originally evenly matched battle will turn into a one-sided massacre!" Rock was not exaggerating. This kind of war scene will definitely happen in the future .
No, this kind of war scene has actually happened, and it was created by the British.
In the Zulu War five years ago, a British force of more than 50 people repelled dozens of charges by more than 5,000 Metabili people with only four Maxim heavy machine guns. More than 3,000 Metabili warriors were killed in the entire battle. The advantage of the Maxim heavy machine gun was undoubtedly revealed.
"No, that can't happen. We have to do something." Coincidentally, Henry had experienced the Zulu War, so he knew the power of the Maxim heavy machine gun. When the advantage belonged to his side, Henry was very proud, but when the advantage belonged to the other side -
Henry was instantly frightened and broke out in a cold sweat.
"There's nothing we can do. Don't forget that we are police officers. No matter what we say, it will be regarded as talking in our sleep. Uh, that's not right. You are from the military and you should have some connections in the army. Otherwise, why don't you go find your old superiors? They should be in Ladysmith." Rock still thought of a solution. Henry was from the military and he must have some connections in the army.
"No, no, I can't go to them." Henry refused again and again. He looked embarrassed and even blushed, which was rare.
"What's going on? This is not like your style. By the way, how did you leave the army?" Rock was quite curious. If Henry, such a idiot, could blush, it meant that Henry must have a very shameful past.
"Don't ask, I won't tell you!" Henry was a little angry and his tone was very firm.
Rock didn't say anything, but looked Henry up and down with malicious eyes, and Henry soon felt embarrassed.
"Well, I was pursuing General Hopkins' daughter at the time--" Henry was not very cunning and was very frank with his friends. This marked a big step forward in the relationship between Henry and Rock.
"Ha, you got the general's daughter pregnant!" Rock's imagination ran wild. This kind of thing is not uncommon among nobles.
"No, I don't. Lacey and I are truly in love, but Lacey is already engaged—" Henry couldn't continue, tears glistening in his eyes, and he picked up the cup in front of him and drank it all.
This time it was Rock's turn to feel embarrassed. Who doesn't have a few failed relationships? Rock no longer laughed at Henry, nor did he apologize to Henry. He silently refilled Henry's glass with wine, then picked up the glass in front of him and drank it all.
Nothing to say, it's all in the wine.
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024