Chapter 4: Mars hits the Earth 2

"Luo Zihan, don't worry, I promise I won't get you and..."
The door of the reception room was suddenly opened, and the stunningly handsome young man rushed to my side like a hurricane, pulled me into his arms, and held me tightly against his chest.
"Silly girl, I finally see you."
"Min Hyuk..." I looked up at him with a smile, my eyes wet, and hugged his neck like a spoiled child, saying with a heavy nasal voice, "Although I often see you on TV, I am still the best and most handsome!"
"Silly girl, I don't like such compliments!" Brother Minhe held my face lovingly, gently wiped away my tears, and said softly, "We have been apart for so long, I miss you so much, I'm really afraid you will forget me."
I pouted and smiled mischievously, deliberately trying to scare him: "Yes, if you don't come back often and don't often hang around in front of me, I might forget about you accidentally. Min Hyuk, you..."
Suddenly, I felt a bone-chilling chill on my back, chilling my heart to the core like ice and snow in the severe winter.
Luo Zihan! It's Luo Zihan!
At this moment, I hated myself so much! I actually left Luo Zihan, my great benefactor, aside and chatted with Brother Minhe on my own. It seemed like my brain was really short-circuited.
"Brother Minhe, come here." I immediately left his arms, took him to Luo Zihan, and introduced him, "This is Luo Zihan, my tutor, a very outstanding young genius, and the heir to the Luo Financial Consortium. He was the one who sent someone to help you out just now."
"Hello!" Brother Minhe took the initiative to shake hands with Luo Zihan and said with a smile, "Thank you for your help before, and thank you for taking care of Qianqian. My name is Cui Minhe, nice to meet you."
Luo Zihan nodded slightly, his cold and handsome face was as gloomy as the sky full of dark clouds.
"No need to thank me, I just don't want the school to be in chaos. As for Qianqian, even without your thanks, I will take good care of her."
"Is that so..." Brother Minhe shrugged indifferently, raised his hand and gently hugged me, and looked at Luo Zihan with his narrow and beautiful phoenix eyes, "Then I will take back my gratitude. I think I can take Qianqian away from Dijing College with my own strength."
Huh? Leaving? Where are you taking me, Min Hyuk?
I looked at him in surprise and asked, "Brother Minhe, aren't you going out of town to shoot a commercial tonight? Besides, I have classes tomorrow and can't leave school casually..."
"That's right!" Luo Zihan said calmly, with a cold light flashing in his black eyes. "Dijing College has clear regulations that strictly prohibit students from leaving the school without permission. Qianqian, you did a good job. This is the awareness that students of Dijing College should have."
Min Hyuk smiled disapprovingly, his hair fluttering gently in the wind from the window.
"Ah, who made such an inhumane school rule? Qianqian, why don't you transfer to another school and leave here? Just like before, I can see you every time I go home, isn't that great?"
I was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and shook my head: "Brother Minhe, don't..."
"Choi Min Hyuk!"
Luo Zihan took a sudden step forward, grabbed my wrist, and pulled me away from Brother Minhe’s arms.
"Luo Zihan, what do you want to do!?"
"It seems like I should be the one to say this." Luo Zihan raised his lips indifferently, his deep black eyes staring at Brother Minhe, "Don't forget your identity! As a star, your every word and action will bring unexpected harm to the people around you! If the media were here, Qianqian would have become the heroine of your scandal long ago!"
Min Hyuk said calmly, "That's exactly what I want."
C I looked at Min Hyuk with a mixture of laughter and tears, and I strongly suspected that he was not from Earth.
"Yao Qianqian, what should I say to you?" Luo Zihan frowned and stared at me intently. "It turns out that not only is your brain not working well, but your vision is also problematic. He can't protect you at all. Is such a star worthy of your love? Is he worth missing? Is he worth meeting at all costs? Have you lost your brain because of chasing stars!"
"No, that's not it!" I quickly shook my head and explained to Luo Zihan, "I, I'm not a fan! Brother Minhe grew up with me..."
"Childhood sweethearts!" Brother Minhe suddenly took over my words and looked at Luo Zihan with a provocative smile, "That's right, Qianqian and I are childhood sweethearts."
Luo Zihan didn't say anything, his brows furrowed tighter and tighter, and his arrogant and perfect face became even colder and more terrifying.
I glared at Min Hyuk in reproach and continued, "Well, even though we are childhood sweethearts, Min Hyuk is my family, a real cousin!"
Luo Zihan was slightly startled, with a faint smile on his lips. However, what Brother Minhe added later made his face darken immediately.
"Even if he is my cousin, Qianqian and I have no blood relationship at all."
"What did you say?"
Brother Minhe smiled brightly and repeated word for word: "Qianqian and I have no blood relationship! Liangma, Qianqian's aunt, is just my adoptive mother. I cherish Liangma and Qianqian very much. They are the most important people in my life. I will never give them to anyone else!"
Luo Zihan snorted coldly, and quickly returned to normal after being shocked. His cold and distant eyes fell on Brother Minhe, with a hint of sarcasm and disdain.
"Just you? You want to protect Qianqian when you can't even take care of yourself?"
"What does that matter? The most important thing is that Qianqian only accepts my protection!"
"How ridiculous! You're causing trouble just by meeting Qianqian. You have no right to protect her at all!"
"But Qianqian and I have always lived together, and no one can deny this fact!"
Watching the two handsome boys engaging in a fierce verbal battle because of me, I just felt confused and had a headache, with black lines on my forehead, and felt both amused and helpless.
What is this? Is Mars hitting the Earth?
Also, I, Yao Qianqian, am obviously a nobody worth mentioning, so how come I suddenly became so important?
Let's not talk about the fact that Brother Minhe deliberately provoked and exaggerated, but Luo Zihan has always been calm and indifferent, and he never panicked. What's wrong with him? Why did he go against his usual behavior and have to compete with Brother Minhe?
I was about to collapse. I looked at them with a sad face and secretly "counted sheep" in my heart.
Well, since I can’t figure out the reason for their quarrel, I will just ignore it and simply treat this “Mars collision with the Earth incident” as an unsolvable mystery!
That night, Brother Minhe left Dijing College smoothly.
Then, under the pressure of the Luo Group, the not-so-small chaos caused by Brother Minhe was quietly settled.
However, privately, students at Imperial College were still discussing and speculating about the relationship between popular idol Choi Min Hyuk and the "Four Major Families."
Among them, the most interesting are the other three young masters from the "Four Major Families".
When they learned that Min Hyuk had been to Platinum Hall and that they had missed the opportunity to meet him, they immediately showed expressions of deep regret, and they were so heartbroken that they wanted to bang their heads against the wall.
Luo Zi watched coldly, furious, and felt disdain for his best friends' behavior. As far as I know, the three young masters are not "star chasers", but their relatives are obsessed with Minhek, and they want to take the opportunity to ask Minhek for an autographed photo. This is the real reason for the young masters' regret.
Of course, the task of "autographed photo" will fall on me. Who makes me the only cousin that Min Hyuk loves? Fortunately, there is an autographed photo of Min Hyuk at home, so I can complete this so-called important task when I go home on weekends.
The night is as gentle as water, and the moonlight falls like silver sand.
I leaned against the window of my apartment, gazing at the distant starry sky. It was silent and vast. The twinkling C stars were looming in the sky, like mysterious and dazzling gems covering the sky.
I don’t know how long it was before the door of the apartment made a slight sound and Sister Shang Mei walked in carrying a shoulder bag.
During this period, the third-year graduates of Dijing College were taking practical tests. Sister Shang Mei went out early and came back late every day. She was very busy and always had a look of deep fatigue on her face.
"Sister Shang Mei!"
"Oh, Qianqian!" Sister Shangmei rushed over and gave me a big hug. "Ah, it's over, the practical exam is finally over! I don't have to live that inhuman life anymore!"
Haha, so that’s why. No wonder Sister Shang Mei returned to the apartment early tonight.
"By the way, Qianqian, I heard that..."
Sister Shang Mei deliberately paused, pulled me to sit at the head of the bed, frowned in a reproachful manner, and stared at me with her sharp eyes.
Huh? What's going on?
I looked at her in confusion and asked timidly, "Sister Shang Mei, what did you hear? Is it related to me? What is it all about?"
I am an impatient person, and what's more, Sister Shang Mei looked at me in a blaming manner, which of course made me feel uneasy and worried.
"Ahem, I heard..."
Sister Shang Mei put her hands on my shoulders and her smile became even more mysterious.
"Qianqian, how could you hide this from me? This is too much."
"Ah?" I was shocked. "Sister Shang Mei, I didn't hide anything from you."
"You little girl, you still dare to quibble!" Sister Shang Mei pinched the tip of my nose without any hesitation, and the pain made my eyes red all of a sudden. "Classmate Yao Qianqian, you are actually the cousin of the popular idol Choi Min Hyuk, why didn't you tell me?"
I thought it was a bolt from the blue, but it turned out that Sister Shang Mei was talking about this matter. Why make it so mysterious? It scared me so much that my heart almost stopped beating!
"Sister Sang Mei, I didn't mean to hide it from you, it's just..." I raised my hand, patted my forehead, and smiled helplessly, "In fact, since Min Hyuk debuted, his agency has been taking various confidentiality measures to try not to let the public know about Min Hyuk's family situation and to prevent his family from being disturbed by the media and fans. Besides, I'm an ordinary student, and Min Hyuk doesn't want to make my relationship with him public, and it's also to protect me! If everyone knew that I was his cousin, I'm afraid someone would come to me every day to ask me for his autographed photo, then how can I study with peace of mind?"
"Of course I understand this." Sister Shang Mei smiled at me, gently held my hand, and sighed, "I am blaming you for telling me at the last minute! Zi Han, Cheng Xi, Yao, and Mu Li, they all knew it before me, and I, as your roommate, was foolishly kept in the dark and knew nothing about it. Tell me, should I be angry with you?"
"I'm sorry, Miss Shangmei."
"Little girl, I'll let you go this time, and it won't happen again."
Sister Shang Mei smiled slightly, with a gentle gleam in her dark eyes.
I have never noticed before that the eyes of cousins ​​Shang Mei and Luo Zi Han are very similar, deep, calm, clear, and beautiful, like the brightest stars in the night sky, and like the deepest whirlpool in the blue sea, with a breathtaking charm.
"Sister Shang Mei, how did you know?"
That day, Luo Zihan promised me that he would not let anyone reveal what happened that day, especially the relationship between me and Brother Minhe.
Sister Shang Mei smiled, raised her eyebrows and said, "Well, guess what!"
"What? You have to guess this?" I pouted, rolled my eyes mischievously, and looked at her confidently, "It must be Luo Zihan who said it! He is your cousin, you have such a good relationship, he..."
"Qianqian, you still don't know Zihan well enough." Sister Shang Mei gently stroked his forehead, her fingertips sinking into his long black hair. "Zihan is not a talkative person. He prefers to keep everything to himself. He is only talkative and loves to laugh when facing people he likes and cares about. Zihan is too lonely, too forbearing, and too hard-working... As his sister, I feel sorry for him and feel guilty about him. I really hope he can be happy. Qianqian, do you know what happiness is?"
What is happiness?
C I was stunned, my body stiffened slightly, and my mind went blank for a moment.
Yes, I can't answer Sister Shang Mei's question, and I have never thought about what happiness looks like. But I always feel that I am a happy and lucky person. I lost my parents when I was just born, but I still have all the love from my aunt. My life is not rainy, but sunny and free.
I think happiness is probably a special feeling. No matter how many winds and rains we encounter, as long as our hearts are full of sunshine, then happiness will always be around us.
"Sister Shang Mei, Luo Zihan..."
"Silly girl, Zi Han is the best at keeping secrets." Sister Shang Mei cleverly skipped the previous topic, her complexion gradually recovered, and she showed a warm smile again, "Anyway, the person who leaked the news to me was not Zi Han! As for which of the other three brats living in the Platinum Hall it was, I'll leave it to you to guess!"
So, the ones who leaked the secret were the three young masters who wanted Min Hyuk's autograph? That's too much!
I was thinking of sending them the autographed photos as soon as possible. Now I really have to think about it.
"By the way, Qianqian, I forgot to tell you that my aunt is also a fan of Choi Min Hyuk." Sister Shang Mei waved her hand in front of me and explained with a smile, "Oh, my aunt is Zi Han's mother! Aunt likes Choi Min Hyuk very much. She always says that if Zi Han can have a smile like Choi Min Hyuk, she will have no regrets in her life."
When I heard Sister Shang Mei’s words, a sudden pain welled up in my heart.
I thought I would be happy, happy for Minhege, but I couldn't help but feel sad for Luo Zihan. Who deprived Luo Zihan of his smile? Why did even his mother who loved him the most regard this as a luxury?
"Sister Shang Mei, why would Luo Zihan..."
Sister Shang Mei smiled bitterly and sighed, "Perhaps, no one can make Zi Han open his heart and show the most beautiful smile. Qianqian, keep working hard!"
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024