Chapter 41: Put Your Head on Your Belt

"Rookie, aren't you going to run away?"
Zhao Hai turned around and smiled. But he was just joking, not mocking or ridiculing me. I snorted and replied, "Fuck you, rookie. No matter how rookie I am, I am better than you."
"Shut up, everyone. Now I'm going to tell you my plan. After we go down, you two will help me lead those little devils away while I deal with the guy in the coffin."
I couldn't help but be stunned: "What do you mean, there are other ghosts besides those in the coffin?"
Lu Xiaofeng glanced at Zhao Hai and me, and said, "This mission is neither easy nor difficult. As long as you can successfully lure away the ghosts guarding the coffin, I can get close to the coffin and then find a way to destroy the formation. As long as the formation is destroyed, Yang Ling's soul and those imprisoned people will naturally be saved."
This girl said it simply and lightly, but her expression was not relaxed at all. This task must not be as easy as she said, otherwise she would not have been tricked before.
Even so, Zhao Hai and I nodded seriously. I don't know what Zhao Hai is thinking, but I am very reluctant and nervous. I have never seen Lu Xiaofeng so solemn in the previous missions.
We entered from the entrance of the tomb and slid all the way to the bottom. I calculated the distance and estimated that the vertical distance between the bottom of the tomb and the ground was more than ten meters, which is equivalent to the height of five or six floors. Although it is not very high, but in such a gloomy and cold tomb, if I were left alone, I would never do it even if I were beaten to death.
A long dark passage stretched forward, and I didn't know how long it was. The book that Lu Xiaofeng gave me recorded a small spell called Night Vision. I recalled the seals and spells in my mind. I found that my memory was much better than before. I remembered the seals and spells just by looking at them twice.
I was about to use the night vision technique when Lu Xiaofeng suddenly slapped me and whispered, "Don't waste your spiritual energy. It will be very useful later. Follow me carefully and don't make any noise."
Hearing her say that, I became even more nervous. But when I glanced at Zhao Hai next to me, the boy seemed very calm, so I pretended to be calm too. Lu Xiaofeng walked in front, and we followed carefully behind. As we moved forward, the cold feeling became more and more obvious, and the numbness and itchiness of the moon ring on the palm of my right hand became stronger and stronger, giving me an illusion that I was a hungry beast that saw a fat prey and couldn't help wanting to pounce on it and bite and devour it.
This dark passage was obviously dug by humans, and it looked like it was dug recently. It should have been dug by Yang Ling's father. These guys are really professional gravediggers. They actually dug such a path out of someone's grave. They are really talented.
After a while, light finally appeared in front of the passage, but it seemed not to be normal light, not skylight nor lamplight, but a very light, which seemed to be flickering.
"Is that the coffin ahead?"
I asked carefully, lowering my voice.
"No, it's still early. We are walking in the passage excavated by archaeologists. In front of us is the original underground passage of the tomb."
Lu Xiaofeng replied in a low voice.
Damn, it's still far? It's just a tomb, how far can it be? Walking out of this passage, we entered an empty underground space, which was very large, estimated to be several hundred square meters.
This space is circular. In addition to the passage we just walked through, there are nine almost identical passages around it, and the entrances are all circular. There is a stone lion on each side of each entrance, which is similar to the ones often seen at the door outside, but the posture of the carving is a bit strange. It is neither lying down nor holding its head up. Instead, its two hind legs are upright, its two front legs are kneeling on the ground, and its head is lowered. A total of eighteen stone lions are in this posture, with their buttocks facing the surrounding walls and their big heads facing the center of this space.
In the center of this space, there is a circular stone platform with a diameter of three or four meters and a height of two or three meters. Nine stone pillars of six or seven meters are erected around the stone platform, which are just opposite to the nine passages. On the circular platform, there is a black wooden coffin, only more than one meter long, which seems to be a child's coffin. The other end of the nine iron chains is connected to the four sides of the wooden coffin, which seems to be locked. The green light seen in the passage before was emitted by this small coffin, which also illuminated this space.
I felt uneasy, swallowed hard, turned to Lu Xiaofeng and said, "Didn't you say it was still far away?"
This girl just said that we were still far away from the coffin. She turned her head and glared at me, saying, "This is just the outer room of the tomb, and the person lying in this coffin is not the real owner."
"What's the meaning?"
I asked with a frown.
"This tomb is very large, with the main chamber in the center, and nine outer chambers around it . A substitute is locked in each outer chamber. The cycle of life and death is an irreversible rule of life. The owner of the main chamber in the central tomb wants to use these nine substitutes to avoid natural disasters and survive from death. Then he can use the absorbed life breath to come back to life."
I stared at Lu Xiaofeng in a daze. What he said sounded so mysterious, as if it were true. Suddenly, a sentence came to my mind: talking nonsense in a serious manner.
I curled my lips and laughed: "Aren't you possessed by a ghost? How do you know all this?"
"I was possessed by a ghost in the central tomb. Before that, I had already visited the nine surrounding outer rooms. Of course I knew it."
She glared at me and said.
I curled my lips and turned my head away, still a little skeptical of this kind of thing. But suddenly an idea came to me, and I said, "Then if we destroy the nine small coffins outside, the guy in the central tomb will not be able to be resurrected, right?"
Just when I was excited about my cleverness, the girl gave me a look of contempt and said, "Go and try to destroy it."
I was stunned. This girl was full of bad intentions. Since she said so, it seems that these small coffins are definitely not so easy to deal with. I glanced at the small coffin over there. It was completely black, and there seemed to be a dead air around it. It exuded a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere, and the green light flickered slightly. I shrank my neck and could only admit defeat, and asked, "Then what do you say we should do?"
"Let's go directly to the central tomb. You two will be responsible for attracting the ghosts in the tomb, and I will deal with the formation and the guy in the coffin. Only after we deal with the guy in the coffin can we rescue the souls of those archaeologists and Yang Ling."
Lu Xiaofeng spoke calmly, as if he had it all planned out. I asked, "What if the two of us can't defeat those ghosts, or you can't handle the guy in the coffin?"
"I told you a few months ago that in our line of work, every mission requires us to put our heads on the line. You never know when one mission will end in failure."
"Girl, I've always wanted to ask you, how old are you this year?"
I asked curiously.
She was stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened. I quickly smiled and said, "It's okay."
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