Chapter 42: Celebrity Gathering

Hua Jingjing was so excited when she saw me seeing a little star, she laughed at me and said, "A third-rate little star like this makes you so excited? God ! When you go in and see those real big-name superstars, won't you be scared to death? Please be reserved, don't forget that you are a person of status now, calm down, remember arrogance and silence! Okay, let's go down!"
I was very curious and asked, "Who is your classmate? How could such a big star come to a birthday party? Who are they?"
Hua Jingjing opened the car door, turned around and said to me, "Go and see for yourself! Don't do anything childish like asking for their autographs, or else you'll really make a fool of yourself."
I took a deep breath, calmed my nervousness, and got out of the car. Hua Jingjing came over and carefully looked at my appearance again, stretched out her hand to adjust my tie, and said, "That's enough. Remember what I said. Come on, be intimate. You are my boyfriend now!"
She stretched out one hand and held my arm, and with the other hand she slightly lifted her floor-length evening dress, and walked towards the villa with me gracefully.
The entrance to the villa was brightly lit, and beautiful dance music was flowing out from inside. I noticed that there were many burly men in black suits and holding walkie-talkies standing at the entrance and outside the villa. They were all heroic and energetic, and their bodies exuded the spirit of well-trained and toughness. I couldn't help but think of a word: soldier!
I was very curious. Where did they hire so many bodyguards who looked so skilled? How much did they cost? After walking a few steps, a middle-aged man in his forties who was greeting guests at the door saw us, smiled and greeted us, and said, "Isn't this Jingjing? I haven't seen you for a few years. You have grown into a beautiful young lady."
Hua Jingjing also smiled and said, "Hello, Uncle Wang! It's been a few years since we last met. I see you are in better shape now. Are you getting more powerful with your Thirteen Moves of Eagle Claws?"
The middle-aged man smiled and said, "My few skills are not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning." Then he looked at me and asked, "Who is this gentleman..."
Hua Jingjing hurriedly pushed me forward and introduced me, "He's my boyfriend, Tang Qian! This Uncle Wang Bingzhang is an old subordinate of Uncle Xu, and his martial arts skills are unfathomable. When will you learn from him?"
I kept Hua Jingjing's instructions in mind, smiled and extended my hand, shook hands with the middle-aged man, and said lightly: "Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you!"
The middle-aged man was also looking at me, saying politely, "Welcome, welcome! Come in quickly, the party has already started!" I felt his palms were thin, hard, and extremely powerful, and it hurt so much when he squeezed them.
I almost screamed out loud, my face suddenly changed. The middle-aged man grasped me and found that I was really weak, so he smiled and let me go immediately. Hua Jingjing saw this and hurriedly shouted, "Uncle Wang, he doesn't know martial arts, be gentle!"
The middle-aged man laughed and said, "Sorry, it's an occupational disease. Sorry, sorry, please come in!" Hua Jingjing dragged me and said to the middle-aged man, "Then you go ahead, we'll go in." Then she pulled me in.
I shook my hands and frowned, "Who does this Wang do? Why is he using so much force?" Hua Jingjing looked back at the middle-aged man and said to me, "He is the leader of the security team of my classmates. He used to be the captain of the special forces brigade. He is very powerful! Don't think it's easy to deal with him with more than ten or twenty people. He is like this. He likes to weigh people. Don't mind it."
As we talked, we entered the villa hall. I was stunned. I saw the huge and wide hall was magnificent and numerous well-dressed celebrities gathered together. There was a huge dance floor in the middle of the hall. A band played in the corner of the hall, and more than a dozen couples were dancing on the dance floor. There were long tables covered with snow-white cloths everywhere. The tables were filled with a variety of delicious buffet food. Many waiters in white shirts and black pants were carrying trays and shuttled among the crowd. Their plates were filled with various fine wines, ready for anyone to take.
The banquet was so luxurious and extravagant that I could not imagine it. As soon as I entered, a woman in her thirties came up to me and said, "Jingjing! Why did you come just now? I've been waiting for you for a long time!" When Hua Jingjing saw her, she immediately let go of my hand and smiled and pulled the woman together, "Sister Shi, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are really getting more and more beautiful!" The woman immediately beamed and said with a smile, "No way, you are a girl who has changed a lot since she grew up. You are getting more and more beautiful." The two women chatted together. Hua Jingjing looked around and asked, "Sister Shi, where is Xiaoshu?"
Sister Shi pointed upstairs and said, "She's still putting on makeup. She'll be down soon."
Hua Jingjing opened her bag and took out a beautifully wrapped gift box. She said, "This is my gift for the birthday boy. Sister Shi, please take it for Xiao Shu first!"
"Oh! You and she are old classmates, why are you so polite?"
"It's my duty. It's just a small token of my appreciation. I'm just afraid Xiao Shu won't appreciate it!"
The two women chatted endlessly, leaving me alone. I had no choice but to stand by a long table and took a glass of red wine from a waiter's tray. I silently observed the upper-class people in the hall, and soon I saw some familiar faces.
Those real celebrities!
Among them were famous directors, big names in the film and television industry, pop stars, sports stars, political figures, business tycoons, folk art stars, foreign friends, celebrities from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and so on. There were also many people I didn't know at all but they were obviously upper-class people. Seeing so many celebrities at the same time made me very nervous. I felt as if I was in a dream and didn't know what to do for a while. I took a deep breath, took a big sip of the red wine in the glass, and kept saying to myself in my heart: "Calm down! No one knows you, there's nothing to be nervous about. Just remember to be quiet and smile."
At this moment, a sharp female voice came: "Hua Jingjing! You finally showed up? I thought you weren't coming?" A woman in a pink off-shoulder evening dress came over. She was about the same age as Hua Jingjing, with a good-looking face, but her skin was a little dark, and her hair was exaggeratedly permed red. She twisted her body with every step, and her posture was coquettish.
Following behind her was a handsome young man wearing a well-tailored suit and with a tall figure. What was striking was that he had long black hair, which he tied behind his head like a girl.
When Hua Jingjing saw them, her face suddenly turned serious and she sneered, "Are you hoping that I won't come? So that I can't see that you have become fatter in the past two years and can't face people?"
The woman was originally a bit plump, but Hua Jingjing called her fat. She couldn't help but get angry and said, "Huh! I'm plump, not like some people who are skinny as a stick, flat and without much meat."
Hua Jingjing was indeed irritated and asked, "Who are you talking about? Who is flat?"
The woman smiled smugly: " Whoever you say is who it is!"
"You!" Hua Jingjing lost the first move and was so angry that she was shaking all over and couldn't speak for a while.
The handsome guy behind the woman walked up to her and said to Hua Jingjing with emotion: "Jingjing...long time no see, how are you?" His eyes seemed full of affection, and he had thousands of words to say, but he couldn't express them.
Hua Jingjing looked at her calmly, her eyes calm, and said calmly: "You are here too? I'm fine, thank you for your concern."
The handsome guy felt sad after hearing this, his eyes turned red, and he lowered his head. The woman next to him was so angry that she pulled the handsome guy over and said in a sharp voice: "Stay away, you have no right to speak here."
The handsome guy was yelled at by the woman in public, his face red with embarrassment, but he dared not say anything to contradict her. He turned around in grief and anger and strode to the side. The woman snorted coldly and said to Hua Jingjing: "Didn't you say you brought your boyfriend too? Where is he? Let me see him!"
Hua Jingjing smiled slightly, walked towards me, took my hand affectionately, and said, "Dear, let me introduce you to Miss Gong Jinhong, she was my classmate when I was a child." She took me to the woman and proudly introduced her, "This is my fiancé! Mr. Tang Qian!"
I felt funny in my heart. Great! He was immediately promoted from boyfriend to fiancé. Maybe he would introduce him as my husband next time! It was funny, but at that moment I could only try my best to show my superiority and arrogance. I just nodded slightly and said hello.
The woman named Gong Jinhong looked me up and down, and after seeing my extremely expensive clothes and my arrogant attitude, she showed her undisguised jealousy. She was unwilling to be outdone, so she asked me, "Mr. Tang? Mr. Tang looks very impressive, where is he working? Or is he starting his own business?"
This is my biggest headache. How can I have a career?
But I knew that this woman was the person Hua Jingjing hated the most, so I didn't need to be hypocritically polite. The more I acted domineering, the more satisfied Hua Jingjing would be. So I ignored her and took Hua Jingjing's hand and said, "I see an acquaintance over there, come over and say hello. Don't introduce these insignificant people to me in the future, it's annoying!"
I took Hua Jingjing and left, looking like I didn't care about that woman at all. Gong Jinhong's face immediately turned red, and she was so angry that her whole body was shaking. She was so angry that she almost threw the wine glass on the ground...
Hua Jingjing was really happy, secretly giving me a thumbs up, smiling happily. She was impulsive and quickly kissed me on the face, then shyly took my arm and put her head against my shoulder, acting like a girl in love.
I was surprised and thought: This Hua Jingjing, is she overdoing it? I was about to speak when I heard someone in the hall clapping, and then there was a burst of applause. Everyone gathered together and applauded enthusiastically to welcome someone. Hua Jingjing smiled and said, "Look, the birthday boy is here!"
I turned around and saw a woman in a white dress slowly walking down the spacious staircase at the end of the hall. She was so beautiful! So holy! She was like an angel slowly descending from the sky!
My heart felt like it was hit by a huge hammer, and it was so shocked that it could no longer beat! Holding my breath, I looked at the woman in white in disbelief, with only one thought in my mind:
Did I see her again?
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024