Chapter 4 You are farther than the sky 1

Like crazy, the more I think about you, the more heartbroken I am. I love you so much but I still can't escape your clutches. I thought I could get closer to you as long as I worked hard, but in the end I found that you are farther away from me than the sky.

Starting from this semester, the school has enacted a new policy that will publish the scores of the top 50 and bottom 50 students in the grade, with one side being the honor roll and the other side being the pillar of shame.
Of course, Li Ziye was nailed to the pillar of shame.
Ye Xiang was firmly ranked first in the grade, and even Bai Yuwang, the second place, was left several tens of points behind him.
Li Ziye didn't pay attention to these things at first, but when she saw Ye Xiang's name, she stopped unconsciously.
She still remembered what Ye Xiang said to her the last time he was about to leave the hospital. He said they were even .
So what is their relationship now? Can they be considered friends ?
Ye Xiang was someone she couldn't figure out at all. When she brought him a lunch box, he was so angry that he threw it directly into the trash can, but later he said he wanted to return the favor. She really didn't know whether he wanted others to be nice to him or wanted everyone to stay away from him.
Li Ziye was lost in thought, looking at Ye Xiang's name for a long time. She even estimated in her mind how much difference her score would have if she performed normally... In the end, the difference was several hundred points. This psychological gap was quite large.
Although she doesn't want to be the second Song Chuling, she hopes to become a better person for Ye Xiang.
She didn't know why. She didn't mind seeing her name on the white list at first, but after seeing that Ye Xiang was ranked first, she began to mind it a little.
Perhaps such a huge gap between them made her feel even less confident, not even enough to be friends.
As a result, she didn't expect that Ye Xiang actually had the leisure to come and look at the red and white list, and saw her name on the "pillar of shame" at a glance.
Before Li Ziye could even express his surprise, Ye Xiang's words made his face turn red: "With such an achievement, do you still want to impress the people who hurt you? Or have you fallen to the point where you don't want to struggle anymore?"
Li Ziye was speechless... Yes, she had given up on herself. She instinctively rejected everything the Song family arranged for her, and didn't want to do anything according to their requests.
She should have made up her mind and should have been able to respond to Ye Xiang with confidence, but when the moment came, she couldn't utter a word of rebuttal.
Seeing that she remained silent, Ye Xiang simply shook his head and said, "So that's all you are."
Li Ziye clenched his fists and bit his lips. After a long while, he mustered up the courage to speak to Ye Xiang: "Can you teach me?"
Ye Xiang was stunned for a moment, turned around and looked at her, as if he didn't understand what she meant.
Li Ziye had no choice but to repeat himself: "I mean, can you teach me how to study? I want to improve my grades, but... I..."
In fact, Li Ziye also knew that even if he asked, Ye Xiang might not agree. He was already so busy, so he didn't have time to take care of her affairs, and they were not that familiar with each other.
"Okay." A word popped out of Ye Xiang's mouth lightly , with a slightly playful smile on the corner of his mouth.
Li Ziye was startled and couldn't help but confirm with him again: "Are you really willing to teach me?"
Ye Xiang glanced at her calmly: "Why would I lie to you? But if you are too stupid, I won't teach you."
Li Ziye was a little speechless for a moment, but soon regained his firm look: "I will work hard and try my best to impress you."
Ye Xiang didn't answer, but turned around and walked away without looking back, with a slight smile on his lips... Li Ziye's serious look was quite funny.
For some reason, he felt as if something in his heart was gradually loosening.
Although it was tutoring, it was not as quiet and romantic as Li Ziye imagined in the classroom or library. Ye Xiang just took her to the restaurant where he worked after school, assigned her homework, and then started to busy himself. He only took a look at her homework when the restaurant was almost closed, and then explained it quickly.
During the explanation, he would skip some questions that "a three-year-old child can do", and the remaining questions "she should be able to do after looking at the answers". He was interested in teaching her the last question on the test paper, which ordinary people could not do at all, and Li Ziye, whose grades were not good to begin with, had a hard time even listening to it.
In order not to be despised by him, she had to work hard to understand the "questions that a three-year-old child can do" before going to find Ye Xiang. Over time, her math skills really improved, and her test scores climbed all the way to the edge of the passing line.
However, when she happily told Ye Xiang that her test scores had improved a lot, Ye Xiang just said to her: "Then switch to English from today on."
Li Ziye was almost going crazy while reciting English from her textbook. Her unstandard accent often attracted the attention of the guests nearby. In the end, she could only look at Ye Xiang pitifully: "I really can't remember it..."
Ye Xiang glanced at her with contempt: "Is this all your brain capacity is?"
Li Ziye rolled his eyes: "Are you beating around the bush and saying I'm stupid?"
"Well, it's time to be more smart at this time." Ye Xiang nodded lightly. Ye Xiang was always so merciless !
Every time, Li Ziye would clench his fists in anger, but for a long time he could not say a word of rebuttal. After all, Ye Xiang had the ability to take out an English-Chinese dictionary and let her recite any page at random.
Li Ziye's English accent with a strong local accent is simply a tragedy. Every time she is in the restaurant, she lowers her voice and recites English texts.
But no matter how carefully she recited, people around her could still hear it, so sometimes there would be bursts of low laughter: "This pronunciation...even the British can't understand it."
"Hahaha, that's hilarious. If I were her, I would hide on the rooftop and hope no one hears."
Li Ziye was a little shocked, but she was immune to this kind of verbal attack. She would not lose any weight even if she said it, so she could only read it softly. Her progress in memorizing was extremely slow, so she could only seize every minute and every second to memorize.
After the restaurant closed, Li Ziye stood at the door of the restaurant with his textbook in his arms, waiting for Ye Xiang, and kept thinking about what he had memorized today.
After Ye Xiang and the boss locked the door, they walked towards Li Ziye and took the English book from her hand: "Let's get started..."
Li Ziye became more nervous as she recited, not to mention the accent problem. She was too embarrassed to continue after reciting just one sentence: "I'm sorry..."
"Go on." Ye Xiang didn't seem to think her pronunciation was weird, and just said calmly, "You only memorized this much?"
"My accent is so heavy, can you understand me?" Li Ziye smiled bitterly.
"Those who can't understand it are not good enough." Ye Xiang's voice was still light, but one sentence easily swept away the panic and anxiety in Li Ziye's heart, "You recite it, I can understand it."
For some reason, Li Ziye actually heard a soft taste in his cold voice. The feeling was like eating a mint candy, which tasted bitter and cool at first, and then a refreshing feeling came over you.
The four words "I can understand" struck a chord with her heart. Somehow, she regained her courage and motivation, so she continued to recite it, still with the same funny accent, but she knew Ye Xiang wouldn't mind.
Although Li Ziye asked Ye Xiang to tutor him every night, it was only outside the school. When they returned to school, they became strangers again. Li Ziye knew that this was good for both of them, otherwise they would probably get into trouble again.
But one day at noon, the physics teacher assigned a somewhat perverted question and required it to be handed in in the afternoon. Li Ziye couldn't think of a solution, and after a struggle, he decided to go find Ye Xiang when no one was around at noon.
She and Ye Xiang both spent their lunch breaks at school. Because Mother Song had to take care of Father Song, no one would be there even if she went home, so they always had lunch at school. After the "tutoring" started, they even had dinner outside.
Ye Xiang went home even less often, and it seemed that he was also avoiding going home. He took a nap at school, worked until late at night, and even worked on weekends. Even if he had some free time, he would read under the school street lights.
The first time he met Li Ziye, he was reading under a street light, and was disturbed by Song Xien and his gang, so he rescued Li Ziye. In fact, perhaps for him, his help that day was more about driving away the noise, but he didn't expect to offend Li Ziye, and she became a .
Li Ziye actually had a little hope in her heart, hoping that she and Ye Xiang would not only be acquainted outside of school, but also be more familiar with each other in school. After all, they were now friends. She had heard of underground relationships, but she had never heard of being so secretive about being friends... She really hoped that Ye Xiang would admit that she was his friend in front of others.
So, a physics problem was just an introduction. In fact, Li Ziye wanted to meet Ye Xiang.
When Li Ziye found Ye Xiang, he was reading under the shade of a tree next to the playground. Because the playground was usually deserted at noon and very quiet, he liked to come here to read. With earplugs in his ears, he was isolated from the outside world.
Seeing Li Ziye coming over, he didn't seem too surprised. He took off his headphones and frowned: "What's wrong?"
“I don’t know how to do a question…” Li Ziye felt a little guilty when she spoke. She was afraid that Ye Xiang would think she was troublesome.
But she didn't expect that Ye Xiang would take the homework book from her directly, turn over the folded page, glance at the questions she had checked, and after just a moment he said, "It seems that you are not only bad at math and English."
Li Ziye was hit by a knife again... In the eyes of Ye Xiang, who is the top student in the grade, she is indeed hopeless in every subject.
But Ye Xiang didn't make it too difficult for her. He just calculated it on the paper with a pen, ticked another question, and handed the notebook back to Li Ziye: "I wrote it very clearly. It shouldn't be difficult to understand. After reading it, do the other question."
Li Ziye took the notebook...Ye Xiang's speed in solving the problem was really amazing. He wrote down the answer directly without even writing the formula. How strong is this guy's mental arithmetic ability!
Li Ziye was still in a daze when she suddenly heard someone calling her name: "Ziye!"
When she turned around, she saw Meng Xiazi standing not far away, looking at her and Ye Xiang with a little surprise.
Li Ziye was startled at first, but immediately relaxed his guard... Meng Xia Zi is not the kind of person who talks too much, so it doesn't matter even if she knows.
So she just paused for a moment and then walked towards Meng Xiazi: "Why haven't you left yet?"
"I went to a relative's house near the school for lunch. The back door was open so I came in through it." Meng Xiazi explained, and then immediately looked at Li Ziye in surprise, "Are you really familiar with Ye Xiang? He spoke for you in the office before... I thought he just wanted to contradict the teacher. What is your relationship?"
Facing Meng Xiazi's surprised look, Li Ziye smiled helplessly: "He is just an ordinary friend. I came to ask him some questions."
"Oh? Really? Why do I feel like you guys are having such a great time chatting... He seems to always be alone, and few people have seen him chatting with others." Meng Xiazi still had a look of disbelief on his face, and wanted to get to the bottom of it with a hint of gossip.
Li Ziye rolled his eyes and said, "We are just ordinary friends." At the end, he added, "But don't tell anyone else... I don't want to cause him any trouble."
Seeing that Li Ziye really didn't want to reveal anything, Meng Xiazi didn't ask any more questions. In the end, she just patted Li Ziye's shoulder and said, "Ziye, you and I are best friends in the class. You must tell me if you have anything on your mind."
Hearing this, Li Ziye was stunned for a moment before nodding.
Meng Xiazi's words really touched her... She had always kept her distance from Meng Xiazi, but Meng Xiazi still treated her as a good friend. Maybe she should find an opportunity to open her heart to others...
However, Li Ziye did not notice that the expression on Meng Xiazi's face beside her gradually became unnatural, and her eyes flickered slightly.
A long time later, Li Ziye had to try very hard to remember when the name "Luo Yun" first appeared in her life.
Perhaps if Luo Yun hadn't been there, her and Ye Xiang's ending would have been a little different.
But like the song says, there are no ifs.
The first time she heard someone mention "Luo Yun" was when the girls in her class were discussing gossip about Ye Xiang. Perhaps secret love is really a very difficult thing. Not only do you have to pay attention to the person you like, but you also have to keep an eye on everything and listen to everything in order to understand him from all aspects.
In fact, before knowing "Luo Yun", Li Ziye had never heard of Ye Xiang's emotional experience... So in fact, she still held a little glimmer of hope in her heart. Even if there was only a tiny bit of hope, she wanted to work hard to be with Ye Xiang.
Ever since Ye Xiang started tutoring her, this idea seemed to have sprouted in her heart, taken root, and then thrived and grew, finally occupying her entire heart uncontrollably.
To be honest, being able to get so close to Ye Xiang was the luckiest and most incredible thing she had ever experienced. Of course, the premise was that Ye Xiang had the same idea as her.
Li Ziye accidentally heard gossipers in the class talking about how many girls chased Ye Xiang, but he never got together with anyone because he always had someone in his heart. According to an "informed source", the girl grew up with him and her name was Luo Yun. The two had a very good relationship, but they separated for unknown reasons. However, Ye Xiang still missed her.
So, no matter how much other girls like him, he will not accept it.
Although Li Ziye knew that many of the gossips were just groundless and that Ye Xiang might not really have such a childhood sweetheart, when she heard them describe it vividly and with evidence, her heart suddenly felt empty and a little painful.
In fact, during this period of time, she always felt that she should be special to Ye Xiang. Because Ye Xiang has always been a lone ranger, both inside and outside of school, he is willing to spend time tutoring her, so logically speaking, she should be special.
However, there was also a possibility that Ye Xiang just felt that she was as pitiful as he was, so he felt sympathy and wanted to lend her a hand. They were just ordinary friends, and she was overthinking it.
After school in the evening, she and Ye Xiang took different routes to the same restaurant as before. Ye Xiang started to get busy as soon as he arrived at the restaurant, while Li Ziye ordered a snack and sat in the corner to read quietly.
The owner of this store already recognized her. She always stayed in his store until closing time. After finishing the snacks, she ordered a drink, then a meal, then a fruit after finishing the meal... Anyway, there was always a small plate on her table until closing time. After all, she was a customer, so he didn't feel comfortable chasing her away.
In fact, when Ye Xiang was busy, she couldn't concentrate on reading. Compared with books, she preferred to read Ye Xiang.
She liked his every move. No matter what he did, he was always lazy and elegant. Although his expression was always cold, this coldness made people feel that he was mysterious. Female guests often cast ambiguous eyes at him and occasionally teased him, but Ye Xiang always had a cold face and would only smile politely. Even this smile was impatient.
But the female guests don’t mind at all. Instead, they sometimes talk about it behind his back, saying “this guy is so handsome and has such a strong personality.”
Li Ziye sneered at them in her heart, but after thinking about it, she realized that she was not of the same character. She couldn't walk and her brain didn't work well when she saw Ye Xiang.
When Ye Xiang came towards her, she was still biting the tip of her pen. Then Ye Xiang came over and hit her head with the menu: "Have you memorized pages 10 to 20 of the third volume of politics?"
Li Ziye's heart skipped a beat and he smiled awkwardly: "No, no..."
"So you still have time to be dazed?" The tone of his voice sounded as if he wanted to take a knife and cut Li Ziye into pieces.
Li Ziye shrank her neck in dismay, retracted her gaze, then opened the textbook and continued to study painfully. If she didn't work hard to become excellent, perhaps she herself would feel that she was not worthy of standing beside Ye Xiang.
But when she opened the textbook, she suddenly thought of the gossip those girls talked about today, and suddenly she felt a little shaken again.
Is there really a girl named "Luo Yun" living in Ye Xiang's heart? Will they be together in the future? She is so foolish and uses up all her energy to like Ye Xiang now, will it be just a mirage and she will still be alone in the end?
She couldn't think of an answer, so she had to gather her thoughts and continue memorizing. But she also made up her mind that it would be better to ask Ye Xiang himself about this matter.

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024