Chapter 39 Slaughterhouse

"My lord, the devils are coming!"
Wei Dayong, who was in charge of lookout, shouted softly.
Wang Ye, who was resting in a leeward place, quickly climbed to the top of the hill, raised his telescope and looked forward. Sure enough, he saw a large number of Japanese cavalry coming along the road.
Wei Dayong added: "It looks like the entire cavalry squadron is here."
Wang Ye hummed, then turned around and gestured towards the road behind him.
Wang Xikui, who was lying on the hill behind to keep watch, immediately shouted a warning.
Then, the members of the Square Team who were cutting the telephone wires quickly slid down from the poles and ran up the mountain on the ankle-deep snow.
Wherever my footsteps pass,
Leaving behind a series of eye-catching footprints.
It was not until Wang Xikui, Li Sigen and others climbed up the mountain that Wang Ye put away the telescope, took off the Type 38 rifle slung over his shoulder, and aimed at the Japanese cavalry ahead.
Wei Dayong also took the rifle off his shoulder.
However, when he held the gun barrel with his left hand, he still shivered from the cold.
I didn’t feel cold when it was snowing last night, but the temperature dropped sharply when the snow started melting in the morning.
Wang Ye didn't feel anything, but Wei Dayong was extremely cold, especially when his warm hands suddenly touched the cold gun barrel. The pain was indescribable.
But Wei Dayong can still withstand the cold.
After all, he was a monk in Shaolin Temple for ten years.
After a shiver, Wei Dayong quickly adapted.
He also followed Wang Ye and flipped up the rear sight of his rifle.
Wang Ye said: "I will beat the flag bearer, and you beat the officer."
"Yes." Wei Dayong responded and locked his gun at the Japanese officer in the queue.
Wang Ye also locked his gun at the Japanese flag bearer in the queue , but he did not rush to open fire. Instead, he waited until the Japanese cavalry stopped, then Wang Ye grabbed a handful of snowflakes and gently sprinkled them into the air.
Then he added: "The distance is 600, the wind speed is 6 meters per second, and the wind direction is northwest by west."
According to the parameters provided by Wang Ye, Wei Dayong quickly adjusted the shooting angle, hooked the rifle trigger with his right index finger, and then adjusted his breathing and pressed down little by little.
"Hook! Hook!"
Two gunshots rang out almost simultaneously.
After Wang Ye and Wei Dayong fired their shots, they raised their heads and looked forward at the same time.
About a second later, six hundred meters ahead, the Japanese flag bearer carrying the Rising Sun flag and walking at the front of the column suddenly tilted his head and fell straight down from his horse's back.
The legendary sniper is really not a boast!
A distance of six hundred meters was a piece of cake for Wang Ye.
Wei Dayong failed to hit him because the Japanese officer was still alive and well. He even drew his sword and pointed at the hill where the two of them were hiding and shouted something.
It's easy to guess that the Japs must have given the order to launch an attack.
"Retreat!" Wang Ye put away his rifle without hesitation, turned around and ran.
This time the ambush point is less than two kilometers away from the highway, so there is no need to run for our lives like last time, but we must not be careless.
Otherwise, being caught up by the Japanese cavalry would be no joke.
Wei Dayong also put away his rifle and jumped up, following Wang Ye and the two frightened wild boars as they fled backwards madly.
The two men had just run to the second hill when they heard the rumbling sound of horse hooves behind them. When they looked back quickly, they saw that a large group of Japanese cavalry had crossed the hill where they had just hidden.
"Hurry!" Wang Ye increased his speed without hesitation.
Wei Dayong also stretched out his long legs and ran forward at full speed.
Without the help of a telescope, Kentaro Sato could see two Eighth Route Army soldiers running wildly on the snow ahead.
The two Eighth Route Army soldiers were both tall, and they were running forward with their long legs spread out, leaving two deep and eye-catching footprints on the snow behind them.
Looking at the two lines of footprints, a ferocious smile appeared on Sato Kentaro's lips.
It hadn't snowed last time, so the Eighth Route Army could use the environment to quickly hide their tracks. But this time, the Eighth Route Army would leave footprints when running on the snow, so how could they hide their tracks?
Maeda-kun didn't let them pursue rashly, but it was impossible not to pursue.
For the proud Imperial Cavalry, they must get up where they fell.
"Yoshi, let's see where you can hide this time!" Sato Kentaro grinned, raised his saber high and roared, "You deserve it, Taoci, you deserve it!"
More than a hundred Japanese cavalrymen rushed forward like a tide.
This time, except for the veterinarian and the groom, all the combatants of Sato's squadron have come out.
Obviously, Kentaro Sato also wanted to seize this great opportunity of snow to catch and eliminate this group of elusive Eighth Route Army soldiers.
More than a hundred cavalrymen swept through the snow like a tide.
In the blink of an eye, they had chased for nearly two kilometers.
The two Eighth Route Army soldiers in front were already in sight.
What made Kentaro Sato even more excited was that the speed of the two Eighth Route Army soldiers had obviously slowed down, and some of them seemed unable to run anymore. It was probably because their physical strength had reached its limit.
However, while he was excited, Kentaro Sato also became more vigilant.
This group of Eighth Route Army soldiers are extremely cunning, so they will definitely not surrender obediently. If nothing unexpected happens, there will definitely be other Eighth Route Army soldiers lying in ambush nearby.
At that moment, Kentaro Sato lowered his body.
This can minimize the area affected by bullets and avoid being hit.
Seeing Sato Kentaro lowering his body, the Japanese cavalry following him also lowered their bodies, but the speed of the Japanese cavalry did not slow down much, and they still ran very fast.
Two hundred meters ahead, the other members of the Wolf Warrior Squad and the soldiers of the cavalry row had been lying in ambush for a long time, and the six imitation Czech light machine guns they brought had also been deployed.
Six light machine guns were placed on the surrounding hills.
It can form cross-fire without leaving any blind spots in the open area in the middle.
This is a perfect slaughterhouse, just waiting for the Japanese to sneak in.
However, the first ones to "break" into the slaughterhouse were Wang Ye and Wei Dayong.
Wang Ye was originally running in front, but he fell just as he rushed into the open area.
After the fall, Wang Ye simply used his hands and feet, rolling and crawling forward. Surprisingly, his speed was not much slower than Wei Dayong. In a blink of an eye, they both ran out of the open space from the other side.
Immediately afterwards, the Japanese cavalry rushed in with a rumble.
The Japanese cavalry rushed into the slaughterhouse without any pause.
"Shoot!" Sun Desheng pulled the trigger first, and the imitation Czech machine gun on his shoulder roared immediately. Accompanied by the roaring sound of "da da da", a dazzling tongue of fire instantly swept towards the Japanese cavalry.
Almost at the same time, another five imitation Czech light machine guns also opened fire: da da da!
Six dazzling tongues of fire instantly intertwined into a dense, cross-fire network that left no blind spots, completely enveloping more than a hundred Japanese cavalrymen.
Wherever the flames swept, people and horses fell to the ground in an instant.
What followed was the endless neighing of horses and the noise of people.
The sudden machine gun fire stunned the Japanese cavalry.
Kentaro Sato, who was rushing to the front with his sword in hand, was killed in the first moment. The Japanese cavalry, who lost their command, became even more confused and at a loss. Some wanted to escape, some wanted to rush forward, and some dismounted and used the corpses of their horses as cover to open fire on the Eighth Route Army. How could the word "chaos" describe it?
Needless to say, the battle was over in less than five minutes.
First they were sprayed with machine guns, and then they were targeted one by one by the War Wolfs with rifles.
The more than 100 Japanese cavalrymen who entered the "slaughterhouse" were completely wiped out, and none of them could escape. As for whether there were any Japanese hiding among the corpses of people and horses pretending to be dead, that would need to be identified when cleaning the battlefield.
"Stop shooting." Wang Ye raised his right hand and shouted loudly, "Spade Team, alert."
"Yes!" Wang Xikui agreed, and quickly went forward with Zhao Erwa and Huang Shun to stand guard.
Wang Ye shouted again: "The rest of the groups, and the cavalry platoon, hurry up and clean up the battlefield."
After saying this, he continued, "When cleaning the battlefield, be careful. If you find a Japanese corpse, do not approach it easily. Shoot it in the head first."
"Be very careful when turning the body over."
"Some devils would secretly hide a grenade under their bodies."
"When you flip over, the pull ring will open and the grenade will explode."
As Wang Ye spoke, he took out his Type 14 Nambu pistol, aimed at the head of the Japanese corpse closest to him and fired a shot. After the gunshot, a flower of blood immediately appeared on the back of the Japanese corpse's head.
Then, the Japanese corpse turned over, and the right hand that was originally hidden under the body stretched out, and a grenade rolled out, emitting white smoke.
"Fuck!" Wang Ye cursed and lay down quickly.
"Boom!" There was a loud explosion, splashing a lot of snow and mud.
A lot of hot mud fell on Wang Ye's body, but Wang Ye felt nothing.
"Did you see that?" Wang Ye climbed up and said, "If I had been careless, I would have died just now."
With this ready-made example, War Wolf and the other cavalry platoon soldiers were much more cautious when cleaning up the battlefield. They really followed Wang Ye's instructions and shot the enemy in the head first, regardless of life or death.
"Hurry, rescue the warhorse." Sun Desheng's attention was on the warhorse.
The shooting just now was indiscriminate shooting at the Japs and the war horses, and the war horses were bigger targets, so the probability of being hit was much greater than that of the Japs.
The Japs were completely annihilated, and one can imagine what happened to their horses.
However, the vitality of war horses is much stronger than that of humans. As long as the wounded horses are not directly hit in vital parts of the torso, they can still be saved. These are military horses!
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