Chapter 42: Officer Development Program

In Rock's impression, when talking about the 19th century, people's impression is ignorance, material scarcity, spiritual poverty, the law of the jungle, etc.
After living in this era for so long, Rock deeply felt that the law of the jungle is indeed true, ignorance and spiritual poverty may also be possible , but supplies are really not scarce. In Africa, especially South Africa, especially in Cape Town, the current Cape Town, supplies are simply too abundant. The British have invested a lot of money to conquer the Boers. New troop ships arrive in Cape Town every day, and the train station is piled with supplies waiting to be transferred. The market is full of delicious food from all over the world, and the price of beef is incredibly low because everyone is tired of beef. Only caviar from Northern Europe can awaken people's taste buds.
Inside the Governor's estate, there was another scene.
Of course the governor would not come in person to receive Rock and Henry. Instead, it was the steward of the manor who came out. Rock didn't know the butler's name, and he did not introduce himself.
"Try our handmade cookies and our homemade wine. You deserve it." It can be seen that the butler is still a little arrogant. Although he is very considerate in etiquette, his words are a bit offensive.
Rock and Henry could hear the condescending tone in the butler's words, but neither of them said anything. After politely thanking them, they each took a glass of wine and drank it slowly.
As a seventh-rank official in the prime minister's office, the butler is close to the governor and can represent the governor to a large extent. Rock and Henry don't even have the qualifications to meet the governor, so it is a great honor for the butler to come out and entertain them.
Of course, don't expect much face. Biscuits and wine were served, but there was not even a single extra word. Rock thought the butler would proudly introduce how many ingredients were used in the biscuits and how meticulous the baking process was, but he didn't. Then Rock realized that, yes, the butler had no reason to explain, and even if it wasn't for some big shot's sudden thought, the butler would not have come out to entertain Rock and Henry.
They just wanted to take a break and enjoy some snacks. They didn't have the nerve to stay for a free meal. After eating some cookies and drinking some wine, they politely said goodbye.
Sure enough, the butler had no intention of seeing the guests off. Instead, the bearded knight escorted Rock and Henry out of the manor.
Well, it also means surveillance.
After leaving the manor, Rock and Henry were not in high spirits. On the way back to Cape Town, Henry suddenly said something out of nowhere: "In the future, I want to live in a manor like that and hire two housekeepers like this, one to make wine every day and the other to bake cookies every day."
Does this mean that if you have money, you should buy two bowls of soy milk at a time, drink one bowl and pour out the other?
"Come on, you don't have to wait until the future to live in a manor. If you want, you can do it now." Rock deliberately changed the subject. It is really easy to buy a manor.
The Cape Colony has a vast territory but a sparse population. How sparse is it?
During the period when the Boers ruled the Cape Colony, the area of ​​Boer farms was usually over 5,000 acres. Although the word "Boer" means "farmer", the Boers have tainted the Chinese understanding of the "farmer" industry because the Boers are not good at farming. They are more accustomed to grazing, and their efficiency is extremely low. On about one acre of pasture, the Boers can only raise one sheep, while raising a cow requires five acres of pasture. Relatively speaking, the Boers' grazing skills are not even as good as those of the blacks.
So on many Boer farms, the Boers would hire black people to work. This explains why the blacks hated the white people so much after they came to power.
Well, the reason why the Boers implemented the apartheid system was that the Cape was built by white people without the participation of black people. Black people had low intelligence and could only do low-level physical labor and were not qualified to participate in national management. The Boers were the first humans to arrive in the Cape, and black people were not indigenous to the Cape, so black people could not share the fruits of national development.
In fact, it is all nonsense. The Boers did establish the concept of the Cape Colony , but the blacks are undoubtedly the indigenous people of the Cape, and the construction of the Cape was never completed by the Boers alone. The Boers seized the land from the blacks and then enclosed farms or developed mines, but the people who actually worked on the front line were blacks. Isn't this enough to illustrate the role of blacks?
What’s more interesting is that not all Boers are rich. Boers are also divided into rich and poor. However, even Boers at the bottom of society are considered ten times nobler than blacks. This can be proved by their salaries. Whether they are miners or shepherds hired on farms, Boers’ salaries are usually more than ten times that of blacks. This also leads to the fact that those wealthy Boers are unwilling to hire poor Boers and are more willing to use blacks who are cheaper and more efficient.
Yes, those poor Boers are extremely inefficient at work, even worse than blacks, but they are unaware of it. They are so overconfident.
As for intelligence, this is even more of a conspiracy of the white people. No, it is an open conspiracy, because that is how the white people spread the propaganda. In the white people's propaganda, black people have low intelligence and are born to be enslaved by white people. And because black people have low intelligence, there is no need to educate them, because the gains do not outweigh the losses.
That’s going too far!
"You know what I mean." Henry didn't think Rock didn't understand, and was a little angry at Rock's perfunctory response.
"I do know what you mean, but so what? We work hard, and normally, after ten or twenty years, we may be promoted to inspector, superintendent, or if we are lucky, police chief. Have you ever calculated how many levels are between this and the governor - oh, no, that's for you. My situation is a bit special. Even if I work hard, I may not be promoted to inspector after ten or twenty years. So, my friend, be realistic." Rock knew what Henry meant, but Rock had no ability to help Henry achieve it.
"Don't be so discouraged. Skin color is not a problem. I can't guarantee others, but if I become the police chief, I will definitely make you the deputy police chief. We will always be good partners." Henry is a pretty good person, at least that's what Rock thinks.
That being said, this is a feasible solution.
It would certainly be difficult for Rock to move up because of his skin color, but Henry does not have this problem. As a pure Englishman, as long as Henry's qualifications are sufficient for promotion, there will be no obstacles to his promotion.
Then, let’s have a plan to develop leaders.
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024